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  1. #22951
    Senior Member bluedangle's Avatar
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    You should use "World Lingo" --> Free Website Translator. Online Website Translation
    It' does a great job translating Arabic to English, alot better than that Google "#%#"
    I wanna wake up rich tommorrow then it's off to Belize

  2. #22952
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    The White House spokesman Tony Snow that President Bush will meet next Monday with a study of the situation in Iraq, headed by former Foreign Minister James Baker, but he affirmed that the group will make its final recommendations in the meeting. UNABLE TO TRANSLATE THE REST, PLEASE ASSIST IF POSSIBLE.
    Here you go:

    The White House spokesman Tony Snow that President Bush will meet next Monday with a study of the situation in Iraq,headed by former Foreign Minister James Baker,but he affirmed that the group will make its final recommendations in the meeting.Snow added that members of the group will meet next Monday with a number of American officials, including Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the former Director of National Intelligence, John Negroponte, the Director of the American Central Intelligence Agency and Ambassador Mike Hayden Alamirkj in Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad.On the other hand,Snow expressed the desire of the White House in cooperation with the Democratic Party in Congress to achieve the objectives in Iraq.Snow said :"We are enthusiastic to work jointly to achieve our objectives in Iraq, which is a strong Iraq can govern itself,and defend itself,and be an ally in the war on terrorism, which is supposed to become a model in the region shows that democracy can triumph over terrorism. "Snow also announced that the new Defense Minister Robert Gates resign from membership in the Special Action Committee on Iraq to succeed him as Lawrence Eglberger former Foreign Minister.The Snow that Bush is ready to cooperate with the winners in the legislative elections so as to achieve the goals and interests of America, especially in Abrakaz Snow said :"we have repeatedly affirmed our readiness for immediate action and cooperation between the two parties so as to achieve the desired objectives achieved in Iraq and building democratic Iraqi state capable of defending itself alone, an ally in our war on terrorism and an example of democratic regimes in the Middle East."Snow denied that the new leaders of Congress have proposed a number of ideas concerning Iraq.Snow said :"I think that now provides an opportunity for the parties to confirm their intention in good cooperation and discuss a range of issues of common interest. and is not the time to make practical suggestions related to Iraq. "Snow warned that the enemies of the United States think that the Democrats win in the legislative elections would weaken the United States or a win for them.The spokesman said that Snow Democrats win expression of the good work of the democratic system.He added : Snow"However, the chance never see our democratic system that caused weaker,but on the contrary, what does the democratic system is that it reinforces the responsibility of the two parties together and gives us the determination of the two parties agreed to continue the war on terrorism. "The Snow that Bush is confident that the Democrats are less determined to overcome terrorism and retaliate against those who attack the United States, its citizens and its allies.The spokesman, the White House said Bush will leave Washington on Tuesday evening next, heading to Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.Russia will first stop in an Asian tour.Two new members to assign the work of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk Kirkuk-Sabah confirmed improve Chih member of the ministerial committee on the application of Article 140 of the Constitution in addition to the new member of the Turkmen Front at the same time denying the existence of any suspension of the work of the Commission or its meetings.He said Kher told "morning" that a meeting had been held late last month for the Higher Committee under the chairmanship of Justice Minister Hashim Al-Shebli and all its members and in the presence of Anwar Bayraqdar the Turkmen Front, which became a member in a formal order of the Cabinet of prime minister.He pointed out that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki decided to add Ahmed Brak Director of the Conflict Resolution Iraqi ownership in the membership of the Supreme Committee.He added that the meeting discussed a number of issues and matters relating to the financial situation, as has been agreed to deposit 10% of the amount allocated to the budget of the first phase, and $ 200 million was also agreed that the powers and one sub-committees emanating from the Supreme Committee, which is a fact-finding committee and the technical committee and importuningsecretarial costing up and the Finance Committee as well as the agreement on the date of the next meeting.So the Bureau of the Commission in a meeting chaired by Babiker Kirkuk friend and the presence of its members and members of the subcommittees that represent constituencies on the application of Article 140 conservation reserves and the resolve disputes and real estate ownership and Statistics Department of Agriculture and Land Registration Service and the Civil Status and the municipality of Kirkuk.The meeting was dedicated to defining the functions of the subcommittees in supplying the High Commission and the branches of official documents that contribute to the success of the work of the Committee,include information on land and real estate disputed or confiscated by the regime, as well as documents showing the preparation of statistical and deported a number of Arab visitors to the province.He said Babiker friend that these documents will contribute to eliminating injustice and inequality of citizens who have been subjected to policies of ethnic cleansing and demographic change, stressing that the work characterized by impartiality and objectivity and the pursuit of justice through the normalization of the situation.In relation to systems combine the Arab tribes in the province, a meeting attended by Mohamed Khalil representative of the Arabs in Kirkuk Supreme Committee.He said Ahmed Al-Obaidi, the Secretary-General of the Union of Arab tribes in Kirkuk that the purpose of the meeting is a discussion of matters relating to the application of Article 140 expressing hope that the return of all the deportees to their home areas in the province, regardless of their ideologies at the time who asked not to force the Arabs to leave the visitors preferred to maintaina claim of adding to the Shiite Arab member of the normalization of the situation.Obeidi and the rejection of a referendum on the future of Kirkuk, he did not participate because the referendum may be the source of creating problems for the people of Kirkuk are indispensable.Activists claim the government to stop the liquidation of the work professors

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    Default New Currency Pays Tribute To The Iraqi People

    While looking over the USAID site I stumbled across this and found it very interesting...
    I don't know what the date of it is but no-matter when it was it is still interesting...

    Just another reason to feel very good about our investment and the know of it will happen...

    I'm going to post the result part of the article along with the link below...

    The conversion to a new currency is a significant accomplishment that is giving the Iraqi people a chance to attain financial freedom in a modern market economy. This project represents a major economic and logistic effort in Iraq. With the conversion to a new, single currency, one of the last, daily reminders of Saddam Hussein’s rule is being eliminated. The new Iraqi currency has earned the confidence of the Iraqi people – it is being used throughout the nation and has not only held its value, it has strengthened. The currency exchange will put Iraq on the path to full membership in the global economy. A stable Iraqi currency will encourage countries interested in trading with Iraq and businesses wanting to invest in the country.
    USAID Telling Our Story: Iraq - New Currency Pays Tribute To The Iraqi People

  4. #22954
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    Alsitarat lifting of the Baghdad Karkh major disaster

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-12-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Urgent. Urgent-raising Alsitarat part of the Baghdad Karkh major disaster


    Baghdad residents appealed to the government to Karkh Alsitarat Karkh in Baghdad, especially after the Karkh relative calm due to the presence of such Alsitarat.

    And on the city's residents to be extremely cautious about what might happen due to be lifted Alsitarat and long-awaited killers and criminals.

    We wish all peace

  5. #22955
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    I found something that could be very interesting.. I did a search and the search sent me to a link for a story that I can not find. I am hoping maybe someone has seen this artical or maybe can find it.
    here is the google search link and heading along with the story link
    Tuesday, 07 November 2006 ...Economic expert :the increase in the price of the dinar is a deliberate government policy
    ارتفاع قيمة الدينار العراق نوفمبر 2006 - Google Search
    Translated version of um=1186
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #22956
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    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    I found something that could be very interesting.. I did a search and the search sent me to a link for a story that I can not find. I am hoping maybe someone has seen this artical or maybe can find it.
    here is the google search link and heading along with the story link
    Tuesday, 07 November 2006 ...Economic expert :the increase in the price of the dinar is a deliberate government policy
    ارتفاع قيمة الدينار العراق نوفمبر 2006 - Google Search
    Translated version of um=1186

  7. #22957
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlatanoKing View Post
    This is from an Iraqi forum, Post# 6

    Dinar - aliraqi Community

    Re: Dinar


    Just heard that are going to start giving out the 10000 dinar tommorow. What a slap in the face...what is this worth...nothing. Hardly enought to buy food for one family for one meal. Meanwhile our government grows wealthy and fat. Half of them do not even show up when they are supposed to..yet they still are paid. Our government is more concerned with lining their pockets then helping the iraqi people. I am not a Saddam loyalist...he is getting what he deserves. I jusy know things were better for my family before the americans took over
    The message was from yesterday, so it meant it should go out today. It is the same as the news we already have read.

    We need proof that it is going out from the ground so that people are actually receive it.

  8. #22958
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    Default I agree

    Quote Originally Posted by dinartank View Post
    As much as I hate to admit it that quote may be right on....Were maybe looking to deep into all this...yes theres lots of good news more than EVER heard before oil production up above pewar levels, only 10% of land explored for oil, all the debt for giveness, The ISX to open soon, the FIL and HLC and actual talk about the dinar and raising the value exct exct.....but it just seems like every few days theres gonna be a reval and it comes and goes.You all just need to remember the mid east dosent think like americans.....yes we have huge influences on what they do.....but .......the common iraqi dosent know what its like to live in total freedom, meaning,.... to go to a restaraunt and eat...go to a mall and go to a car dealer ship an purchase brandnew 2006 cars.......helll i bet half of them cant even sit and take a dump on a toilet then flush woooooshhh... (sorry couldn't resist) because they don't have running water and sewuer...... I remember someone stating a week maybe 2 weeks ago that the iraqi members of parlament have a salary and were getting paid in US DOLLARS of around $5,000 a month is that true???? Thats a shitte load of dinar a month.....If it is no wonder they are in no big hurry to RV about greed and coruption...SGS have you heard and know of this or anyone?? Can any of you confirm this??? Its gonna happen one day and hopefully soon as of now im remaing optomistic on the fact of it rVing anyday now......I will now be wating on the HLC law that supposed to be passed by the end of the year to stay in compliance to the IMF....and now for iraq to be where they need to be at the end of the year which is 1345iqd=$1us to stay in compliance. That is a facking joke....but hey this is iraq where the violence in the capital bagshitte is horrible and there not the brightest of people and corupt wankers
    Something will happen soon but what and how soon
    I feel the same way. It is tiring to think they every other day the RV will happen - Iraq is still fairly unstable. Most of them if they are educated are corrupt, the uneducated are barbaric. I pray that things change for them, I think that some want change - others are just too angry and stuborn to realize the inevitable truth. Still, with the changes that we have seen in our own government in the US, it is obvious that things are going to be moving along rapidly now. That is wonderful for everyone involved -especially our troops to get the hell out of dodge.
    I feel they should put the Batthists(sp) back into office replacing the sunnis who are threating to leave do to their agenda not being met. This woudl serve to quell some of the violence. As for the Kurds. Great work-can a reval help for them to continue on as the model for Iraq as was predicted in the past. The only problem still is the division of the revenues.
    Last night I went on to some Iraq chat rooms. Straight from the horses mouths you can sense their true feelings about the situation in Iraq. This is real (not Journalism) Go check some of the chat rooms for yourself.

    For me I feel the need to step away from all the WOOT la! Focus on realtime reallife situations. I am sure my brother will tell me when something is stirring up. Blessing to all you and yours and to everyone in Iraq, and to our investment and our dreams to come true soon.

    Marlene in NY

  9. #22959
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    Hmmmmmmm record highs to record lows...I smell a reval....

    Translated version of um=1186

    A decline in the sales rate to the lowest levels in months
    Dargham of Muhammad Ali
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    Sales slumped Central Bank of the dollar today, Sunday, to its lowest levels during the current year, as the demand for the American currency, 24 million and 880 thousand dollars, compared with 70 million and 180 thousand dollars in a meeting last Thursday.

    A statement by the Central Bank that the demand stands at 22 million and 180 thousand dollars in cash and two million 700 thousand dollars of remittances outside covered bank exchange rate amounted to 1465 dinars, the same rate of the previous meeting last Thursday.
    The statement said : "Banks made offers to sell the dollar at 2.5 million at the exchange rate of 1463 dinars and buy the bank in full."
    H n

  10. #22960
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    Default Hundreds of companies take part in international fair in the north

    Hundreds of companies take part in international fair in northern Iraq

    Source: Herald Tribune

    Hundreds of companies from around the world looking for opportunities in Iraq took part Saturday in an international fair in this city in the relatively peaceful Kurdish north.

    The fair, organized by the Iraqi American chamber of commerce, was inaugurated by Nechirvan Barzani, the prime minister of Kurdistan's regional government.

    Some 370 companies from around the world including 50 from Germany and 24 from Italy, were taking part in the four-day conference.

    Most of the companies specialize in infrastructure and construction, badly need projects that have been held up by unsafe conditions in Iraq and the U.N. sanctions regime before that.

    Unlike the rest of Iraq, the three Kurdish provinces in the north are safe and tightly controlled by tens of thousands of local peshmerga militiamen.

    The region became essentially autonomous and not under the control of Saddam Hussein after the 1991 Gulf War, when the U.S. imposed a no-fly zone over the region and kept Iraqi forces out. After the fall of his regime in April 2003 the militias secured the area despite some bloody attacks that left hundreds of people killed.

    "I am very happy that that this international fair is being held on the land of Kurdistan," Barzani told The Associated Press after officially opening the fair.

    "Whoever wants to invest in this region is welcome," Barzani said.

    The executive director of the Iraqi American chamber of commerce, Raad Ammar, said the fair was being held for the second consecutive year in Sulaimaniyah.

    "This fair shows that reconstruction conference can be held on our land and not abroad so that all Iraqis come and take part," said Ammar, who is an Arab.

    Before 1991 the Baghdad fair that had been held annually starting in 1964 and drew exhibitors from an average of some 50 countries. It was one of the major trade shows in the Arab world.

    Since then participation dropped as Iraq suffered under the 13-year crippling economic sanctions imposed in 1990 to punish Saddam for his invasion of Kuwait.

    The last major fair to be held in Baghdad took place in 2002 with the participation of large number of foreign companies, including some western firms that came privately rather than under government sponsorship.

    After the fall of Saddam Baghdad became too dangerous for foreigners to come and take part in fairs.

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