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  1. #22821
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post

    I see you are logged on. Any news from Rolls Royce and the Kurds? Would you expect to see the first news of the reval in the CBI rate or somewhere else?
    rr was on here last night or the night before to let us know that nobody is talkin anymore because they were wrong twice and they are now embarrassed and you wont be getting any more info from there until AFTERWARDS. so look alive for something from him tonite, lol!!

    first news i havent a clue about but i would think that we wont know until the auction posts IF it does or until some news starts leaking out.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #22822
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    at 1:1 rent for 200 fils a month would be approx. .20 per meter per month. im not sure what a rental actually would run but i would say it makes it more likely the dinar will be closer to $2. in my calculations.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  3. #22823
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    Debt relief from the Saudi's is such a double standard. On the one hand they say they will give debt relief but you can bet they are holding plenty of dinars. They only spoke of debt relief when they were assured that they really wouldn't have to give up any money at all. They waited until they were assured they wouldn't really be giving up anything. The rest of the world, the non arab world forgives the debt"way back when", and the saudi's only now grudgingly "forgive" their debt. They can't even forgive debt to their brethren. It's all about the money and they are the worst of the lot.

  4. #22824
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    It's now just after 7:30 am in Baghdad. 1. At what time would any news come out on the CBI rate. 2. Historically has news in the Gazzett been morning or afternoon? 3. Would we expect to hear anything from an official news source for the US Government in Iraq?
    Thanks to all for every post. I'll be up through the night watching the forum with great anticipation. Hope tomorrow is "Transition" for all of us.
    it is now 8am in baghdad. auction should post by 11:30 their time and on the site by 12:00 their time for all to see. that is IF they post one. havent a clue how they are going to go about this. i assume we will all find out together!!! woOt!!!!!!!!!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #22825
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    rr was on here last night or the night before to let us know that nobody is talkin anymore because they were wrong twice and they are now embarrassed and you wont be getting any more info from there until AFTERWARDS. so look alive for something from him tonite, lol!!

    first news i havent a clue about but i would think that we wont know until the auction posts IF it does or until some news starts leaking out.
    SGS, Thank you. RR should not be embarrassed. I for one look forward to his posts very much. To have a contact with actual feet on the ground in Iraq is priceless. I wish he would log on and give us his input on tomorrows possibilities. Thanks again.

  6. #22826
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    rr was on here last night or the night before to let us know that nobody is talkin anymore because they were wrong twice and they are now embarrassed and you wont be getting any more info from there until AFTERWARDS. so look alive for something from him tonite, lol!!

    first news i havent a clue about but i would think that we wont know until the auction posts IF it does or until some news starts leaking out.
    Baghdad Time: 08:05am, 11/12/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1465.63 IQD ^

  7. #22827
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    from iif

    New Member Join Date: Mar 2006
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    Multiplying your investment by 1000's not unheard of...


    This is in response to all the talk from folks (AKA "naysayers") about how the NID could never appreciate 10, 100 or even 1500 times (that's 150,000%, which would = 1.02 NID to the U.S. Dollar).

    I just had to share an article I read this monring in my TRADER Monthly magazine, Oct/Nov issue, 2006, page 48. It told of a trader who purchased long call options (done on the S&P 500 futures market in March of 2001), which were about to expire that day, for $.80 each (he purchased 1100 of them = $880.) By lunch, each option was worth $2,000. and he got out with over $2,000,000. (yes, as in million!).

    By the end of the day, the same call options were worth more than $5,000. each. Meaning that an investment that day of say $750. (a fair price by the way for a million NID) would be have appreciated more than 6,250 times, not percent, TIMES!!! That $750. investment would have been worth more than four and a half million dollars by the end of the day.

    Now, this was John Person's 'personal best trade' and it requires guts and a few financial market stars in alignment. But the point I'm making is that these things DO happen in the financial markets and currency trading is no exception.

    So, it's not that is isn't possible for the NID to appreciate or RV enormously. I just hope we're not like the land rush speculators that moved to Texas in the early to mid 1800's. Yea, they were in the right place, they just had to wait 50 to 75 years to benefit from the oil beneath their feet.


    P.S. I am nothing more than a fellow speculator hoping/believing/wishing/praying that this event will change our lives forever (i.e., I'm not a dealer trying to pump up the masses in order to benefit from increased hope). And I'm not actually praying for the Dinar to hit - it's going to do what it's going to do and God isn't involved, i.e., it's not his job. What I pray for is His wisdom to invest and spend wisely for the sake of my family and those I will be called to reach out to.

  8. #22828
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    So this 200 fils has me thinking and i read this again. I think what they are saying is that the rent will be 100,000 dinar a year Plus 200 fils ber sqaure meter they are using. Now how much space is this that they are renting ? Not sure how the side walks factor in but if they are talking about renting space at Iraq's port my guess is this would cost a pretty penny !! and a $100,000 rent a year might be a bargin !


    He reviewed the Minister of Energy Sheikh Ali Jarrah ministry plans to face any emergency in the electric current in 2007-2008, He stressed the need to buy gas turbines for the promotion of electric power.
    He also reviewed a draft three repeater stations in the perjury and boys.
    The Council adopted allowing firms to hire 42 quays in the ports of Shuwaikh and Shuaiba, It reviewed and Communications Minister Dr. Immune blessed the Ports Corporation's proposal to reconsider the decree renting sidewalks, The determination of the amount of 100 thousand dinars per sidewalk, and 200 fils per square meter than annually.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    A quay, pronounced "key", is a wharf or bank where ships and other vessels are loaded. The word is commonly used in Britain, and its French language counterpart Quai is common in francophone countries, but it is rather rare in everyday usage elsewhere.
    Oh the drama....

  9. #22829
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    Cool 32 minutes later.......

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    Baghdad Time: 08:05am, 11/12/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1465.63 IQD ^
    Baghdad Time: 08:37am, 11/12/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1465.63 IQD ^

  10. #22830
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    The first political document : Mecca : backgrounds and results (2 - 1)
    D. Salah Abdel Razaq * Member of the drafting of the document The idea of the document : The idea of convening a meeting of Muslim Scholars, the Iraqi view to issuing a religious document cessation of violence and killings in Iraq. at the ninth meeting of the Conference of the Iraqi neighboring states held in Tehran in 2007 / July 7. As the Secretary-General of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Mr. Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (Turkey) The idea presented on the conference, although the organization is adopting the initiative. The idea was welcomed by the participating countries, including Iraq, where he was Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari headed the Iraqi delegation. Subsequently, the organization sent a political advisor Mohamed Mahdi Fathallah (Egyptian) for the secretary general to Iraq , where he met many scientists and politicians of the Sunnis and Shiites to get their views on the possibility of a meeting in Mecca aims to announce a statement or an era contribute to the cessation of sectarian violence, based on Islamic principles agreed upon. In my meeting with him, Mr. ogly : Mr. Zebari called on the initiative, He told me that he wanted to consult the Prime Minister. In New York we met on the sidelines of the meetings of the Organization of the United Nations, I said to him : I want to be meeting in Mecca and the month of Ramadan. , and requested him to nominate two of each party to the membership of the Preparatory Committee. The Organization of the Islamic Conference : The Organization of the Islamic Conference is the only international organization at the present time, based on religious affiliation. The organization was founded in the wake of the al-Aqsa mosque fire, which happened on the 1969 / 8 / 31, This enraged the Islamic street, The payment Muslim countries to hold a summit meeting in September 22, 1969 in Rabat. the capital of Morocco. The summit was attended by delegations representing the Islamic Twenty-five State, led by presidents and kings. while missing by Gamal Abdel Nasser. and Yasser Arafat, who found it difficult to participate because some countries refused to grant the right to full membership in the Conference. The organization held several conferences, where was conceived and principles in the Muhammad in the 1970 / April 2 at the Jeddah in 1972 / April 3 were discussed articles of the Charter of the Organization. The basic principles of the Charter is to establish the general principles of international law that are consistent with the provisions of Islamic Sharia. It is the organization's headquarters in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Academy International Islamic jurisprudence : Since the document of a religious jurisprudents illegal, They felt that the compound Islamic fiqh Bank sponsored the formulation stage of the document. Since the complex doctrinal comprising a large number of Muslim Scholars representing more than fifty Muslim country, and belonging to the Islamic sects known (the tap, Malta, Hanbali, jurisprudence, the Shiite front, Ziadieh, Alabazih and superficially). The academy was founded doctrinal decision of the Islamic Summit Conference held in Mecca in 1981 / 1 / 28, but he did not complete only when the founding conference in Mecca in 1983 / September 7, then the first scientific conference held in Jeddah in 1984 / 11 / 22, where was appointed bodies, departments and the foundation, and the executive regulation of the functioning of the complex. The academy aims to achieve the will of the nation's Islamic unity in theory and in practice in accordance with the provisions of Islamic Sharia, and scholars and scientists predict that the nation based on the Koran and the honorable, and to enable Muslims to confront the problems of contemporary life, providing appropriate solutions derived from the Islamic Shariah through diligence and the inherent right, The codification of Islamic jurisprudence, The establishment of research centers for Islamic Studies. The compound annual sessions held to provide research and studies that focus on certain terms being discussed from several points of view and from the perspective of many platforms and doctrines, so that kept the subject in all its aspects. Often the research focused on contemporary issues such as the ownership problems, business, insurance, Ijtihad in Muslim society today, judicial systems and others. The Preparatory Committee for the document Mecca : On the day of the 2006 / July 10 the Preparatory Committee met in the headquarters compound of international Islamic fiqh headed by the Secretary-General of the Organization Mr. Ahsan ogly and Secretary of the compound Sheikh Mohammed Habib Ben and assist the Report, Sheikh Muhammad Ali Taskhiri, and advisers from the organization, in addition to the Iraqi delegation which was composed of Dr. Salah Abdul Razak, Sheikh Jalal Al-Din small and Sheikh Mahmood Sumaida'ie, Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abdul Jabbar. Mr. ogly speech, in which : (to discuss the matter swords and speeches serious pain to us, and we were reluctant to him, to reflect the solutions to remove these uncertainties, reflected this darkness). He pointed out that (a hands hidden sensitivities fueled sectarianism, which, including ominous spreading). Turning (many of the attempts and initiatives offices that have been made to stop the hurricane devastation and bloodshed collapsed, to no avail), He also pointed out (that the threat of deliberately flat deepening sectarian differences, sectarian and recruited as an actor in the grinding cycle of fighting and massacres would not-God forbid-to fierce internal wars, mortgage fate of the whole of Iraq, but to destroy all stripes, when deepening hatred and strife, The reasons that mutual retaliation), and pointed to the initiative of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, where he said (we must promote a particular effort in this difficult path, and the work of sincere, for God's sake, Aware of the responsibility which is on us to God and the Islamic nation, and before history, trying to eliminate these sedition before to increase this figure). The ogly foundations and Islamic concepts, which has been adopted in the preparation of the drafting of the document, then added (Hidana has searched for the means and solutions to what is going on in Iraq, to that those who order religion scholars and thinkers, It is the highest religious authorities, imams and the Muftis and the imperative, The duty and the duty of each and every one of them whatever his or cycle to address these sedition). He also pointed out that (at this address should be based on a standard agreed upon by everyone, included in the same message, or the one obvious items, clear including unequivocal, based on the provisions of the Koran, and conversations tradition of the Prophet). He added (based on the Charter principles of Islamic teachings. , which are shared by all religious denominations of Shiites and Sunnites. a comprehensive overview is no room for any doubt or suspicion) and on the role of the complex international Islamic fiqh in the document said Mr. ogly (We have entrusted the complex, which is a subsidiary organs of the organization, The all Islamic sects, The currency purely professional manner, striptease on prejudice, and bias on resound, The work reflected in their full objectivity and transparency). His then (this action will be tantamount to a declaration and an appeal to the whole world to prove that all Muslims are capable of resolving their own problems, without outside help, and we are determined to agree on whether the word thing, in the nexus of Islamic bond which unites the hearts, combining the diaspora, The order of Virtue and prohibit evil), and talked with members of the Iraqi delegation welcomed the initiative of the organization and their willingness to cooperate and interact with the preparation of a document contribute to the cessation of violence in Iraq. The drafting of the document : The selection of the members of the drafting of the document, which included both Dr. Salah Abdul Razak, Sheikh Mahmood Sumaida'ie, secretary general of the Islamic fiqh complex, and his deputy, and the decision and adviser. The Committee met for two days to discuss the bases and principles to be included in the document. The general atmosphere of concern and responsibility, commitment and cooperation in the discussions. The academy members were providing support doctrinal and jurisprudential language in the consolidation of the ideas on paper. and Takaidha through inferred rejection with some verses and traditions. Faithful to their objectivity, transparency and great interest. In the document, we have tried to address the most important aspects of violence in Iraq Kaltkver murder, torture, kidnapping and displacement, and the destruction and confiscation of property, and incitement to such acts, , and the release of innocent prisoners and the trial of the convicted, and the call to unity and cooperation and national cohesion and Islamic brotherhood. In 8 / 10 / 2006 before the drafting of the document is reached by the preparatory committee, where it was discussed items, and any modification or addition by the agreement after all. Since that day the document was not exposed to any amendment at all. even signed in 2006 / 10 / 20. The document was sent to the religious leaders and senior scholars in the Islamic world to learn and pronounce itself of its articles. Mr. Sistani document : In response to a call by Secretary General of the Organization to Ayatollah Sayyid Ali al-Sistani (long shadow) sightings sent a letter dated 22 Ramadan 1427 Aj / approved 2006 / 10 / 16 I have delivered to Mr. Ahsan ogly. as explained sightings his mind when he (welcomed the draft document, It calls on everyone to be protected). That, in and of itself, forcing the need to respect and implement the content of the document. This is a sufficient reference to those who obey and be found to Islam and the religious references adults, Although the sightings had confirmed the sanctity of Iraqi blood, both in his previous statement, the last of 22 AH 1427 Aj afterlife, or in this letter, as discussed later. Contrary to be created that there is a sectarian conflict in Iraq confirmed sightings (that there is a sectarian conflict in Iraq between the sons of the Sunnis and Shiites, but there is a political crisis. and there is sectarian violence to obtain certain gains. Moreover, the practices Altkverein who seek to fan the flames of conflict between the different parties in the service of their known). He stressed the importance of sightings renounce violence in all its forms and to resort to constructive dialogue to address differences and problems. where calls sons of the Iraqi people, saying (requires getting out of the current crisis a clear and sincere commitment from all parties sponsored by the sanctity of Iraqi blood whatever) any blood all, Sunni and Shiite, Muslims and non-Muslims. Everyone and their lives endangered and protected, The attack by religiously and great crime. Sightings then adds, describing some scenes of violence, where the daily says (and multiplexers to stop violence in all its forms, the absence of so-and forever, God Almighty-scenes of car bombs and random executions, the campaigns of displacement, so of the tragic images) then sketch sightings alternative to all this when he says (and replaced by [these] - scenes cooperation with the national government elected-scenes constructive dialogue to resolve the crisis and outstanding differences on the basis of fairness and justice and equality among all the sons of this homeland in rights and duties. away from the conflict and authoritarian control sectarian and ethnic). Eminence looks to bright future bright start from a stop the violence and resolve differences and the administration of justice and equality, This will pave the exit of foreign occupation forces and achieve national sovereignty when he says (in the hope that this might be a first step toward the restoration of full sovereignty to the Iraqis their country. and pave a better future era of security, stability, progress and prosperity the help of God, the Almighty bless). The organization received letters of support from Sheikh Bashir Najafi and Sheikh Mohammed have deployed and Mr. Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah, The Sheikh of Al-Azhar Mohamed Sayed Tantawi, Sheikh Youssef Al-Qaradawi and Dr. Abdul Karim Zidan judge Ahmed (Chairman of the Islamic Group in Pakistan) and Dr Ali before (chairman of the scientists Sudan). It also issued formal statements of Jordan and the Gulf Cooperation Council and Iran welcomes the document. Explain and document Mecca : During the discussion of the formulation of the items of the document, it was agreed to a set of rules are : 1. Have been formulated in the language of religious opinions and content. 2. That is based on Koranic verses and traditions agreed. 3. To write in language that is clear and understandable does not accept the interpretation away from the visible text. To write what is agreed upon by representatives of the two doctrines in Iraq. The preamble of the document : The preamble speaks about the deteriorating security conditions in Iraq as being an attack on the life and property. And clearly indicate that these actions accompanied by (lawsuits confused chaste Islam, and Islam is completely innocent). This is what we see and hear statements by terrorist groups, which raise Islamic slogans (God is great) during the slaughter of hostages, or reading a statement by the Group of the faceless, hesitation by the likes of Quranic verses (where you fight), (Kill the infidels and all) and others. All are meant to persuade the viewer and the Iraqi citizen that what these groups is the implementation of the provisions of Islamic Sharia, and they are people loyal to their religion and faith, What they are doing is obedience to the rulers of Islamic countries. These terrorist groups seek to legitimize the atrocities committed. They committed so many mistakes legitimacy including : 1. It does not have legitimate authority in the implementation of penal provisions. This was agreed to by the Sunni and Shiite sects. since the implementation of the provisions and Mukul retaliation to the Authority or the State or the legitimate ruler. 2. That judgment should be made by the judge owns legitimacy, Through sound judicial procedures. This is not available to the victims, where can not defend himself in any form, but being tortured and markets such as sheep to slaughter. look on the force. 3. Who is that these brutal crimes of murder, torture and displacement heresy and the confiscation and destruction of property, people who are not specialists in forensic science. As the amir of the group, or one Mchaikhha who had taught at the University College of Islamic religious or death sentencing, but mostly, hardly spoken Koranic verses correctly understand how their meanings or devise its provisions. Most of the youth who studied some literature chieftains extremist groups which lacked much of the scientific legitimacy. They have also drawn some of the provisions which suit their whim and policy forgetting that Islam is indivisible, The provisions of Sharia complement each other, We can split the provisions of the spirit of Islam. The first item : The document, a certificate of Islam, which is the rights of Islam. And then the longer Muslims enjoyed all the rights and duties of legitimacy and civil and political rights enshrined in the Islamic Shariah. As the blood and property and introducing prohibited, may not be violated or untouchable under any circumstances, except as provided for in the provisions of Sharia criminal justice, and money, according sound judicial procedures. Some may say that this is a text which forms the difference in him, It is not a new text, but is one of the precepts of the Sharia rules. Yes, this is true, but it is known that the Islamic Sharia sides : I called the ruling a fatwa. It is here : the pronunciation of each of the certificates is Muslim. The other side, and most importantly, it is the subject of any government source. Here is confusion in the identification of : Is this man is a Muslim. Is any consideration of the Shiite Muslim year? Is the Sunni Muslim Shiites consideration? Does any provision applies to the subject? (bracketed texts drawn from the document.) The document stresses at no uncertain terms that it (is religiously impermissible for one of the propositions that disbelieves one of the other sect), any would not accept claims by some chieftains of terrorist groups, Some Muslim clerics States that this team is newly, may killed followers, and Spie women and confiscate its assets. These opinions published and signed by the owners; , which justifies the killing of some followers of other sects. The second item : Building on the premise that (the blood of the Muslims and their money and endangered them religiously) document explains the practical application of this jurisprudential rule stating that when (not be subjected to Muslim Shiite or Sunni) It provides for the determination described it not do to hurt him and two Shiite and Sunni. This includes both belong to these two propositions, whether Sunnis or Hanafia Shafaya or Malkia or Henbelia, or was a Shiite or Zedia outpost. It also includes men and women, children and young girls and old, and Sheikh Sayyid, any includes all ages and both sexes. The document then prevailing manifestations of violence such as : 1-(murder) 2 - (abuse) and the torture-3 (aggression on the property). Also addressing the issue of forced displacement, which increased its pace in 2006, where states : 4 - (forced to leave his country or place of residence). The document then states the issue of abduction forms He states : 5 - (or abducted) 6 - (hostage taking of people) in order to force him to pay a ransom or Thjerh or reprisal or any other purpose. In addition to the sanctity of such acts as stated in the introduction to the item, The document reaction to the socio-Forensic who commits such acts, so would not receive any social support or sympathy because he (does it acquitted him custody of all Shiite Muslims and opponents and our duty), any family disowned him and his people, scientists and laymen, all Muslims. A person is socially unacceptable, does not help anyone. it does not provide aid, not sympathize with whatever actions allegedly raising slogans, for that person who has committed great wrongs. March sins and the penalty. The third item : The document emphasizes the importance of respect for the role of worship, which include the two mosques and holy sites, shrines and religious shrines where prayers are held. and stating the name of God. The Lord calls people to annihilate itself. And privacy extends to places of worship of non-Muslims living in Iraq, as citizens and partners in the nation, with the Muslims. And some groups have committed terrorist attacks on some churches in Baghdad and Mosul pretext or another, in order to create panic among the people of these communities, and forcing them to leave Iraq. This is rejected by the Islamic Shariah, which stresses the sanctity of money and the lives and symptoms of non-Muslims living in an Islamic society. or who visit or provide to the Islamic countries for work, study and trade, and other relief. This item also refers to the case of mosques and Hussainiyat usurped from the original owners, It is of two types : I Shiite mosques, which usurped the ousted regime and remained the hands of the year. The two mosques occupied by Shiite groups after the attack on the threshold military in Samarra, in the 2006 / 2 / 22. The document also addresses the issue of Waqf, which did not solve a large part of them. Since it is known that there are a large group of the Shiite Waqf, which usurped the Ministry of Awqaf and cancellations caused by, and oversaw the administration, did not respect the stumpage value of the requirement, these funds still far from its rightful guardian. Therefore, the document that (the endowments as required by their owners) must achieve any of the suspensive condition that the sentence street. As implied Endowments, which lacks arguments Awqaf lost during the fall or hid staff of the Ministry of Awqaf canceled some time, or they changed it. This is confirmed by stating that the document (known custom Kamushrot condition). The fourth item : This item deals with crimes committed on the basis of sectarian, any attack on that man because he belongs to a doctrine of non-doctrine of the offender. The victim is not his fault. not entered in any case, dispute or disagreement political or financial or security or other. Perhaps the moment created somewhere in time, Sidon, which make it easy falling into the hands of terrorists. It may be a passer, or passenger car, or customers when Barber, or buy bread from the bakery, which was being attacked, or a woman walking in the market, the presence or patients in the clinic of a doctor being targeted. They are often catching prey such as their location, or through visible signs like clothes or carrying pictures of sectarian, or the book calls for, or tape Marathi Shiite shrine. It also exposed some of car passengers to searches of clothing, luggage, and ask them personal identities, where are identified doctrine of the place of birth or the name of the person or his father dialing the letters. The document these crimes that affect innocent women, youth, children and the elderly as corruption in the land, It is a serious criminal offense, punishable by Islamic law. As decided document two facts : First : that (embrace the doctrine is not a justification for murder or aggression). Two : uncles sanctity of the crime committed by a person of a particular doctrine to all followers of this doctrine, Thus revenge against any person belonging to that doctrine, they take innocent lost offender. This is a great sin and a crime great. Section V : This item addresses some unacceptable behaviors such as Islamic religious sensibilities through innuendo and slander ceremonies and religious rites and beliefs, and habits that may characterized by a certain doctrines, for example, there mockery and ridicule by some people distributing food in the days of Ashura, or making fun of processions and assemblies and other Husseinieh. It also means some strings on national, linguistic and national ridicule of the Muslim religion, or other Iraqi citizen, the other, in addition to the misrepresentation of certain geographic locations or urban areas, releasing titles such as not approved by the other (Sharuki Almaide (f)), and others, or describes a social group or a national bad qualities. Some would describe a doctrine of using unacceptable such as (the Shiites) and (Shahs) and (clients Magi (f) Alnwasab) and others.
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - æËíÞÜÜÉ ãßÜÜÜÉ: ÇáÎáÝíÜÜÜÇÊ æÇáäÊÜÜÜÇÆÌ ( 1 - 2 )

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