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  1. #22761
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    SGS...what time "Kansas time" should we know something?
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  2. #22762
    Investor H2O_Lover's Avatar
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    Default Family ??

    This is what Susie posted yesterday- NOTICE THE DATE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ARTICLE- approved 11/12/2006!!!! SGS post 22311

    Next Sunday the distribution amounts violated in Babylon

    Guinness Mesopotamia : Hilla / Amir Muhammad

    Start Rafidain Bank branch Babel next Sunday regardless grant feast that had been endorsed by the Council of Ministers to grant citizens the occasion of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, said Mr. Hakim Hussein Jabr director of Rafidain Bank / Babylon saying this grant will be disbursed as of next Sunday, approved in 2006 / 11 / 12 for three months as a the agenda for stabilizing agents by the names and the date of payment of the grant families so that all citizens receiving and continue to exchange up to 2007 / 1 / 31, adding the purpose of getting rid of the fraud had been organized special restrictions of each family as a special Bank.

    OK......... now i know i am picking this apart a bit but are they giving this grant to each family ? or each person ?

    thanks ahead of time
    Oh the drama....

  3. #22763
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    Saddam death sentence unlikely to be overruled: lawyer

    Published: Saturday, November 11, 2006
    LISBON -- The death penalty sentence against Saddam Hussein will most likely be upheld on appeal, one of his defence lawyers said in a newspaper interview published in Portugal on Saturday.

    An Iraqi court sentenced Saddam, ousted in a US-led invasion in 2003, to hang on November 5 for the deaths of 148 Shiites in an Iraqi village in 1982 after an attempt in to assassinate him.

    Saddam's legal team launched an appeals procedure against the death penalty the following day but defense lawyer Najib al-Nueimi said he was not optimistic that the sentence would be altered because the court proceedings lacked legitimacy.

    "All of this is a tragedy, a sort of play acting with injustice and bad taste. It does not seem to me at all likely that they will annul the death sentence," he told weekly Portuguese newspaper Expresso.

    Al-Nueimi, former Qatari justice minister, said the refusal to respect Saddam's request to be sentenced by firing squad instead of by hanging was motivated by a desire to humiliate the former Iraqi leader.

    "They don't want to allow him the glory of dying like a military man, even though the public prosecutor had consented to his death by firing squad. It is clear that hanging implies the humiliation of the president," he said.

    Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki has said he expects Saddam to be hanged before the end of the year, despite an appeal process legal experts have said could keep the toppled leader from the gallows for months.

    Saddam death sentence unlikely to be overruled: lawyer

  4. #22764
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Looks good to me.

    Hi Everyone,

    I am not sure if this has been posted but it has some good points so I will post it. I find it interesting that they have enacted the FIL but are not really using it right now DO YOU THINK IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE WAITING TO RV I DO!!!!!!!

    Head of Stock Exchange Trustees demands for rapid activation of the investment law
    Modernizing its performance despite the repercussions of the security situation

    Source: Translated by

    The non- activation of the Iraqi new investment law in terms of forming its management, supervising body, naming its members and starting their work, caused a great disappointment among investors in the Iraqi Stock Exchange, especially that vigorous efforts being made to update its performance: installing new equipment and supplies of electronic trading and organizing Stock Exchange halls, in preparation for the start of adopting this mechanism, which is exercised for the first time in Iraq.

    Head of Iraqi Stock Exchange Trustees, Talib Attabataba'i, hopes that some factors which he considers crucial for the continuation of investors in this vital sector will help to employ their investments for the best. On top of these factors: the stability of the security situation.

    He explained that "the investor in the Iraqi bourse faces the challenges and difficulties, arising from the deterioration of the security situation, with high spirit reflecting his view that the current situation is exceptional, and therefore it is necessary to keep on maintaining the performance of the bourse. This is evident from the general indicators, which confirms that the development in performance remains a salient feature in the march of the market".

    Attabataba'i took last September as an example, and said that the number of shares traded during that month was 4.212 billion shares; that is, 527 million shares a session. In comparison to the number of shares traded last August which hit 720, the number of shares traded this month increased by 54.9% from the number in August. As for the volume of transaction in September, it hit 8.422 billion dinars; that is, 1.052 billion dinars a session, and compared to the volume of trading in August of 4.622 billion dinars, the volume of transactions for this month increased by 82.2%. As for the number of contracts executed in September, they increased by 2928 contracts from the previous month at a rate of 29.4%. He added that last month indicators show stability in prices and volume of transactions, despite the continuing impact of the security situation on the overall economic activity.

    Attabataba'i said that the banking sector is almost the main engine of the market. This sector achieved, during the same period adopted in comparison above, the largest relative importance in terms of the number of shares traded and the volume of transactions which was 74 per cent and 78.8% respectively of the total after circulating more than 3.117 billion stocks at a circulation volume of more than 6.551 billion dinars.

    The shares of Basra International Bank, which is preparing to hold its annual meeting in Arbil next Sunday, were the most circulated ones for this month since the ratio of the shares traded, was 34.1% and 26.8% respectively of the total, where more than 1.063 billion shares were circulated valued at more than 1.757 billion dinars in Basra Bank alone.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  5. #22765
    Member explorerhot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    While doing a google search for the elusive lower denominations I ran across a site called 2006 Dinar Iraq. I went in through the cache instead of the direct link and had no problem. BUT the problem is that in trying to paste this site for you to see, it bypasses the site and re-directs you to a porno page with a virus attached. SO any link I provide you will take you there instead of the page I WANT you to see.

    So what I'm going to do is copy the whole page here for you to see
    Now down almost at the bottom it says this....

    Features a country profile covering Iraq's political and economic structures, forces, and data. Economist: Country Briefings also include recent news articles on Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue.

    Problem is the site owner placed periods all through the site in off the wall places so that everything runs together and you can't tell where one sentence starts and one begins.

    Now there is the Economist website with Country Briefings.... | Country Briefings: Iraq
    ....But you need a subscription to read the articles.

    Anyone have a web subscription or receive the magazine? Is this something we should delve into further seeing that any reference to the lower denominations are few and far between? Any thoughts?

    Here is the web page.....(it got chopped up a little in copy/paste but what I wanted you to see is there at least)

    2006 Dinar Iraq web site
    . Iraq Best of Hub cap News (RSS) Iraqi Dinar (RSS) Monthly archives. July 2006. June 2006. May All about Poster 2006. Latest news about Borse studio March
    buy 2006 2793
    news about 2006 7584
    news about 2006 8088
    news about 2006 7555
    click 2006 3693
    2006. Post War Iraq Status. Value This web site contains information about L artisanat of the
    news about Iraq 1536
    information Iraq 5723
    buy Iraq 732
    relevant links Iraq 3821
    Iraq Today. on Iraq Equalitys Corner Politics & Religion FIFA World All about Trust company Cup -Germany- All about 83 pickup Find. revaluation of the Iraq
    relevant links Dinar 6012
    buy Dinar 6177
    Dinar or when this. Iraqi Dinar notes and Rare collectable Iraq women All about Myspace blog to 10-dinar prostitutes. .
    . 01/22/2006. 17. Forbes:
    news about Dinar 7490
    information Dinar 9526
    information Dinar 7203
    boosted by growing confidence in recovery.
    0. to sell rice to
    <>. 05/30/2006.
    6. Iranian Foreign Minister. . The Iraqi Dinar currency is worthless outside of the country of Iraq. . Posted by: Jimmy DInar | June 13, 2006 08:36 PM.
    Iraqi Dinar Latest News. "03/07/2006 plunged to 10 cents after Iraq invaded Kuwait. It's worth .
    39 now. . Us FAQ Buy Dinar Forum 2006. movingdinar.
    com All Rights. . Thursday, August 17, iraq" type="text" name="searchvalue" size="15" class="search" ID="searchvalue".
    2006 Briggs & Stratton Corporation. All Rights Reserved Privacy. Invest in new Iraqi Dinars iraq news Iraq. . Conference : Egypt to host first Arabic Rebuild Iraq Fair in Sept.
    Wednesday, August 23rd
    <>. power plants in. Farmers in Iraq hold elections to. Features a country profile covering Iraq's political and economic structures, forces, and data. Economist: Country Briefings also include recent news articles on. Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue.
    Dinar (RSS) Monthly archives. July 2006. June. May 2006. March 2006.
    . Iraqi circulation growing. International Compact with
    news about Iraq 1618
    information Iraq 2329
    click Iraq 3442
    focuses on Iraqi economy. Home Iraqi Dinar Jobs Business Directory News Archive. . Iraqi Denar information and news about the New Iraqi Dinar. 08-11-2006. Link To This Entry | Related Entries: Iraqi News. Should we still be in Iraq?. Free, easy email groups. Copyright 2006 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
    . Sign In. Sponsor Results For "Iraq dinar" (About this page) No Sponsor Results. Iraqi Dinar history news updated daily. buy iraqi dinars anytime. . 2006.
    As of Jan 1st 2006, the official Iraqi dinar-US dollar exchange rate is ID1 to. . sitemap | index
    ************************************************** ************************************************** **
    If you want to see this website for yourself go to google... key words...."iraq" "currency" "lower denominations" look on page 4 about 7 down....please DO NOT go directly to the site through their link.... hit the cache and go in from it!!!! and DO NOT hit ANY LINKS inside the page!!!

    Thats cool but it looks like the info came from IIF. Which could have been posted by anyone... BUT THEY GOT THE LOWER DENOMS!
    "Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue. "
    Last edited by explorerhot; 12-11-2006 at 03:33 AM.

  6. #22766
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    Talking yes mogo we are there .....yet

    ok friends, I'm kind of new at this sort of thing, but I'll give it my best shot.
    wwwww,wheatttt..... Whaooooottttt,
    And some have claimed that I was beyond training.

  7. #22767
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    Okay folks--let's chill a minute here...I'll be the first one to run naked through the complex if we wake up tomorrow morning and we're millionaires...but we might not see it tomorrow morning...the forex doesn't open up until Australia wakes up at approx. 5pm EST sunday, if not then maybe when New York wakes up Monday at 8 or 9 am EST.

    All I'm sayin is don't nobody do nuthin rash ( a triple negative!) if we wake up to another groundhog day of waiting and watching....


  8. #22768
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    Quote Originally Posted by explorerhot View Post
    Thats cool but it looks like the info came from IIF. Which could have been posted by anyone... BUT THEY GOT THE LOWER DOMS!
    "Iraq is in possession of lower denominations and has been since 2005. Before the. Investor's Iraq Forum > Iraqi Money > The Polling Center. Dinar revalue. "
    Thats what I meant by the sentences running together...I wasn't sure it was in reference to the Economists or the iif. Can someone do a search at the iif for that post/poll? I would but it seems that I have been banned because I copied paynes1 info on the Marshall Plan. So be careful people about copying stuff from iif because we have a little snoopy spy amongst us tattling to the mods over there.

    Last edited by DayDream; 12-11-2006 at 03:33 AM.
    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  9. #22769
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile My first WOOOOOOOTTTTTTT

    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    Okay folks--let's chill a minute here...I'll be the first one to run naked through the complex if we wake up tomorrow morning and we're millionaires...but we might not see it tomorrow morning...the forex doesn't open up until Australia wakes up at approx. 5pm EST, if not then maybe when New York wakes up at 8 or 9 am EST.

    All I'm sayin is don't nobody do nuthin rash ( a triple negative!) if we wake up to another groundhog day of waiting and watching....

    Hi ordinaryseawoman,

    It could very well be Monday that we find out when New York wakes up but I will still have a peek tomorrow. But if not on Monday I think I will fly to Baghdad and try and give them a lesson in logic and how to prevent Civil War because if they give the gift without an RV I do not think the green zone will help they will have to duck and run.

    This is my first!!!!!


    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  10. #22770
    Banned D-Day's Avatar
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    Talking Another Good News Site...

    On Iraq - Keyword

    Peruse it & check out the MEMRI Video where an Iraqi praises America & absolutely blasts the arab ways. Here it is... Video of Iraqi MP praising America and slamming Arab Culture (MEMRI)

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