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  1. #2281
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    Default wisdom = knowledge correcty applied

    "All that is required for evil to prosper is for good (wo)men to do nothing."

    all very well to complain about indencies inflicted by an all powerful "powers that be" "on" to powerless citizens, but humanity is responsible for its own collective creation, every event is a result of choices made in every moment.

    thats what free will is about: you use it or lose it.

    in the bible it refers to the garden of eden. e-din - means more specifically, being true to ones higher nature.

    without "duality" or "knowledge of good and evil", one would simply without trying, be doing and feeling and thinking "pure" or "in line with the highest good" thoughts 24/7..... paradise!

    someone should have kicked those warmongering cold hearted reptilian blue bloods out back in atlantis when they rocked up uninvited. they didnt have galactic permsission, or if you prefer, god/godess's permission to move to earth. theyd already destroyed other planets with their wars and technology. they were on the run.

    so, confusing stupidity for compassion, we let them stay, let them wreck our dna, knock over iraq for the oil, trash their own countries' citizens, (and that goes a LOT deeper than just credit card debt and foreclosing on houses after delibeate interst rate hikes) - and NOW some of us USE our free will, and retire on the dinar.

    who the hell wants to make those leeches fatter!

    so then - while im retired, i can play nice music and repair my dna, and hopefully soon, ill be able to fly again.....

    cant wait :)


  2. #2282
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    that is how elections are won, whichever one does the best job of dividing the people takes power, and it is only in the interest of self-service, not public service.

    i enjoy reading this thread too much to watch it turn into "democrats vs republicans" back and forth cheap shots, so can we please get back to the reason we are all here? it was much better that way.

  3. #2283
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Default Projects That Have Been Completed in Iraq

    Here are some projects that have been completed

    Sewing Machines For Women in Ramadi
    Putting economic power in women's hands
    100 machines

    Water Barrels for Rural Iraq
    Help the U.S. Army provide drinking water to poor Iraqis
    250 barrels

    Back to school in Iraq
    School kits deliverd
    over 27,000 kits

    Marines and Seabees Seek Tools for Iraqi Tradesmen
    raining Iraqi men as carpenters, electricians, plumbers and masons.
    Donated tools will be presented as gifts of friendship when they complete trade school.

    U.S.A.F. Chaplains Seek Help for Schools and Orphanages
    Request for supplies, clothing and toys.
    Over 5000 packages have been delivered

    Partnership with INMED for Iraq
    Delivering Critical Medicine for Iraq
    1.8 million donated

    Iraqi TV in Al-Anbar
    Spirit of America Helps U.S. Marines Equip TV Stations in Iraq
    $1,532,931 from 7,438 donors, more TV/radio stations are on there way

    Irrigation for Iraqi Farmers
    Iraqi farmers water their crops so that they can feed their families and their communities
    over 20 water systems have been applied outside baghdad

    Marines Provide Dental Kits to Families in Al Hilah, Iraq
    Over 2000 dental kits deliverd

    Toys for Iraqi Children
    U.S. Army National Guardsman Gives Toys to Iraqi Children
    Thousands of toys deliverd

    Marines Give Soccer Jerseys to Boys and Girls in Wassit Province
    Over 1,000 new jerseys have been donated

    Soldier Helps Kurdish Kids Make Music Again
    Countering Islamist extremism, an American soldier provides musical instruments for people who are now free to play.

    SoA Donates Tons of School Supplies, Medical Supplies and Frisbees to Marines for the Iraqi People
    Spirit of America donated 10,000 school supply kits, 3 tons of medical supplies and 2 tons of Frisbees printed with "Friendship" in English and Arabic

    Women's Radio Station in Baghdad.
    10,000 donated for repair and upgrading of the station

    Enough said, this is just some of the projects that have been completed in Iraq, from 2003-2006. And there are alot of projects that are on there way.

    Projects Being Implemented

    Safety Equipment for Security Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan

    Najaf Teaching Hospital

    Afghan Medical Reference Library

    Iraqi Orphans Project

    Library Books for Iraqi Children

    Vests for Afghanistan Police Forces

    Gifts for Iraqi Children
    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  4. #2284
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Nice one Raditz, you're finding some great stuff, keep it up chum.

    Just read it elsewhere and it's being reported on Fox news! Maliki is finished with the cabinet and the posts been filled!!! He has reached a deal with shiites in parliament and will be announcing his new cabinet today. No link afraid guys, gotta go off to work unfortunately, so can't sniff it out.

    This is sooooooooooooooooo the news that has me leaving for my crappy job this morning on a high. :0)
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #2285
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    Default Big Blow to the Insurgency

    Hi All

    CNN just now reporting that Al Queda leader in Iraq al Zarqawi is dead. A news press conference by the Iraqi Priminister is set to make an announcement. The details are forth coming.

    Cheers , Blue

  6. #2286
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    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  7. #2287
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    Default Priminister Confirms

    Priminsiter confirms the death is correct. General Casey now giving details in which a joint US and Iraqi forces used air strikes and ground forces and confirmed that al Zarqawi and several top aids were killed in the operation. The body was identified by facial photos , finger prints and known body scars.

    Conference is on going right now. Apparently Iraqi citizens came forward with information on them being in a particular house in Baquba 8 miles north of bagdad. At least 7 other individuals were killed with him, one being is chief spiritual advisor.

    Also in the press conference a reporter just asked the priminister if this news is going to overshadow the news of the 2 appointments to be named ??? Priminister answered that immediately after this press conference that the Parliment would meet and vote and on the two appointments and after that you will know who they are. The room errupted in applause.

    Cheers , Blue
    Last edited by bluepacific; 08-06-2006 at 10:19 AM.

  8. #2288
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    Default Live news from the parliment right now

    al-Maliki is nominating the Defense and Interior Ministers. Each one is getting up before the parliment and giving their back ground credentials and history to the members of Parliment.

    Check it out now live on CNN.

    Cheers , Blue
    Last edited by bluepacific; 08-06-2006 at 09:24 AM.

  9. #2289
    Senior Investor Raditz's Avatar
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    Nothing is impossible, the impossible only takes longer time!

  10. #2290
    Co-Admin YogiBrood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raditz
    Yesss, with Moussab Al Zarqawi killed several hours ago, the root of current instability and fears dominating bombings and executions to beheading of local and foreign (he is actually a foreigner himself, A Jordanian by birth) people captured/kidnapped in Iraq, his permanent absence now may bring a little more hope to confidence with restructuring and setting the path to recovery for new potentials and development, with much Dinars in the making for such success as anticipated!

    A thumbs UP for the USA and Iraqi forces and the support always being present and given by coalition forces too.


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