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  1. #22921
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    The Prime Minister received a written message from British Prime Minister

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    The name of God the Merciful
    The Republic of Iraq

    Prime minister
    Media Bureau
    Sunday, 12 / 11 / 2006

    Press statement
    The Prime Minister, Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki full day yesterday, Saturday, a written message from British Prime Minister Tony Blair during which he renewed his support to the Iraqi government headed by Mr. Nouri al-Maliki and efforts to achieve political stability, economic prosperity and the reconstruction of Iraq.
    The message, the political official of the British government, Mr. John Soermbautha of the British Prime Minister, who confirmed the continued support of the British government for the political process in Iraq and support for the legitimate national goal of national reconciliation initiative and the steps taken by the Iraqi government to achieve calmer P and aspirations of the Iraqi people.

  2. #22922
    Senior Member PlatanoKing's Avatar
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    Default Just heard that are going to start giving out the 10000 dinar tommorow

    This is from an Iraqi forum, Post# 6

    Dinar - aliraqi Community

    Re: Dinar


    Just heard that are going to start giving out the 10000 dinar tommorow. What a slap in the face...what is this worth...nothing. Hardly enought to buy food for one family for one meal. Meanwhile our government grows wealthy and fat. Half of them do not even show up when they are supposed to..yet they still are paid. Our government is more concerned with lining their pockets then helping the iraqi people. I am not a Saddam loyalist...he is getting what he deserves. I jusy know things were better for my family before the americans took over
    Last edited by PlatanoKing; 12-11-2006 at 05:20 PM.

  3. #22923
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    Default Because!

    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    Why do you automatically think this response was to a naysayer??

    Is everyone who doesn't think exactly like a you (for example) a naysayer?

    Anyhow, this is a news thread. There is a speculation thread for all those who want throw in their rumors. Also, there is/was a "go crazy in here" thread...

    Why can't this just be a news thread without all the hype?
    Because, when reading the latest news with your friends it is only natural to comment on one point or another and share your opinions. We're trying to have a little fun with our expectations. I see nothing wrong with that and the poster referred to in the above mentioned post was absolutely naysaying. He was attempting to poke fun at the fact that there has been no R/V yet and insinuating that we are all fools for continuing to look forward to what we all hope is the inevitable revalue. What a jerk! to say the least.

  4. #22924
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    Cool Hummmm,

    I just dont know what to say. Maybe I should just suggest to Marek to close the Iraq Dinar Forum.

    The Post by Rodney, should tell all what they really need to do for them selfs. Take a break!!!!! I for one have let this Forum take my time in the past. Then I went to orginizing it for a much better way for the News. Man, this is has turned into a job in itself.

    So with that said, FROM HERE OWN OUT. This thread is for the News ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You dont have News for this Thread, then post in another thread. Very Tierd of reading anything else. All Post Not reguarding a Article will be moved and gave a warning for this Forum Thread, until a r/v has HAPPENED. Please post anything else in the other Threads, NOW.

    Sorry, to have to come to this. But you must follow the rules applied from here on out for the THREAD. I am going back thru the post for today and if it is not a Article, with a link, are I can not tell if it is from a article, are a good anaylist of the article, it will be moved to archive. Until a r/v, this is the way it will be from here own out.

    I have been here long enough to know who is who. Plus the rules applie to "ALL".

  5. #22925
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    So we talked about security AND a cabinet wonder the session was closed doors...sounds like dad's ticked...

    Iraqi PM eyes Cabinet shakeup
    POSTED: 8:54 a.m. EST, November 12, 2006

    BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki lashed out at lawmakers in a closed-door session of parliament Sunday, ordering them to stop criticizing his government and instead declare their loyalty to a unified Iraq -- not their religious sects or political parties, two members of parliament told The Associated Press.

    Al-Maliki, who also said a government reshuffle was in the works, was responding to questions by lawmakers during the closed session, which lasted more than an hour.

    In a statement afterward, al-Maliki's office said he used the meeting to outline the political and security situation in the country and plans to bring stability to the country.

    It said al-Maliki "called for a comprehensive Cabinet shake-up suitable with the current period."

    The statement said al-Maliki told legislators that all politicians should "be responsible and contribute to improving security and pushing forward with reconciliation."

    Shiite legislator Bassem al-Sharif quoted al-Maliki as telling lawmakers: "We need a major government reshuffle, and we will not allow any candidate to be loyal to his party. I will choose according to qualifications. I will reject any incompetent candidate."

    Al-Maliki also told the lawmakers to stop squabbling and "solve your problems among yourselves," al-Sharif said. "Let your loyalty be to Iraq. Help the government."

    The prime minister was responding in part to public charges by lawmakers that the government was complicit in the killing of members of the Sunni minority, even as some Shiites in the government claimed al-Maliki was being unduly harsh in dealing with Shiite militia members.

    "Your speeches are affecting the security situation," al-Maliki said, according to al-Sharif.

    Dhafer al-Ani, of the Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front, told The Associated Press later that "we believe that we are not partners. Al-Maliki's statements in parliament today were disappointing because they were sidelining [Sunnis] and included threats."

    He said that his organization, which holds 44 seats in the 275-member parliament, is reviewing its participation -- a hint that members might pull out of the political process.

    Al-Ani said al-Maliki blamed raging violence on Sunni extremists and followers of former president Saddam Hussein and failed to accept blame for Shiite militias.

    Al-Sharif quoted al-Maliki as saying that "I will not allow the army and police to be loyal to political groups. We will increase the number of troops and I will not allow you to make it a political matter."

    Earlier this month, the prime minister ordered a 12,000-man increase in the country's army to about 124,000 under its current structure.

    The United States is pressuring al-Maliki to disband Shiite militias, but he countered in the closed session that both Sunnis and Shiites had militias.

    "You all have militias. I will not accept a government made up of militiamen. We cannot be a state in the presence of militias," he was quoted as saying.

    On Saturday, al-Maliki told editors of local newspapers that Syria, which the U.S. and his government accuse of allowing foreign fighters to cross into Iraq, wants to make a fresh start with Iraq.

    "We have the same desire," al-Maliki said. "If they take one step toward us, we would respond by taking five steps toward them."

    Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Labib Abbawi said Sunday that an official invitation has been sent to Syria's Foreign Minister Walid Moallem and he accepted. No date for a visit was set.

    Iraqi PM eyes Cabinet shakeup -

  6. #22926
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    Official Gazette for November 13th published about an hour ago, nothing of interest that we are looking for--->FIL, Gift, HCL.....NOTHING.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  7. #22927
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlatanoKing View Post
    This is from an Iraqi forum, Post# 6

    Dinar - aliraqi Community

    Re: Dinar


    Just heard that are going to start giving out the 10000 dinar tommorow. What a slap in the face...what is this worth...nothing. Hardly enought to buy food for one family for one meal. Meanwhile our government grows wealthy and fat. Half of them do not even show up when they are supposed to..yet they still are paid. Our government is more concerned with lining their pockets then helping the iraqi people. I am not a Saddam loyalist...he is getting what he deserves. I jusy know things were better for my family before the americans took over

    Great find...!!! If they are handing them out tomorrow then they damn well better reval it today, wouldn't you say!!!! Thanks for the great post....!!!

  8. #22928
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Well I have been away trying to do my part - I had a bright idea to contact people who are in Iraq. So i googled Iraqi Chat rooms. there are many.
    I tried to see what they were talking about using the Translation.
    Parties aside the general concensus is They dont like us invaders. ei.. British/American Period.... I read some threads here Iraq for you - العراق اليكم - first Iraqi independent, cultural and social network since 1997 but did not feel that I should engage in conversation with them. Perhaps some of our more adequately informed members could strike up a cnversation with them for some inside info.

    Sample discussions: Hasan88
    saddam is the reason why we are occupied by the international coalition forces. Sadda is the piece of **** who killed shia's and kurds because they were not sunni's. Any loyal iraqi would agree with me, and just to make sure, i'm not saying there is a difference between shia's and sunni's, because i see both as fellow iraqi brothers and sisters. The Baath party criminals are a different story though, and i'm an enemy of anyone who supports or sympothizes with that dog saddam.

    While the Kurdish leadership is dreaming of Kirkurk and Hakim and the Dawa party are dreaming they will own Basra, these losers hae failed to provide anything useful to the Iraqi public. They hide behind the Americans or Iranians just as they did in prior years. Let me share with you a experience i hope no of you ever see, yesturday driving in a part of Baghdad the used to be beatiful a Madhi gangster killed an innocent man then his commrad walk out of his car and in to the middle of this street where the dead Iraqi man lies and spit of his face! The man was just murdered! I do not beleive the news anymore the people who invaded Iraq planned one thing TO DESTROY IT, all the good people left the country the rest are helpless and hope they do not get killed, while Hakim and Massod are fighting over the flag, and many other silly topics. They talk abouit de-bathifaiction how about all these people in control get de-HELL OUT OF IRAQ!

    As you can summize - it is not going to be the easiest place to waltz into and say - "hey, how is the dinar doing?- did you get your 10k grant yet?" They are an angry people.
    Message to RR - maybe Indira can go on these chat groups and gently converse with these people and gather information and let them know that Atleast We come in peace.
    JUST A THOUGHT!!! Please let me know if you think it is a good idea. Perhaps they need to know some of the good news that we know about.
    This is a very good idea, if, like you said, you are savy. Gotta have the nerve to do so. I have the nerve but not the savy. Thanks for this info. Nidya

  9. #22929
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    Default I'm sure you're right.

    Quote Originally Posted by PlatanoKing View Post
    This is from an Iraqi forum, Post# 6

    Dinar - aliraqi Community

    Re: Dinar


    Just heard that are going to start giving out the 10000 dinar tommorow. What a slap in the face...what is this worth...nothing. Hardly enought to buy food for one family for one meal. Meanwhile our government grows wealthy and fat. Half of them do not even show up when they are supposed to..yet they still are paid. Our government is more concerned with lining their pockets then helping the iraqi people. I am not a Saddam loyalist...he is getting what he deserves. I jusy know things were better for my family before the americans took over
    I don't doubt that life in general was better under Saddam however, I believe that he was an evil man that caused much suffering for many people and as bad as things may be now in Iraq hopfully, this will lead to a much better situation for all Iraqi's and not just some.

  10. #22930
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    He said--he said....

    Anti-corruption official in Iraq accused of fraud
    The head of the Commission on Public Integrity says he is the target of an intimidation campaign.
    By Borzou Daragahi, Times Staff Writer
    November 12, 2006

    BAGHDAD — Iraq's top anticorruption watchdog, a high-profile judge whose efforts have been hailed by Americans as one of the few bright spots in the country, is himself the target of a corruption probe, officials said Saturday.

    Judge Radhi Radhi, head of Iraq's Commission on Public Integrity, is under investigation by court authorities, accused of turning his 1,700-employee agency into a personal fiefdom and padding his salary with an extra $50,000 a year.

    Radhi denies the charges, arguing that they're part of a campaign of intimidation by government officials to quash his investigations, which include examinations of corruption in ministries controlled by Iraq's dominant Shiite Muslim parties.

    He said he has come under pressure to shut down his commission or cede its independent status. The government has ignored his requests for information, threatened his legal mandate and demanded he halt his investigations, said Radhi, who is a Shiite, but secular.

    "They tell me, 'You are not a ministry to be giving us orders,' " he said in an interview Saturday. "There are voices among them who say there is no need for this commission."

    Lawmakers have threatened not only to remove Radhi from his post for alleged incompetence, but to prosecute him for corruption, as detailed in an Oct. 29 affidavit submitted to the Supreme Judicial Council.

    "I don't want him to be just removed from his post, I want him to be punished according to the law," said Sheik Sabah Saadi, a Shiite lawmaker who heads the parliamentary anti-corruption committee and has spearheaded the efforts against Radhi. "We have found financial and administrative corruption inside the integrity commission."

    Transparency International, a Berlin-based organization that monitors official graft, patronage and bribery, lists Iraq as the world's third most corrupt nation, behind Haiti and Myanmar.

    U.S. officials have hailed Radhi's work. He has pushed for the prosecution of several former ministers and uncovered corruption in the Interior Ministry, which has been infiltrated by Shiite militias. His targets have included former Defense Minister Hazem Shaalan and former Electricity Minister Ayham Sameraei.

    Radhi has worked closely with Stuart W. Bowen Jr. of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, a U.S. agency created to investigate waste and fraud by U.S. officials and contractors in Iraq. That agency's legal mandate has run out, and it may soon be folded.

    The integrity commission, too, rests on precarious legal ground. It was created by an order of an American, L. Paul Bremer III, head of the former Coalition Provisional Authority, and has never been written into Iraqi law. Iraqi legislators have stalled a vote on whether to give the commission permanent status or dissolve it and let government inspectors audit their own agencies.

    The affidavit submitted against Radhi accuses him of hiring staff without publicly advertising jobs.

    "We have documents and we have witnesses," Saadi said in a telephone interview from Basra. "It is not a mere accusation."

    Saadi also charged that Radhi has managed to show relatively few results, despite the nearly $20 million his agency has been allocated. Saadi called his work sloppy and unprofessional. His few successes, such as his pursuit of Shaalan, were uncovered by others, he said. Under Shaalan, who is no longer in Iraq, billions of dollars disappeared from the Defense Ministry.

    "There is no clear strategy to combat corruption," said Saadi, who plans to hold a news conference in coming days to make public his battle against Radhi.

    The commission's work "amounts to listening to complaints on a hotline and forwarding those complaints to the inspector general" of each ministry, he said, without determining whether they are true.

    Radhi said he had grown used to nasty accusations by the targets of his investigations. Shaalan accused him of being partisan, and Mishaan Jaburi, a Sunni lawmaker who fled the country after being indicted on charges of stealing millions, accused Radhi of pursuing a sectarian agenda.

    Radhi said the pressure on his office might be a reaction to his attempts to ferret out corruption in key Shiite-controlled ministries.

    Among his commission's current investigations are the quality of food purchased by the Trade Ministry for monthly rations, the disappearance of petroleum products under the supervision of the Oil Ministry, a lack of progress in refurbishing the railroad system and misconduct by 451 police officers who work in the Interior Ministry. Each ministry involved is controlled by a Shiite politician.

    [email protected]

    Times staff writer Raheem Salman contributed to this report.

    Anti-corruption official in Iraq accused of fraud - Los Angeles Times

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