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  1. #22541
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Just a little side note....this was JUST posted on news site .... funny how it comes out today Saturday.... that reval feels close enough to touch....!
    Agree, this weekend is as good as any to date! Some great articles coming out today like the Japanese one I posted a couple of pages back, and this one of course.

    Looking good folks.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #22542
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Hadi Al-Ameri, member of the House of Representatives explain to the parliament :

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-11-2006
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    Hadi Al-Ameri, member of the House of Representatives : explain to the British parliament, the government's strategy in the receipt of the security file

    10 / 11 / 2006

    A Amri before the British Parliament, The National Security Council set four conditions for political renewal in the Security Council resolution No. 1546, which gives authority to the multinational forces to extend their presence in Iraq, The four conditions are : delivery of the security file, however, the Prime Minister as leader of the armed forces, identify a specific time in training the Iraqi armed forces so that they can impose their security in Iraq. conversion of stable areas Alamnia sovereignty to the Iraqi government, the withdrawal of the multinational forces coming out of Iraqi cities

    The invitation of the Lord Avbri symposium held in the Parliament Albritan member of the House of Representatives, Hadi Al-Ameri Chairman of the Committee on Defense and Security in the House of Representatives Iraqi where Amri on three axes, reflect the image of the current Iraq situation. " .

    He stressed that the political axis happened when several important developments, including the formation of an elected government and the establishment of a permanent constitution for Iraq before voting delegate from the Iraqi people. In the center of the services there has been a rise in per capita income Iraq despite the difficulties faced by the Iraqi community in bad services.

    As in the security file that may occur Amri Sadamiin and Altkverein and organized crime are responsible for sabotaging the security situation in Iraq.

    He stated that the absence of broad powers of the Prime Minister in receipt of the security file by American forces contributed significantly to the inability of the Iraqi government to achieve security in Iraq, and this revealed Amri before the British Parliament, The National Security Council set four conditions for political renewal in the Security Council Resolution 1546 gives you the authority to the extension of the multinational force's presence in Iraq, The four conditions are :

    1-extradition of the security file, however, the Prime Minister as leader of the armed forces

    2-Defining a specific time in training the Iraqi armed forces so that they can impose their security in Iraq without the need of the multinational forces.

    3-conversion stable areas Alamnia sovereignty of the Iraqi government

    4-withdrawal of the multinational forces coming out of Iraqi cities. and be revived when needed.

    Amri has responded to a series of questions in the Lord Avbri and some of the media concerning the issue of amending the Iraqi constitution and the distribution of wealth in Iraq. and Mulllishiat solution, The issue of Iranian interference in Iraq.
    Mr. Amri and responded : It was a special commission reconsider the Iraqi constitution within a specific time period, according to certain mechanisms mentioned by the Iraqi Constitution.

    As for the distribution of wealth has said Amri we are with the central government control of Iraq's oil wealth and distributing them fairly in Iraq must be investments and oil contracts entered Kanoinh and non-violation of the Constitution of Iraq.

    And on the issue of the militias, he Amri : We support the application of the 91 that had been corrected in the Allawi government, which established a specific mechanism to integrate and dismantling of militias, He added that the militias in Iraq have become a complex and many, So the protection Almanshaouat which was formed in the time Bremer is the militias outside the control of the government and the American forces which have great potential and have no evidence to uncover the involvement of militias to protect Almanshaouat in sectarian violence in Iraq

    Before the intervention Iranian Amri has stated that the process of Iranian interference Kshmah used to justify terrorism in Iraq and who doubt the national majority of the Iraqi people is to doubt the Arabism of Iraq.

    He demanded that Amri solve America's problems with Iran and Syria outside the Iraqi arena and welcomed the initiative Baker suggested that negotiations between the United States and Iran and Syria directly to resolve outstanding problems among themselves.

    The text of a speech delivered by Hadi Al-Ameri member of the House of the British Parliament are :

    The text of the speech of Mr. Hadi Al-Ameri in the British Parliament

    The name of God the Merciful

    Thank you all for giving me this opportunity to meet you, and it is an opportunity for me happy to present an integrated picture of the situation in Iraq) positive image and the negative image (. I think it is essential that it be myself of three axes :

    1-scientific center of Mr. Sey : The political process had achieved many gains of the most important :

    · End to the occupation : the political process had obtained the significant and substantial progress, starting from the formation of the Governing Council and to accelerate the termination of the occupation, where the Americans talk that the occupation must continue until 2015, in the best cases, even in 2012, but due to the will of the Iraqi people to resolve the matter in the June 30 .2004.

    · State Administration Law in the transitional stage

    · Elections in 2005 and the formation of the National Assembly

    · The formation of the transitional government

    · Tancadamsudh Constitution and the only Stftae it.

    · Holding of the legislative elections in December 2005 and thus the formation of the House of Representatives.

    · The formation of a government of national unity

    · A national reconciliation initiative

    A result n the political process has produced a permanent constitution with the political forces for the formation of a committee the necessary adjustments, The formation of an elected government, supported by constitutional Iraqi people, the challenge of terrorism in the most epic proportions, as well as from religious authorities, political parties and political forces. and, the formation of Cea CNN national security, In addition, we have local governments, and local councils in all governorates elected by the Iraqi people.

    Two-Axis services and the economic process : undoubtedly there has been significant progress in services and the economic process but it is not the level of ambition, that Lamni because of the situation and the continuation of terrorist operations.

    The fact is that there is a clear evolution in the following points :

    · Rise in salaries and per capita income of Iraq, while the rate of salary reached 300 to $ 400 per month.

    · Improvement in the purchasing power of the Iraqi citizen as a citizen of Iraqi purchase of necessary needs, such as home appliances and electrical appliances. While in the past he could not obtained an tons of buying those supplies

    · Many service projects in each district. as implemented by the local governments.

    · Planning for investment projects will be implemented by the State and particularly infrastructure projects such as power stations projects. The draft Strategy for oil resources.

    · Investment Law was enacted and placed him in the proceedings Altergibih in investment inside Iraq.
    3-axis security : that security is the axis of the most complex themes of many reasons, but in spite of this, A move by the government hope to be moving in the right direction, Perhaps one of the most disturbing signs of optimism in the security aspect is :

    · There are more than two-thirds of Iraq's provinces enjoy security.

    · There is a great development in hot areas) Sunni Arab areas (where it obtained in the recent confrontations between people and terrorists from Sadamiin and Altkverein, This is a good development and remarkable.

    · Despite major failures in the building of the armed forces but what happened is good and encouraging, where was formed 10 teams from the army and two brigades of the national police.

    And we can say that the causes of the factors of violence in Iraq back to) and Sadamiin Altkverein, organized crime and sectarian tension (

    The factors that helped to violence in Iraq :

    One-major failures of the forces of the multinational force in dealing with the security file, starting from the selection of members of the armed forces-trained arm - and-choose their leaders to significant errors in the handling of security.

    Two - lack of control over the borders and unlimited support to countries in the region to the violence in Iraq, under different slogans such as) the resistance to the occupation, foiling the American project in Iraq so that the winds of change-to support the people of the year) as their claim (. standing in the Iranian tide in Iraq (

    Haze 3-position of the participants in the political process of our brothers Arab Sunnis in the face of terrorism

    4 - is still the security file, however, the multinational forces so far, and Mr. Prime Minister, the demilitarization of all the powers of a commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

    5-weak Iraqi judiciary in the fight against terrorism, The non-application of retaliation returned to deter gangs of terrorists to continue their operations.

    Six non-activation of the solution and address the militias, which have been enacted in the government of Dr. Ayad Allawi.

    7-supported by some Arab satellite channels of terrorism, describing the resistance.

    8-take of the Islamic religion as cover for terrorist operations, especially from some of the sultans عاظ under the slogan of resistance to the occupation

    And we can draw three essential factors in the continuing violence in Iraq are : internal factors, external factors, the multinational forces and their interference in addressing the security file.

    Treatments : axis in our security needs several things until the security situation improves and foremost of which is :

    1-strengthening the national government elected. especially in the building of the armed forces) trained and equipped. The armed, (. The control of the security institutions fully and supervision, This requires the transfer of responsibility for the security dossier to the Iraqi government and the funeral emphasized in the political discussion at the 1546 law, as stipulated in the law must review the claim to grant powers to the Prime Minister to receive the security file and identify time ceiling in the rehabilitation of the Iraqi armed forces so that they can recognize the security in Iraq, The receipt of the security file in the provinces stable, The withdrawal of the multinational forces to areas outside cities in stable security.

    2-the rule of law and prevent armed rallies in a serious and effective action by disbanding the official مثلFBS similarities, the protection of personalities, militias protect mosques and Hussainiyat, militia companies and the special protection.

    3-activate the 91, Judge to dissolve the militias and the integration in general.

    4-political consensus among all the political components to renounce sectarian violence and sectarian fighting controversy and stand with the government and must develop a unified position against terrorism.

    5-to form committees to monitor the situation and be shared between the Sunnis and Alchianocetml the religious scholars, The dignitaries, The youth committees in the control of major violations, in cooperation with the security agencies.

    6-distribution partitioning responsibility to the Ministry of Interior in al-Tuffah area, and the hot spots and the formation of joint forces, to deal with terrorists on the one hand and dealing with extremists from the Shiites and Sunnis seriously, The appointment of the leadership of each region, accounting in the case of failures, The equivalent in the case of successes.

    7-political pressure on all the countries of the region to stand with Iraq in its ordeal, We must learn the countries of the region, the success of terrorism in Iraq and the region would start a real threat to the whole world.

    8-activation of the judiciary in accounting terrorists and supporters of terrorism by the Anti-Terrorism Act of the legislature by the former National Assembly.

    9-Intensify efforts to address violence in Baghdad, Diyala, as a first stage, where those two regions are the focal point of tension in sectarian violence and controversy, In the case of the success of security control of those areas will despair to the hearts of the terrorists.

    10-withdrawal of the multinational forces to the camps fixed and ask those forces to intervene when needed, and thus bridge the pretexts for those who allegedly resistance or who support the resistance.

    In conclusion, we emphasize the set of observations about the political and security situation in Iraq, foremost of which is :

    1 - There is a need to distinguish between Iraqi Shiites and Shiite Iran must break that equation, which makes the Shiites of Iraq along the Iranian presence.

    2-No definitive issues in the political interests, According Irish clandestine terrorist organization was considered from the point of view of the British government several years ago. But now there is serious work for their inclusion and persuaded them to the peace process in Northern Ireland, That is why we believe that it is possible to contain Hezbollah and Hamas, in the case of persuading them to move away from disarmament.

    3-We believe that national reconciliation should be with everyone, without exception, and that only Sadamiin due to their bloody, which was based on violence and the killing of innocent people, Altkverein, which was based on the ideas of the professors. She was killed in thought.

    4-We believe that governance in Iraq should be achieved through the participation of all Almkonah theory of Iraqi society without any battles, according to the electoral benefits on the basis of the electoral vote for each candidate.

    5-We thought the Baath Party ideology similar to that of the Nazi ideology and that authoritatively stated in the Constitution

    6 - There is a need to distinguish between Sadamiin and the Baathists. Valbaathien must be returned to the Dhaffhm But the Baath Party can not be accepted in such as the political, because there is a constitutional ban it.

    7-reliance on the nation and the emphasis on the right of the Iraqi people to choose their representative.

    8-believe role of his eminence al-Sistani in Iraq's stability and support for the political process.

    9 - There is a need to preserve the unity of the coalition and the development of political leadership in order to be successful reflect the orientations of the majority of the Iraqi people

    10-e survival of a democratic strategic relationship with the United States of America and the British government on the basis of common interests and mutual respect.

    11-believe the peaceful circulation of authority and the ballot box, democracy and the rejection of violence and terrorism

    This is the most important points that I wanted to convey to you and that we believe in as being central to make Iraq a stable and prosperous country has good relations and strategic partnership with the civilized world.
    The conclusion we thank you for your attention

    Hadi Al-Ameri

    Secretary-General of the Organization of Badr

    Chairman of the Defense and Security Commission of the Chamber of Deputies Iraqi

    Member of the National Security Political

    The preparation of the report

    Iraqi Observatory

    Great find Charmed!

    In my opinion the RV must take place tommorow or monday early in combination with the 10,000 dinar. Of course we know it must happen.

    But what if there will be no RV tommorow. In my opinion we have to wait till 31 january because of the 3 month period for collecting the 10,000 dinar. They cannot say we RV on 1 january because a lot of iraqi people collected $7 and other collect $14,700 that is not accepted i think.

    We also know ICI, HCL are also enacted in December 2006. Then they can't RV and the International Community is coming in.

    Adster, do you think that it is possible to RV on another date this year if it doesn't happen tommorow or with the 10,000 dinar handout?

  3. #22543
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    Member of the Iraqi reconciliation : We reached consensus «» on

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-11-2006
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    Member of the Iraqi reconciliation : «We reached consensus on key issues» | Almtalni Saad told the Middle East «» : preparing for the convening of a conference in Baghdad, combining intellectuals and the media
    Cairo : Sawsan Abu-Hussein
    Saad Almtalni representative of the Ministry of national dialogue in Iraq, Member of the delegation of the supreme body of reconciliation, , who visited Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates finally, The delegation reach a working paper on the views of Iraqis abroad uprooting the Baath «» «and review of the status of the elements of the Iraqi army», «building security system and improve services, and caring for Iraqis abroad », «The fact that the American's departure from Iraq, there is no otherwise. But we disagree on the timing and the agenda we have in this regard ». He added «working in cooperation with the parliament of a draft of the request for extension rejected UN Security Council resolution 1546, allowing foreign forces to stay, He acknowledged that «security file in Iraq administered by the United States».

    He added Almtalni in dialogue with the Middle East «», a few days ago during his visit to Cairo with a delegation of the Reconciliation, who met many Iraqis living in Cairo, and held contacts with the League of Arab States, «The resistance has given opportunities for the survival of the occupation. through the escalation of violence, To not do so of the remaining Americans or others ». He accused neighboring countries of Iraq's involvement in the putsch. He said «it settles its accounts with foreign countries on Iraqi territory». This is the text of the interview :

    > Why not change reconciliation conferences difficult security reality, the case of Iraq?

    Because there aggregates and entities linked to foreign forces is not in its interest to close the Iraqi file, in addition to interfere in the change of regime and the peaceful transition of power. We are surrounded States have strong disagreements with the majority settling accounts with them on the land of Iraq. > However, some felt that the American presence in Iraq is linked to violence? Violence is escalating the pretext of resisting the occupation and is not true that America is governing Iraq. and that everything that is happening to the security file, only administered by the United States not to resort to the American embassy in Iraq. only in the best interests of the Iraqi people. The resistance has given an opportunity for the occupation through the escalation of violence and not to do so of the remaining Americans or others. > What is your comment on the rumors about the American militias in Baghdad Airport stoking sectarian sedition?

    This is not malicious spreading unfounded. > Why then accumulated corpses in the embankment after control of the Americans and the killing of the year, This incited to revenge from the Shiites?

    No true in the area of the embankment gruesome murders and unjustified and the weakness of the State in appreciation leads to the militias, I think that there is no Sunni or Shiite believer in God carried out killings and sabotage.

    > Reported that the number of militant factions in Iraq hit 35 factions, Will the government be able to dialogue with this number?

    Before the government armed group called for dialogue and discovered that the number of this group does not exceed four individuals and did not have a weapon and possess only an old rifle was unable to shoot a single bullet and the question is whether we call on the armed faction of this group?

    > Is Huarkm with 200 Iraqis in any state can affect the reconciliation?

    We believe that there are those among them is indirectly connected to the personalities that have an impact on the resistance. > What are the results of the visit of the dialogue both Egypt and Jordan?

    Come to the working paper on the views of Iraqis abroad uprooting the Baath and review the elements of the Iraqi army and rebuild the security apparatus and improving services in Iraq and care for Iraqis abroad. Even the American's departure from Iraq, there is no disagreement, however, it differ on the timing and we have seriousness in this regard and we are working in cooperation with the Parliament to draft a set position to refuse the extension of resolution 1546, which allows foreign troops to stay, and we are working in earnest during the current parliamentary session to reverse this decision.

    > Do you not think that perhaps the Americans will not allow that?

    That is something the Iraqi people, the Parliament and if it is decided to remove the troops will not be allowed to remain a soldier. > Is moving the political process in Iraq successfully in the presence of the occupation?

    The political process is proceeding well. > Why, then, was announced in Washington about the existence of errors in policy on Iraq and drew criticism and demands reviewed?

    A visit to the Baker was to assess the strategic situation of the reality of the security surrounding Iraq and assess the political process, We also acknowledge that mistakes in American military tactics and security performance. For example, when American forces closed Sadr City and unauthorized security breach and entered a booby-trapped car and killed about one hundred workers, immediately, the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki decision to lift the embargo and the withdrawal of American forces from the region. > What about coordination with the Arab League?

    We call upon the Arab League to continue in its role because it helps us to reconciliation and national concord, The broader umbrella of the University of our umbrella. > What is the future of the processes of reconciliation and national accord in Iraq?

    We held conferences with clans us to a very important document and we are to hold a conference of clerics after the success of the Mecca. The meeting in Jordan in the context of the Jordanian monarch old, in addition to another conference to prepare for intellectuals and the media will commit to dialogue, which must be given all concessions and instead of a waiver of the States, Iraqis to alienate some of them in order to stabilize the country and benefit everyone.

  4. #22544
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    Justice / special According to the results of the study and statistics declared by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs that the rate of poverty in Iraq amounted to about 42% of the total population of the country. pointing out that nearly five million Iraqis living between poverty and unemployment.

    The study said that about two million Iraqi families live below the poverty line, according to standards, In the light of the indicators identified regardless of one dollar per person per day. These conditions led to the emergence of dangerous phenomenon in the rise of the line graph of poverty, which is the most important causes of unemployment, The incidents of violence and the cancellation of many of the departments and ministries and resolved. The statistics indicated that the number of citizens who are covered by the social welfare system is 171 thousand families at the level of the whole of Iraq, and donated 40 to 50 thousand dinars a little compared to the economic situation and living conditions in Iraq. They noted that it was assumed that the new law covers million poor family, an average of five million people, given where each of the country's governorates share compared to the population density. For his part, Kittani said Mohammed Director of the Center of the Iraqi culture unions that there is a million Iraqis under the absolute poverty line, The six million Iraqis receive income on no more than two dollars. The per capita GDP of about 130 dollars per annum. Kittani and added that the number of unemployed is four million citizens, of which the contribution of women in the labor market 19% of the total Iraqi women, There are 16 million dependent on the food ration card


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    Justice / follow-up said Karbala governor Aqil khaz'ali intends to maintain that the establishment of an economic conference in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce, Karbala and the participation of specialists, economists and traders to promote the economic realities of the province.

    Khaz'ali added, "We agreed with the Chamber of Commerce of Karbala to hold an economic conference in which economic efficiencies, traders and local authorities in an attempt to revive the economic reality of the city of Karbala, as a religious and tourism. He said Khozali hope during the conference, which will determine the date later to invite traders to invest P j Karbala and the exploitation of their capital for the development of the city. The khaz'ali us to establish the ground for economic investment and trade in the province and help the private sector to arrange the economic situation and investment through openness to investors Iraqis, Arabs and foreigners in particular, that the State is on the verge of applying the privatization after the stability of the security and political situation. He said the chairman of the Chamber of Trade Karbala Shaker Shuhaib that 12 thousand dealer located in Karbala, they can invest their money to develop the economy in the province. " He called for the allocation of Shahib buildings for the establishment of trade fairs for investors to turn to the Hall of Karbala to the city as a tourist and religious attractive for a capital the funds. The Karbala witnessed large urban movement after the fall of the former regime on April 9, in April 2003, as expanded in the building horizontally from the center of the city and constructed a narrow markets and shops, buildings and hotels in the center of the city and its surroundings.


  6. #22546
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiko View Post
    Great find Charmed!

    In my opinion the RV must take place tommorow or monday early in combination with the 10,000 dinar. Of course we know it must happen.

    But what if there will be no RV tommorow. In my opinion we have to wait till 31 january because of the 3 month period for collecting the 10,000 dinar. They cannot say we RV on 1 january because a lot of iraqi people collected $7 and other collect $14,700 that is not accepted i think.

    We also know ICI, HCL are also enacted in December 2006. Then they can't RV and the International Community is coming in.

    Adster, do you think that it is possible to RV on another date this year if it doesn't happen tommorow or with the 10,000 dinar handout?
    Well we know the 10k is meant to go out tomorrow but we have heard this before. In theory yes if the reval is imminent then the 10k will not be worth $7 but a whole lot more. What I'm saying is IF there's no reval tomorrow then I wouldn't be surprised if they delay the 10k handouts too until they reval.....

    I've still not seen anything to confirm Saudis debt has been forgiven, it was only promised to be forgiven, not the same thing.......

    The ICI is huge in itself, that opens the doors and should be signed early December, oil law enacted before end of the year. As well as EU deal on 20/11.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #22547
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    Two new members to assign the work of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-11-2006
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    The Arab tribes, with the return of deportees but it is against forcing the visitors to leave

    The improvement Chih member of the ministerial committee on the application of Article 140 of the Constitution in addition to the new member of the Turkmen Front at the same time denying the existence of any suspension of the work of the Commission or its meetings.

    He said Kher told "morning" that a meeting had been held late last month for the Higher Committee under the chairmanship of Justice Minister Hashim Al-Shebli and all its members and in the presence of Anwar Bayraqdar the Turkmen Front, which became a member in a formal order of the Cabinet of prime minister.

    He pointed out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki decided to add Ahmed Brak Director of the Conflict Resolution Iraqi ownership in the membership of the Supreme Committee.

    He added that the meeting discussed a number of issues and matters relating to the financial situation, as has been agreed to deposit 10% of the amount allocated to the budget of the first phase, and $ 200 million was also agreed that the powers and one sub-committees emanating from the Supreme Committee, which is a fact-finding committee and the technical committee and importuning secretarial costing up and the Finance Committee as well as the agreement on the date of the next meeting.

    So the Bureau of the Commission in a meeting chaired by Babiker Kirkuk friend and the presence of its members and members of the subcommittees that represent constituencies on the application of Article 140 conservation reserves and the resolve disputes and real estate ownership and Statistics Department of Agriculture and Land Registration Service and the Civil Status and the municipality of Kirkuk.

    The meeting was dedicated to defining the functions of the subcommittees in supplying the High Commission and the branches of official documents that contribute to the success of the work of the Committee, include information on land and real estate disputed or confiscated by the regime, as well as documents showing the preparation of statistical and deported a number of Arab visitors to the province.

    He said Babiker friend that these documents will contribute to eliminating injustice and inequality of citizens who have been subjected to policies of ethnic cleansing and demographic change, stressing that the work characterized by impartiality and objectivity and the pursuit of justice through the normalization of the situation.

    In relation to systems combine the Arab tribes in the province, a meeting attended by Mohamed Khalil representative of the Arabs in Kirkuk Supreme Committee.
    He said Ahmed Al-Obaidi, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab tribes in Kirkuk that the purpose of the meeting is a discussion of matters relating to the application of Article 140 expressing hope that the return of all the deportees to their home areas in the province, regardless of their ideologies at the time who asked not to force the Arabs to leave the visitors preferred to maintain a claim of adding to the Shiite Arab member of the normalization of the situation.

    Obeidi and the rejection of a referendum on the future of Kirkuk, he did not participate because the referendum may be the source of creating problems for the people of Kirkuk are indispensable.

  8. #22548
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    Certainly great news all around, but I believe that Saudi said they "promised" to write off Iraq's debt, it hasn't actually occurred yet.
    But think about it...why would they promise (future tense) to do so? It isn't going to cost them anything to forgive it. Using round numbers, let's say they owe $1 and the dinar revalues at $1 but I'm holding the equivalent of 5 Dinar in my pocket that I bought for a fraction more than 3/100 of a penny...well not only did the debt get paid, but I have $4 profit. (Add as many zeros as it takes, but the principle is the same)

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    Barzani to Baghdad carrying a road map of new and compatibility

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-11-2006
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    Barzani holds the road to Baghdad through a new consensus and meet in the UAE to determine the position

    With Baghdad expects the arrival of the President of the Kurdistan region Massoud Barzani to participate in the expanded meeting of the leaders of the political blocs composed of the government chose Accord Front Arab Emirates venue for the forthcoming meeting, which will be determined in the light of the position of the front continue in the government or withdraw. In the meantime, the spokesman for a the government on Skinner
    That withdrawal from the government is not a political project, saying the government had built on the coalition if it withdrew faction, it could constitute a parliamentary majority. A senior government source told (morning) that President Barzani project will be on a (national) contains several points dealing with defects in the political process and to find suitable solutions to reach the national project satisfies the various factions. The source said that Barzani prepared an integrated project is a road map for the exit of Abra s of the political tensions that have influence on the Iraqi street. He said : Barzani hopes that the meeting of the leaders of the bloc is the last and decisive out of the current crisis and move towards a new era of stability. According to the source, who is close to President Barzani that the President was able to develop accurate visualization of the Iraq situation and that he had reached specific conclusions through his meetings and meetings with a officials Americans and Iraqis. He pointed out that Barzani would make great efforts to narrow the gap in viewpoints between political opponents, He added that the meeting which was attended by heads of political bodies will come out with recommendations for the government to get out of the recent tensions. On the other hand, Al (morning) that the Accord Front held a meeting of its leaders in the United Arab Emirates to get a unified opinion on the participation or withdrawal from the formation of the new government. His father, Dr. Adnan for Yemi told (morning) : The Front had withdrawn in the coming weeks of the formation of the new government, but will exercise its political role in the political process and the parliament in the event of the Front decided to withdraw from the government. Al-Dulaimi and stressed that such a move was based on non-fulfillment of some of the conventions that have taken place, such as the formation of the government, He added that the other parties recognized set of demands and responding to it when it says the front of her continue in the government or not. the spokesman said that the Iraqi government Skinner : that withdrawal from the government is not a political project and that everyone should contribute to the building of Iraq. Skinner stressed that the government built on a coalition and if the political faction that they could not achieve their aspirations for the choice option and the government could constitute a parliamentary majority. Skinner was speaking to reporters in a first reaction to the threats of political factions withdrawal said : The real political project is to build a multi-Iraq and this is everyone's responsibility and not the responsibility of a group or block certain expressing his belief that knowing the national interest in Iraq, he must know that there are some difficulties and problems must not overpower us. He pointed out that the government is built on the national coalition, and if the political faction that the government told a achieve the aspirations of the option choice and I believe it is not strange in the States adopt the approach to withdraw the parliamentary group believes that they could not achieve their own interests.

  10. #22550
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    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    But think about it...why would they promise (future tense) to do so? It isn't going to cost them anything to forgive it. Using round numbers, let's say they owe $1 and the dinar revalues at $1 but I'm holding the equivalent of 5 Dinar in my pocket that I bought for a fraction more than 3/100 of a penny...well not only did the debt get paid, but I have $4 profit. (Add as many zeros as it takes, but the principle is the same)
    This is something we have assumed is the basis of all the debts being ´forgiven´

    No nation would cancel debts of such magnitude without something in return,
    especially when the Debtor is one of the richest countries in the world,
    potentially that is.

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