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  1. #22851
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Just my 2 cents web....but those of us that post these news articles are doing what we can to help piece the puzzle together. It is a royal pain in the butt to sit and take out all the arabic just so it makes for easier reading. Now you want us to edit it, paragraph it etc... Hmmmm maybe you should try your hand at it instead of complaining. I'm sorry but I feel you are doing all of us a great disserve with your rant.

    Yes, why not take 10 minutes and make it easier to read and understand rather than copy and paste 5 articles in 5 minutes.

    Yesterday i edited an entire article and even tried to make the translation more clear in English.
    Last edited by webinvestor; 12-11-2006 at 08:31 AM. Reason: add link
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  2. #22852
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    Hashemi looking in the UAE Ttarat Iraqi situation
    Abu Dhabi-time
    Arrived in Abu Dhabi yesterday Tariq Hashemi, Vice President of the Republic on an official visit to the United Arab Emirates at the head of a delegation comprising a number of members of the House of Representatives .
    It is planned that Hashmi during the visit talks with senior officials in the United Arab Emirates on the latest developments in the situation on the ground Iraqi and ways of boosting bilateral relations between the two countries. The visit coincides with the arrival of the Hashemite delegation of national reconciliation envoy by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to meet with members of the Iraqi opposition based in the UAE.


    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  3. #22853
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    Here's a good article. How far would the current 10K go? Not far unfortunately.
    Iraqis feel weight of high prices, few jobs |
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  4. #22854
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    someone once said something along the lines of. . .

    To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. . . to a man with dinar everything looks like a revalue.

    i think some overjoyed people round here should consider this quote.

    i too think the r\v will happen soon (within 6 months) but it seems like every 3 days now everyone gets hyped up about the r\v, so much now that the excitement we used to get from the occasional rumour has gone as the rumours are no loner occasional and rather daily.

    it may happen today, but theres just as much chance that it wont.
    Last edited by Rhys925; 12-11-2006 at 08:45 AM.

  5. #22855
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    Default Kurdistan DBX International Trade Show , 11 Nov 2006
    PM's speech: With investors' help we'll be producers again

    KRG Office of Foreign Relations

    Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani's speech at the opening day of the Second Annual Kurdistan DBX International Trade Show in Suleimaniah, Kurdistan Region. The trade show runs from 11th to 14th November.

    2nd Annual Kurdistan DBX International Trade Show
    Suleimaniah, Kurdistan-Iraq
    11-14 November 2006

    Speech by
    H. E. Nechirvan Barzani
    Prime Minister, Kurdistan Regional Government
    11 November 2006

    Participants, distinguished guests. Good morning and welcome all to this event, the second international trade show, in the City of Suleimaniah on the reconstruction of Iraq.

    My thanks to the sponsors and organizers for providing this opportunity and for making elaborate arrangements for so many participants to attend who have made the effort to join us here today. I wish you all success.

    Many of you have heard me say it: “Kurdistan is open for business”. This trade show is further evidence of this fact. The entire Kurdistan Region is ready for business and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will do its best to be supportive.

    Today, all over the Kurdistan Region we see evidence of economic growth and development. Every enterprise offers new products and services, and new work opportunities. All of these endeavors help improve the living conditions of our people.

    We know very well that we have only just begun and that we have a long way to go. We have much work ahead of us, and we expect to face many obstacles as we simultaneously learn and act to serve the needs and aspirations of our people.

    Our regional government continues to actively improve basic services that have been neglected for decades. The support and patience of our people are the keys to success at this early stage in taking appropriate steps to solve our problems.

    No political entity, no matter how strong, can face the challenges of today’s world without having a strong economy. The existence of a stable political system, a secure and peaceful environment, and a legal framework to develop policies, programmes, and projects are all critically important for economic growth.

    We are pleased that the political situation in the Kurdistan Region improves day by day, and the security situation is becoming more stable. The participation in this trade fair of more than 300 companies, domestic and foreign, from more than 30 countries is further evidence of this.

    The KRG is committed to the Constitution that the majority of people in Iraq voted for. Our endeavors have been, and will remain, within the framework of our constitutional rights.

    The Kurdistan Region is a safe, secure, and stable part of Iraq. It is your gateway to the greater Iraqi market. This trade fair is one of many illustrations of this fact. Suleimaniah, Duhok, Erbil and all the cities and townships of the Kurdistan Region are ready to welcome you to establish and develop your enterprises.

    Here I would like to thank the Suleimaniah Chamber of Commerce, the Governor of Suleimaniah, the Iraqi-American Chamber of Commerce, and all those who have been helpful in making this trade show a success. I also take this opportunity to emphasize that the KRG welcomes the private sector – its investors and entrepreneurs - and offers all its capabilities so that they can participate successfully in the reconstruction of our country.

    With the unification of two administrations, the KRG has come together with the spirit of one team to enact the Kurdistan Investment Law, which is progressive and attractive to investors. This law has authorized the establishment of the Kurdistan Investment Board to support those who wish to participate in the reconstruction of our country.

    Here I would like to direct my speech towards the businessmen, investors, and business community here in our country. We want to strengthen our economy. We want to establish a proper industrial base in our country. We need your participation to help reconstruct the Kurdistan Region. We have to try together to solve our problems. We especially want to provide more work opportunities for our youth and unemployed people.

    This trade fair is yet another opportunity to convey the message of the Kurdistan Region. We are serious about our policy and our position. We want serious partners to work with. We believe in equal opportunities for everybody. The KRG itself is a reflection of the social composition of the Kurdistan Region.

    Having this trade fair in the beloved City of Suleimaniah offers new opportunities for those who are serious about working with us. We are optimistic about the future of our people. While it is true that we are at a delicate stage, we shall pursue our future in accordance with the law and in full consideration of our constitutional rights.

    This trade fair in Suleimaniah is an opportunity to introduce foreign, national and local companies to each other. There are many areas for teams of experts to study fully and to make recommendations. We very much look forward to new and proven technologies, successful experience and professional expertise to rapidly advance our economic growth and development.

    We support and encourage joint projects in the form of joint venture activities. We know this fact very well: not only the Kurdistan market is connected within itself, but the whole Iraqi market is tied together.

    Kurdistan's society feels proud of its culture and its attitudes regarding tolerance, coexistence and acceptance of each other, and this is a feature of our success. We in Kurdistan, whether Turkoman, Chaldean, Assyrian, Kurd, or Arab, regardless of our ethnic or religious background, we are all working together to rebuild our country.

    In the past, with all its resources, Iraq in general, and the Kurdistan Region in particular, has not seen the progress that was possible because of the distorted policies of the Ba'ath regime. We all have to try to compensate for the oppression, injustices and deprivations that our people have suffered in the past.

    Rebuilding and reconstruction and modernizing are difficult tasks. They need time, capabilities, financial resources, dedication and patience. Therefore, here I will stress to investors that this trade fair today is the proper opportunity to enter the market of the Kurdistan Region and to work shoulder to shoulder with us in the tasks ahead. Your participation shows your commitment, especially when the exhibition is about the reconstruction of Iraq.

    The KRG has at this stage identified the main priorities. We want to place great attention on the importance of the industrial sector and the establishment of an industrial base in the Region.

    We want to become producers again as we once were, but with modern production methods to meet our needs and to provide opportunities to increase our people's income. We want to upgrade the level of services. We want to improve the living conditions of our people. We have expansive underutilized lands and we need to pay more attention to the agricultural sector in meeting our food requirements, expanding job opportunities through agro-business, and increasing incomes.

    This can be achieved with policies that will direct us to a state of self-sufficiency, food security and the renovation of the economic infrastructure of the country. The peace, stability and security that prevail in the Kurdistan Region will make our task less difficult, so that we all start to work together. But we have a lot of challenges and obstacles ahead of us. While it is true that we have made decisions to pursue a secure, stable, and progressive future that our people deserve, the time available to us is not unlimited.

    Iraq is a rich country. It has abundant natural and human resources. Today, Suleimaniah welcomes you, offering you business and investment opportunities. It is my pleasure to see this outstanding participation from foreign countries. I wish to thank the embassies, consulates, and chambers of commerce for their hard work in organizing this exhibition.

    Now you are here, your partners from the Kurdistan Region and Iraq are participating with you in this trade fair. You have the chance to see for yourself, through your own eyes, the opportunities available.

    We want all of Iraq to be reconstructed within the framework of a democratic and federal system, within the framework of the new Constitution of Iraq, to establish a modern economic system. We believe that business language is the best language in today's world to bring people closer to each other. We are confident that this kind of attitude would lead to stability, peace, and security throughout Iraq and all over the world.

    I am pleased to see that the private sector of Kurdistan and Iraq is about to step forward and participate wholeheartedly in the rebuilding of our country. I have said in the past that without the enthusiastic and successful involvement of the private sector we cannot succeed. We have great hopes in you, in the private sector, in investors, domestic and foreign, offering your capital and devoting your efforts so that we reconstruct our country.

    Finally, I am pleased and privileged to meet with you here in beloved Suleimaniah, the city of innovation and sacrifice. Once again, thank you. I wish you all success.

    Kurdistan Regional Government

    This is how it should be!

  6. #22856
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    Al-Maliki says that the Iraq crisis is not security but political crisis
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the recent statements made by a number of leaders of the Frente consensus on the possibility of withdrawing from the political process. do not express the opinion of many parties affiliated with the Front. Al-Maliki added in a press statement that he had received communications from members of the bloc deny that those statements reflect the view of the whole front, stressing the importance of strengthening the bonds of understanding and the National Alliance for the completion of the requirements of the political process. He pointed out that in addition to the fact that "the Iraq crisis is not security but political crisis between its components, which, if agreed to the besieged security deterioration." He also affirmed that "the Iraq crisis is the regional crisis caused hinder policies and strategies among the regional and international levels." stressing on the importance of regional convergence Ocean and the agreement with the state of political relations and be positive.

    (10:52 Baghdad time)
    ĂÎÈÇÑ ÑÇÏíæ Ï̀áÉ

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #22857
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhys925 View Post
    someone once said something along the lines of. . .

    To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. . . to a man with dinar everything looks like a revalue.

    i think some overjoyed people round here should consider this quote.

    i too think the r\v will happen soon (within 6 months) but it seems like every 3 days now everyone gets hyped up about the r\v, so much now that the excitement we used to get from the occasional rumour has gone as the rumours are no loner occasional and rather daily.

    it may happen today, but theres just as much chance that it wont.

    As much as I hate to admit it that quote may be right on....Were maybe looking to deep into all this...yes theres lots of good news more than EVER heard before oil production up above pewar levels, only 10% of land explored for oil, all the debt for giveness, The ISX to open soon, the FIL and HLC and actual talk about the dinar and raising the value exct exct.....but it just seems like every few days theres gonna be a reval and it comes and goes.You all just need to remember the mid east dosent think like americans.....yes we have huge influences on what they do.....but .......the common iraqi dosent know what its like to live in total freedom, meaning,.... to go to a restaraunt and eat...go to a mall and go to a car dealer ship an purchase brandnew 2006 cars.......helll i bet half of them cant even sit and take a dump on a toilet then flush woooooshhh... (sorry couldn't resist) because they don't have running water and sewuer...... I remember someone stating a week maybe 2 weeks ago that the iraqi members of parlament have a salary and were getting paid in US DOLLARS of around $5,000 a month is that true???? Thats a shitte load of dinar a month.....If it is no wonder they are in no big hurry to RV about greed and coruption...SGS have you heard and know of this or anyone?? Can any of you confirm this??? Its gonna happen one day and hopefully soon as of now im remaing optomistic on the fact of it rVing anyday now......I will now be wating on the HLC law that supposed to be passed by the end of the year to stay in compliance to the IMF....and now for iraq to be where they need to be at the end of the year which is 1345iqd=$1us to stay in compliance. That is a facking joke....but hey this is iraq where the violence in the capital bagshitte is horrible and there not the brightest of people and corupt wankers
    Something will happen soon but what and how soon
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

  8. #22858
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    Here's article that was posted late yesterday.

    Interior ministry to grant 3000000 ID to any person can arrest any terrorist group
    Interior minister, Mr. Jawad Al-Bolani decided to grant three million Iraqi Dinars to any person who can arrest on a terrorist group made a terrorist operation against Iraqi civilians. The decision had been issued during the minister meeting with some interior ministry officials and officers of national police. On the other hand the assistant of interior minister under secretary, General Ahmad Kalaf Al-Jobori, hold an expanded meeting with Iraqi army and police leaders and Anbar deliverance council to discuss about the means of supporting the security forces and the civilians in their battle against terrorism.
    Iraqi Media Net
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  9. #22859
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    at first i liked maliki a real go I feel hes just a corupt piece of shitte that dosent care to stop the violence but let it continue ..i rember a few months back he got all upset that the US raided certain terriorst homes or whatever and he had a pist off fit that he wasnt informed....cause i think it was shiate people..... this guy needs to be taken out of office and put someone in that cares for the people and forget all the corruption
    Last edited by dinartank; 12-11-2006 at 09:58 AM.
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

  10. #22860
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    Sounds about par with what they pay in the US for that sort of thing. What is 3 million at the current exchange rate, like around $1500? Still think they won't RV?

    Rewards For Justice

    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    Here's article that was posted late yesterday.

    Interior ministry to grant 3000000 ID to any person can arrest any terrorist group
    Interior minister, Mr. Jawad Al-Bolani decided to grant three million Iraqi Dinars to any person who can arrest on a terrorist group made a terrorist operation against Iraqi civilians. The decision had been issued during the minister meeting with some interior ministry officials and officers of national police. On the other hand the assistant of interior minister under secretary, General Ahmad Kalaf Al-Jobori, hold an expanded meeting with Iraqi army and police leaders and Anbar deliverance council to discuss about the means of supporting the security forces and the civilians in their battle against terrorism.
    Iraqi Media Net
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

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