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  1. #24621
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    Quote Originally Posted by greatstuff View Post
    Well, our holdings are pretty puny in the great scheme of things and I can't believe those cold-hearted bankers would take so much trouble to get our few dinars cheaper BUT I wonder about this gradual increase they're working on. What is their target? It could be just the 13xx (sorry, I've forgotten) that was once mentioned as a goal, or they could have a much higher target.

    Maybe they're going to keep going, slowing down, speeding up, until some of us lose our nerve, or our patience. Maybe some of the bigger investors would, at some point, sell some back just to reduce their investment or lock in a small profit.

    The point is that there is a strategy in there somewhere and it has nothing to do with any compassion or fairness. If we think without the emotion, and watch, we may catch on. Then we can go nuts!
    Thank you! The powers involved in this have a plan - they've had it since they decided to introduce the new dinar. Everytime we read something it is one of 2 things. It's either good information or it's misinformation. Since we're not in the inner circle, we need to analyze and put the pieces together.
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  2. #24622
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    Quote Originally Posted by PopaDinar View Post
    Has anyone looked at this and tried to get it translated the right way...
    I tried and could not either...

    Here is the post it was posted in the rumor section posted by BDD

    Urgent! All Arabic Translators Needed ASAP!!!

    Guys, I know there are some people here who have done a great job finding resources that can translate Arabic into English. Well, here's an urgent project that may have some clues about the current monetary policy.

    The CBI has recently issued a statement about inflation, on this page (in Arabic): الاخبار

    The introduction to a PDF exhibit on this page says the following (which I got from using Google Translator):

    "A press statement from the Iraqi Central Bank on the phenomenon of inflation (witness annex):"

    On the Arabic page, this is followed by a PDF of the announcement, here. It's a scanned document, available only in Arabic.

    For some reason, the English version of this page DOES NOT HAVE A TRANSLATED VERSION OF THE ANNEX THAT THE ARABIC PAGE DOES. Perhaps they haven't had time to translate it, yet, or perhaps they don't want it widely disseminated in the West.

    I've tried everything I know in terms of copying the PDF, and trying to paste it into Google Translator. It won't work, mostly because the text is scanned text, and Adobe Acrobate doesn't recognize Arabic text.

    Can anyone help? If anyone can find a way to translate this document, I'd love to know what it says. Thanks in advance for your help, maybe this can yield a big clue as to what's going on at the CBI with Iraqi monetary policy.
    I printed the pdf and then re-scanned it to my computer as arabic in text and left results over there but the kind of arabic that my software used is not anything I can translate. Sorry if it was no help to anybody. I tried.

  3. #24623
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    Default the oil belongs to all the Iraqi Kirkuk

    the oil belongs to all the Iraqi Kirkuk
    By aliraqnews in 17 / 11 / 2006 3:24:46

    He said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki yesterday to mark the visit to Ankara that the oil resources in Iraq is the king of the entire Iraqi people, and should be distributed equally among all communities and stressed • Maliki that fight for the territorial integrity

    Iraq, pledging that Kirkuk, a city rich areas in northern Iraq, will Iraqi city • In his press Ankara with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Ardogan, he said that his government will also enhance cooperation with Turkey with regard to the fight against terrorism, but he refused to give any details • Maliki said, "We will not Naui any groups harm our neighbors" • The Maliki "that these resources should be distributed equally to the citizens," • He added, "we should not be deprived of any community and increase the wealth of other" •

    The Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan autonomous Nchiroan Barzani, had confirmed costing any last September that the Kurds want to control the oil of their wealth, He warned that any foreign intervention would only lead to invitations to revive the independence of Kurdistan •

    Turkey is concerned, a division of Iraq; which leads to the establishment of an independent state of Kurdistan with the possibility that capital Kirkuk Turkey fears of the possibility that this development will encourage supporters of the secession of the Kurds in Turkey to intensify their own to gain independence or autonomy • pressing Turkey to the United States and Iraqi forces to take tough action against the PKK camps in northern Iraq to launch forays m Nha to Turkey across the border, but frustrated by failure to take any action •

    He pointed out that the Al-Maliki government closed the representation office of the Kurdistan Workers Party in Baghdad. but he refused to go into any details regarding other actions that might be taken by the government • The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Ardogan that Turkey stands side by side with Iraq. He pointed out that Turkey is ready to train Iraqi security personnel •

    The Office Ardogan said yesterday morning that the two Prime Ministers will discuss bilateral relations and the fight against Kurdish rebels in Turkey Members of the PKK based in northern Iraq •

    شبكة أخبار العراق - الأخبار

  4. #24624
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    Default Take Time For Sober Introspective Reflection

    It's after midnight where I live and, because I had a headache, I decided to review the posts of the past 10 hours as it hurt to put my head on my pillow. What I observed could best be categorized as a war zone. We really need to rein ourselves in and return to the more amicable mien that generally is found here. I observed a litany of 'one-up-manship' and we must quickly extirpate this cancer and conduct ourselves on the 'high road'.
    I recognize we a mosaic of persons with at least one commonality. We all have invested in NID and we all are anticipating a profitable outcome. We have great diversity. We live in all parts of the world, we are a cross-section of the socio-economic spectrum of peoples, we have wide divergences in our religious convictions and we function differently cerebrally for a myriad of reasons.
    I, for example, am a professional engineer living in Canada. I am mid-mensa and have a number of Patents registered in the USA. I am revered almost God-like by people in the American Correctional Industry because of certain God-given abilities given to me to deal with serious issues faced in that industry. Having you know this about me should not cause you to give abnormal credence to anything I post. I rarely post but when I do it is based on my research along with the composite of who I am and how I function. I am totally fine with a challenging or rejection of my view. I challenge myself and I will challenge all of you to be gracious when we have divergent views. We really are not competing with each other; we are one the same side. I trust you are accepting of my heartfelt expression; we can all take the 'high road'.
    Back to the Dinar: Because this reval must evolve out of a globally geopolitical morass we can develop tunnel vision and, perhaps, see only the banking norms setting the rate. A very low reval possibly fits into that category. I personally believe it will be at least 0.50 USD/1 NID and could, hopefully be as high as 3.00+ USD/1 NID.
    When it revals I trust we will be kind-hearted.

  5. #24625
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    Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Fellow Dinar Investors,

    Now here it is 2 years later and I toy with the idea that it could open at $1.47…. Have I gone mad????

    $1.47 ....they said it, not us. Your not mad at all. $1 to them is chump change and prolly a fairly low starting point in their minds. Whats starting at around a dollar, if you can remeber back in your lifetime when your money was worth more than three times that much? Hey, they said it.
    One man's trick, is another man's treat.

  6. #24626
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    From elsewhere.

    News from a soldier in IRAQ
    I talked to my daughters friend who is the army in IRAQ this morning who told me that his groups Interpreter had made a statement recently that the dinar had risen in value (which we know), but also that it was supposed to continue to rise. I asked him if he knew where the Interpreter got the information but he did not. He told me though, that the interpreter was out on a mission for about 10 days, and that as soon as he returns he would ask him. Take it for what its worth, but I thought I would pass it on. This is one rumor I know is true because I know the source. How important is it? I don't know.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #24627
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treater View Post
    Originally Posted by _Apollo_ View Post
    Fellow Dinar Investors,

    Now here it is 2 years later and I toy with the idea that it could open at $1.47…. Have I gone mad????

    $1.47 ....they said it, not us. Your not mad at all. $1 to them is chump change and prolly a fairly low starting point in their minds. Whats starting at around a dollar, if you can remeber back in your lifetime when your money was worth more than three times that much? Hey, they said it.
    I agree... they said it... it's just a matter of time now... come on ducks, get in a row...

  8. #24628
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Dear SGS, Very few have contributed to this forum more than you. Your posting of information has provided us over a long period of time with valuable information which few of us have had time to research. Some of us are a bit more clinical in our understanding of the various economic informatiom. I for one am one of the most enthusiastic persons about this investment over a period of time. So, if I come at this from a different direction, never think I don't appreciate other contributions. Especially yours. Thank You very much.

    Wm Knowles you have a lot of good points in your posts but I do not agree with you on a low reval rate. I don't believe any banker/economist can predict a reval amount with any accuracy. Economists/bankers have to think outside the ball game with this speculative investment.

    Iraq is such a different proposition than anything before. Ok, we had the Marshall Plan back in the 1940s with Germany and this is being compared with regards to the International Compact but the difference is Germany had no oil. Iraq is currently only pumping at 25% of their capacity and only 10% of oil has been discovered! But they're still pumping out 2.8MBD at just under $60 a barrel! Lots of disney $$$$'s. They are hoping to reach 3 million barrels by the end of the year. Let's not forget the gold recently found in Switzerland too to bolster their reserves.

    We are small fish, what we offload at say $1, bigger boys will come in, hold on and wait for the value to go up to $3. No brainer.

    As the MoF stated, the dinar will have a value back to it's former self or at least similar to those of neighbouring countries. That isn't 0.05.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #24629
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Wm Knowles you have a lot of good points in your posts but I do not agree with you on a low reval rate. I don't believe any banker/economist can predict a reval amount with any accuracy. Economists/bankers have to think outside the ball game with this speculative investment.

    Iraq is such a different proposition than anything before. Ok, we had the Marshall Plan back in the 1940s with Germany and this is being compared with regards to the International Compact but the difference is Germany had no oil. Iraq is currently only pumping at 25% of their capacity and only 10% of oil has been discovered! But they're still pumping out 2.8MBD at just under $60 a barrel! Lots of disney $$$$'s. They are hoping to reach 3 million barrels by the end of the year. Let's not forget the gold recently found in Switzerland too to bolster their reserves.

    We are small fish, what we offload at say $1, bigger boys will come in, hold on and wait for the value to go up to $3. No brainer.

    As the MoF stated, the dinar will have a value back to it's former self or at least similar to those of neighbouring countries. That isn't 0.05.
    Good post Adster.

    I've also seen the articles and reports stating rates "similar to neighbouring countries" as well as the "pre-war levels". And i like the sounds of that!

    Having said that, i could see a "low" RV with many small time investors cashing in some and then letting market forces (and the big boys) take it up to higher levels. You don't anticipate a low RV to shake out a few million (or even hundreds of million) dollars at a lower rate?
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  10. #24630
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    Good post Adster.

    I've also seen the articles and reports stating rates "similar to neighbouring countries" as well as the "pre-war levels". And i like the sounds of that!

    Having said that, i could see a "low" RV with many small time investors cashing in some and then letting market forces (and the big boys) take it up to higher levels. You don't anticipate a low RV to shake out a few million (or even hundreds of million) dollars at a lower rate?
    Am more in favour of the dinar being pegged to the SDR. I don't believe they will let market forces dictate the rate, too risky with the current state of Baghdad and insurgents etc, too many uncertainties and unnecessary. They will peg it either to the dollar or the SDR then say a year down the line when security has stabilised they may well let it float and it will rise from say $1.48 up to $3 or $4.

    Just my thoughts.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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