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  1. #24751
    Senior Investor wciappetta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Does anyone else see this? They're saying in order to reval they have to issue new lower denoms before which we knew anyway to move onto the next stage......

    Reckon we're so so so close now....
    Considering the recent activity at the CBI, even this poor translation can only mean lower denominations. Actually it is revealing the plan of the the CBI.

    The fact that they are mentioning them indicates a warranted near term need for them. I'm with ya Brother
    It seems that the state insists, or preserve the value of the Iraqi dinar 148 against the dollar ...Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states [ MOF Sept 2006]

    High RV is like Coke; it’s the real thing baby!

    Jesus Loves You

  2. #24752
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    Quote Originally Posted by wciappetta View Post
    Considering the recent activity at the CBI, even this poor translation can only mean lower denominations. Actually it is revealing the plan of the the CBI.

    The fact that they are mentioning them indicates a warranted near term need for them. I'm with ya Brother

    Exactly my golfing friend, and they need to be inserted into the banks prior to a reval if they've not already been. They hold the key for sure.

    The article also makes it clear it's a necessity and part of the bigger picture to improve their economy.

    We really have something here. Get them out, then reval, then open the doors to the world with a big fat juicy new high rate.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  3. #24753
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAn8tv View Post
    found this on google...Branch Locator

    There is a Chase bank in St.Louis but it is a commercial bank.They do not do monetary transactions there. There is a Chase in Springfield, Illinois.. That's the closest Chase Bank to Missouri
    Last edited by funwit; 17-11-2006 at 11:36 PM.

  4. #24754
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    More good stuff today folks. This sticks in my mind, sounds so much like lower denoms.

    According to an official source at the Central Bank of Iraq in response to a question from the representative of the new "morning" The source added : there is no intention at this time to change the Iraqi currency is expected that the issuance of new categories of transactions, and according to the requirements of the Iraqi economy to meet the expenses of the state in the next stage.Regarding future plans to address the debt Iraqi source said that Iraq signed agreements with the Paris Club countries to address its debts by reducing 80% of the debt.
    Its looking good for a revalution in the near future and the lower denominations are another part of the puzzle that has fallen into place.

  5. #24755
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Does anyone else see this? They're saying in order to reval they have to issue new lower denoms before which we knew anyway to move onto the next stage......

    Reckon we're so so so close now....
    Yeah Adster, I posted this yesterday....And it was my thoughts also when I read it. Glad to get your confirmation on it! I thought at first I was going crazy and reading too much into it. I read so much on a day to day basis I figured it was just wishful thinking coming into play. I also did another translation on this article and it DID NOT variate from the article except it said issuing instead of issuance of new categories.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  6. #24756
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    Yeah Adster, I posted this yesterday....And it was my thoughts also when I read it. Glad to get your confirmation on it! I thought at first I was going crazy and reading too much into it. I read so much on a day to day basis I figured it was just wishful thinking coming into play. I also did another translation on this article and it DID NOT variate from the article except it said issuing instead of issuance of new categories.

    Thanks DD, top work! Says it's the next stage so we have to be close, agree with you after reading so many articles your head spins and it's sometimes hard to see the light through the trees!

    But this speaks volumes and is as obvious as it comes even though they have tried to cover it up by talking of new categories of transactions! But we're a lot smarter than that!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #24757
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    Mohammad al-Sabah violence in Iraq and interference of outside funding

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-18-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Mohammad Al-Sabah : dealing with the Iranian file must be regional, and the reason for the increasing violence in Iraq and the intervention of outside funding
    Written and fulfillment Qansour, KUNA :

    Returned to the country, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Dr.. Muhammad Al-Sabah, accompanied by Finance Minister Badr Al-Humaidi last night after his participation in the Special Conference consultative group to support Yemen, which was held in London.
    He emphasized that the $ 200 million offered by the State of Kuwait appropriate, pointing out that Kuwait has many commitments to more than 100 developing nations.

    It was Sheikh Mohammad al-Sabah had delivered a lecture at the International Institute for Strategic Studies entitled «Kuwait's foreign policy in changing the atmosphere».

    It stressed the need to provide a package of interrelated steps and plans to overcome all the problems and ease the tense situation in the Middle East beginning of the peace process and find a solution to the Palestinian issue and Israel's commitment to the Treaty on the proliferation of nuclear weapons and the stability of Iraq and Iran abandon its nuclear program.
    Replying to a question, he said : Dealing with Iran in continuation of its nuclear program must be placed in a regional framework explaining that there are certain things that can be dealt with immediately and the creation of a suitable environment make the issue of dealing with the nuclear program is easy for the international community «The most important thing I see in this framework is to provide the right atmosphere through the move in the peace process in the Middle East and reduce the causes of tension in the Arab and Islamic countries ».

    He added that Israel's actions and policies in the region and the continued suffering of the Palestinians created a climate encourages Iran to adhere to its nuclear «Therefore, we must address this issue in order to deal with this issue and to encourage Iran to achieve its commitment to the International Atomic Energy Agency».

    He went on to say that the Iranians believe that the introduction of the nuclear program is a legitimate right for them and that international law allows them to do so as long as they signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

    He said Sheikh Mohammed that this matter should be treated as clear that Iran has signed the international treaty at a time when Israel did not sign the Treaty and possess nuclear weapons «This brings us to the issue of double standards, how do we deal with Iran in non-compliance with international requirements at the time of Israel absolutely rejects the supervision of international installations ».

    Sheikh Mohammad stressed in this context the need for the international community to a package of steps and plans for the area to ease tension created by a number of factors, including the suspension of the peace process and the omission of the international community to the tragedy of the Palestinians and the lack of action to persuade Israel to sign the Nuclear Non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and not to pursue Alkh fought the Middle East free of nuclear weapons.

    International concern draft

    In response to another question during the lecture, which was attended by politicians, experts and specialists in the Middle East, Sheikh Mohammad said that the change of the Iranian nuclear program from the peaceful to non-peaceful solution is a matter of concern to the international community, adding that this issue was not a major concern for Kuwait as it posed no Iranian nuclear reactor marine himself up near the Kuwaiti border.
    He explained that the United States already has been exposed to serious incidents in its nuclear reactors, as well as the former Soviet Union, including the Chernobyl accident, which claimed the lives of thousands of people, therefore, the existence of Iranian nuclear reactor in the (Bushehr), near the Kuwaiti beaches poses a threat to Kuwait «technologies, and we are concerned about the risk of accidents may threaten the entire region ».
    He said in this context that the western region of Iran where nuclear reactor had been exposed to earthquakes and accidents many natural «So, what is the impact on the Bushehr power station. The possibility of accidents and environmental disasters in the future is very possible »pointing out that Kuwait discussed this issue with Iranian officials repeatedly.

    And on the issue of peaceful use of nuclear energy said «We have urged them to use light-water instead of heavy water in the operation of nuclear reactor to reduce the nuclear threat and hope that the Iranians take the matter into consideration».

    The issue of Iraq

    Regarding the Iraqi issue, Sheikh Mohammed that the issue of Iraq is somewhat different because it is in an internal conflict but the basic idea centered on the cause of the violence witnessed by Iraq.

    He pointed out that there are of the view that the cause of the increasing violence in Iraq and interference of outside funding solution in the framework of this issue is to engage in dialogue with any party concerned on ways to achieve stability in Iraq and to put restrictions to prevent these interventions.

    But Sheikh Mohammad added that there believe that the ongoing violence in Iraq resulting from the internal causes fall within the political nature of the work there and because of the exclusion of a section of the community from the political process what drove her to bear arms and the exercise of violence and resistance to the idea of federalism perceived to be the lead to the division of Iraq.

    He said that Kuwait played a major role in this context as a neighbor of Iraq and is responsible along with the rest of the neighboring countries of Iraq's stability and security.

    The defeat of the American policy

    In response to a question about the likelihood of the defeat of the American policy in Iraq, "said Sheikh Mohammed that victory or defeat are determined to achieve the Millennium« The United States has done much to the liberation of Iraq from a dictatorial regime. It is ironic that most Iraqis have positive feelings toward the United States but there are more people have negative feelings about the liberation of Iraq ».

    Sheikh Mohammed stressed that «the idea of turning the multinational forces of the liberation forces to Iraq to the occupation forces think it was a big mistake led to a change in the psychological environment of Iraq. As people started to look at these forces as an occupying force, not a liberation, but I do not see at the same time that the main reason for invading Iraq was unfortunate to e ».

    On the other hand, Sheikh Mohammed reviewed the evolution of Kuwait's foreign policy and said that politics and diplomacy Kuwaiti seen a substantial over the past three years after the enormous changes in the region in terms of the collapse of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
    He added that these changes have led to fundamental shifts in the balance of relations compared to the situation before the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime and about its great optimism about the future.

    His Kuwaiti diplomacy in the past to doubt the evil intentions harbored by the former Iraqi regime of Kuwait which the Kuwaiti government pay for a policy of prevention in order to prevent the recurrence of the Iraqi aggression them.
    But he added that after the new changes are promising Kuwaiti diplomatic and focused on strengthening the national economy and the pursuit of what is known as economic diplomacy, which means that the reorientation of politics and diplomacy through a future strategy.

    Silk Road

    He said Sheikh Mohammad said that Kuwait is trying to take advantage of its geographical location to revive the ancient Silk Road trade, which had links between East and West to be the commercial gateway to the area and prepared in this context an ambitious plan to build a new town in the north of the country was named the Silk City that it is hoped will be the major trading T. linking the states of the region and the world.

    He added that Kuwait has in the framework of the new phase to the Open, pointing out that the facilities which had been granted visas to enter the country and opening the doors to foreign firms and banks to work and investment, as well as liberalization of the telecommunications.

    He added that these measures come up to a series of key actions have been taken to expand political participation of granting Kuwaiti women their political rights and empowerment leadership positions in government and promote press freedom abolish the monopoly of the press and licensing for the establishment of new newspapers pointed out that it has been so far granted T. cheap for more than ten newspapers after facilitate the procedures necessary for this and a great addition to the granting of licenses for the establishment of private television stations.

    New policy

    He said that in light of these steps and measures taken at home «We have tried at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of a new foreign policy to adapt to the new situation, open and focused on the development of the Kuwaiti economy as an important diplomatic action».

    He added that «in the past, we are concerned about the security fears and to prevent the recurrence of the Iraqi aggression and the protection of our borders and our citizens today, after the fall of Saddam Hussein has begun a new era of diplomacy, Moving from preventive diplomacy to economic diplomacy ».

    In response to a question about the Palestinian cause and the peace process in the Middle East, Sheikh Mohammad said that Arab countries adopted the initiative, which the Saudi monarch, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz at the Beirut summit in 2002 on land for peace and added that the Arabs have this initiative «concession historically not% focusing on the complete solution for full peace ».

    He expressed his belief that the failure to solve the Palestinian issue will not lead to real stability in the region, he said that «there is a feeling of loss of hope, frustration and this is bad. To see this young resort to the means we never think in the past, on a large scale, such as the suicide attacks. This new phenomenon reflects this feeling »warrant serious consideration in the list and the reasons behind it.
    Kuwaiti homeland

  8. #24758
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    Adster, you've been looking for these lower denominations for quite awhile now!! We must really be getting pretty near a revalue with everything falling into place. Really appreciate your input of everything that you've been putting on here for us. THANKS, LISA

  9. #24759
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    Here is the other translation for those who didn't see it earlier...

    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post

    Old translation:

    Justice / special source confirmed authorized in the Iraqi Central Bank that there is no intention at this time to change the Iraqi currency,

    It is expected that the issuance of new categories to the transaction in accordance with the requirements of the Iraqi economy to meet the expenses of the state in the next stage.

    With regard to the supervision of the local banking activity in Iraq by the Central Bank of Egypt and means of reform, The source pointed out that the Central Bank will supervise banking activity level by the activities of banks towards the enhancement of their role in the implementation of monetary policy in particular through channeling the savings to the various aspects of investment, so as to achieve economic growth.

    He added : The Central Bank had granted banking licenses of many Arab and foreign banks, whether licensing NTSB open a branch in Iraq or the establishment of a banking entity, It was also the opening of representation offices.

    This is the beginning of cooperation and openness to the world towards the revitalization of the economy in the country with the Iraqi Central Bank to sell the American dollar against the Iraqi dinar through a daily auction exhibit, since this auction is a tool for achieving stability in the value of the Iraqi dinar by defending the exchange rate stable for a long time. This, in turn, will affect the general level of prices?

    Newer translation:

    The justice / a special confirmed an entrusted source in the Iraqi Central Bank forbid there is no intention nowadays for changing the Iraqi currency,

    And it is expected that issuing new categories takes place to the discussion following the requirements of the Iraqi economy for the confrontation of the country expenses in the next stage .

    And concerning the supervision of the local bank activity in Iraq from the central bank and its reform, the source pointed that the central bank carries out the supervision of the local bank activity through the connection by the banks activities towards the consolidation of its role in the execution of a monetary policy specially through directing the savings towards various investment faces and by what achieves the economic growth .

    And he added : that the central bank has granted bank licences to many of the Arab banks and the foreign ones whether was the licence is including the establishment of a branch of it in Iraq or the establishment of a bank entity, also the establishment of representation bureaus took place, and it is prepared.

    This the beginning of cooperation and openness towards the world towards the activation of the economy movement in the country while the bank continues the Iraqi central carrying out of selling the American dollar against the Iraqi dinar through the daily auction that is established in it, since this auction is considered a tool for the achievement of stability in the Iraqi dinar value by the defense of exchange price a dwelling for a long time, which is reflected in the general level is to the prices!


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    The budget just keeps getting bigger and bigger...

    $ 40 b Iraq Budget For Next Year
    Source: Al-Sabah

    Deputy PM Barham Salih declared that, the economical committee in cabinet council and finance ministry working on preparing the federal Iraqi balance sheet for 2007, pointing that there would ensuring new capabilities for re-construction Baghdad.
    On the other hand, PM Norri al-Maliki said in a press conference presented by many officials and multi nations forces represents that he ordered all the ministries of releasing money and the balance sheets for re-building the capital of Iraq- Baghdad.
    He added that, the Iraqi patient has took along time especially the Baghdadis.

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