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  1. #23901
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    Cool Cool jsfletcher.....

    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    That is true, I was refereing to the target amount of dinar to take out of circulation
    This may be alittle off topic of the Dinar but, I just wanted to post this.

    For the first time, since I have been involved with the situation we in Iraq, I have never heard of a kidnapping of their own of the magnitude that happen there yesterday. I am sure you all know that 20 Police Cars, with imposter Iraqi Police kidnapped around 30 to 150 people, at their Higher Education Building in Baghdad. What amazes me is the last report I have heard is that they have arrested 5 high ranking Police People and that The Prime Minister Milikki has announced that "ALL HOSTAGES" have been release "ALIVE".

    To me that is Big News. Change of tide here. No one was "KILLED". And the way I heard this, there was both Sunny's and Shillite's involved. Anyways I think that that is Great News in itself.

  2. #23902
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    Default Iraq's Cabinet Reshuffle To Include Oil Minster

    Not sure if this has been posted. Sorry if it has.

    14 November 2006 (Dow Jones)

    Iraq's Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani is among the 10 cabinet ministers that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is intending to reshuffle during the next few days, a close aide to Maliki and an Iraqi lawmaker said Tuesday.

    "The Prime Minister will change 10 cabinet ministers and one of them would be Hussein al-Shahristani," the aide told Dow Jones Newswires.

    An Iraqi lawmaker Bahaa al-Araji, who is a member of the economic committee at the parliament, told local television that the oil minister is among the 10 ministers that Maliki was intending to change.

    It isn't known, however, when Maliki would announce his cabinet reshuffle.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  3. #23903
    Senior Member Dinar-Excited's Avatar
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    Smile Reason we need an RV before the end of the year

    I would think they need to RV before the end of the year sooner rather than later. As the US is doing a evaluation of Iraq and that will end at the end of the year and then the Democrats want to start moving troops out over 4 - 6 month period. If they RV I really believe it will help the violence and create a strong economy. So the evaluation will have a much better look at Iraq with these to things taking place. The US may then reconsider there position on Iraq or will at least give President Bush some ammunition to debate staying in Iraq. I think if the evaluation is really bad that President Bush will have a lot of pressure to pull out of course he dose have the VITO option. But it will make it easier for everyone Iraq and the World if they make major improvement before the end of the year JMO.

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  4. #23904
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    Post Maliki needs to get al-Sadr under control!

    Gunmen Wearing Police Uniforms Abduct Dozens
    Sunnis Rail at Lax Security, Call Kidnapping a 'Political Farce'


    BAGHDAD, Iraq (Nov. 14) - Wearing the blue camouflage uniforms of police commandos, suspected Shiite militiamen raced through all four stories of the government office building. They forced dozens of men and women into separate rooms, handcuffed the men and loaded them aboard about 20 pickup trucks.

    In their wake, blood stained the floor and trash bins were overturned at the Higher Education Ministry office, where workers had been spending the morning going about their business of handling academic grants and exchanges.

    There were varying estimates of the number of people kidnapped, but it appeared that at least 50 were seized - one of the largest mass abductions in Iraq. Authorities said as many as 20 were released after the assault, which came on a day that saw at least 117 people die in the mounting disorder and violence gripping the country.

    Six senior police officers were arrested in connection with the abductions - the police chief and five top subordinates in the Karradah district, the central Baghdad region where the kidnappers struck, Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Jalil Khalaf said.

    The Iraqi Islamic Party, the largest Sunni Muslim group in the country, called the mass abduction "not only a crime but a major political farce."

    "How can 50 new vehicles move around in ... the area most heavily controlled by security agencies in the middle of the day?" the party said in a statement.

    The abductions in broad daylight Tuesday raised further questions about Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's commitment to wiping out the heavily armed Shiite militias of his prime political backers: the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, or SCIRI, and the Sadrist Movement of radical, anti-American Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

    Al-Maliki faces intense pressure from the United States to disband and disarm the militias and their death squads, which are deeply involved in the country's sectarian slaughter and are believed to have thoroughly infiltrated the police and security forces.

    U.S. Central Command chief Gen. John Abizaid sternly warned al-Maliki face-to-face on Monday that he must disband the militias and give the United States proof that they have been disarmed, according to senior Iraqi government officials with knowledge of what the men discussed.

    So far, the prime minister has said the militias should not act illegally but has taken no tough action against them.

    Al-Maliki, who leads a Shiite-dominated Iraqi government, appeared to minimize the importance of Tuesday's kidnappings. The abductions were believed to be the work of the Mahdi Army, the heavily armed al-Sadr militia which controls the Karradah district.

    "What is happening is not terrorism, but the result of disagreements and conflict between militias belonging to this side or that," al-Maliki said in televised remarks during a meeting with President Jalal Talabani.

    That response was likely to prompt deeper concerns among the U.S. military and the Bush administration. The Americans have struggled for 44 months to put in place a democratic and multi-sectarian and multiethnic government that would embrace the Sunni and Kurdish minorities, even if dominated by the Shiite majority.

    Since taking office in May, al-Maliki has essentially refused to reach out to the Sunnis, who ran the country for decades under Saddam Hussein. The former Iraqi leader, toppled in the 2003 U.S. invasion, ordered the killing of hundreds of thousands of Shiites.

    Iraqi officials gave wildly differing accounts of how many people were abducted in the raid on the Ministry of Higher Education office. Figures ranged from as many as 150 to as few as 45.

    By late Tuesday the top estimate, given by Higher Education Minister Abed Theyab, appeared to have been inflated. Both the Interior and Defense ministries issued statements declaring that no more than 50 people were abducted. But the lower figure included only employees known to have been at work in the building and did not count an unknown number of people in the offices on business.

    Even at 50, the mass abduction would be the equal of two past kidnappings in which at least 50 victims were spirited away by gunmen.

    Tuesday's kidnapping was believed to have been in retribution for the abduction three days earlier of 50 Shiite passengers who were snatched off minibuses by Sunni gunmen at a fake checkpoint along the highway near Latifiyah, about 20 miles south of Baghdad. The gunmen killed 10 passengers before making away with their captives.

    Although the kidnappers Tuesday were believed to be Shiites, it was unclear whether their hostages were mostly Sunni.

    Alaa Makki, head of parliament's education committee, said the gunmen had a list of names of those to take. Those kidnapped included the office's deputy general directors, employees and visitors, he said.

    Police and witnesses said the gunmen, who they claimed numbered about 80, had closed off streets surrounding the ministry. Four guards put up no resistance and were unharmed, police spokesman Maj. Mahir Hamad said.

    Makki said the gunmen claimed to be helping the government's anti-corruption body check on security ahead of a planned visit by U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad.

    "It was a quick operation. It took about 10 to 15 minutes," Theyab told parliament of the mass abduction. "It was a four-story building and the gunmen went to the four stories." He said the armed men had at least 20 vehicles.

    A female professor who was visiting the ministry at the time of the attacks said the gunmen, some of them masked, were disguised as police commandos. Illegal groups, including Shiite militias who have widely infiltrated the police force, are known to wear stolen or fake police and army uniforms.

    The abductions follow a series of attacks on Iraqi academics that has prompted thousands of professors and researchers to flee to neighboring countries.

    Recent weeks have seen a university dean and prominent Sunni geologist murdered, bringing the death toll among educators to at least 155 since the war began. The academics apparently were singled out for their relatively high public stature, vulnerability and views on controversial issues in a climate of deepening Islamic fundamentalism.

    After Tuesday's attack, Theyab ordered university classes suspended, complaining that the government had ignored his calls for greater security. He later rescinded the order when the Interior and Defense ministries promised increased patrols.

  5. #23905
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    Talking Man, the good news keeps a coming!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:18 pm Post subject:


    Baghdad / commoners hailed
    .Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki Council of Ministers and the ministries of state funds and the release of all Budgets for the rebuilding of Baghdad. at the time when the Minister of Finance, the budget for Iraq in 2007 will be between 40 and 41 billion dollars. د.The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. الح .Barham Salih at the meeting included a number of government officials and officials from the multinational force that the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance have decided to allocate Amkanaat "serious" for the reconstruction of Baghdad and auditing mechanisms and contract processing to enable the State to represent their stressing that the coming months Stko n filled with hard work.
    �� .For his part, Egyptian Minister of Finance Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi that the budget of 2007 (40 to 41) billion budget, which is ambitious, as he put it, pointing to the existence of some sort of deficit of (5 to 7) billion dollars emphasizing the possibility overcome by the Iraqi Development Fund or through the International Covenant which will be signed at the end of this year. , Zubaidi said that in order to accelerate the reconstruction of the capital, financial allocations will be disbursed in the first month of next year after it had acted in the middle of the year, adding that the allocations by the Ministry to 2007 and the remainder of 2006 will contribute to the reconstruction of the capital Baghdad .
    .Zubaidi pointed out that the ministry had allocated six billion dollars of electricity to coincide with the three-year plan announced by the Minister of Electricity and Energy, pointing to the recent statements made with the IMF on Iraq and contributed reduction (100) million of debt, He went on to say that the differences in views with the Fund in the field of monetary policy with respect to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, and the interest rate but agreed to a set of controls which will be reflected positively on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar. .For his part, Secretary of Baghdad Saber Eissawi a plan to Aemarasmh Baghdad for a period of four years and cost 281 billion dollars, Issawi said during the meeting that the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance agreed to allocate the amount, He reviewed the achievements of the secretariat of Baghdad during this year also presented plans for the reconstruction of the capital of intersections and Mjsrat and tourist hotels and housing complexes.
    .Meanwhile, the governor of Baghdad, Hussein al-Tahhan, to begin the construction of four security gates of the city of Baghdad in Mahmoudia and Mada'in, Tarmiyah and the beginning of another road to Baghdad-Diyala, miller added during the meeting that the maintenance work for the establishment of security gates near the area of Abu Ghraib. He pointed out that the gates will be all modern security devices to detect explosives. .While the Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant-General Babacar Zebari Iraqi security forces were ready to support and protect the ministries whose projects were carried out in Baghdad. .Zebari said during the meeting that approval of the 30 thousand volunteered for the ranks of the security forces for completing the six brigades in the division responsible for protecting Baghdad, He added : been Tjhir Party b (100 tanks, 160 armored Mdolph Another car), processing continues to protect the capital, Baghdad, to be the model.

    Read the sentence about the exchange rate of the dinar. WOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Zubaidi pointed out that the ministry had allocated six billion dollars of electricity to coincide with the three-year plan announced by the Minister of Electricity and Energy, pointing to the recent statements made with the IMF on Iraq and contributed reduction (100) million of debt, He went on to say that the differences in views with the Fund in the field of monetary policy with respect to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, and the interest rate but agreed to a set of controls which will be reflected positively on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

  6. #23906
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar-Excited View Post
    I would think they need to RV before the end of the year sooner rather than later. As the US is doing a evaluation of Iraq and that will end at the end of the year and then the Democrats want to start moving troops out over 4 - 6 month period. If they RV I really believe it will help the violence and create a strong economy. So the evaluation will have a much better look at Iraq with these to things taking place. The US may then reconsider there position on Iraq or will at least give President Bush some ammunition to debate staying in Iraq. I think if the evaluation is really bad that President Bush will have a lot of pressure to pull out of course he dose have the VITO option. But it will make it easier for everyone Iraq and the World if they make major improvement before the end of the year JMO.

    Yes, and remember in Germany ( I realize 2 totally different animals ) there economy sprang up and was STRONG in a matter of months, I think Iraq could see similar results

  7. #23907
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    i'm just wanting to know your thoughts, after the CBI let the cat out of the bag in regards to the exchange rate to change. don't you think this shuold r/v quickly or all of the big hitters will jump on board, and if they don't r/v real soon how will this effect iraq as a whole as well as our investment?

  8. #23908
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    Read this statment-

    Zubaidi pointed out that the ministry had allocated six billion dollars of electricity to coincide with the three-year plan announced by the Minister of Electricity and Energy, pointing to the recent statements made with the IMF on Iraq and contributed reduction (100) million of debt, He went on to say that the differences in views with the Fund in the field of monetary policy with respect to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, and the interest rate but agreed to a set of controls which will be reflected positively on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

    Boys and girls, I believe we're getting ready to be RICH!!!!

  9. #23909
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    Quote Originally Posted by warrior44 View Post
    i'm just wanting to know your thoughts, after the CBI let the cat out of the bag in regards to the exchange rate to change. don't you think this shuold r/v quickly or all of the big hitters will jump on board, and if they don't r/v real soon how will this effect iraq as a whole as well as our investment?

    I don't know who made up this whole line of reasoning but I think it is a completely bogus assumption. Not ripping on you warrior but I keep seeing people talk about "buying up Iraq for pennies on the dollar". Who came up with this? It makes no sense at all. If it did then why aren't the "big boys" out buying up all the countries with hyper-low exchange rates? The reason everyone keeps getting all hyped up and then let down is because they're operating under invalid assumptions and presumptions that have somehow magically become fact as they are passed around the circle from ear to ear. I think we will see a very nice exchange rate at some point in time fairly soon but I think that at least half of the "indicators" we're looking at are invalid.

  10. #23910
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Read this statment-

    Zubaidi pointed out that the ministry had allocated six billion dollars of electricity to coincide with the three-year plan announced by the Minister of Electricity and Energy, pointing to the recent statements made with the IMF on Iraq and contributed reduction (100) million of debt, He went on to say that the differences in views with the Fund in the field of monetary policy with respect to the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar, and the interest rate but agreed to a set of controls which will be reflected positively on the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

    Boys and girls, I believe we're getting ready to be RICH!!!!
    where did you get this?!?!?!? I like it

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