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    جريدة الصباح - العراق يحتل المرتبة الأخيرة في الإنتاج والتصدير
    Economic : Iraq ranked last in the production and export

    It is the second country in the world possessing oil reserve In the third report of transparency to the Office of the Inspector General in the Ministry of Oil Baghdad-Yasser incumbent A report transparency third issued by the Office of the Inspector General at the Oil Ministry said Iraq lost revenues estimated at more than 24 billion dollars for the period between 2004 until mid-2000. The report pointed out that the export depends on the levels of production volume of crude oil which has fluctuated from a plan for the three years mentioned. The report pointed out that the planned production for 2004 at 2.686 million barrels a day was made with actual production of 1.995 barrels / day and 691 thousand barrels a difference Losses have been estimated at 21.829 million dollars per day. The planned production for 2005 was at 2.427 million b / m, while the actual production 1.856 million b / m and 571 thousand barrels a difference and losses estimated at 25.99 million dollars. Such is the case in the first half of 2006 was 2.665 million barrels planned and verified 1.950 million barrels and 715 thousand barrels a difference and losses estimated at 40.66 million dollars and brings the total losses of 24 billion dollars. The report attributes the reasons for the low levels of crude oil production to other problems and obstacles, including the lack of implementation of the relevant investment plans to increase production. The report alluded to the percentages achieved in the implementation of projects of the investment plan for the oil sector that produced the report, the results of counting closed as the specialties annual investment in 2005 at 450 billion dinars, $ 1.7 billion, in 2006 amounted to 632 billion dinars of $ 3.1 billion. While the actual annual spending for 2005 at 160 billion dinars, or 5.942 billion in 2006 actual spending was 108.05 billion dinars 5.215 billion dollars, the ratio of annual achievement as follows in 2005 by 36% local and 55% foreign, and in 2006 accounted for 17% of achievement domestic and 6.9% foreign. The report points out that among the reasons for the low level of implementation of projects due to delays in the release of financial payments from the Ministry of Finance, bold and the reluctance of international companies and contractors to participate in the bidding, behind the implementation of the projects to ensure the American side and weak coordination between the Ministry and the oil companies affiliated to it and find materials processing applications contracted part of the Memorandum of Understanding with the United Nations. The lack of sufficient flexibility to the oil companies in the field of contracting and referral of the bids it requires the implementation of many projects and ministerial approvals, and approval by the Council of Ministers. As well as the failure of Oil Projects Company in the implementation of projects allocated to it and poor follow-up and accountability by the ministry on the implementation of projects with the oil companies affiliated to it. That report focused on other reasons for the low levels of production, including low productivity wells producing oil and the failure to develop new oilfields and draining wells. All of this led to the expansion of productive capacity. The report also stressed that the lack of transparency III flexibility necessary for the export of crude oil, one of the reasons for continuing low levels due to the lack of export capacities Khazneh, The damaged pumping stations Chairperson and systems problems and weak export electrical power generators and depending on the national network intermittent discharge systems and the loss of flexibility and others, the report concluded that the pipe crude oil and oil wells to sabotage addition to the lack of benefit from the fields of Iraq border Yeh and exploitation of the neighboring countries behind these failures and the decline in the export of crude oil as Iraq possesses fields runs along the border with the neighboring countries. And Iran, Syria, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The report states that there is the developer and productive fields and the seven discovered fields and nostalgia. Synthesis and 11 hitherto seismic survey and engraved with Iran either with Syria are one field developers and producer and famous Mcchvan and engraved and discovered five runs and nostalgia, There are two famous Matoran, and 4 discovered and dug and the discoverer of one installation and engraved with the State of Kuwait, with Saudi Arabia are discovered six runs and nostalgia. The report emphasized that the former conflict with neighboring countries led to a lack of hard work for, and implementation. The transitional periods in their planning and follow-up of the oil sector are the causes of the decline, according to the report. The report concluded that Iraq, which possesses the second or third among the nations of the world in the volume of its oil reserves and retreated to the last rank in the production and export.

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  2. #22842
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    جريدة الصباح - غرفة التجارة والصناعة العراقية - الاميركية تعقد مؤتمرا عن الاستثمار في كردستان
    Economic : the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi-American held a conference on investment in Kurdistan

    Baghdad-Haider spring An official with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi-American chamber plans to hold its third of the investment under the banner of (investment in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. Prospects for present and future) in the city of Sulaymaniyah. The official media in the room, Dr. Fouad Hani in a press statement that this conference will highlight the economic reality in Kurdistan and the size of the projects that have been implemented by the public and private sectors before and after the issuance of the Investment Law in the Iraqi Kurdistan region in addition to the presentation of future plans the ministries of the territorial government. Fuad added that the conference will be the presentation of a working paper by an investment in the Kurdistan region to clarify the implementation of the law on investment in the province, and its submission of legal guarantees for investors and land titling, which will be held by an investment project with multiple areas of investment in various sectors and not covered Afaeat tax and customs. He pointed out that the ministries of the government of the Kurdistan region will be working papers containing plans and future projects which seek to attract investors to be implemented in various sectors such as building and construction projects and public services and the work of the municipal water and sewage and roads and bridges and extension of electricity networks and advancement of a transport, communications and strategic planning for the Kurdistan region. Mentioned that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Iraqi-American had filed several conferences, such as the first on the sidelines of the first international exhibition of Kurdistan, which was held in September of last year the city of Erbil as well as the promotion of investment in the second Irbil.

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  3. #22843
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    جريدة الصباح - مجلــس محافظــة ميســــان يعلن عن فتح مشاريع الاستثمار
    Economic : Maysan Governorate Council announced the opening of investment projects

    Maysan-Sabah Engineer Mohan What Shabib Chairman of the Construction and Development in the Maysan Governorate Council's readiness to provide the necessary facilities to investors in the province. He added : we are ready to provide all the facilities for investors from the administrative and technical aspects in the field of transport and to take the necessary action after the completion of archives and special permits in order to encourage investment in this process, including the preservation of its resources and the data will contribute to bringing about a qualitative change in the reality of maintaining the the political and economic aspects.

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  4. #22844
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    Economic : the privatization of the Iraqi economy between refusal and acceptance

    The name Abdul Hadi Hassan The theme of the relationship between the public and private sectors is not new and have already occupied the top of the economic literature at the international level in the 1950s but the new thing is that the deal comes amid international circumstances and facts differ radically from those that the world knew in that period. In Iraq, and due to the conditions experienced during recent decades and the impact of the negative effects on the reality of the economy, especially in the years of embargo and caused a serious deterioration in the structure of the productive and service components of the process of privatization is one of the policies in question is within the range of policies to meet the rapid deterioration in the economy. This shift comes after the Iraq Central Administration for nearly three decades, although it has limited experience in the implementation of decentralization in some economic activities since the late 1980s of the last century, but the question remains : Will the process of privatization is the magic solution to address the problems facing the Alaghtasse Ed Iraq? and if so, why not applied so far? and what are the chances of the success of privatization in the light of the current political and security?. The past two decades have witnessed many arguments between supporters and opponents of privatization based supporters to the agreement, As opposed by others on the negative repercussions One of the most important advantages to achieve economic efficiency, Supporters of privatization shows that the private sector is more efficient in the management of projects compared with the results achieved by the public sector during the course of his work as well as the expansion of production through the entry of a greater number of producers to the economy and increase economic affairs interested and encourage savings and attract foreign investment and national Adh the scourge to the revitalization and development of the financial market and reduce the size of the public debt and increase government efficiency in the management of public enterprises and develop the skills of the remaining workers, which imposed competition and trade openness. The main disadvantages are the increase in unemployment (in the short term) and the concentration of wealth, particularly in the case of privatized enterprises in the hands of a few bourgeois as well as draining the national wealth, which often occur in the case of projects in the hands of foreign investors, according to assess weak privatized projects. The consequences of privatization vary according to the characteristics of the economies of the countries have applied and those characteristics : 1-percentage contribution from both the public and private sectors in the composition of GDP. 2-administrative efficiency and productivity enjoyed by both sectors. 3-degree of trade openness of the country. 4-unemployment rate and extent of the state's ability to absorb it. Five-size private savings and the efficiency of the financial market. 6-number of enterprises to be privatized and size. 7-economic and political stability. Based on what progress we can say that the privatization of the Iraqi economy at this stage facing serious problems mainly the absence of clear strategic vision, as evidenced by the formation of the disbanding of the Commission of privatization and more than once during the past three years, as well as the crisis of security and political vacuum and its negative impacts on the economic side, which requires the postponement of privatization at the present time and the gradual shift to the future through advance planning, especially for investment returns expected to amortize part of the domestic public debt, as well as the importance of such proceeds P j promote productive projects needed by Iraq in the coming stage. On the other hand, according to the characteristics of the Iraqi economy, preferably use the following methods : 1-selling small enterprises and non-task directly. 2-privatization of large enterprises and the management task to achieve production efficiency and increase profits (by the private sector) and at the same time maintaining an efficient distribution (in the public sector). 3-privatization of the management and ownership of projects that require a high technological capacity through the sale to a foreign investor with the requirement in the contract of sale on the contribution of Iraqi manpower in the project, as did South Korea. Finally, it must be emphasized on the gradual shift in this area, in a shift away from the shock and to the success of this process should involve all the parties concerned of academics and technocrats and do not forget the required outreach to the public in order to neutralize the ideological direction and the line of substantive work only Over that will support the success of the process.
    جريدة الصباح - خصخصة الاقتصاد العراقي بين الرفض والقبول

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  5. #22845
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    جريدة الصباح - اليابــان تعتــزم تقديــم قــرض إلى العراق
    Iraq : Japan intends to provide a loan to Iraq

    Baghdad-Sabah Announced that the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs that her country intends to offer a loan to Iraq worth two million Japanese 20199 for the development of engineering services in the Basra Refinery project and the rehabilitation fertilizer plant in Khor Al-Zubair. A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received (morning) copy yesterday that the Japanese Foreign Minister stressed that despite the withdrawal of his country's troops from Iraq, Japan will continue to support efforts to rebuild Iraq. In the same context, he said the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Japanese Mr. Akira Amari after his meeting with the Minister of Oil, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani said that "Iraq is an indispensable partner for Japan being one of the sources of energy." The ministers confirmed in a statement that Machchtrk deepen bilateral cooperation in these projects would help to strengthen relations between the two countries and to provide for the needs of Japan's energy. To this, Toyota officials expressed their desire to cooperate with Iraq because of the importance it represents the Iraqi market came during the visit by Iraq's Ambassador in Tokyo Ghanim Alwan Al Jumaili to the headquarters of the company and one of the largest the company's factories in the cities of Nagoya and Toyota, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received T. (morning) copy yesterday. The two sides discussed the cooperation between Iraq and Toyota particularly in light of the special relationship that had existed between the two parties. Ambassador urged company officials to seriously consider returning to the Iraqi market because of the size and potential. It also proposed the idea of a company to establish a factory for Toyota products in Iraq serves the general area of the Middle East

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  6. #22846
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    Iraq : Presidential Council ratified the Law of inclusion
    Sadik of the Presidency to the modulation and by the number 12 for 2006 on the basis of what passed the House of Representatives with the provisions of Paragraph I of Article 61 of the Constitution. The law loading or employee in charge of public service or public or private company or contractor of liability for damages suffered by the public sector due to its fault or negligence and violating the laws, regulations and instructions. The following is the text of the law : The name of the people of the Presidency Based on the approved by the House of Representatives in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of the first article, first session of the Constitution, based on the provisions of paragraph (V / a) of article one hundred eight and the 30th of the Constitution. Council decided the presidency Assembly at its meeting on 2 / 11 / 2006 issued the following law : No. (12) of 2006 The inclusion Article (1) : Bear employee or designated public service or public or private company or contractor of liability for damages suffered by the public sector due to neglect or default or violation of laws and regulations and instructions. Article (2) : A competent minister or head of the non-related to the Ministry of the investigative committee of at least three members with expertise and competence and be one of its members, a legal officer to determine the amount of modulation and responsible for the damage provided for in Article (1) of this law and the gravity of the wrong committed, whether deliberate or intentional, on the for use in the vicinity of the competent official. Article (3) : A competent minister or head of the non-related to the Ministry of its decision on the recommendations of the committee formed under Article (2) of this Act. Article (4) : Reimburse employee or designated public service or the company or the contractor in the amount of modulation one package and the competent minister or head of the non-approval of the Ministry of amortized for a period not exceeding five (5) years and for a bail guarantor of real estate. Article (5) : The implicit provided for in Article (1) of this law prosecution through the courts Badah (30) days from the date of notification by the decision of inclusion and a judgment rendered by a court could be appealed during the thirty (30) days from the date Seized by the Court of Appeal as discriminatory and the decision of the outcome of the appeal Bata and binding. Article (6) : The provisions of the Law of the collection of government debts No. (56) of 1977 contained in the case of failure to perform the amount of inclusion or non-inclusion appeal the decision according to Article (6) of this Act or non-payment of any portion of the premiums of his estate, and during a period not to exceed (30) days from the date of entitlement and longer installment abolitionist and deduct Alaksa i his estate, the remaining package. Article (7) : The provisions of this Act and assigned staff even after the end of their services for any reason. Article (8) : Repeal of the Revolutionary Command Council (degenerate) No. (176) in 13 / 10 / 1994 / (160), in 26 / 10 / 1997 and (81) in the June 14, 1998 and (100) in the June 22, 1999, (5) in the January 10 (202), in September 24, 2002. Article (9) : The finance minister issued instructions to facilitate the implementation of the provisions of this Act. Article (10) : This law implemented from the date of publication in the Official Gazette Tariq Al-Hashmi Adel Abdel Mahdi, Jalal Talabani Reasons Given that the provisions of the Revolutionary Command Council (degenerate) on the amplitude is not consistent with the changes and developments in the new Iraq, in order to make way for the judiciary to consider appeals from decisions of inclusion, launched this law.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس الرئاســة يصادق على قانون التضمين

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  7. #22847
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    جريدة الصباح - المشهداني يبحث سبل تفعيل الاتفاقيات الأمنية والاقتصادية مع ايران
    Political first : Almshahadani discuss ways of activating economic and security agreements with Iran

    Including national reconciliation and stability of the situation Baghdad-Sabah Speaker of the House of Deputies d. Mahmoud Almshahadani that Iran is a neighbor of Iraq and the task can play a positive role in stabilizing the security situation. According to a statement by the Chamber of Deputies received (morning) copy yesterday that Almshahadani transferred to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during their meeting yesterday On the sidelines of the meetings of parliamentary assemblies, the Asian Academy for Peace, which will begin its work today in the Iranian capital of Tehran with the participation of the Iraqi parliamentary delegation verbal message from the Iraqi government on the importance of activating the security agreements concluded earlier and assistance in security conditions in Iraq. He showed that he had been discussed ways to activate the security agreements and economic agreements between the two countries and the pledges made by the Iranian officials to support the political process and contribute to the success of the draft national reconciliation and to assist in stabilizing the situation in Iraq and participating in reconstruction projects during his previous visit to Iran. Dr.. Almshahadani that he found Mr. Nejad understanding of the importance of stability in Iraq and the impact on the stability of the entire region and looked forward to establishing better relations with its neighbor Iran. On the other hand, he met with Dr.. Almshahadani Iranian counterpart Gholamali Haddad Adel to discuss parliamentary relations between the two countries and regional and international issues of common concern.

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    Political first : the House hosts Prime Minister for the second time today

    To discuss the performance of some ministers and file security, economic and service Baghdad morning Hosting the House today the Prime Minister and the ministers of interior and defense for the second time this month to answer some questions and proposals made by deputies during the meeting last Wednesday. The MP Hassan Al-Sunaid said in a statement addressed by the (morning) yesterday : Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki did not have time during the meeting last Wednesday of the answer to the questions and proposals made by a number of deputies on the performance of some ministers and diagnosed some workshops administrative corruption in some government departments as well as clarifications on the security file and the economic and service. The Al-Sunaid that the Prime Minister will respond to questions submitted by some MPs about the existence of problems in the work and performance of some ministers expressing his belief Bahtmalih a cabinet reshuffle expected. Al-Sunaid said that today's meeting will also vote on the Law of the Electoral Commission in addition to the discussion of the general situation in the country. It was the House had hosted the meeting last Wednesday, the prime minister and ministers of defense and interior state of emergency was extended for another month.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس النواب يستضيف رئيس الوزراء للمرة الثانية اليوم

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    Default Ethnic Tensions Increasing In Oil-Rich City

    By Sumedha Senanayake
    Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
    November 2, 2006

    As the government committee charged with reversing the "Arabization" policy pursued in Kirkuk under former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein attempts to complete its constitutionally mandated task, ethnic tensions have increased as each community vies for control of the oil-rich northern city.

    Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution outlines a three-step process to remove and reverse the Hussein-era "Arabization" policy in Kirkuk. The Ba'athist regime took extreme measures in the 1980s and 1990s to expel Kurds, Turkomans, and Christians from the city, including the Anfal campaign, and replacing the indigenous population with Arabs. Post-Hussein governments have adopted a policy of "normalizing" Kirkuk through the repatriation of those displaced from their homes and the relocation of Arab settlers to nearby areas or to their traditional homes in the south.

    The next 18 months will be crucial for the future of Kirkuk, as the Kirkuk Normalization Committee will need to have completed its task and the question of which region the city should belong to will be answered by 2007, when a census and referendum will take place. This should determine whether Kirkuk will be annexed by the semi-autonomous Kurdish region in northern Iraq.

    Tensions Between Kurds, Turkomans

    While members of the committee charged with implementing Article 140 are meant to be impartial, tensions have broken out among different ethnic groups, who accuse the committee of being one-sided. Many of these accusations have come from representatives of non-Kurdish groups who believe that Article 140 only supports Kurdish interests.

    Under the pretext of reversing the forced Arabization campaign, more than 100,000 Kurds have returned to Kirkuk, thereby altering the city's demographics in their favor. Indeed, the implementation of Article 140 would most likely result in a Kurdish majority and Kirkuk will most likely be appropriated into the Kurdish autonomous region.

    Jamal Shan, the deputy head of the Iraqi Turkoman Front (ITC), said on October 2 that the implementation of Article 140 would be detrimental to the Turkomans because it would adversely affect the Turkoman areas, the Kurdish weekly "Hawlati" reported. The ITC is known to have strong ties to Turkey and holds three seats in parliament. "We will act as an obstacle in the way of implementing Article 140" because it will "endanger the geography of the Turkoman [territories]," Shan said.

    Conversely, the Kurds were angry when on October 21 Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki appointed a Turkoman to the committee after the Turkomans complained that Article 140 only served Kurdish interests, (see "RFE/RL Newsline," October 22, 2006). Qadir Aziz, a representative of Kurdistan Democratic Party leader Mas'ud Barzani, stressed that Kurds are the majority in Kirkuk "The decision was only meant to please the Turkoman Front," he said.

    Turkish, Iranian Apprehensions

    Turkey and Iran have voiced opposition to Article 140 and the upcoming referendum concerning Kirkuk, indicating that both Tehran and Ankara are well-aware of the current demographic situation in the city. At the same time, several Iraqi officials believe Turkey and possibly Iran are behind some of the recent violence in northern Iraq, especially in Kirkuk. Turkey has been quite vocal in its opposition to an expansion of the Kurdish autonomous region, let alone an independent Kurdish state. Ankara fears such a state would become a focal point of nationalism and separatism within its own Kurdish population, and oil-rich Kirkuk could be the foundation of a powerful future Kurdish economy. In addition, Turkey has consistently backed the Turkomans, who are ethnic Turks, and their historical claims to Kirkuk. This raises the suspicion among Iraq's Kurds that Turkey is interfering in Iraq's internal affairs by supporting Turkoman aspirations to counter Kurdish claims to the city.

    Iran, too, has a sizable Kurdish population and Iranian leaders have indicated they are not comfortable with an independent Kurdish state, but prefer a Shi'ite-led central government that they could influence. Iran and Turkey have cooperated for months in a military campaign against Turkish-Kurdish fighters holed up in the mountainous areas inside Iraqi territory. On September 5, Iran was accused of shelling the town of Mandali, deep in Iraqi territory, in an effort to oust anti-Iranian Kurdish guerrillas, international media reported.

    In response, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani issued a sharp warning in an interview with U.S. National Public Radio on September 25, that his government was prepared to support opposition groups in Iran, Turkey, and Syria if Iraq's neighbors did not stop interfering in its internal affairs, (see "RFE/RL Newsline,” September 26, 2006).

    "We are asking them [Iraq's neighbors] to stop interfering in our internal affairs, and especially the sovereignty and independence of Iraq," he said. "If the violence doesn't stop, the Iraqi people will support the opposition of other countries and will try to make trouble for them as they have done for us."

    Prospects For Kirkuk's Future

    September was seen as one of the bloodiest months in Kirkuk, as the city witnessed an unprecedented surge in violence. According to the U.S. military, there have been 20 suicide bombings and 63 roadside bombs since August. For many, the attacks were seen as a warning to stop the implementation of Article 140, as well as an attempt to accentuate the ethnic tensions within the city. The wave of violence has increased tensions among the Kurdish, Arab, and Turkoman populations, and the next 18 months may witness even more violence as the referendum nears.

    The stakes are extremely high. With Kirkuk housing the second-largest oil fields in Iraq and accounting for 70 percent of Iraq's natural-gas deposits, the issue of oil revenues further underscores the strategic importance of the city.

    Kirkuk, in a sense, is a microcosm of Iraq, with its mixture of ethnic groups and religious sects jockeying for power. Thus, if the situation in Kirkuk could be reconciled, it could perhaps be a model for resolving the divisions and sectarian strife currently engulfing Iraq as a whole. As an unnamed Western diplomat told "The Guardian" on October 28, "If Kirkuk survives, then there is hope for Iraq."

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    Political first : Kurd leaders demanding the unity of Iraq FBI

    Mohsen al-Sadoun told (morning) Baghdad-Sabah A member of the House of Representatives from the Alliance list Mohsen al-Sadoun to the federal administrative system does not aim to partition Iraq Edlel that Kurdistan is part of Iraq and its leaders demanding unity of Iraq. He said in an interview with (morning) that the application of Article (140) of the Constitution does not contain the Kurdistan areas, but includes many areas in Iraq because many of the areas that were subjected to the Arabization or carved out of the province and included other for political purposes. In the following text of the interview with a member list of the coalition Mohsen al-Sadoun : * What is your evaluation of the first Legislative chapter? - Aaathaqd experience Parliament and the House of Representatives in the new Iraq, the evidence is that history has not seen the Iraqi parliament elected since the founding of the Iraqi state, as happened with the current parliament as it was 70% in the election and the changes that have taken place, the Council of Deputies is the highest legislative authority in the country and should enjoy all the qualifications Almut similar to the rich and to the parliaments of the evolving global. * What do you think the internal system? - For the rules of procedure of the Council, where I was head of the committee writing the rules of procedure, I stopped short Kebasa advanced with the internal regulations of many other parliaments, it must apply the rules of procedure so that the members provide the best for their sons to serve the people. Q : What made the House of laws during the first legislative session? - That was the first legislative chapter appealable included the formation of the government of the Presidency and the Council of Ministers and writing are two important rules of procedure, which continued its discussions more than a month and a half and the replacement of members in addition to some other laws note has been determined leave for a month while it is supposed to be u Hreinne to enable the members to meet the people and the transfer of their views and follow the work of government departments and service. * The number of politicians that the operational procedures provided for the division of Iraq on the basis of ethnic sectarian. - That the Iraqi constitution voted for by 70% of people participated Antananarivo all political forces become binding and the Constitution provides in Article I that the system of governance in the federal democratic. The administrations in Iraq consists of regions and provinces-central and local administrations and why it is incumbent upon us to apply the Constitution Among these materials composition Territories. The composition of the Territories is an administrative division of Iraq and not the fact that Kurdistan is part of Iraq and the leaders of the region always demanded the unity of Iraq and when we embarked Territories Act and voted not to force the people to follow and the imposition of this system, but it is the selection of the areas who wish to build a federation or the Accession to the regions, which demanded to join. This fear must be canceled because the regions and citizens who choose to vote freely on the composition of the territory of their own or not. with the presence of a neutral international bodies monitor the voting process. * What is the latest issue Alttiia and Article 140 of the Constitution? - For normalization and on the application of Article 140 of the Constitution, which was provided for in the State Administration Law, Article 58 which stipulates the need to normalize the situation, as well as conducting the census and the referendum. In Aetekathadi include many of the regions of Iraq, There are some respects in Najaf and Karbala, Nineveh and Salahuddin deducted for political purposes and annexed to other governorates, this article will be this district and sub-district to the provinces and the original sentence and Diyala governorate of Kirkuk and Mosul as well as the subject of arabization of the areas in which Kurdish majority in the process of Arabization took place since the 1960s and the last place of the displacement of the people of the governorate, especially Kurds and Alterkma n at the time of the Principles, therefore, the legislators found that the solution right and proper law and implemented under Article 140 which provides for the return of displaced people to their towns of Kirkuk and the other and then the normalization of the situation and the referendum and Statistics, the choice of the people as well as to compensate all the Iraqi citizens who have been brought in by the former regime to this pain spokesman compensation materially appropriate solution and first and last, however, the disputed areas. * Is that the sons and provincial aspects of accession to the Kurdistan region? - May not claim currently claim any part of the accession to any territory not under as stipulated in the Constitution and that it is issued by the Presidency of the Republic. * What are the most important projects that will be discussed during the legislative II?. - There are important projects during the second legislative district and the integrity of the law and the laws set forth in the Constitution and the 55 legally addition to the cancellation of the Security Council Kabbadeh revolution dissolved and the pension law, which was put to the vote in the National Assembly earlier, but the Ministry of Finance did not implement this It is reported that the law would be re-examined in the Parliament shortly and there is a law of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers the distribution of oil resources between the government and the provinces. * There are increasing calls to dismantle militias Do your really solve the s? - For militias in Kurdistan is not and we will not be able to say that the militias since it s regular troops have been fighting the former regime since the 1950s to defend the rights of Kurds, after years of change have been distributed s on government centers-the traffic police and the local police, border guards and the National Guard and other services. With regard to other militias must regulate those forces and organize the good from the Section of the armed forces and referred others to civilian jobs while others retired according to the law.
    جريدة الصباح - القادة الكرد يطالبون بوحدة العراق الفيدرالي

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