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  1. #23591
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunar View Post
    Would appreciate it if someone could direct us to that second statement...thank you.
    ive counted at least 5 articles which have all referenced the statement by the cbi. i just posted another one that was published this morning by al sabaah which is the government newspaper. suffice it to say that the statment is genuine and authentic and they are indeed going to revalue the dinar. just be patient to find out how much and exactly when.

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #23592
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    ive counted at least 5 articles which have all referenced the statement by the cbi. i just posted another one that was published this morning by al sabaah which is the government newspaper. suffice it to say that the statment is genuine and authentic and they are indeed going to revalue the dinar. just be patient to find out how much and exactly when.
    Thanx Susie
    I just wasn't sure if there were two different statements or multiple copies of the same....didn't want to miss any additional news but I'm more than happy with the first one!

  3. #23593
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boogirl View Post
    Hi Adam,

    Is the CBI report current or a reprint?

    The following line from it makes me think it might be old...

    2.In terms of public expenditure has increased paragraph salaries and wages has accelerated during the past two years to reach 60% of GDP-oil after the increase does not exceed 35% till the year 2004.

    What say you?


    ps. Belated Happy B-Day Susie

    No, this is new, here's another one!

    البنك المركزي العراقي يعلن انه سيعتمد سياسة نقدية مشددة لمعالجة ارتفاع التضخمThe Iraqi Central Bank announced that it will be tight monetary policy to deal with high inflation

    اقتصاد/عراق/مركزي/تضخمEconomy / Iraq / central / inflation
    البنك المركزي العراقي يعلن انه سيعتمد سياسة نقدية مشددة لمعالجة ارتفاعThe Iraqi Central Bank announced that it will be tight monetary policy to deal with high

    التضخم بغداد - 13 - 11 (كونا) -- اعلن البنك المركزي العراقي اليوم انه سيعتمد سياسة نقدية مشددة لمعالجة ارتفاع معدلات التضخم منها تحسين سعر صرف الدينار العراقي.Inflation Baghdad-11 - 13 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Central Bank announced today that it will be tight monetary policy to address the high rates of inflation, improving the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.
    وذكر بيان حكومي "ان مشكلة التضخم في العراق سببها اختناقات العرض في قطاع تجهيز الوقود وانعكاساته السلبية على تكاليف النقل و المواصلات و التكاليف الانتاجية الأخرى فضلا عن التأثير الكبير للطلب الكلي على السلع و الخدمات في الاقتصاد".The government statement said that "inflation problem in Iraq caused supply bottlenecks in the fuel processing sector and the negative impact on costs of transport and communications and other production costs, as well as the significant impact of aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy."

    واضاف " لقد بلغت المعدلات السنوية للتضخم مستويات مرتفعة تجاوزت 50 بالمائة بالرغم من التطورات الايجابيه التي أظهرها الرقم القياسي لأسعار المستهلك ( كمؤشر للتضخم) خلال شهر سبتمبر الماضي والتي تمثلت بانخفاض نسبته 13 بالمائة الا ان معدل التضخم الأساس والذي يمثل تأثيرات من جانب الطلب الكلي ع لى السلع والخدمات في الاقتصاد العراقي ما زال مرتفعا و بمستوى لا يقل عن 33 بالمائة".He added : "We have reached the annual rates of inflation high levels exceeded 50% in spite of positive developments shown by the index of consumer prices (an indicator of inflation) during the month of September, which represented a decline of 13% but the inflation rate basis, which represents the effects of aggregate demand p I goods and services in the Iraqi economy is still high, a level not less than 33%. "

    واشار الى ان البنك المركزى وجد وبعد تحليل معمق ان أسباب (التضخم الاساس) تعود الى " عدم تناسب سعر صرف الدينار العراقي الاسمي مع مستواه الحقيقي الذى يعبر عن القدرات المتحققة للاقتصاد العراقي وتدفقات العملة الاجنبية والمتمثلة بايرادات النفط ونفقات القوات المتعددة الجنسيات والتي يجري تغطي ة مصروفاتها الداخلية بالعملة الاجنبية فضلا عن تدفق مساعدات خارجية مختلفة مازالت تصرف في السوق المحلية وبالعملة الأجنبية".He pointed out that the Central Bank found after thorough analysis that the reasons (inflation basis) due to "non-suit the Iraqi dinar exchange rate with the nominal level, which reflects the real capacity of the Iraqi economy achieved and foreign currency inflows of oil revenues and expenses of the multinational forces, which are covered e internal expenses in foreign currency as well as the flow of foreign aid is different still available in the local market and foreign currency. "

    وتابع أن هذه العوامل ساعدت على اتساع ظاهرة التعامل بالدولار ( الدولرة ) والتي هي خارج تأثير السياسة النقدية كما ان اتجاهاتها تؤثر سلبا في استقرار الطلب النقدي ومسار عمل السياسة النقدية ودورها في استقرار السوق المالية والدينار العراقي.He went on to say that these factors have helped to widening phenomenon of dealing in dollars (Dollar), which are outside the influence of monetary policy and the trends adversely affect the stability of the monetary demand and monetary policy course of action and its role in the stability of the financial market and the Iraqi dinar.

    واوضح ان البنك المركزي العراقي سيقوم باعتماد سياسة نقدية متشددة بهذا الشأن ترمي الى خفض التضخم الأساس من خلال تحسين سعر صرف الدينار العراقي ورفع قوته الشرائية وجعل الدينار العراقي الوسيلة النقدية الأكثر جاذبية بما يعكس الظروف والمؤشرات المشجعة في الاقتصاد الأمر الذى يساعد في التصدى لظا هرة "الدولرة" والتي تعد واحدة من العوامل غير المرغوبة في عمل السياسة النقدية ومستوى فاعليتها لبلوغ أهدافها في خفض التضخم .He explained that the Central Bank of Iraq will adopt a tight monetary policy in this regard is aimed at reducing the inflation base through improved exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar and make cash more attractive means to reflect the circumstances and encouraging indicators in the economy which would help in addressing Liza cat "dollarization", which is one of the factors that are desired in the work of monetary policy and the level of effectiveness to achieve their goals in reducing inflation. فضلا عن ذلك فان البنك المركزي سيتبنى معدلات فائدة تساعد على تنويع السوق المالية بأدوات دين متدرجة بآجالها تمكن في الوقت نفسه من زيادة مستويات الادخار والسيطرة على مناسيب السيولة النقدية.Furthermore, the Central Bank will adopt interest rates help to diversify financial market tools religion gradually terms at the same time enabling increased levels of savings and control the levels of cash.

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #23594
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    This is the best part. Dated 13th November....

    Iraqi Central Bank announced today that it will be tight monetary policy to address the high rates of inflation, improving the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #23595
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    This is the best part. Dated 13th November....

    Iraqi Central Bank announced today that it will be tight monetary policy to address the high rates of inflation, improving the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar.
    we should know what cbi will do in just a little bit

  6. #23596
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    جريدة الصباح - البياتي: التغيير الوزاري يشمل عشر وزارات
    The first political-Bayati : : the cabinet reshuffle includes ten ministries
    He said that (66) of them within the quota of Coalition Baghdad morning MP Abbas Al-Bayati said the United Iraqi Alliance said that the cabinet reshuffle to be carried out by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki will be coming weeks and will include ten ministries. He said Al-Bayati told (morning) : The "Ministerial change called for by the Comprehensive Maliki may include ten ministries and at least in the government which is composed of 37 ministers." stating that will include (6) of the Ministers of the coalition and (4) of the other lists. He emphasized that "the change will be based on technocrats and efficiency will be in the coming weeks." He added that "the change would take place after objective evaluation of the Minister away from politicization and consultation with the lists participating in the government. Maliki will inform the masses that will be a change of Ministers to request three new candidates for each bag. " He continued Bayati that in the absence of the efficiency of the three "will be committee members also," He pointed out that "this includes a change in the distribution of portfolios given to the masses, any bags that might go from block to another, regardless of the person. " He emphasized that "the Prime Minister goal of the change is to energize the performance of his government, the discovered six months after the formation of Ministers that there is not efficient to have to run their ministries He rejects the existence of an imbalance in the services sector, , and wants to devote himself to the file security. " He said that "al-Maliki granted a constitutional ago in the formation of the government found that this period was pressing, Vhashrt names and portfolios without adequate scrutiny so that some of them did not have a degree, Sunday is the minimum. " Replying to a question whether the security ministries covered Baltghebr, he said : all ministries subject to change. " Mr. Al-Maliki was called yesterday to the first cabinet reshuffle "comprehensive" in the government within the "checks and measurements to suit the stage" in the country, calling for the current "partners" in the political process to "shoulder the responsibility of building the state."


    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #23597
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    جريدة الصباح - التعديل الوزاري الشامل
    IRAQ : Comprehensive cabinet reshuffle

    A recent morning. Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp A statement issued by the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Sunday that al-Maliki called for a comprehensive government reshuffle within controls and measurements to suit the current stage in the country. This is not the first time that Al-Maliki calls to the government reshuffle of his government, It is also not the only person who calls for it. It generated the call for the amendment of the government since the early days of the rebirth. after it became clear that the birth was difficult and caesarean, The generator was Khadija, or malformed defects in their children. He discovered concerned after several months of the birth imperative to conduct a cabinet reshuffle. What this amendment include? The governments in all countries of the world of three elements : Ministers, any persons, and the government program, and the curriculum. And when we talk about a cabinet reshuffle, it is useful to explain why the amendment. Since it does not have much room in this column I will summarize the issue to go to Joatimha directly and say that the expected amendment must include three axes if it is to be useful. At the ministerial level, it is no secret that those not eligible for the post. Rather, it came by quotas abhorrent to the post. And at the program level, the government did not provide this program so far, but Atkat to a document prepared by the political blocs to be a guide for any new government, with reference to that document was prepared in the minds of the drafters that the Prime Minister may be Ibrahim al-Jaafari, which has not been accepted by most of those who drafted them. As for the curriculum, it applies to two things : First, in the way of forming the government, which is the way quotas, We know now where blaming this way, and secondly, the behavior pattern of Ministers, or some who held ministerial positions, carrying the implicit idea that the Ministry of the party, which represent, and not one of the state institutions, on the one hand, the ministry and the opportunity to recruit and Ansar Almahazib to gain partisan and political. These levels are the practical translation of the phrase cabinet reshuffle destruction, otherwise, what is meant inclusive if it is not on that level? Al-Maliki is trying for the second time to grapple with things. In the first round, while the project of national reconciliation, Today, through a call for a cabinet reshuffle destruction. But the real opportunity Maliki in control of the situation but confined to get himself, Hence the political process. which of the curriculum, which led to the current deadlock. Will do?

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #23598
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    It may be just my imagination (or wishful thinking) but it seems to me that lately almost all of the articles that are posted in connection with economic matters or rebuilding have a common theme of URGENCY.

    It seems that all the ministries, the stock exchange, etc are requesting that things be sped up.

    Unfortunately the powers that be seem to be dragging their heels so to speak as if they have all the time in the world.

  9. #23599
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    Quote Originally Posted by day dreamer View Post
    we should know what cbi will do in just a little bit
    What time do the CbI normally update ..... baghdad time.... i thought they were early yesterday,

  10. #23600
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Civil society : a document of Mecca. The rejection of violence and support for national reconciliation

    Baghdad Shamkhi Jabr Writer and media Jerusalem holy of holies of Muslims and the focus of looking Before mercy, tarmac inspiration and message, The forum lovers Tawhid and faith. Mercy and the hearts of worshipers, The God who disseminated a revealed religion and Alrka Sijood. the hopes and aspirations of repentant, The Academy come from all over. Has become the document name called the basic unit and the Muslims?. Many Iraqis believe that the kind of elite men of religion And scholars who anchor their ship faith there, should be a big role in Iraqi blood. The document, which contained the sanctity of Muslim blood, property, honor is a fatwa against all Muslims. Some believed that it Stamit shift from the violence and terrorism Fatehrmha of any legitimacy. With others think that this document be a limited effect without the support of politicians and deal with them with respect, as well as the support that must be received from the media in evangelization and highlighting them and recall them. And a survey of views on the role of this document to renounce violence and support the draft national reconciliation, we had these meetings ... Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Q : What is happening in Iraq is a political conflict of Religious Authorities by the What happened to by the signatories in Mecca is not anything new, All of the items agreed upon in the social milieu Iraqi since several decades. We have heard that there was never a social or religious sect living in Iraq and allow the blood of others to follow! But there was a state of peaceful coexistence and social security enjoyed by all Iraqis regardless of their sectarian, religious and ethnic, but what happened form abnormal situation can not measure it, It is often a result of foreign intervention or external passed, Thus, we look to the prevailing social body of congestion sectarian, we believe that one result of occupation, but one output. Any follower of the political developments after the change in the 9th of April 2003 finds that there is a mass media and political campaign contributed by a lot of writers, worked to escalate tension and sectarian bunker, and worked on the absence of national identity of the mind and imagination of the Iraqi citizen, working on the creation of the identity of the other alternatives to the national identity. So we must say that the conflict is a political conflict between political factions that has nothing to do with the community, only transferred to the victim of this conflict. We believe that the signatories of the document is not innocent them being hired, because what is, as we said was the work of politicians. driving militias, which, in turn, leads this conflict. The signatories of the document Mecca with the right spirit of tolerance and orthodox religion, the religion of tolerance before they sign and several prestigious and appreciation and respect in social circles, but not with the hands or control of the players on the scene of murder and violence. For these reasons, almost signature ink dries, even more acts of violence has escalated and expanded to include even wedding processions of children and schools. From here, we say : I do not need for reconciliation between the clergy and symbols, but highlighting the need for reconciliation among politicians, The society and its components does not require reconciliation is reconciled with itself. Jabbar Hussein Sabri * Mechanisms blasphemy and religious fatwa, which is trying to Itlbsha some of the most serious types of violence are Our crisis with violence always dominated by the cultural side, , which establishes often denied to the other or rejected, and the denial of participation of all kinds whether economic or political, but had it comes to the eradication of life. We have exercised all of this on the level of sects, religions and nationalities. In the political life of our rejection of the difference finally, we Tchipana Baloahaddeh in intellect and culture translated all of this to conduct practice daily. All of these factors, a result of the political conflict between the political actors Open, all of this advances the pace of violence. It feels marginalized and the domination of others, while it closes the doors had been forced to exercise violence. But there is violence includes mechanisms blasphemy and religious fatwa, which is trying to Itlbsha some of the most serious types of violence are, which is difficult to deal with or confront him. If we are to address draft national reconciliation put forward by Mr. Al-Maliki, This project is fit to deal with him as a national project can be activated through the fabric to restore unity, The tapestry through which our social and political. Mecca, and the document was signed by a galaxy of good scientists and men of religion and endorsed by many others. that could provide considerable support for the draft national reconciliation as well as its effectiveness in the large empty acts of violence and terrorism of legitimacy, because of this document confirmed is clearly the sanctity of Iraqi blood, but the sanctity of Muslim blood, honor and, as well as its refusal to even outlawed forced expulsion and murder of identity. * Critic and academic researcher Kahtan Assadi * All classes of society respects this document, but the cult Through a careful reading of the security situation in Iraq. since the change more than three years now, we believe that there is clear neglect to address the file of all politicians, especially those participating in the political process. The Iraqi society Iktoi brunt of the daily killing and butchering, but our politicians are busy political conflict and try to dominate the spoils of power and positions, The matter does not concern them. Grudge hours every citizen in the country and the sons of his homeland reach them immediately to this level of deterioration in all aspects of life, while politicians take on all this. The long-awaited relief for the people, But we hope that this happy ending of a document Mecca, named after the holiest Islamic sanctities Would it not be this Shafie be respected by the belligerents, especially politicians. I believe that all classes of society respects this document, but sacred, But what is required is to activate the recall to be a glimmer of hope in order to solve the peace and good land and our people enjoy the security, safety, We must consider the line proceed towards reconciliation and national unity
    جريدة الصباح - وثيقة مكة.. نبذ العنف ودعم المصالحة الوطنية

    franny, were almost there!!

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