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  1. #22941
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    The Office of the Inspector General issued its third report on the reality of oil production in Iraq
    The Office of the Inspector General at the Oil Ministry report, the third in a series of reports issued by the transparency of the reality of oil production in Iraq.
    The spokesman said the information in the ministry Assem Jihad in a press statement today, Sunday, "This report is the first official Iraqi report reveals important details of the memorandum of understanding oil for food, medicine and the role of the United Nations in that period, in addition to information about the reality of exporting Iraqi oil after September 4, 2006."
    He added Jihad "This report deals with the types of programs and export outlets and the main reasons that led to a decline in exports and the export of Iraqi crude oil for the period from 1996 until 2006."
    Translated version of mid=73
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  2. #22942
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    Kuwait considering six alternatives to deal with the Iraqi debt
    News releases, the Kuwaiti Cabinet discussed yesterday at its six alternatives for dealing with the Iraqi debt amounting to 27 billion dollars in compensation from the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and it arose. Alternatives include Iraq's debts, according to the meeting to drop the remainder of the damages and up to 27 billion dollars. or waiver of the remainder for the implementation of resolution 256, which could bring the amount of five billion until 2013, or set up a fund to help Iraq be capitalized compensation, This could be based developmental projects in return.
    The sources said that the agreement includes a fourth alternative to receiving compensation public sector after 2013 directly and indirectly, With the fifth alternative is the establishment of a fund for the reconstruction of Iraq capital nominal value of the compensation and lowered with the increase of development projects.
    The sources pointed out that the alternative is the sixth in the sale of public property damages or transferred to another party.
    Translated version of mid=73
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  3. #22943
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    Cool Take Heed....

    This is in effect Now. Thank You All.

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I just dont know what to say. Maybe I should just suggest to Marek to close the Iraq Dinar Forum.

    The Post by Rodney, should tell all what they really need to do for them selfs. Take a break!!!!! I for one have let this Forum take my time in the past. Then I went to orginizing it for a much better way for the News. Man, this is has turned into a job in itself.

    So with that said, FROM HERE OWN OUT. This thread is for the News ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You dont have News for this Thread, then post in another thread. Very Tierd of reading anything else. All Post Not reguarding a Article will be moved and gave a warning for this Forum Thread, until a r/v has HAPPENED. Please post anything else in the other Threads, NOW.

    Sorry, to have to come to this. But you must follow the rules applied from here on out for the THREAD. I am going back thru the post for today and if it is not a Article, with a link, are I can not tell if it is from a article, are a good anaylist of the article, it will be moved to archive. Until a r/v, this is the way it will be from here own out.

    I have been here long enough to know who is who. Plus the rules applie to "ALL".

  4. #22944
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    Mina Chambers dissolved problem without a solution.

    Number of employees of the Military Industrialization Corporation demanding the Council of Ministers to find a solution to their problems through their ministry of industry or work on the distribution in the rest of the ministries of the respective State and recall in their message : they Since a period of about three years without work and allocated to them monthly grants ranged between 100-300 thousand dinars is not enough to meet the minimum requirements necessary requirements in difficult conditions rose to the prices, including the prices of foodstuffs, in addition to the grant that the Land Bank loan not covered by grants and assuming the pretext of not fixed salaries so appealing to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers examine their status and save their families from the living situation difficult to bear.

    AL-MADA Daily Newspaper...جريدة المدى

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  5. #22945
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    Despite the complaints and Trade Ministry does not adhere to the date of the salaries of its affiliates

    Halima Mahmadawi's Deputy, also clarified citizenship of employees of the Ministry of Trade / central markets sent a letter complaining of the delay in the receipt of monthly salaries to employees of state and central markets in its letter that the numerous complaints published in the press and the response of the ministry that they would abide by the deadline, but so far has not fulfilled the promises, which increased with the They patiently associate claims the need to comply with the extradition salary Like other employees of the ministry.

    AL-MADA Daily Newspaper...جريدة المدى

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #22946
    Senior Investor $onedaysoon$'s Avatar
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    The White House spokesman Tony Snow that President Bush will meet next Monday with a study of the situation in Iraq, headed by former Foreign Minister James Baker, but he affirmed that the group will make its final recommendations in the meeting.
    وأضاف سنو أن أعضاء المجموعة سيلتقون الاثنين المقبل أيضا مع عدد من المسؤولين الأميركيين من بينهم وزيرة الخارجية كوندوليسا رايس ووزير الدفاع المستقيل دونالد رامسفيلد ومدير هيئة الاستخبارات القومية جون نيغروبونتي ومدير وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية الأميركية مايك هايدن والسفير الأميركي في العراق زلماي خليل زاد.
    من ناحية أخرى، أعرب سنو عن رغبة البيت الأبيض في التعاون مع الحزب الديموقراطي في الكونغرس لتحقيق الأهداف في العراق.
    وقال سنو: "إننا متحمسون للعمل بطريقة مشتركة لتحقيق أهدافنا في العراق وهي وجود عراق قوي يستطيع أن يحكم نفسه بنفسه، ويدافع عن ذاته، وان يكون حليفا في الحرب على الإرهاب والذي يفترض أن يصبح نموذجا في المنطقة يدل على أن بإمكان الديموقراطية أن تنتصر على الإرهاب."
    كما أعلن سنو أن وزير الدفاع الجديد روبرت غيتس سيستقيل من عضويته في لجنة العمل الخاصة بالعراق على أن يخلفه لورانس إيغلبيرغر وزير الخارجية السابق.
    وأكد سنو أن بوش مستعد للتعاون مع الفائزين في الانتخابات التشريعية بما يحقق الأهداف والمصالح الأميركية خصوصا في العراقز
    وقال سنو: "أكدنا مرارا استعدادنا الفوري للعمل والتعاون بين الحزبين بما يحقق الأهداف المرجو تحقيقها في العراق وهي بناء دولة عراقية ديموقراطية قادرة على حماية نفسها بقواها الذاتية وتكون حليفة لنا في الحرب على الإرهاب ومثالا للأنظمة الديموقراطية في الشرق الأوسط."
    ونفى سنو أن يكون القادة الجدد للكونغرس قد طرحوا عددا من الأفكار المتعلقة بالعراق.
    وقال سنو: "اعتقد أن الوقت الآن يوفر فرصة للطرفين لتأكيد نيتهما الطيبة في التعاون ومناقشة مجموعة من القضايا التي تهمهما. وليس الوقت الآن وقت تقديم اقتراحات عملية تتعلق بالعراق."
    هذا وحذر سنو أعداء الولايات المتحدة من الظن أن فوز الديموقراطيين في الانتخابات التشريعية يضعف الولايات المتحدة أو يشكل فوزا لهم.
    وقال المتحدث سنو إن فوز الديموقراطيين تعبير عن حسن عمل النظام الديموقراطي.
    وأضاف سنو: "على أعدائنا ألا يروا أبدا نظامنا الديموقراطي على أنه نظام يتسبب في إضعافنا، بل على العكس فإن ما يفعله النظام الديموقراطي هو أنه يعزز المسؤولية لدى الطرفين معا ويعطينا تصميما متفقا عليه من الحزبين لمواصلة الحرب على الإرهاب."
    وأكد سنو ان بوش على ثقة بأن الديموقراطيين ليسوا أقل منه تصميما على التغلب على الإرهاب والاقتصاص من الذين يعتدون على الولايات المتحدة ومواطنيها وحلفائها.
    وقد أعلن المتحدث باسم البيت الأبيض أن بوش سيغادر واشنطن مساء الثلاثاء المقبل متوجها إلى موسكو لإجراء محادثات مع الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين. وستكون روسيا المحطة الأولى في جولة أسيوية.

    عضوان جديدان لإسناد عمل لجنة تطبيع الأوضاع في كركوك

    كركوك - الصباح
    اكد تحسين كهية عضو اللجنة الوزارية لتطبيق المادة 140 من الدستور اضافة عضو جديد الى اللجنة من الجبهة التركمانية نافيا في الوقت نفسه وجود أي تعليق لعمل اللجنة او اجتماعاتها.
    وقال كهية لـ”الصباح “ ان اجتماعا عقد نهاية الشهر الماضي للجنة العليا برئاسة وزير العدل هاشم الشبلي وجميع اعضائها وحضور انور بيرقدار عن الجبهة التركمانية الذي اصبح عضوا بشكل رسمي بأمر ديواني من رئاسة الوزراء.
    واشار الى ان رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي قرر اضافة احمد البراك مدير هيئة حل النزاعات الملكية العراقية في عضوية اللجنة العليا.
    واضاف ان الاجتماع ناقش عددا من القضايا والمسائل المتعلقة بالوضع المالي اذ تم الاتفاق على ايداع 10% من المبلغ المخصص لميزانية اللجنة كمرحلة اولى والبالغة 200 مليون دولار كما تم الاتفاق على صلاحيات ووظيفة اللجان الفرعية المنبثقة عن اللجنة العليا وهي لجنة تقصي الحقائق واللجنة الفنية واللجنة السكرتارية المتابعة واللجنة المالية فضلا عن الاتفاق على موعد الاجتماع المقبل.
    الى ذلك عقد مكتب اللجنة في كركوك اجتماعا برئاسة بابكر صديق وبحضور اعضائها واعضاء اللجان الفرعية التي تمثل الدوائر المعنية بتطبيق المادة 140 كديوان المحافظة وهيئة حل نزاعات الملكية العقارية ودائرة الزراعة والاحصاء والتسجيل العقاري ودائرة الاحوال المدنية وبلدية كركوك.
    وخصص الاجتماع لتحديد مهام اللجان الفرعية في قيامها بتزويد اللجنة العليا وفروعها بالوثائق الرسمية التي تسهم في انجاح عمل اللجنة، وتشمل المعلومات عن الاراضي والعقارات المتنازع عليها او التي صودرت من قبل النظام الى جانب وثائق تبين اعداد المرحلين واحصائية بعدد العرب الوافدين الى المحافظة.
    وقال بابكر صديق ان هذه الوثائق ستسهم في رفع الظلم والحيف عن المواطنين الذين تعرضوا الى سياسات التطهير العرقي والتغيير الديموغرافي مؤكدا ان العمل سيتصف بالحيادية والموضوعية وتوخي تحقيق العدالة من خلال تطبيع الاوضاع.
    على صعيد متصل نظم تجمع العشائر العربية في المحافظة اجتماعا حضره محمد خليل ممثل عرب كركوك في اللجنة العليا.
    وقال احمد العبيدي الامين العام لتجمع العشائر العربية في كركوك ان الغاية من اقامة الاجتماع هي مناقشة الامور المتعلقة بتطبيق المادة 140 معربا عن امله في عودة جميع المرحلين الى مناطق سكناهم في المحافظة بغض النظر عن قومياتهم في الوقت الذي طالب بعدم اجبار العرب الوافدين على مغادرة المحافظة فضلا عن مطالبته باضافة عضو عربي شيعي الى لجنة تطبيع الاوضاع.
    ورفض العبيدي اجراء استفتاء بشأن مستقبل كركوك مؤكدا عدم المشاركة فيه معللا ذلك بان الاستفتاء قد يكون مصدرا لخلق مشكلات لاهالي كركوك هم في غنى عنها.
    ناشطون يدعون الحكومة لعمل يوقف تصفية الاساتذة
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  7. #22947
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    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    This is in effect Now. Thank You All.
    Neno, can we have a sticky "Dinar Discussion/news thread"?--You know, a place to take the news DISCUSSIONS and speculations?

    Thanks, Tracy

  8. #22948
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    SGS, Thank you. RR should not be embarrassed. I for one look forward to his posts very much. To have a contact with actual feet on the ground in Iraq is priceless. I wish he would log on and give us his input on tomorrows possibilities. Thanks again.
    RollRoyce, you are up there with the top posters, we love your posts. Anything you hear, and i mean anything will be greatly appreciated. Throw it out there, we desperately need the info from Iraq, and Indiras family are a vital part of that communication. Have they had their 10K yet, are there any lower denoms yet. Please keep posting.......

  9. #22949
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    Black eye
    Pros and cons
    Information offices in some State ministries dealing with the pros a few of those ministers do not refer to the many negative aspects which citizens are suffering in their ministries.

    Security guards
    Guards security officers in a number of ministries and official circles do not rule the mind as much as the positivist and flexing their weapons at the unarmed citizens as if they were the guardians of the citizens and owners of the power they forgetting what they had to occupy these posts in Tostathm and pleas of this official or that.

    Hospitals are no longer hospitals for patients as they are institutions to bleed money citizen and emptying his pockets with tips and wages ticket to enter and exit requirements in the creation of the treatment. You have got to be kidding me!

    The hearing and cup of traffic policemen
    Still traffic chaos Lady of the Iraqi street, especially in the capital Baghdad. cars without registration plates roaming the streets and recent events driving vehicles without exorbitant Bsra deterrent or scruples, as well as to go out of the rules of the road as well as many motorcyclists, which is the other not having registration plates on the eyes and ears traffic policemen.

    AL-MADA Daily Newspaper...جريدة المدى

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  10. #22950
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    Al-Maliki carries the responsibility of the Iraqi parliament building

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-12-2006
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    Al-Maliki carries the responsibility of the Iraqi parliament building, calling for a comprehensive cabinet reshuffle

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki
    12 / 11 / 2006 15:09 (GMT)

    The Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Sunday in a closed session of the House of Representatives to the government reshuffle in the government in a comprehensive framework of controls and measurements to suit the current stage in the country, calling for partners in the political process bear the responsibility of building the state.

    A statement issued by the prime minister that the call-Maliki included an explanation of the developments in the political process and the security challenges and the government's efforts to establish security and stability. The statement stressed that Al-Malki carrying the House and the partners in the political process, the responsibility of building the state and face the security challenges calling various political affiliations to contribute to the pacification and the payment of the national reconciliation process forward.

    He criticized Al-Maliki, according to the statements broadcast by state television, those who bear arms and threatened to withdraw from the government, pointing out that these things are not the level of responsibility and for them to realize that the responsibility of maintaining national require a lot of convictions in favor of conviction National Assembly. The Iraqi Accord Front, major parliamentary blocs of Arab Sunnis, last Wednesday threatened to withdraw from the political process in the event of failure to respond to their demands, especially a balance in the State organs. He said Salim Abdullah al-Jabouri, MILF spokesman, represented by 44 deputies that the front delivered a letter two weeks ago of the other political parties about our demands, which is to find a balance in all the organs of the state and the disbanding and disarmament inventory in the hands of the state.

    He added that in the case of non-response, that may be abandoning the entire political process will not only one option which is to bear arms and that the beginning of a civil war do not want or perceive. The Iraqi Vice President Tariq Hashimi is a Sunni. The secretary general of the Islamic Party, charged Tuesday in Doha, government monopoly on the issuance of the decision as a fateful and strategy.


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