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  1. #23981
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caddieman View Post
    Sorry but I don't get the numbers. You are saying that the CBI has taken out 1 trillion in just one week of sales, and those sales totaled about 370,000.00 But we have had 806 auctions to date. If you take a very Conservative estimate of 25,000.00 a sale since inception you get 20,150,000.00 sold. That comes out by your numbers as 54 trillion taken out of circulation. Can you explain that? And before every one jumps on my case I am just asking a simple Question that I don't understand. Wm. Knowles is a much more learned man than I. The numbers just don't add up for me.
    This is a very good point. I think if we had an individual who was about to attend graduate school and needs a ******* thesis or doctoral dissertation in economics, banking, finance MBA etc. they could chart the history of the CBI activities. Their topic might be,

    "The establishment of Central Bank operations and its eventual effects on inflation, monetary controls and the eventual reevaluation of the Iraqi currency".

    I think once they charted the auction results, they would find that over the history, the CBI was placed far more currency into circulation than they have removed. What we are seeing recently is a dramatic effort to remove currency from circulation in a very short period of time. Something is propelling this recent effort and at this time we can only guess. But what we are viewing is a very healthy effort to remove currency to reduce inflation, place USDs into the local banks in anticipation of an increased demand for USDs (as you might anticipate in case of a RV). And maybe, to begin the process of removing the large denominations from circulation (an opinion).
    So lets continue with an anticipation the the CBI auction results in the am will continue to reinforce this position.

  2. #23982
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caddieman View Post
    The Cbi has hardly ever sold dinars in their auctions. And I hope I am wrong! And you are right!
    I am right! Now, please do a salute or a bow!

  3. #23983
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    OMG the rollercoaster took a jolt somewhere here, were on page 6 now!!
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 15-11-2006 at 12:45 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #23984
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RollsRoyce View Post
    Really, your WOOTNESS, I thought you were the SHY / RESERVE type of GAL! . . . LOL . . .
    Susie aka Sus, I hereby nickname you
    'The Wootster.'
    An affectionate name that really suits you.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  5. #23985
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    Political first : filing lawsuits against Rumsfeld for violating human rights

    The killing of 30 citizens in Ramadi during a military operation Gray-Berlin-up morning With groups rose human rights defender yesterday filed lawsuits to claim German accusing Donald Rumsfeld, the American Defense Secretary, resigned violation of the rights of prisoners in Abu Ghraib prison the American military in Guantanamo, medical officials said that 30 citizens were killed during a raid in Ramadi to the American Army. The Federal Prosecutor's Office recognizes that proceedings against Alberto Gonzalez also the Minister of Justice and the American George Tenet, the former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA. Any. Er) and the senior officers in the American army. The Alathai German Prosecutor's Office had refused to accept a similar case in 2004. He said Frank Valenta spokesman for the Bureau received the (proceedings) e-mail this morning. This is where we will take some time. " He refused to predict the duration of the period the Federal Prosecutor's Office to determine whether these cases, but said that the notes of more than 300 pages. Hopes Center for Constitutional Rights, which is based in the United States to accept the German prosecution of the case under universal jurisdiction law which allows the German for the German judiciary to consider the issues and facts occurred outside the country. Rose and lawsuits on behalf of 11 Iraqi citizens detained in Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of the capital Baghdad and in the name of another detainee in the Gulf of American military prison Guantanamo, Cuba. The Center for Constitutional Rights says that the prisoners were beaten and deprived of sleep and food and were blindfolded and put bags over their heads and subjected to sexual harassment. He joined the center in litigation International Federation for Human Rights and the Republicans represented by the Association of the Bar Foundation Wolfgang Kailek in Berlin. In the meantime, medical officials said that at least 30 citizens were killed during a raid by the American Army. He said the police source, who wished to remain anonymous, said that the American forces raided the neighborhood officers in the late hours of last Monday evening and destroyed several homes. The Reuters correspondent saw in a part of the neighborhood several corpses of male adults are still one of the streets while the relatives of some of them in protest just as a witness remains Adame. The small building burned to the ground in the same street. He said the people of the district that American tanks fired on the area and the dead were not armed. He criticized the population American forces. They added that a number of young people gathered for the exercise of the traditional game of street exposed to the attack. Abdullah said the main hospital doctor in Ramadi that the 35 dead were transferred to the hospital and expressed his belief that other corpses had been picked yet because access to the area problematic because of the military operations. With Dr. Kamal Al-Ani said that 30 bodies were transferred to the hospital from the district in addition to 17 injured.
    جريدة الصباح - رفع دعاوى قضائية ضد رامسفيلد لانتهاكه حقوق الانسان

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #23986
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    Political first : Papan determine Iraq's needs of services to recover its economy

    Baghdad-Sabah Former Minister of Planning and Development Cooperation on Ghalib Baban priorities that Iraq needs to go through in the economic recovery. He said in his speech to the preparatory meeting of the International Covenant with Iraq at the United Nations headquarters in New York yesterday morning, "and got a copy," Iraq needs to build and modernize its armed forces for maintaining internal security in the country and the rehabilitation of the productive sectors so that it can continue its work and to overcome the problems. He added that the government seemed reluctant to provide the necessary funds to build hospitals and schools and the rehabilitation of the necessary networks to build hospitals, schools, the necessary infrastructure damaged to a large extent, which led to depriving the Iraqi citizen of electricity and clean water. However Papan who participated in the meeting as a representative of that the Iraqi government has plans to do so and will use all national resources for the establishment of many of the projects produced stating that it would pump more investments to the agricultural and industrial sectors and efforts to improve government management and encouraging a private of particular domestic and foreign. He explained that the government embarked investment law which removed the obstacles to the arrival of foreign investments is on the verge of enactment of the oil and hydrocarbon wealth, which would allow for foreign investment to play a role in developing the national wealth. He demanded that the Gulf States to organize this initiative and to strike the full implications of their debts owed by Iraq, they are the closest geographically and historically, the most affected as it looked forward to a strong participation in this important international contract in reference to the People's Republic of China. The representative of the government of the importance that Iraq's neighbors to the initiative of the International Turkish point it, the Islamic Republic of Iran as for the two of a long history and common with Iraq and the recognition of the importance of stability and prosperity and unity.
    جريدة الصباح - بابان يحدد احتياجات العراق من الخدمات لتعافي اقتصاده

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #23987
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    Political first : more than $ 40 billion budget for next year, an ambitious plan to rebuild Baghdad

    Building four gates around the capital and two in Abu Ghraib Baghdad-haven Secretary The Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh said that the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Finance are working on the preparation of the federal budget for the Iraqi 2007. Pointing to the potential seriousness of insurance for the reconstruction of Baghdad and signed with the Minister of Finance said that the budget for next year, ranging between 40-41 billion dollars. Saleh said in a press conference attended by a number of government officials and representatives of the multinational force yesterday that Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered all ministries and state budgets and the release of funds for the reconstruction of the capital, Baghdad. He added : "It is a long-awaited special Albaghdadien Iraqis to rebuild their town to take it out of the tragic situation. For his part, Egyptian Minister of Finance Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi be a budget for 2007 of (40 to 41) billion budget, which is ambitious to be realized. But he added that the kind of deficit between (5-7) billion $ pointing to the possibility of exceeding the deficit through the Iraqi Development Fund or through the International Covenant which will be signed at the end of this year. He disclosed that Zubaidi financial allocations will be disbursed in the first month of next year in order to accelerate the reconstruction of the capital after the disposal of the middle of the year explaining that the allocations by the Ministry to 2007 and the remainder of 2006 will contribute greatly to the reconstruction of the capital. He pointed out that the ministry had allocated six billion T. dollars for the electricity to coincide with the three-year plan announced by the Minister of Electricity and Energy. He expressed the readiness of his ministry to assist all ministries for the reconstruction of the capital, Baghdad. Pointing at the same time the audit was completed recently with the International Monetary Fund for the Convention between Iraq and the IMF which have contributed to reduce the (100) million of the debt of Iraq. He said Zubaidi : that agreement has been reached with the Fund to a set of controls which will be reflected Aijabiaali rate of the Iraqi dinar. For his part, governor of Baghdad, Hussein al-Tahhan start building four security gates of the city of Baghdad and the rest in Mahmoudia Mada'in, Tarmiyah and other Diyala beginning of the road to Baghdad. Miller added during the meeting are establishing security posts near the gates of the Abu Ghraib. He pointed out that the gates will be all modern security devices to detect explosives and booby-trapped cars. For his part, Secretary of Baghdad Saber Eissawi prepared by the Secretariat plan to Aemarasmh for four years at one billion and 281 million dollars. . Pointing to obtain approvals fundamentalism to exchange those amounts. Issawi said : Baghdad residents will experience a radical change in Baghdad in the coming months, presenting an overview of what was accomplished by the secretariat of Baghdad this year, The reconstruction schemes tourist hotels in the capital, and housing complexes and bridges and new roads and parks
    جريدة الصباح - أكثر من 40 مليار دولار ميزانية العام المقبل وخطة طموحة لإعادة إعمار بغداد

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #23988
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    The first political developments :

    A recent morning. Mohamed Abdul Jabbar carp Witness the wheel of the ongoing violence in Iraq, developments in the quality of serious these days. In addition to the traditional form of violence involving the kidnapping and assassination, car bombs and suicide attacks carried out by armed groups in the areas of Baghdad in particular and in other areas in Iraq, such as the Diyala province, in general, Citizens could, as well as observers from monitoring the new phenomenon of mutual bombardment by mortars and Katyusha rockets between certain districts of Baghdad. And speak direct and frank, it happened that the areas described as the source of the bombing of a Shiite areas described as Sunni, and vice versa. It was possible to monitor this dangerous development in the areas of Karbala and torch and Sadr City and the municipalities, all Shiite areas, and the revival of credit and Ghazaliya and 76000-16000 and the session, with a Sunni majority. There is a danger that fighting the current war zones regardless of who is fighting. Here, I am referring to the possibility can not be overlooked. Nor does it can be used as a whole, He said that the shelling on both sides third party with the stirring up sectarian strife. However, current developments appear to be exceeded for such an eventuality. It was not possible to think before the war zones of sectarian cleansing against many areas, and in Iraq, which we call "forced" in an attempt to escape from the frightening connotations of the word "ethnic cleansing". While this is the reality of what is happening on the ground, unfortunately. When we get to this stage will be to imagine the contact between border regions, a video of the land will be prohibited on both sides, any abandoned, uninhabited, It will conceive of a buffer checkpoints between these areas in the lines. No longer useful to hide the fact that what is happening is a struggle over land. as in the case of Diyala, and the State and the power and wealth, as in the case of Basra, also. There is no way out of these hubs, unless a political settlement historic makes all parties, and particularly Sunnis and Shiites, feel assured that their interests and their future, their location and their share in everything. This settlement is not achieved Balanashid fiery and emotional and poems course, It also can not be achieved using the same approach that led to the explosion. and by that I mean a "sectarian quota system." but it must be a new exceed the limitations and constraints and mechanisms, which was painted by the old curriculum, Therefore, the reconciliation described Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki as a composite jacket all Iraqis can not be well if the provisions of sectarian hostage. The solution lies in democracy, but this is not a panacea. but it is Kalomalih surgical requirement of doctors able to take place using the tools commensurate with the operation carried out. In this framework we will have to develop or discover any democratic formula suitable for application in the Iraqi situation, among the dozens of possible formulas and perceived, Any mechanisms and tools required by the process, among the huge amount of these mechanisms and tools. This kind of study process, which is supposed to be carried out by the Iraqi Commission on the model of the Commission for the Study of Iraq, which is doing a similar, but from the standpoint of American interests.
    جريدة الصباح - تطورات

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #23989
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Susie aka Sus, I hereby nickname you
    'The Wootster.' An affectionate name that really suits you.
    R/V by end of Jan -07??

    Take care.

  10. #23990
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    Political first : presidency denies meeting Talabani move

    The President aims to improve and develop relations with Syria. Baghdad-Sabah The Office of the President denied that the president had met Jalal Talabani, Abdel-Halim Khaddam during the visit of President Talabani to France. The A Kuwaiti newspaper had published a news item last Monday about an alleged meeting between President Talbani and Khaddam during the visit of the President of the Republic of France. A statement issued by the Office of the President received a "morning" copy That news is not unfounded and that the Iraqi leadership does not provide any support for groups opposed to the current regime in Syria. The statement added that President Talabani looks forward to meeting with our brothers in Syria, in order to improve and develop relations between the two countries.
    جريدة الصباح - رئاسة الجمهورية تنفي لقاء الطالباني بخدام

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