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  1. #24381
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    Dear Charmed,
    thank you for all your work and good posts. Just a teeny little correction on your sig there, it's "dissention" not "distention." That would indicate that we were in danger of becoming bloated and chubby looking. Now that may be true, but not because of trolls.
    You got the web cam on here kristin?!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #24382
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    Which is it? Quote # 1
    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    They are pulling in massive amounts of dinar in a short amount of time....and most likely are near their target....if they were not going to reval until Dec 11 or 12 then what's the hurry...they still have a month. But, if they want to get the reval in place and begin to show immediate recovery this looks very good to those who are watching their every move. I agree that we have seen remarkable things this week with the auctions but it has not impacted the general Iraqi public or made a substantial difference in the inflation....I don't think it would look good on Dec 12 if they continue on this path and show only slight movement in the economy...their time has run out and their economic crisis has not improved. How can the IAMB turn over a country that can't meet the immediate needs of the country. JMHO.
    Or quote #2?

    Hello CP

    From CharmedPiper - "I don't think it would look good on Dec 12 if they continue on this path and show only slight movement in the economy...their time has run out and their economic crisis has not improved. How can the IAMB turn over a country that can't meet the immediate needs of the country. JMHO."

    I don't know if their time has run out. Since we don't know their time table or what their end goal really is, we can only assume that they are feeling pressure and that they are reacting to the current situation. As we have all seen many times over in the past 2 years, they operate on their own time table, which obvisously is not one that has complete logic to it. Just look at the 10K distribution example. On again, off again. If it were logical they would announce it, then do it. I think we all seem to impart a western version of logical thought to their way of doing business, having lived overseas for many years I can tell you from personal experience that Americans are not like the rest of the world and visa versa. Our time will come with this investment, but they will do it when they are good and ready. Wm. Knowles makes a good point about a target figure for the amount of the Dinars that are to be taken out of circulation, personally I don't think we are there yet. IMO when the dollar for dinar volume drops way off and there are still no or very few dinars going back out into circulation, then we will be close to their target figure. As long as they can continue to extract 1/2 billion dinars per day out of the economy, they are going to do it. The more the better for them and for us.

    No offense to poster #2, but if possible, I vote for poster #1 and r/v before Dec 12th!!

    Are we there yet? I'm getting really tired of waiting and I am getting wet from all of the dribbling. Come on you know it is the right thing to do for your country. R/V the thing in 1 large dramtic move to over 1 usd at least (1 sdr will be fine for a start) will ya?

  3. #24383
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    Iraqi Ambassador Saad Al Hayani (votes) : NEGOTIATIONS

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11 - 16-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Iraqi Ambassador Saad Al Hayani (votes) : negotiations Amman, Cairo and Dubai have requested not fail

    - Oman (votes) of the drinking
    Denied the Iraqi Ambassador in Amman Saad Hayani reports about the failure of negotiations and meetings, which took place in the last few weeks in Amman, Cairo and Dubai. , which brought together an Iraqi government delegation official, a number of Iraqi political and tribal opposition to the Iraqi regime, the new, in order to persuade them to participate in the reconciliation call by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, The conference, which will be held in the coming weeks in this regard. He said Hayani, who accompanied the official delegation Iraqi stations in each of those meetings, in an exclusive statement to the Iraqi News Agency Independent (votes) The negotiations were not designed to take positions. but she was carrying a letter from Mr. al-Maliki to some Iraqi parties opposed, and stand on their own personal views on the Iraqi issue and the involvement of the ongoing political process in Iraq.

    He added that the delegation returned to Iraq loaded with ideas and different perspectives, today is studied carefully and then included in the agenda of the Iraqi national forces and to be held during the coming period in Baghdad.

    The Hayani that all the meetings were fruitful and good and had requested.

    And some of the media have talked about the failure of the negotiations and meetings, which took place in Jordan, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates between a delegation from the Iraqi government and some of the national forces, political figures and Iraqi clan living outside Iraq. with a view to involving them in the ongoing political process in Iraq today.

  4. #24384
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    Default Good point...

    Quote Originally Posted by CapeK View Post
    Thank you so much for your informative posts. Something is nagging at me, though, about the CBI buying back the "notable" quantities of dinar in the past week. I have been following CBI auctions somewhat for maybe about 10 months. If my memory serves me correctly, 10 or so months ago the CBI sold both dinar and USD far more consitently than in recent months.Since the spring, early summer, the CBI has sold almost exclusively (save for a few million here and there) USD at the daily auctions, purchasing back dinar. We have had 3-4 record USD auctions recently. However, the CBI has missed 8-10 auctions in the last 3 weeks due to Ramadan and the Saddam verdict. Considering this it is dificult for me to look at the recent activity as more unusual than the activity of many months of the CBI buying dinar. The large auctions, I figure could have been influenced by the missed opportunities of the days in which it what closed. I respect your observations and theory. I am just wondering why you see the very recent activity as a possible "knee jerK" action. Thank you in advance for your comments.

    I even consider it also...for a second. Remember, these large auctions are mainly purchasing. Buying dinar (around 645 Mil USD) and selling WAY less (10 Mil USD) since resuming exchanging.
    "It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny." -- Jean Nidetch

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  5. #24385
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    Quote Originally Posted by ourhouse37 View Post
    Dear Charmed,
    thank you for all your work and good posts. Just a teeny little correction on your sig there, it's "dissention" not "distention." That would indicate that we were in danger of becoming bloated and chubby looking. Now that may be true, but not because of trolls.
    It's dissension, and yes Charmed you are one of my favorite posters too!

  6. #24386
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Not sure if this has been posted. Sorry if it has.

    14 November 2006 (Dow Jones)

    Iraq's Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani is among the 10 cabinet ministers that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is intending to reshuffle during the next few days, a close aide to Maliki and an Iraqi lawmaker said Tuesday.

    "The Prime Minister will change 10 cabinet ministers and one of them would be Hussein al-Shahristani," the aide told Dow Jones Newswires.

    An Iraqi lawmaker Bahaa al-Araji, who is a member of the economic committee at the parliament, told local television that the oil minister is among the 10 ministers that Maliki was intending to change.

    It isn't known, however, when Maliki would announce his cabinet reshuffle.

    Good point,

    And a lesson, don't mess with the Kurd's. (g) He did, and he is paying for it.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  7. #24387
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    Economic : economic researcher :the investment law, the key to economic growth required stressed the importance of activating its Baghdad-Haidaralerbei'i is the birth of the new Iraqi investment law, the most important and significant economic decisions reliable Iraqi many of the observers and specialists in the Iraqi affair.The number of researchers and many economists basic building block in the growth of the economies of all the country which will contribute greatly to the elimination of unemployment and the alleviation of inflation as well as the transfer of expertise, science break into Iraq by the investing companies.Of other investment law that would improve all aspects of life, business, industrial, tourist and thereby improve the social situation of the Iraqi people.However, this law has meant a lot of work and expertise and the economic benefit from it so as to make good on top of these things provide the security side, which deems (Manaf jeweler), an economist at the Iraqi Center for Economic Reform most important thing in attracting investors and capital into Iraq.He says jeweler :Let us when a group of specialists concerned with the economic situation and to expedite the completion of the Investment Law and legislation matters of security on the ground was less severe than it is now.Despite all the security conditions, the timely minimum investment environment was available and today we find ourselves in the security situation is bad and impacted negatively on the economic and investment environment as well as the reluctance of the process of the reconstruction of Iraq and the accompanying from the failures of implementation because of administrative corruption class base and lack of seriousness Pj-oriented economic reconstruction and rational through the involvement of all concerned in the economic process, whether civil society organizations (businessmen, the Iraqi Union of Industrialists and the Chamber of Commerce. etc.) as well as university professors and Exchange Commission and the Iraqi media, because all they are concerned the real process of building afor economic and jeweler adds that the failure to the security side, led to the dismal failure and a big vacuum in the economic performance from the flight of most traders and industrialists out of Iraq.Therefore, we can deduce that a simple survival of things as they are now render investment law void and become legally dead because we will not provide for this fledgling air we breath of is the stability in all its facets as we will eventually get tired economy into a debilitating medicine is not particularly high inflation, we are witnessing an unprecedented rate in the world as well as T.the cessation of all economic sectors, which will help to raise the gross domestic product (such as housing, industry and agriculture).

    I don't read into this that they said the investment law is dead, I read it as more of a gripe about the security situation...and in order for it to work, they need everyone to just chill...
    Last edited by Frank Rizzo; 16-11-2006 at 05:06 PM.

  8. #24388
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Chaaaaaa chiiinnnnnnggggggggggg, awesome news!!!

    Iraq exporting oil to Jordan next year
    استكمال ترتيبات النقل
    Completion of the transportation arrangements
    عمان - عبد الجبار العزاوي
    Amman-Abdul Jabbar al-Azzawi
    Egyptian Minister of Transport Eng Saud Al-Nusseirat health news about Iraq began to provide Jordan with oil at 10 thousand barrels per day, and at a preferential price hit 18 dollars a barrel.

    The minister's statements in the wake of what the German news agency a few days ago by the Iraqi media source "empowered

    The Iraqi and Jordanian sides signed a memorandum of understanding during a visit by Jordanian Prime Minister Bakhit known to Baghdad in the last month of August, The supply Jordan with 30% of its daily needs of crude oil, amounting to about 100 thousand barrels at preferential prices has not announced officially until now

    Looks like progress to me

    Translated version of

    Yes Adam but what you will said if i told you then this process will begin in 2 days

    Iraqi Oil Ready to be Exported to Jordan in Two Days:
    (Noozz Editorial) Nov 16 2006 | IRAQ

  9. #24389
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    Default Ministry of Finance allocates $150m for the Iron and Steel Company - Iraq

    16 November 2006 (MENAFN)

    According to an official source in the Iron and Steel Company in Basra, work in rehabilitating the factories of rolling and steel in the company will begin early 2007 after the Ministry of Finance has allocated $150 million for rehabilitation last month, Al Sabah reported.

    The source said that reconstruction and rehabilitation will be undertaken by the engineering and technical cadres of the company, depending on the reserve materials available in the local markets and some of the global ones.

    He added that the company had stopped working since the first Gulf War, when it was subjected to aerial bombing that destroyed its important parts and then to looting and vandalism during the collapse of the former regime.

    However, the Iron and Steel Company is one of the large companies in Iraq, consisting of two major factories for smelting and rolling and employs more than 6300 workers who are paid nominal salaries, by the State, currently range between $71 and $215.

    On the other hand, the company used to produce construction iron according to international standards by 500 tons per day.

    Ministry of Finance allocates $150m for the Iron and Steel Company - Iraq | Iraq Updates

  10. #24390
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    You got the web cam on here kristin?!
    ha ha! I know the battle of distention well. Hope all is well with you with your medical thing, whatever that may be. I'll put you on my list of friends and family that I cover with good thoughts.

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