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  1. #24211
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    Quote Originally Posted by DinarDarling View Post
    This forum went buck wild on Monday on where/who B of A branches were selling Dinar.
    We nailed it down to a couple in NY (city and state) and haven't heard much since. The thought was that it would take a couple of days for the info to get through their vast system.

    Well, has anybody checked recently?

    Or, is this just a dead issue now?

    Wondering . . .
    They let you order foregn currency online. When I checked today, IQD was NOT listed on their web site.

    Bank of America | Please Select Your State
    Last edited by cmeshon; 16-11-2006 at 01:37 AM. Reason: Add web site

  2. #24212
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    dammit i hate this thing.
    i gotta agree with that too. but like was said they pretty much figure they aint gonna get it at this point, like all the other stuff theyve been promised.

    im sure of no ten grand until they revalue unless the cheques are postdated which would be redundant. i suspect they will let the cheques out a bit at a time as to not disrupt the balance right at first. i believe they said it would take them about 3 months to get them all out. yeah yeah, jan 31 my arse.
    I took as the iraqi's have til Jan 31 to "Come & Get it". Can you imagine who has to continually update the census. People are dying daily over there.

  3. #24213
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    Default Nwo

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    folks, not only are we going to be wealthy but we are about to begin, and be part of, the new world order.

    yeah. OUR version of the NWO, educated, informed, wealthy, and caring, no puppets here!!!

    its time for the old guard to have a collective stroke/heartattack/heroin overdose!

    either that or public exposure, ridicule and exile (jail).

    its about time their links to the drug trade were exposed and put an end to.
    that and their funding of terrorists.

    i for one have no fear or black helicopters.

  4. #24214
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    its in the history somewhere im sure. nevertheless, its going to be over a buck twenty of this ive been sure since the beginning because of the kurds. im very inclined to believe over two dollars at this point simply because of the oil news that has emerged recently, and the debt news, and the gcc proposed membership, and the predicted price of oil futures, and the amount of oil iraq is sitting on. i also now dont believe that it would be an issue for big investors to drop over $2 on each dinar considering where its headed in a big hurry.

    folks, not only are we going to be wealthy but we are about to begin, and be part of, the new world order.
    Miss WOOTSTER I have something to say to you.....I LOVE YOU!!! You certainly have a way about you that makes a person think!

    Let me start off by saying...I WAS WRONG!! You really got me wracking my brain about this Yazzmen rate. Although I stand behind everything I have stated about how the "black market" works in conjunction to the dinar value, I myself have been perplexed how the marketers were making any money in all this. All the sights I have checked were quoting the rate that I stated with some giving a worse rate than the .52USD I stated. BUT none of them were official sites soooooo I decided to try to find any other quote that would reflect more in our favor. Guess what? I found one! Its the Library of Congress!!! lookey lookey

    dinar (ID)
    Currency unit consisting of 1,000 fils or 20 dirhams. When officially introduced at the end of the British mandate (1932), the dinar was equal to, and was linked to, the British pound sterling, which at that time was equal to US$4.86. Iraqi dinar (ID) equaled US$4.86 between 1932 and 1949 and after devaluation in 1949, equaled US$2.80 between 1949 and 1971. Iraq officially uncoupled the dinar from the pound sterling as a gesture of independence in 1959, but the dinar remained at parity with the pound until the British unit of currency was again devalued in 1967. One Iraqi dinar remained equal to US$2.80 until December 1971, when major realignments of world currencies began. Upon the devaluation of the United States dollar in 1973, the Iraqi dinar appreciated to US$3.39. It remained at this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. In 1982 Iraq devalued the dinar by 5 percent, to a value equal to US$3.22, and sustained this official exchange rate without additional devaluation despite mounting debt. In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation's inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar's real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-- only about half the 1986 official rate.

    Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handbook Series/ Iraq / Glossary

    This comes to .62 IQD/1.61 USD!!!!!

    Can't get more official than this (except for out of the horses mouth themselves) and even though the CBI has been silent as far r/v rate....they really weren't silent after all. They gave us a slight hint by mentioning the Yazzman Rate!

    The CBI has said they want to return to the Yazzmen Rate...well here is the Yazzmen Rate $1.61!!!!!


    Why couldn't you have responded sooner to my posts Susie (I waited and waited ?) You could've saved me a lot of headaches!

    Any thoughts?

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  5. #24215
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    Voices of Iraq: Basra-Smuggling
    Posted by: saleem on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 08:58 AM

    Iranian tugboat carrying 63 smuggled vehicles to Basra seized
    Basra, Nov 15, (VOI) – Coast Guard patrols seized a tugboat carrying 63 vehicles and electrical equipment in the waterway of Shatt-el-Arab while attempting to smuggle them into Basra, said a source at the coast guard department on Wednesday.
    The Iraqi coast guard forces arrested the Iranian tugboat Tumana – 2 in southern Basra, Captain Ali Abdul-Qader told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    The source added “the Iranian boat was trying to enter the port of Umm Qasr (60 km south of Basra) with 63 vehicles of different brands and electrical devices on board.”
    "All the vehicles on board the tugboat were not allowed to enter the country because they were manufactured before the year 2000," said Abdul-Qader.
    A decision had been issued by the Iraqi cabinet early this year banning imports of automobiles made before 2000.
    Abdul-Qader said “all working papers and documents of the tugboat were referred to the Iraqi judiciary to take proper legal measures against the boat operators.”


  6. #24216
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    Voices of Iraq: Maliki-Reshuffle (Feature)
    Posted by: saleem on Wednesday, November 15, 2006 - 01:43 PM

    Maliki-Reshuffle (Feature)
    Watchful caution over cabinet reshuffle
    By Wathiq Ismael
    Baghdad, Nov 15, (VOI) – Calls for cabinet reshuffle has sparked a state of watchful caution on the political chessboard.
    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had announced on Sunday before parliament that he planned to launch "comprehensive" cabinet reshuffle, which, he said, would be "in line with controls that go along with the current stage in the country."
    Al-Maliki's call was not the first. The prime minister has promised in August to make changes within his government but it seemed then that his wish was met with a strong opposition from some major parties and blocs.
    However, his calls this time was hailed by almost all political entities, even those sworn critics of the government's policies.
    Although most of the political blocs welcomed Maliki's call, some of them have expressed concerns that it might be a way of blaming some ministers elected through dictations by political blocs on the premier while he was forming his government six months ago.
    The Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front has also welcomed the call.
    Parliamentarian Alaa al-Makki, the prominent member in the Front, said "we support reform…but we believe that this matter (change) is part of the problem, not all of it…there are a lot of issues that should be reconsidered."
    He added that his Front, which represents the Sunni Arabs in the political process, fears that this expected change would "only be a way for the government to blame the inefficient ministers elected by political blocs…while the leaders of the government emerge without any blame."
    Mr. Makki referred to the key demands by his Front including "reaching a serious solution for the problem of the militias and lack of security across the country along with the question of striking a balance of the staff members’ background inside the state institutions and ministries, particularly the interior and defense ministries."
    The Sunni Iraqi Accordance Front had reiterated threats, expressed by some of its leaders, to quit the political process in protest against the Iraqi government's failure "to honor the pledges it had made when it was forming its lineup."
    Sunni leader Adnan al-Dulaymi, however, said a few days ago that he refuses to step out of the political process at present. He noted that he would leave all options open if the others declined to allay the Sunnis' fears.
    Al-Dulaymi appealed to the Iraqi government to strike a genuine balance in ministries and state organizations and to release scores of thousands of detainees he claimed to be "Sunni majority."
    Political analysts believe that Maliki's calls for reshuffle might be the outcome of foreign pressures dictated by last week's US Congress mid-term elections, which showed a sweeping victory attained by the Democrats.
    Mr. Hazem al-Nuaaymi, a professor of political science at al-Mustansiriya University, said the proposed shake-up "could fall under this category – one of pressures faced by the government considering the change in the United States following the recent elections, which is not void of grounds."
    Mr. Al-Nuaaymi added that "the truth about this could be known after carrying out the changes al-Maliki intends to launch."
    He expected the Democrats to practice immense pressures on the U.S. president to withdraw American troops from Iraq and set a timetable for this pullout, a matter which the White House has warned against.
    The U.S. administration is pressing the Maliki’s government to change its policies in a bid to provide an atmosphere for a political solution bringing an end to the growing sectarian violence across the country and accelerating the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq.
    Bush, who has given the sack a few days ago to Donald Rumsfeld, his Secretary of Defense and a major theorist of the Iraq war, said he was ready to accept "new ideas" regarding Iraq and that he would make changes in his Iraq policies.
    The White House has last week said that Bush would meet with the Iraq Study Group led by veteran U.S. politician James Baker to mull over alternative ways about Iraq.
    The United States has not set the options to be resorted to in case Maliki fails in his mission to control the deteriorating security conditions.
    Al-Nuaaymi said Iraq's current problem is "structural, not political…and it has to do with the way adopted in the formation of this government."
    He explained that Maliki could succeed in his endeavors "and build an adequately effective government…if the change was genuine and was not meant to be a sheer window dressing."


  7. #24217
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    Talking Holy Shiite!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Miss WOOTSTER I have something to say to you.....I LOVE YOU!!! You certainly have a way about you that makes a person think!

    Let me start off by saying...I WAS WRONG!! You really got me wracking my brain about this Yazzmen rate. Although I stand behind everything I have stated about how the "black market" works in conjunction to the dinar value, I myself have been perplexed how the marketers were making any money in all this. All the sights I have checked were quoting the rate that I stated with some giving a worse rate than the .52USD I stated. BUT none of them were official sites soooooo I decided to try to find any other quote that would reflect more in our favor. Guess what? I found one! Its the Library of Congress!!! lookey lookey

    dinar (ID)
    Currency unit consisting of 1,000 fils or 20 dirhams. When officially introduced at the end of the British mandate (1932), the dinar was equal to, and was linked to, the British pound sterling, which at that time was equal to US$4.86. Iraqi dinar (ID) equaled US$4.86 between 1932 and 1949 and after devaluation in 1949, equaled US$2.80 between 1949 and 1971. Iraq officially uncoupled the dinar from the pound sterling as a gesture of independence in 1959, but the dinar remained at parity with the pound until the British unit of currency was again devalued in 1967. One Iraqi dinar remained equal to US$2.80 until December 1971, when major realignments of world currencies began. Upon the devaluation of the United States dollar in 1973, the Iraqi dinar appreciated to US$3.39. It remained at this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980. In 1982 Iraq devalued the dinar by 5 percent, to a value equal to US$3.22, and sustained this official exchange rate without additional devaluation despite mounting debt. In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation's inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar's real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-- only about half the 1986 official rate.

    Library of Congress / Federal Research Division / Country Studies / Area Handbook Series/ Iraq / Glossary

    This comes to .62 IQD/1.61 USD!!!!!

    Can't get more official than this (except for out of the horses mouth themselves) and even though the CBI has been silent as far r/v rate....they really weren't silent after all. They gave us a slight hint by mentioning the Yazzman Rate!

    The CBI has said they want to return to the Yazzmen Rate...well here is the Yazzmen Rate $1.61!!!!!


    Why couldn't you have responded sooner to my posts Susie (I waited and waited ?) You could've saved me a lot of headaches!

    Any thoughts?


    I have been wondering what all this Yazz stuff was.....

    Me LIKEY!!!

    Last edited by Lakeway; 16-11-2006 at 02:11 AM.

  8. #24218
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    President of the Republic during his reception of Sheikh Abdul Sattar

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 16-2006
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    During his reception of Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abu brushes

    President Jamhorihithmn national forces stand in the history of the new Iraq to save the Anbar

    His Excellency the President of the Republic met with Mr. Jalal Talabani in his residence in Baghdad on Wednesday 15 / 11 Sheikh Abdel Abu brush President of the Save the Park Anbar and his efforts and his courage in fighting terrorists and murderers defeated in the Ramadi area, describing this stand Baloqofh national forces in the history of the new Iraq.
    His Excellency expressed full readiness to assist the rescue Anbar all possible means and support in confronting terrorism black criminals and murderers, He called on all benevolent and national support and blessing the efforts of the rescue Anbar.

    As recommended by His Excellency the President of the Republic stakeholders to meet the needs and legitimate demands of the implementation of the rescue Anbar. For his part, thanked Sheikh Abdel Abu brush His Excellency President Talabani on good reception and ongoing support reaffirms its determination and the determination of the rescue Anbar fighter Altkverein and push them back and save the evils of Anbar.

    And discuss with the Russian Ambassador to Iraq reflect the new links of friendship and cooperation

    His Excellency the President of the Republic, Mr. Jalal Talabani on the need to strengthen relations between Iraq and Russia in the political, economic and cultural This came during the meeting of His Excellency noon on Wednesday 15 / 11 in his residence in Baghdad Russian ambassador in Iraq Vladimir Jamov as discussed strengthening bilateral relations between the two Otj Sayed new links of friendship and cooperation in various fields. President Talabani stressed in the meeting the importance of attendance Federation and the EU in Iraq and how to strengthen support for the political process and to ensure stability in the country. For his part, Russian Ambassador his country's readiness to support the political process and the democratic experiment in Iraq and to strengthen the ties of friendship in all fields of mutual valuing the desire of the President Talabani wisdom in this area.


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    Shamari prevent the unilateral decision to send medicines to the territory

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 16-2006
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    Shamari prevent the unilateral decision to send medicine to Kurdistan

    PUKmedia : Zarian, Dr. Osman, Minister of Health of the Kurdistan Regional government in a press conference held yesterday, Wednesday, in Erbil that the unilateral decision of the Iraqi Minister of Health on Shamari was arrested sending medicines to the Iraqi Kurdistan region. He added : Zarian that stopped the process and the arrival of medicines to the province had a major impact on the drug stores in the province and why a severe shortage of medicines and essential medicines, especially if the same thing did not provide the drugs will not be able to provide medicine for more than two weeks.

    Asked about the reason of preventing the flow of medicine to the province, said Dr Zarian : The delegation to Baghdad, and they did not receive anything, but pointed out that the Iraqi Minister of Health had issued orders to stop sending medicine to the region before traveling to Switzerland. On the other hand, A Khaled Saleh spokesman for the government of Kurdistan he discussed the issue of the shortage of medicines in a meeting yesterday, the first of the Council of Ministers and the Kurdistan Regional government decided to discuss this decision individually to the Health Minister in the Iraqi forthcoming visit of the President of the government of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad.

    The Minister of Health of the Kurdistan Regional government : we have no receipt of a formal letter from the Iraqi government on a solution to this problem and we contacted Mr. Nouri Al-Maliki, Iraqi Prime Minister Dr. Barham Ahmed Salih Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and his government of Kurdistan in Baghdad and assured us not knowing that the resolution singles to the Iraqi Minister of Health. He added : Zarian our contact with the Iraqi Health Minister, who is now in Switzerland to inquire about the reasons for taking this decision taking up Iraqi Health Minister, the Ministry of Finance responsible for the Iraqi resolution.

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    President of the government of Iraq in Turkey today

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 16-2006
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    16 / 11 / 2006 Ankara-Hosni local :
    Up Ankara today of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in a two-day official visit during which he will meet Turkish President Ahmet Necdet Sezer and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and other officials.
    Accompanying Maliki seven ministers, including energy, irrigation, and Foreign Affairs and Trade and Communications, With diplomatic sources expect the security situation and the situation in Kirkuk and the presence of the Kurdistan Workers Party, the Turkish northern Iraq to be in the forefront of things to be discussed with Turkish officials Maliki addition to the Turkish-Iraqi relations, including political, economic and commercial relations. The Iraqi side is trying to convince Ankara that the signing of the final agreement regarding the sharing of the waters of the Euphrates, which it avoids the Turkish government, which is considered the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, Turks عابران harm, not Benhrin participants.


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