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  1. #2261
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pippyman
    Hey All

    Not trying to be one of the negative ones here. And yes I do have some dinar too and hope and expect some day that will come through. BUT what if I told you that you are not actually hearing the worst of it? That the media and the Pentagon is not telling the whole truth of how bad things really are? Just my denarius worth......

    The anti Bush media would be happy to tell the apsolute worst stuff they could find if it would hurt Bush. Air America would be all over any news that would make GW look bad.

  2. #2262
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    Quote Originally Posted by leftyken
    The anti Bush media would be happy to tell the apsolute worst stuff they could find if it would hurt Bush. Air America would be all over any news that would make GW look bad.
    Hahaaa... thats a load to gulp... what would you now think when I say, there's a DINA-saurus out there that is still unsettled and with all thats firing around... the economy has much to catch on even when it is about ready to lead the new Iraqi future... sooo much chaos still uncontrolled among the two main factions...

    But buy them notes... is what you can do now and be hopeful for a not too distant prosperity when "cashing-in" arrives

    Cheers to ya Ad-mate!

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  3. #2263
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    Quote Originally Posted by flygirl1
    Before I went into the airline industry, I was in sales for the citys largest paper. To quote, "good news doesn't sell newspapers"
    This so true flygirl1 I know some Magazine Editors they have Quoted the same thing.

    Remember it is about the Money Not about you are facts. But if they play into the Money then Yes it is about you and the facts. Money is the root of all evil. Money is not all evil. HuMMMMMM You have to judge that. I for one will Investing in More Dinar.

  4. #2264
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    I for one do not think it is money itself that is evil. It is what you do with it. I for one would like to take a crew of people and go to Louisiana and help rebuild some of the homes down there. My brother just came back from there and he said it will be years before that place is fit for people to live in. He also said it looks like a war zone. How sad it that.

  5. #2265
    Senior Investor everwiser's Avatar
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    I just want to put my .02 in here since some have given their opinion as to the "problems" within the US. Each and every one of us is entitled to our opinion on the subject. However, if you live outside the US, pay particular attention to where you get your news from and, in turn, where they get their "news" from before they report it to you.

    I have my own opinions about many other places in the world but I would not presume to tell someone who lives in a country that I do not live in what to believe or think about their own country. I don't live there and therefore I do not have the same frame of reference thus I shouldn't denigrate their home.

    Thank you...

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  6. #2266
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Posted GMT 5-29-2006 18:0:50

    Currency Exchange Rates. The Iraqi currency (the dinar) trades in a narrow range, against the dollar, that is controlled by the Iraqi Central Bank. For the last few years, the exchange range has been around 1,470 dinars to the dollar. But the dinar floats against other local currencies (like the Kuwaiti dinar and the Iranian rial), and has gotten stronger against both of those currencies. That's a big deal, as it means that the Iraqi economy is getting stronger, and people, in and out of, Iraq, have confidence in the Iraqi economy, and currency.

    Economically, Iraq is still experiencing ups and downs but shows a general trend toward macroeconomic stability, Rodman said. Its currency remains stable; debt is decreasing; and foreign exchange reserves are well above targets, according to the stability report.

    In addition, international support continues to help rebuild the economy.

    Yesterday Powerline posted some good signs from Iraq. People have moved into Iraq in the past few years, the Iraqi currency has appreciated (it's dinar time), and pilgrimages are now regular in the nation.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #2267
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    Quote Originally Posted by flygirl1
    I for one do not think it is money itself that is evil. It is what you do with it. I for one would like to take a crew of people and go to Louisiana and help rebuild some of the homes down there. My brother just came back from there and he said it will be years before that place is fit for people to live in. He also said it looks like a war zone. How sad it that.
    Great Ideal. They just had a special on it last night from ABC NightLine.I liked it better then then what it had became.

    Maybe when the Dinar Pegs it would be a good place to call "HOME" again. I like that kind of life where there is no crowd and no Building. I am sorry for the loses.

    But think about how it really is there now. Like thirty and more years ago nothing. I for one think it would be a good place to go back to and enjoy the rest of my life. Come on"Dinar" put me there.

  8. #2268
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    All of these items look good for the Dinar, especially #3, and the country in general.

    But wait a minute!...These facts shoot holes in the gravy sucking liberal press who are "anti Bush, "anti US" and "anti Military". Makes you wonder about them...doesn't it?

    Six signs of Iraq's progress
    You had an interesting letter recently about al-Qaida admitting that it is losing in Iraq and resorting to trying to influence the liberal media, from which most people get their news.
    Amir Taheri, a former editor of Iran's largest newspaper and now a writer for the New York Post, supports the view that Iraq has made extraordinary progress. He makes six points:
    1) Refugees are returning to Iraq. During Saddam Hussein's reign, people fled the country. Since he has been toppled, more than 1.2 million Iraqis have returned.
    2) From 1991 to 2003, there were no pilgrimages to the religious shrines in Karbala and Najaf. In 2005, these sites received an estimated 12 million pilgrims.
    3) The Iraqi dinar was in free fall during Saddam's final years. Today, its value is rising against the Kuwaiti dinar and the Iranian rial.
    4) Near the end of Saddam's reign, businesses shut down. Since liberation, the private sector is booming. According to the IMF and the World Bank, the Iraqi economy is outperforming all others in the region, and small and medium businesses are opening in bunches.
    5) For the first time in 50 years, Iraq is exporting foodstuffs to its neighbors. Even the oil industry, a constant target of terrorists, is progressing. Iraq is now a member of OPEC and has returned to the world markets as a major exporter.
    6) People are speaking out now that Saddam is gone. Iraq has talk radio, talk television and Internet blogs. People are debating in shops, tea houses, mosques, offices and in their homes.
    Iraq has made great social and economic progress.
    Louis Forrisi

    Last modified: June 04. 2006 12:00AM
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #2269
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Hhhmmmm, sweet music to us dinar holders.....what will the ISX need when it opens? Foreign investors. What do they have to have done to allow this? Make the dinar convertible. What do they have to do with the dinar once it's convertible to avoid all stocks, shares being bought up at the current pathetic rate? Peg the dinar. :0)

    How ISX is vital to reconstruction- Interview with Lebanon CEO of Stock Exchange

    You can pretty much insert IRAQ where Lebanon is mentioned in this article

    After eleven years of absence, the Beirut Stock Exchange returns with remarkable energy. Because the stock exchange will play an important role in the success of the reconstruction process, we are posting this interview with Gabriel Sehnawi, head of the stock exchange committee who is an expert in the field of financial administration.

    Priorities and goals :

    Sehnawi said that the stock exchange will return to Lebanon soon. " The priorities of this market are based on economic and construction plans which are now in the first stages of execution and the stock exchange is one of the basic financial tools for stimulating the economy by attracting capital for investment in the projects," he said.

    Attracting foreign capital is the key :

    Sehnawi pointed out that according to economic studies Lebanon will need between $ 10 to 20 billion during the next ten years for reconstruction and around $5 billion to raise the capital of companies to accepted levels. "The stock exchange will play an important role in attracting investment to Lebanon particularly at the present time, when international companies have shown serious interest in the country as an important place for investment, " he said.

    Optimism is in order.

    The head of the Beirut exchange expressed his optimism in the future. He said that Lebanon had not lost nor will it lose its financial and economic role in the region. he explained that foreign interest in Lebanon was apparent during the meeting of the International Monetary Fund in Madrid and by visiting delegations.

    Sehanwi said" the most important thing is to invest in this interest at the right time and place. We should not tarry because the chance may thus be missed and the opportunity seized by other countries in the region. Contacts are in progress with a number of western countries, particularly with officials in Paris, London and Tokyo stock exchanges and offers of technical help have been received. Contacts are also being made with the world Bank and I.F.C with a view to developing existing exchange laws to conform with progress, and to computerize and join the linkage systems between exchanges (current situation in IRAQ). One of the advanced technologies understudy, a "Reuter" project which is based on linking the exchange to the Central Bank, banks, Lebanon's Finance Company, for facilitating work and decreasing costs.

    As you can see, many major players see how vital a stock exchange is to economic recovery. Sky is the limit
    Last edited by Adster; 07-06-2006 at 09:10 PM.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #2270
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    I need more new peg date? Please?

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