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  1. #23141
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Ref: The CBI auction.

    Again we see an auction where the CBI has conducted an auction that has moved a large amount of currency from circulation (110M). With the exception of yesterday, the last six auctions has been some of the largest in their history. If my math is correct, over 450M USD of dinar has been removed and replaced with USD in the local banks. A huge move in itself. The question was "does this reduce inflation". The answer is yes. We know that inflation is too much money chasing to few goods. This movement of dinars out of the system is an extremely healthy move and when combined with the overall debt reduction is a classic action that will result in a higher value for the dinar and credit worthiness of Iraq as a whole. How many more days can they continue to remove Dinar out of the economy? We don't know. But it isn't a move that can continue indefinitly. At some point they will have removed the excess by using their currency reserves and oil money. This recent trend is exactly what you would expect them (CBI) to do prior to an increase in value of their currency. So I am very encouraged by these actions and feel they are in compliance with the SBA from the IMF. So many times we have seen small countries continue to print money until it is worthless. By removing dinar from the economy they are taking the opposite and responsible direction that will decrease inflation and decrease the CBIs exposure for larger amounts of dinar in the economy should the currency be revalued. Again, how long can this go on? I don't know. We'll have to see. But this is a very large and favorable movement in the direction of an economy that will result in a longer term increased value of the dinar and will benefit all investors and the Iraqi people by increasing their purchasing power. Your comments are appreciated.
    Thanks WM.Knowles. I like reading your posts because you explain it clear.

    It is nice to see that the process for increasing the value of the dinar finally is started. This process will only be better from now on.

    We will have to see how long they can go on but I am certain of it that good things will be done before 2007.

  2. #23142
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    Maliki calls to the conservative treatment of the citizens

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 13-2006
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    Maliki calls conservatives to treat citizens alike

    - Baghdad (votes) of Samir Najm

    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, "The governor represents the executive power in the state. and that the preservation represents the House of Representatives, but is smaller. " He added Maliki during a meeting with the governors to discuss the investment plan "that the district councils are responsible for implementation, and if the government wanted to be held accountable, they will be held accountable to the governor represents the executive power. " He noted, "it must develop adequate explanation even Attdakhl responsibilities and powers between the provincial assemblies and governors." The Maliki "that some conservatives to Airja'on to provincial assemblies in some of the issues which require their مايعني or exclusion of the province." He pointed out that "some conservatives have started to intervene in matters are outside the scope of their powers such as the appointment of the commander of the police or exempting senior officer in the army, which means that non-compliance with the limits of the powers." He called Maliki conservatives to treat citizens alike and the preference of some to the others. (End)

  3. #23143
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    Tariq Al-Hashmi is not with the internationalization of the Iraqi issue

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 13-2006
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    Tariq Al-Hashmi, Vice President of the Republic : I am not with the internationalization of the Iraqi issue should not be dealt with the problem and the dismantling of Fragmentation
    12 / 11 / 2006 22:40 (GMT)

    Tariq Al-Hashmi accused the Vice-President of the Republic in the Iraqi government exclusivity opinion and the non-participation of Iraqi parties in decision-making. He pointed out that the government formed on the background of binding agreements, the most important of consultation and consensus.

    He called Hashemi said in an interview with "Radio Sawa" the current Iraqi government commitment to the agreements, He pointed to the need to take decisions concerning the fate of Iraq and the security issue in a centralized manner.

    The following is the text of the interview conducted with him on November 9, 2006 :

    Question-What is the impact of developments on the Iraqi arena over the resignation of the Minister of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, to win the Democrats in Congress?

    C - The Iraqi scene to the junctions and without serious doubt. The administration of the Iraqi file, in the last three years has proved the failure of this policy must be a new vision for reconsideration of this issue, strengthen efforts towards raising the Iraqis towards national project that unites everyone and avoid these divisions developments. On the other hand, I think that the American administration is keen to exit Musharraf its forces from Iraq. This requires a new strategy for managing the Iraqi file.

    O-Is the nomination of Robert Gates as an indicator of openness to dialogue with Iran and Syria and a new mechanism of the situation in Iraq?

    C - I received a simple reference of the report of the James Baker and, as you know took place between myself and the long dialogue regarding the Iraqi scene and how to manage the Iraqi file, and by the American administration in the past years.
    I can not speak about the final recommendations, but I foresee that the paper's recommendations will require difficult decisions, perhaps including the need for talks with the neighboring countries to achieve progress in the issue of security in particular.
    I am not familiar with the recommendations, but during the discussion with James Baker and Gates found open to a lot of ambiguous facts, which appears not to be as the American administration, I therefore wish to read the new American administration to the reality of the matter and consultation with the Iraqis in order to reach a common vision to address the current issue.

    Question-Do you think that a constitutional conference or rally around Iraq will be productive?

    C - I am not with the internationalization of the Iraqi issue. this is not for Iraq at the present time. And I think on the other hand, I think that the Arab League would be in charge of the Iraqi file, because Iraq is an Arab country, and to promote the Arab League, including ownership of the potential reality can be used to help the Iraqis to break the deadlock who are in it. And we must not forget that the issue is very important that the situation in Iraq has become directly affects the Arab national security, Therefore, this issue should be made up for the Arab nation before moving to the United Nations and to the international community to advance the repercussions of this file.
    We fear that comes to the management of this file again by people with no experience in this matter, Consequently, Iraqis find themselves again before the impasse recommendations and proposals are not commensurate with the reality of the situation we are in..
    Should not the dismantling of the Iraqi problem and address micro, there should be a package of solutions begin to review the political process, which began after the fall of the regime.

    O-in your last, threatened to withdraw from the political process and the formation of armed factions and the civil war, How do you explain that?

    C - I wondered what that one finds himself in the critical angle has no room for political maneuver?
    We participated in the government said it was consistent with the standards of national unity and will be consulted in order to express opinion and participate in the real decision-making.
    These issues have not materialized, after five years, and we have found ourselves on the margin. not talking about constitutional powers, but speaking as leader of the Front participated in the political process and the government of national unity against the backdrop of binding agreements preceded the formation of the government.
    I want to bring a very important message to the Sunni Arab parties, which increased from criticism to have done so far, To them I say Let us, the period spent in power are few and the mass, which took place in the politicization of the State Ministry and the large needs for a long period of the reform.
    The government should abide by what has been agreed on and go back to the basic principle under which our presence in the government is that any decision regarding the fate of the country and the security issue in the principle of mutual agreement not to take unilateral. This subject has never been implemented. the security file, run a centralized manner.

    Question-What is the way out by your?

    C-From the outset, against the background of shared convictions, we will do something for the Iraqi national project, that has not been achieved would be no reason to stay in power and then we will consider a conviction in too many issues.
    This does not mean the end of political action is no longer whether we have to bear arms and fight for the national project, I do not say that.
    This letter addressed to all parties that do not Ehrjona more critical we are, should all parties sitting at the negotiation table to reconsider all the things sincere intentions and genuine willingness to accept the position and the opinions of others and absorb all against the backdrop of the national project.
    If achieved, the country will recover from its emergence from the crisis and I pray that that will be achieved sooner.

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    Default no dinars if they don't show

    Voices of Iraq : House-meeting (first Introduction)
    كتب: santiago في يوم الأثنين, 13 نوفمبر, 2006 - 12:18 PM BTSantiago wrote : On Monday, November 13, 2006-12:18 PM BT
    Parliament : deduction of 500 thousand dinars from the state Attorney allocations continued absence from meetings
    From Santa Mikhail
    (In addition to the adjournment of the meeting and the death deputy, who did not attend the meetings)
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    The body of the Iraqi parliament today, Monday, the adjournment of the meeting of parliament until tomorrow, Tuesday, after the vote to cut 500 thousand dinars of the allocations for each MP absent for the case of continuation of the day to attend meetings.
    "A member of Parliament from the Kurdistan Alliance Khalid Chuani that "Today's meeting saw the vote on the resolution provides for the spare part of the financial allocations to the deputy in the event of absence to attend the meetings."
    "He added that "at the continuing drop in the warning is written, If the cut is 500 thousand dinars of the allocations for each meeting not prohibited. "
    "While a member of the Iraqi Coalition explained a member Faisal return, "according to the rules of procedure, the member who was absent from attending the meetings are ten warning, If the warning to leave after being cut 500 thousand dinars for each meeting attended not. "
    "And the rest of the events of the meeting, Huani said, "it was also a first reading of the Military Penal Code, The first reading of the Code of Criminal Procedure military. "
    The meeting also saw the 52 of the parliament today the first reading of the bill on the cancellation of Security Council dissolved Revolution Command
    (No. 690) for 81 years, No. (700) for 80 years.
    He pointed out that resolution 690 Chuani prevented an employee working in the state's institutions work in the private sector after retirement, while the resolution was 700 prevents Group in the diplomatic corps abroad to take his family with him.
    Also today, the House of Representatives postponed the vote on the draft law the Independent Electoral Commission.

    It was scheduled to vote on the bill in the meeting last Thursday, but debate on the powers of the Office prevented this and for the matter to the meeting yesterday, Sunday, but the host Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the ministers of defense and interior to the meeting yesterday led to the postponement of the vote until today.
    A member of the Kurdistan Alliance Saad Alborznji that a number of members had proposed the postponement of the vote until a later meeting did not specify the date, This was welcomed by the other members.
    He pointed out that there were differences over the powers of the Office in overseeing the elections and offices in the governorates.

  5. #23145
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    Inspector General of the Ministry of Oil : large commissions

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 13-2006
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    Inspector General of the Ministry of Oil : commissions large (oil for food and medicine) deposited in Lebanese banks and Jordanian supervision of Iraqi embassies
    Baghdad / Karim Sudanese
    The Office of the Inspector General in the Ministry of Oil third quarterly report in a series of reports of transparency. The present report highlights the issue of Iraqi crude oil export for the period from 1996 until 2006 and commissions paid by the former regime to market its policy.
    The Inspector General of Ilaq that the report is the first official Iraqi report reveals important details of the memorandum of understanding "oil for food and medicine" used by the former regime (from the phase III) to achieve significant financial returns through the illegal imposition of a commission on every barrel of oil will be exported.
    He pointed out that the commission began a 10 cent / barrel then was increased to 50 cents / barrel in December 2000 and were deposited in private bank accounts in Lebanon and Jordan, under the supervision of Iraq's embassies in several countries, terms of the former regime sought to exploit the memorandum of understanding to achieve the benefits of political and media through the granting of political figures and parties collaborating with the pomace, which has political and media to attract supporting positions for its political position, These allocations for political and media figures quantity over one billion barrels, or 27% of the total allocations Memorandum of Understanding, while the volume of allocations to political parties of the more than 289 million barrels. at a rate of 7% of the total allocations.
    The report characterizes transparency third shorten the United Nations in the exercise of its supervisory role, which led to a rush of businesses intermediary to buy Iraqi crude oil with its readiness to provide any amounts Kamolat various methods, It also underwent an international organization under the pressure of those with an interest in keeping the situation as it was, In addition, the position of the international organization due to the huge financial benefits that derive from the United Nations program, they were reaping the proportion of the revenue from the sale of Iraqi crude oil to cover their own expenses because they were suffering from difficult financial situations that threatened its survival.
    It goes on the report of the Office of Inspector General in the disclosure of information about the reality of exporting Iraqi crude oil after April 9, 2003, where not achieved the necessary protection for installations and pipelines and got faltering in the implementation of projects, also delayed legislation and regulations and formulas financial, administrative and contractual resulted in the survival rates of export without the required level without building became available Iraq rank among the very late of Petroleum Exporting Countries despite being ranked second in the volume of Awalthalathe reserves.
    The report said : The estimates of the losses resulting from the interruption of exports through the northern outlet for the period from 2004 through the first half of 2006 increased by 8.5 billion dollars, in addition to the other losses estimated at more than three billion dollars annually, resulting from the bombing of oil wells and refineries processing lines, and others.
    This report focuses on the theme of the long blackout, misunderstanding and speculations and rumors namely : the pricing of Iraqi crude oil, as the report reveals in detail the manner and the influential factors in the pricing of crude oil in addition to detailed information on the prices of Iraqi crude oil exporter to the world market presents a significant shows a comparison between the official price of Basra light crude oil and Saudi crude oil during the first half of the year in 2006, and which confirms the rapprochement between the two great shows the validity of rumors circulating on the subject.

  6. #23146
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    Chambers of Commerce Union proposes establishment of Iraqi-UAE bank 12 November 2006 (PortAl Iraq)
    Iraq's Ministry of Trade has confirmed that it has referred a proposal by the Chambers of Commerce Union to invite UAE to establish an Iraqi-UAE commercial bank to a special committee.

    A Ministry source said: "The Ministry is studying this proposal in accordance with mechanisms and regulations of banks establishment."

    The source added: "The ministry suggested that this bank should be a private company according to the valid instructions of the central bank." "The Ministry adopts every banking and financial facility possible to support businessmen."

    Chambers of Commerce Union proposes establishment of Iraqi-UAE bank | Iraq Updates
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Voices of Iraq : Talabani - Blair-Letter
    AM BTBooks : nakr2004 on Monday, November 13, 2006-11:47 AM BT
    Blair renews Talabani's support for the efforts to achieve national reconciliation
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    New British Prime Minister Tony Blair solidarity and support the government's efforts to achieve national reconciliation, in a letter sent today, Monday, to the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani.
    "A statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic today received news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy of the Taliban, "received today at his residence in Baghdad John Source Special Envoy of Prime Minister Tony Blair." which him a message from Blair, "in which he expressed solidarity with and support for the government and people of Iraq."
    "The statement pointed out that the British Prime Minister, "the price in his efforts by the President of the Republic in order to achieve national reconciliation in Iraq and the success of the political process."
    "He explained that the Taliban and Soros also discussed during the meeting to discuss "the latest developments in the country. The ways to achieve security and stability in Iraq. "
    The meeting was attended by Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, The British Ambassador to Iraq, Dominique Ascoaith.
    م ق- ك مS-K m m

  8. #23148
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    The Iraqi Central with the highest circulation rate of the dollar in 2006
    المركزي العراقى يشهد أعلى تداول وسعر صرف للدولار في 2006
    The Iraqi Central with the highest circulation rate of the dollar in 2006
    المصدر : أصوات العراق - 07/11/2006

    The auction saw the Central Bank of Iraq today, Tuesday, registering the highest demand during the current year to buy the dollar as well as the higher exchange rate for the dollar for over a year, in addition to the sale of a number of banks for dollars to the bank where the volume of demand for dollar 109 million and $ 150 thousand, compared with 70 million in the previous meeting.
    وجاء الطلب المسجل في جلسة اليوم هو الاعلى خلال العام الحالي وقام البنك بتغطيتها بالكامل بسعر صرف هو الادنى للعام الحالي مسجلا 1468 دينارا مقابل 1470 دينارا في الجلسة الماضية بواقع 41 مليونا و650 الف دولار نقدا و 67 مليونا و500 الف دولار على شكل حوالات خارج القطر.
    The request came at a meeting today, the Registrar is the highest during the current year and the bank full coverage at the exchange rate is the minimum for the current year, recording 1468 dinars against 1470 dinars in the previous meeting by 41 million and 650 thousand dollars in cash and 67 million and 500 thousand dollars in the form of remittances outside the country.
    بالمقابل تقدمت المصارف بعروض لبيع الدولار بلغت 3 ملايين دولار وبسعر صرف 1466دينارا للدولار قام البنك بشرائها بالكامل.
    Conversely banks submitted bids to sell the dollar hit three million dollars and the exchange rate of 1466 dinars to the dollar the bank bought full.
    He said economic expert Abdul Razzaq far as News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent several factors that helped to raise demand for the dollar, the most important stop auction for more than five days because of the curfews and the holiday on Friday and Saturday, in addition to the high volume of remittances after the judgment on the former President Saddam Hussein because of fears Allen S deterioration of the security situation.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Voices of Iraq : House-meeting
    AM BTSantiago wrote : On Monday, November 13, 2006-8:23 AM BT
    The meeting of the Council of Deputies is to vote today on the Electoral Commission
    From Santa Mikhail
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    Parliamentary sources said that a meeting of the Council of Deputies, which will be held today, Monday, to vote on the law of the Independent Higher Commission for Elections and reading a number of draft laws.
    He was supposed to witness a meeting on yesterday, Sunday, the vote on the UNHCR, however, has been allocated for hosting the meeting, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the ministers of defense and interior to discuss the security issue.
    During the parliamentary session last Thursday controversy and heated debate at the beginning of reading of the draft law on elections to the Office of the vote, which pushed the number of members to claim that voting on the draft law.
    The proposal met with a number of deputies to postpone the vote on the draft law interception of the legal committee for the fact that the third extension of UNHCR's work ended on the 10th of this month, which requires the adoption of the law.

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    Al-Maliki :security is provided reconciliation and political harmony Baghdad, the new morning :Baghdad :Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Mr. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki :The government's priorities at the present time,Following the escalation of intensifying violence centered in the direction of the success of the political process leading to reconciliation is the cornerstone of our having stumbled security plans and then steer the economy to revive the living situation of the citizen and the security plan here will be on the right track.Dividing the problem is political and not security matters can be resolved by force alone, but that reconciliation and the political consensus was that provides security. Mr..Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki :The government's priorities at the present time,Following the escalation of intensifying violence centered in the direction of the success of the political process leading to reconciliation is the cornerstone of our having stumbled security plans and then steer the economy to revive the living situation of the citizen and the security plan here will be on the right track.Dividing the problem is political and not security matters can be resolved by force alone,but that reconciliation and the political consensus was that provides security.His Excellency the Prime Minister of optimism in the future and stressed that the culture of dialogue and acceptance of others began expanding and growing, and this confirm our approach in dealing with crises that the country is going through and this is what became clear in the recent developments in the province of Anbar, and the position of the tribes that Our address of the armed groups and the rise in the number of volunteers in AugustNaha in the armed forces. His Excellency the Prime Minister of optimism in the future and stressed that the culture of dialogue and acceptance of others began expanding and growing.and this confirm our approach in dealing with crises that the country is going through and this is what became clear in the recent developments in the province of Anbar,and the position of the tribes that Our address of the armed groups and the rise in the number of volunteers in August Naha in the armed forces.This came during a meeting with chief editors of some newspapers and bodies of Iraqi liberation. This came during a meeting with chief editors of some newspapers and bodies of Iraqi liberation.Regarding the decision of a الميليشياتDisbanding disband the militias, Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki :it could not be combined between the government and the militias must be disarmament in the hands of the government and I have found that there is understanding and firm when I was sent two to respond to any challenge faced by our forces to ask the body that stands behind it. And the decision to disband the militias,Mr..Nouri Al-Maliki :it could not be combined between the government and the militias must be disarmament in the hands of the government and I have found that there is understanding and firm when I was sent two to respond to any challenge faced by our forces to ask the body that stands behind it.We are involved in this so there is security and safety. We are involved in this so there is security and safety.He pointed in responding to a question about the threat of withdrawal of Accord Front of the political process that is happening on the ground-and declared there are positive indications confirm the commitment Front dialogue and the political process is unlikely to emerge, although some of the statements that were fired and the resulting pressure on some parties in the front, but weconfident that the process is moving so as to guarantee the continuation of the political process and leave it to promote steps, which came after the successful democratic elections. He pointed in responding to a question about the threat of withdrawal of Accord Front of the political process that is happening on the ground-and declared there are positive indications confirm the commitment Front dialogue and the political process is unlikely to emerge.although some of the statements that were fired and the resulting pressure on some parties in the front,but we confident that the process is moving so as to guarantee the continuation of the political process and leave it to promote steps,which came after the successful democratic elections.And on the Democrats win elections in the American Congress and the impact of that, in fact, the Iraqi pointed to Mr. Maliki that the United States is a country of institutions and had their overall strategy toward the big issues like Iraq can affect the results in these plans and on the draft Washington in Iraq, but I think thatwhat may happen is a minor change in the eyes of some positions. And on the Democrats win elections in the American Congress and the impact of that,in fact, the Iraqi pointed to Mr..Maliki that the United States is a country of institutions and had their overall strategy toward the big issues like Iraq can affect the results in these plans and on the draft Washington in Iraq,but I think that what may happen is a minor change in the eyes of some positions.Asked morning "new" about the reasons that led to a change in the date of the convening of the political forces of reconciliation, which was scheduled to be held on the 4th of this month.Mr. Prime Minister, that some procedural issues and the connections of some parties to the process of dialogue and the request to postpone the conference, which we deem to be a positive indication of the willingness of these parties to the maturing of the national reconciliation program which Stevers ultimately those who stand by our people and prosperity of Iraq and build their future and jReed cause bad its place and we are in the process of setting a date him and will be attended by a large number of political figures. Asked morning "new" about the reasons that led to a change in the date of the convening of the political forces of reconciliation,which was scheduled to be held on the 4th of this month.Mr..Prime Minister,that some procedural issues and the connections of some parties to the process of dialogue and the request to postpone the conference,which we deem to be a positive indication of the willingness of these parties to the maturing of the national reconciliation program which Stevers ultimately those who stand by our people and prosperity of Iraq and build their future and j Reed cause bad its place and we are in the process of setting a date him and will be attended by a large number of political figures.In reply to a question, "Sabah" on the new services and achievements that citizens complain of delay,The duration of the process of the birth of the government has reduced the amount of the budget, even though the process of completion of the projects, especially in the provinces where the security situation are well aware, much has been achieved, but we have encountered some difficulties in relation to the side of the projects referred to the contractors and we were able to overcome these difficulties, but I readR. investment law will allow a larger area to move in this area when met Arab and regional companies in our projects and the amount of the budget for the coming year will be significant so as to achieve greater opportunities and broader economic activity. In reply to a question,"Sabah" on the new services and achievements that citizens complain of delay,The duration of the process of the birth of the government has reduced the amount of the budget,even though the process of completion of the projects,especially in the provinces where the security situation are well aware,much has been achieved,but we have encountered some difficulties in relation to the side of the projects referred to the contractors and we were able to overcome these difficulties,but I read ®.Investment law will allow a larger area to move in this area when met Arab and regional companies in our projects and the amount of the budget for the coming year will be significant so as to achieve greater opportunities and broader economic activity.With سورياRelations relations with Syria and on the relationship with Syria and reports on the impact on the security situation, especially as there are reports that many of the actors are on the border with them and havens for terrorist groups.Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki that the Syrian side denies that and we are awaiting the visit of Mr. and Syrian Foreign Minister to discuss this issue with the "We confirm that the Syrian side had made a meteorite, we we will be making five steps, we have a stake in this. And on the relationship with Syria and reports on the impact on the security situationespecially as there are reports that many of the actors are on the border with them and havens for terrorist groups.Mr..Nouri Al-Maliki that the Syrian side denies that and we are awaiting the visit of Mr..And Syrian Foreign Minister to discuss this issue with the "We confirm that the Syrian side had made a meteorite,we we will be making five steps,we have a stake in this. scenario الانقلابThe scenario of the coup in response to the reports that indicate that the United States is preparing to be a coup for Mr. al-Maliki stressed that the role of the era of coups is gone, and no chance for the success of such in Iraq, who chose the democratic approach when he went voluntarily to the SunAdik polls to elect their representatives and government Tthml will emerge. In response to reports indicating that the United States is preparing to be a coup for Mr.. al-Maliki stressed that the role of the era of coups is gone,and no chance for the success of such in Iraq.who chose the democratic approach when he voluntarily went to the polls to elect their representatives and government Tthml will emerge. He added :I would not be upset to my partners and I would be of treacherous. He added :I am not turned on by my partners and I would be treacherous. The news on the road map put Mr. President of Kurdistan Mr. Masoud Barzani to the success of the reconciliation process,Mr. Prime Minister :We are awaiting the arrival of Mr. Massoud Barzani to Baghdad and we welcome any effort focused in this direction. The news on the road map put Mr.. Mr. President of Kurdistan. Masoud Barzani to the success of the reconciliation process.Mr.. Prime Minister :We are awaiting the arrival of Mr.. Massoud Barzani to Baghdad and we welcome any effort focused in this direction. الوزاريCABINET change and the prime minister's intention to change ministerial-Maliki said :Yes, there are cabinet reshuffle, and will continue lists all, but he did not go with the obvious and we want the most efficient, but I assure you that there is at the present time line feel in the performance of government ministers. And the prime minister's intention to change ministerial-Maliki said :Yes, there are cabinet reshuffle.and will continue lists all,but he did not go with the obvious and we want the most efficient,but I assure you that there is at the present time line feel in the performance of government ministers.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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