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  1. #24801
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    Default How do we carry the money?

    When our dinar revals at $2.27 - how do we securely transport that kind of money to a bank that can make the currency exchange?

    Should we handcuff the briefcase to our wrist - then hire a limo with an armed off-duty police officer right beside us all the way to the teller's window?

  2. #24802
    Banned Lakeway's Avatar
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    Cool Up Date!

    Quote Originally Posted by dinartank View Post
    Well Guys I just got off the phone with a Chase Bank in my area in south florida....When I called I asked "Can I speak with somebody who handles and deals with foriegn currency.. She replied "What do you want to know and how can I help you." I asked I want to purchase some iraqi dinar can you do that for me." She said hold on put me on hold for a min came back and said no we do not. I didn't dig into why and why not I just said ok and hung up that was it.

    I also can tell you that Wachovia doesn't deal with it either for i have an acount with them and also my mother works for them. My mom has had one instance where some guy came into the bank about 4 months ago back in june with some dinar and want to get rid of them as he thought it had revalued at 10 cents LOL and its supposed to hit ..80-1 dollar at the end of the year he told my mom and my mom told him that we don't deal with this currency . My mom imediately calls me and tells me this story and i go imediately online check the cbi and the forums and nothing. But it is the end of the year so we will see if this KOOK story has any truth to it. So heres to wishful thinking, hopefully we all will have the best CHRISTMAS EVER!!!!!!! And for you all that are jewish HAPPY HAUNAKA!!! sorry if i misspelled.
    Well I just typed out a response that was very informative and then the phone rang and it was my best buddy from High School and we laughed and joked a while and somehow my response had disappeared upon my return so....long story short.

    The BOA in the smallish town I live in outside Austin isn't selling or dealing with the IRAQ currency in any way. I sort of figured this as it is a smallish location. Howver on the way home I saw a new Wachovia that has just opened up, so that will give me something to do on Monday.

  3. #24803
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    Quote Originally Posted by billknows View Post
    When our dinar revals at $2.27 - how do we securely transport that kind of money to a bank that can make the currency exchange?

    Should we handcuff the briefcase to our wrist - then hire a limo with an armed off-duty police officer right beside us all the way to the teller's window?
    Take them one WAD ( bundle ) at a time........NOT all at once....
    Last edited by laurenr; 18-11-2006 at 01:23 AM.

  4. #24804
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrsCK View Post
    HOT OFF THE PRESS: Our Friend Doug went to longview Chase Bank TODAY TO PICK UP HIS ORDER just a minute ago - showed his receipt to Chase bank teller, she said "we are not doing that anymore" - then she turned around and spoke to another lady and THAT LADY told him that he could pick up his dinar's at another place in the bank.


    I JUST GOT OFF THE PHONE WITH THE BANK - THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD NOT TO SELL ANY MORE DINAR!!!!!!!!! And the lady didn't know why but that is what they have been told!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Interesting. Any bank would stop selling if they knew something was going on like the dinar was going on the Forex shortly etc.....

    Thanks Mrs.
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHIWILLBE View Post
    My husband is a truck driver and was in Houston today. He went a branch that had the dinar. Picked it up on the spot. (Maybe it was our lucky day!) Good sign is that one of people who works there told him they bought $10 million! I'm more sure every day that we made the right decision to invest in dinar.
    Quote Originally Posted by MOM2TWO View Post
    Which branch is Houston? We were not able to buy it at the Chase we went to in Houston. darn it.....
    Quote Originally Posted by lucky duck View Post
    I to look forward to your post Adster. This is history in the making. And just think we are part of it.

    We called Chase Bank in Tusla OK today and asked about buying more dinar. They told us that they were not selling it at any Chase Bank any more.
    We are about to be rich.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    HW290/FM1960 sells them. NW side of H-town.
    Quote Originally Posted by RICHIWILLBE View Post
    The downtown branch on Main Street. He had gone to a branch that is near the Sam's I believe, because he knew he could park the truck there. He went in and they told him that they didn't have it. They didn't even offer to order it for him. Told him he could go to the main branch and they would order it. Since he had to take a cab there, I called to make sure that they would order it. When the woman said they have it to sell, I nearly fell off my seat! It saved him from sitting there till Monday!
    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Thanks ld. Interesting news, dead right about history in the making.
    Quote Originally Posted by Vipor View Post
    BTW, forgot to mention... something different that happened this time around, I actually got small notes. 5K and 1K. I had not seen the 1K as of yet. Pretty cool.

    OK. starving. gotta go munch. laterz.
    Quote Originally Posted by warrior44 View Post
    Just FYI, I called chase bank in Tulsa Ok. (because we don't have one in K.C. MO.) and asked them if they would exchange foreign currency and was told yes ONLY if I had account with them and if not I would have to have one for a year before they would exchange it,

    I asked them if this was always their policy and was told no it was just changed recently to this. I don't know what they say at other branches but this gentleman said it was now a Chase policy.
    I am here just for a second. I was going to post this about 30 minutes ago but got tied up on a call. Anyways, I have mentioned that I am in the know with a Chase bank Manager in Mesquite Texas. After reading these post "That should be in the Bank Thread" I called her. She said "Bull" come on in and get what you want. I said can anyone, And she said yes. They have not had anything come accross that indicated anything else.

    Also I have not gone to BofA, sorry, to confirm them yet. Just posting this, so it doesn't get wacko here over this tonight. Still have alot to do tonight, before clearing the house of the Bullcrap from the Morning. BBL.

  5. #24805
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronbo View Post
    That is the one I tried I think. But it did not show anything in MO

    didn't check for neighboring states or what may be reasonable for you to get to...

  6. #24806
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    Default A Subtle source of info

    My best friend's father is retired and lives for two things, drinking coffee at Starbucks every day and golfing. (This is my best friend for the past 20+ years)

    Over the past couple years he has become friends with an Iraqi gentleman, a very well off Iraqi gentleman, at Starbucks . . .the usual chit chat over coffee. One day a few months back, he asked him what he thought about investing in Dinar because he was from Iraq. The man kinda blew it off and he didnt think anything of it. Over the past few weeks they have gotten a bit friendlier and the Iraqi gentleman let it slip that he is Al-Maliki's COUSIN one day when they were talking about the current situations in Iraq. My friends Dad asked him again about Dinar and told him that he had bought 500k because it looked interesting. The gentleman's response was "anyone invested in it will be 'very well off' within the next 3 to 6 months" and then changed the subject

    I have not met him personally, nor do I want to . . .I dont want to spook this subtle contact off by hounding him for info, but I find the info to be HIGHLY credible considering where it came from.

    I just wanted to share this with everyone here. This is not a rumor and this is not an attempt to get any attention . .. just passing on the warm fuzzies about our little investment

  7. #24807
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    My best friend's father is retired and lives for two things, drinking coffee at Starbucks every day and golfing. (This is my best friend for the past 20+ years)

    Over the past couple years he has become friends with an Iraqi gentleman, a very well off Iraqi gentleman, at Starbucks . . .the usual chit chat over coffee. One day a few months back, he asked him what he thought about investing in Dinar because he was from Iraq. The man kinda blew it off and he didnt think anything of it. Over the past few weeks they have gotten a bit friendlier and the Iraqi gentleman let it slip that he is Al-Maliki's COUSIN one day when they were talking about the current situations in Iraq. My friends Dad asked him again about Dinar and told him that he had bought 500k because it looked interesting. The gentleman's response was "anyone invested in it will be 'very well off' within the next 3 to 6 months" and then changed the subject

    I have not met him personally, nor do I want to . . .I dont want to spook this subtle contact off by hounding him for info, but I find the info to be HIGHLY credible considering where it came from.

    I just wanted to share this with everyone here. This is not a rumor and this is not an attempt to get any attention . .. just passing on the warm fuzzies about our little investment
    SHUT UP OZ!!! (meant affectionately! ) What are the ODDS of THAT?!?!?!?

  8. #24808
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    My best friend's father is retired and lives for two things, drinking coffee at Starbucks every day and golfing. (This is my best friend for the past 20+ years)

    Over the past couple years he has become friends with an Iraqi gentleman, a very well off Iraqi gentleman, at Starbucks . . .the usual chit chat over coffee. One day a few months back, he asked him what he thought about investing in Dinar because he was from Iraq. The man kinda blew it off and he didnt think anything of it. Over the past few weeks they have gotten a bit friendlier and the Iraqi gentleman let it slip that he is Al-Maliki's COUSIN one day when they were talking about the current situations in Iraq. My friends Dad asked him again about Dinar and told him that he had bought 500k because it looked interesting. The gentleman's response was "anyone invested in it will be 'very well off' within the next 3 to 6 months" and then changed the subject

    I have not met him personally, nor do I want to . . .I dont want to spook this subtle contact off by hounding him for info, but I find the info to be HIGHLY credible considering where it came from.

    I just wanted to share this with everyone here. This is not a rumor and this is not an attempt to get any attention . .. just passing on the warm fuzzies about our little investment
    I don't know you OZ but from what I have seen you seem to be a straight shooter, even in the downtimes, I've never seen you post a rumor or get to excited about rumors for that matter, so I will take this as a positive, and I hope that it brought back a little enthusiasm for you in this venture

  9. #24809
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    Default Sorry Neno...

    Quote Originally Posted by neno View Post
    I am here just for a second. I was going to post this about 30 minutes ago but got tied up on a call. Anyways, I have mentioned that I am in the know with a Chase bank Manager in Mesquite Texas. After reading these post "That should be in the Bank Thread" I called her. She said "Bull" come on in and get what you want. I said can anyone, And she said yes. They have not had anything come accross that indicated anything else.

    Also I have not gone to BofA, sorry, to confirm them yet. Just posting this, so it doesn't get wacko here over this tonight. Still have alot to do tonight, before clearing the house of the Bullcrap from the Morning. BBL.
    Did not realise we had a banking thread. will post accordingly in the future.


  10. #24810
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    I don't know you OZ but from what I have seen you seem to be a straight shooter, even in the downtimes, I've never seen you post a rumor or get to excited about rumors for that matter, so I will take this as a positive, and I hope that it brought back a little enthusiasm for you in this venture
    Yes Oz! Chin-up sweet-cheeks! This is going to change all of our lives. I've calmed myself from the ups and downs of the summer....but info like this has NEVER come out before~! It's OUR time, and the Iraqi peoples' time....FINALLY! Enjoy....

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