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  1. #22751
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get. I've got my fingers crossed in hopes that this is going to be great!


    ps-I need just one more thank you to have 1000 thanks lol WOOOT!!
    Thanks. GOOD LUCK to you and to us ALL. NIDYA

  2. #22752
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    Default no sense

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post

    This is what Susie posted yesterday- NOTICE THE DATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARTICLE- approved 11/12/2006!!!! SGS post 22311

    Next Sunday the distribution amounts violated in Babylon

    Guinness Mesopotamia : Hilla / Amir Muhammad

    Start Rafidain Bank branch Babel next Sunday regardless grant feast that had been endorsed by the Council of Ministers to grant citizens the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, said Mr. Hakim Hussein Jabr director of Rafidain Bank / Babylon saying this grant will be disbursed as of next Sunday, approved in 2006 / 11 / 12 for three months as a the agenda for stabilizing agents by the names and the date of payment of the grant families so that all citizens receiving and continue to exchange up to 2007 / 1 / 31, adding the purpose of getting rid of the fraud had been organized special restrictions of each family as a special Bank.
    The article makes no sense time wise. It is not possible to approve something for distribution on 11/12/06, run it for three months and end it 1/31/07....the time span is only 2 1/2 months. Am I missing something?
    Last edited by ccgideon; 12-11-2006 at 02:56 AM.
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  3. #22753
    Senior Investor ronbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    You need a girlfriend!! It works for me, LOL
    Hey Danny51, not trying to be rude or anything else, but I really don't think you want to go there with the OZ

  4. #22754
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccgideon View Post
    The article makes no sense time wise. It is not possible to approve something for distribution on 11/12/06, run it for three months and end it 1/31/07....the time span is only 2 1/2 months. Am I missing something?
    Perhaps because they just delayed it for these last 2 weeks!!!

  5. #22755
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    Default possible

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Perhaps because they just delayed it for these last 2 weeks!!!
    That's possible, but why not just print the article with the corrected dates???
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  6. #22756
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    hey all soon this is what we'll all be doin and this well be me [the guy on the right]but i'll get up an be yellin a bigwooooot!and doin this to
    Last edited by smillenace; 12-11-2006 at 03:09 AM.

  7. #22757
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Some highlights!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    wasnt that just cbi staff training? theyve already trained some of those guys once this year already.
    Hi SGS,

    It's me again here is the article I know it was posted a little bit ago but I highlighted some of the highlights. After rereading it seems that IMF has always helped but I think this time more hands on.

    Bank officials to attend key forum
    Iraq bank officials to attend key forum
    Source: Gulf Daily News

    Sixteen high-ranking officials from Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) are to attend five-day training programme on banking supervision in Bahrain, starting tomorrow. The five-day programme is being conducted by the Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance (BIBF) in co-operation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Fed NY) .

    The workshop, at the BIBF premises in Juffair, will be conducted by a team of international experts from the IMF and Fed NY.

    BIBF was selected to host this important workshop because of Bahrain's excellent reputation as a leading world financial hub and the Institute's ability to provide world-class training and business advisory services, said BIBF deputy director and head of Banking Learning Centre, Hussain Ismail.

    For the last two-and-a-half years, the IMF and the Fed NY have co-ordinated their efforts to provide technical assistance to the CBI to help in the reconstruction and development of the Iraqi economy.

    A comprehensive initial training curriculum was defined and has been implemented between 2004 and early this year for staff of the CBI's Banking Supervision Department (BSD) and a series of joint workshops were delivered, covering all key banking supervisory issues.

    The workshop in Bahrain is the first in a new series of training programmes. It will be focusing on the practical implementation in the field of banking supervision as well as reviewing the actual work and outputs produced by the Iraqi supervisors, in order to give them feedback and guidance on how to improve their scope and their quality, both for off-site and on-site supervision.

    "This programme is part of a series of successful workshops, which will further contribute to the training and education process of the Iraqi people," said Mr Ismail.

    Another workshop on banking supervision was conducted successfully at the BIBF in June 2004.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  8. #22758
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    [QUOTE=Zimi31;134037][QUOTE=Texas_Tea;133996]I agree. I do not see why some people are concerned that money will be taken away from the troops while they are there. They shouldn't be. Democrats are trying to get the Iraq Government to get on with things so they can become self reliant and we can start using the money on other things like healthcare, elderly, energy projects, etc. Once this has been done and the people are no longer living in poverty (for the most part) then I think this will lower the need for those with no choice but to join into terrorist activities to feed their families so I predict that the problem with security issues will reduce to the point where troops can start coming home. While the troops are in Iraq, I do not think any government funding to keep them there will be cut. The democrats are more concerned with cutting spending given to the Iraq Government. Even though I do not agree with the war, I am not stupid. If i see a good investment opportunity then i will take it like most of you out there would. I am not saying that they are pushing a reval or anything. The Democrats want them to do something and soon. The only thing i can think of is to reval IMO but who knows.
    I thought this was a news thread, but once again you want to talk about the wonderful & beneficial days ahead of us because of the democrats wise and instructive ways to run the war in Iraq and of course solve all the problems in this country with more social programs. Thanks for your input.[/QUOTE]

    Zimi31--nice 2nd post. If you don't like what is being posted, go out and find some news yourself. *sigh* I guess some people just like to compain. Well, you wanted news, here's some news....

    The good news is that the Iraqi people want change, they want to succeed and prosper...the bad news is for many reasons it's still a mess over there. Let's not get caught up in political BS, because, ultimately, none of that matters. The only thing that matters right now is that the Iraqi's succeed. That they build a coherent, orderly, and prosperous society. Anything short of that and we'll be looking over our shoulders for a very long time--regardless of political party.

    The failure of Iraq's reconstruction
    By Mark Gregory
    International business reporter, BBC World Service

    "All across Iraq, people are working hard to restore the country to normal. People are going to work, kids are going to school, all of which are a symbol of Iraq, the new Iraq, returning to normal."

    Paul Bremer, head of the US-led administration before the return of sovereignty in Iraq, offered a vision of a country in which the lights worked and clean water flowed from the taps.

    But two-and-a-half years after the handover, many Iraqis say their lives are getting worse, despite the vast sums spent on rebuilding.

    Power output is barely above pre-war levels despite massive investment. The same is true of oil exports.

    But the man who initially ran the main US reconstruction programme is unapologetic, and says he would do it all the same way again.

    David Nash arrived in Baghdad in late 2003. He set up and managed an $18.4bn US aid programme approved by Congress.

    But it was never going to be enough money to complete the task, he said.

    "Nobody who ever worked with me thought we were going to fix the infrastructure of Iraq. It was in very bad shape because it had been neglected for 30 years.

    "It was severely impacted by the burning and looting that occurred, and we ended up building under fire."

    As the rebuilding programme got under way, the security situation became worse - and costs rose.

    We have been told that half the money allocated for reconstruction was ultimately eaten up in direct and indirect security expenses.

    A small number of huge companies - such as Bechtel, Halliburton, Parsons, and Washington International - were awarded huge contracts. Almost everything was contracted out to private firms.

    But were large Western firms the best choice for the job?

    'Bunker mentality'

    Cameron Woolf is operations director for a small American engineering company with reconstruction contracts in Baghdad. He has watched the big corporations come in and fail.

    "They didn't embrace the Iraqi people, the Iraqi engineers," he said.

    "They weren't allowed to travel. It was definitely a bunker mentality. They honestly think the world ends when you walk outside the Green Zone or you're going to get shot.

    "And big Western firms tended to rely on expensive expatriate staff, which meant it cost a lot to get things done. "

    Companies with the main contracts often have not done the actual work - that is passed on to sub-contractors, who in turn pass all or part of the job on to others. And profits are taken at every stage.

    There are legions of stories about reconstruction contracts that went wrong.

    Parsons, a Californian firm, had a $900m contract to build new courts and prisons throughout Iraq, but the project was a disaster, according to Congressman Henry Waxman, a leading critic of the rebuilding effort.

    "The toilets were leaking, the place stank; and this was where we were trying to train Iraqi police.

    "This became the lens through which Iraqis now see America; incompetence, profiteering, arrogance."

    Parsons told us they "regretted that problems with the new Baghdad police college occurred after the facility was turned over to the US government and put in use by Iraqi trainees".

    "Working in a war zone poses unique challenges," they added.

    How much oil?

    Many of Iraq's business elite have relocated to Jordan, to operate what is left of their businesses back home.

    Kamal Al-Kaisi, a businessman and academic, is a recent arrival. He fled after four people armed with machine-guns entered his house and attempted to kidnap him.

    He escaped by jumping onto a neighbour's roof.

    Asked why him, he said: "The mafia or gang have people to nominate a target - they give an estimate to say that we evaluate him at $100,000, or this target at $1m.

    "And they usually take 10 or 15% of that ransom."

    Ali Damirji is a British-educated Iraqi in Amman. He has 15 shops throughout Iraq but has recently closed three of them in Baghdad because it became too dangerous.

    He has been put off reconstruction contracts by the pervasive corruption. To get $3m worth of work you may have to pay half in bribes, he said.

    Corruption has been fuelled by the constant flux of Iraqi politics. Three different governments have held office since sovereignty was handed back.

    And oil revenue that could rebuild the country is being lost to theft on an epic scale. When US technicians renovated the pipes and wells after the war they failed to install proper metering.

    Nobody knows how much crude should be in the system.

    The money that's stolen doesn't merely enrich criminals, but frequently goes out to fund criminal militias or insurgents - that means lost lives for US troops

    Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Stuart Bowen
    Baghdad's 'missing' billions

    Issan Chalabi, an oil minister under Saddam Hussein, says the Americans failed to install meters even at the offshore terminals that handle all Iraq's crude exports.

    Metering would take a matter of weeks to install at the cost of a few million dollars, he said.

    "Here we are talking about millions and billions of dollars. Iraq wouldn't be in need of handouts, loans, or grants from anybody."

    Mr Nash concedes the metering "probably should have been done".

    "But there were so many things to do one has to come up with priorities," he said.

    "It doesn't do any good to have a proper metering system if the pipeline is not operating."

    It is easy to run away with the idea that everything in Iraq is hopeless.

    But at a trade fair in Irbil, northern Iraq, I met a business development director of Trade Bank of Iraq, pleased to announce that it had installed the first ATM in the country.
    And if you want to make a fashion statement in this part of the world, get yourself some designer security gear. It's a boom product, especially in Baghdad.

    'Second insurgency'

    But the $18bn US reconstruction programme has run its course - the funds had to be allocated by the end of September.
    The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, has spent the last couple of years reporting to Congress on how American money has been spent.

    Now, he says, attention should be paid to Iraqi government corruption.
    "I call it the second insurgency. This money that's stolen doesn't merely enrich criminals, but frequently goes out to fund criminal militias or insurgents. That means lost lives for US troops."

    There is little to show for the money spent.

    Profiteering, corruption, bad management and the strength of the insurgency have all played a part.

    But Mr Nash says the critics of the $18bn aid effort are wrong.

    "If we did an $18.4bn construction programme in your country and we ended up with 2200 major projects being completed in three years, I think we'd be heroes.

    "And I say to people who criticise us at great length: Well where were you, when we needed help?"

    Part two of Mark Gregory's documentary

    BBC NEWS | Middle East | The failure of Iraq's reconstruction

  9. #22759
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccgideon View Post
    The article makes no sense time wise. It is not possible to approve something for distribution on 11/12/06, run it for three months and end it 1/31/07....the time span is only 2 1/2 months. Am I missing something?
    because they had to delay the handing out of the monies so they could get more debt relief nailed down first. its still aproximately 3 months.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #22760
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    Default Lower Denominations

    While doing a google search for the elusive lower denominations I ran across a site called 2006 Dinar Iraq. I went in through the cache instead of the direct link and had no problem. BUT the problem is that in trying to paste this site for you to see, it bypasses the site and re-directs you to a porno page with a virus attached. SO any link I provide you will take you there instead of the page I WANT you to see.

    So what I'm going to do is copy the whole page here for you to see
    Now down almost at the bottom it says this....

    Features a country profile covering Iraq's political and economic structures, forces, and data. Economist: Country Briefings also include recent news articles on Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue.

    Problem is the site owner placed periods all through the site in off the wall places so that everything runs together and you can't tell where one sentence starts and one begins.

    Now there is the Economist website with Country Briefings.... | Country Briefings: Iraq
    ....But you need a subscription to read the articles.

    Anyone have a web subscription or receive the magazine? Is this something we should delve into further seeing that any reference to the lower denominations are few and far between? Any thoughts?

    Here is the web page.....(it got chopped up a little in copy/paste but what I wanted you to see is there at least)

    2006 Dinar Iraq web site
    . Iraq Best of Hub cap News (RSS) Iraqi Dinar (RSS) Monthly archives. July 2006. June 2006. May All about Poster 2006. Latest news about Borse studio March
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    2006. Post War Iraq Status. Value This web site contains information about L artisanat of the
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    boosted by growing confidence in recovery.
    0. to sell rice to
    <>. 05/30/2006.
    6. Iranian Foreign Minister. . The Iraqi Dinar currency is worthless outside of the country of Iraq. . Posted by: Jimmy DInar | June 13, 2006 08:36 PM.
    Iraqi Dinar Latest News. "03/07/2006 plunged to 10 cents after Iraq invaded Kuwait. It's worth .
    39 now. . Us FAQ Buy Dinar Forum 2006. movingdinar.
    com All Rights. . Thursday, August 17, iraq" type="text" name="searchvalue" size="15" class="search" ID="searchvalue".
    2006 Briggs & Stratton Corporation. All Rights Reserved Privacy. Invest in new Iraqi Dinars iraq news Iraq. . Conference : Egypt to host first Arabic Rebuild Iraq Fair in Sept.
    Wednesday, August 23rd
    <>. power plants in. Farmers in Iraq hold elections to. Features a country profile covering Iraq's political and economic structures, forces, and data. Economist: Country Briefings also include recent news articles on. Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue.
    Dinar (RSS) Monthly archives. July 2006. June. May 2006. March 2006.
    . Iraqi circulation growing. International Compact with
    news about Iraq 1618
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    focuses on Iraqi economy. Home Iraqi Dinar Jobs Business Directory News Archive. . Iraqi Denar information and news about the New Iraqi Dinar. 08-11-2006. Link To This Entry | Related Entries: Iraqi News. Should we still be in Iraq?. Free, easy email groups. Copyright 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
    . Sign In. Sponsor Results For "Iraq dinar" (About this page) No Sponsor Results. Iraqi Dinar history news updated daily. buy iraqi dinars anytime. . 2006.
    As of Jan 1st 2006, the official Iraqi dinar-US dollar exchange rate is ID1 to. . sitemap | index
    ************************************************** ************************************************** **
    If you want to see this website for yourself go to google... key words...."iraq" "currency" "lower denominations" look on page 4 about 7 down....please DO NOT go directly to the site through their link.... hit the cache and go in from it!!!! and DO NOT hit ANY LINKS inside the page!!!

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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