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  1. #24901
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    My best friend's father is retired and lives for two things, drinking coffee at Starbucks every day and golfing. (This is my best friend for the past 20+ years)

    Over the past couple years he has become friends with an Iraqi gentleman, a very well off Iraqi gentleman, at Starbucks . . .the usual chit chat over coffee. One day a few months back, he asked him what he thought about investing in Dinar because he was from Iraq. The man kinda blew it off and he didnt think anything of it. Over the past few weeks they have gotten a bit friendlier and the Iraqi gentleman let it slip that he is Al-Maliki's COUSIN one day when they were talking about the current situations in Iraq. My friends Dad asked him again about Dinar and told him that he had bought 500k because it looked interesting. The gentleman's response was "anyone invested in it will be 'very well off' within the next 3 to 6 months" and then changed the subject

    I have not met him personally, nor do I want to . . .I dont want to spook this subtle contact off by hounding him for info, but I find the info to be HIGHLY credible considering where it came from.

    I just wanted to share this with everyone here. This is not a rumor and this is not an attempt to get any attention . .. just passing on the warm fuzzies about our little investment
    Thanks Ozzy, the bit about Malikis cousin.....hmmmmm ....not sure about that bit... interesting tho...please keep us informed of developments...

  2. #24902
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    I need to apologize for suggesting Custom House Global Foreign Exchange (Custom House Global Foreign Exchange) is a good place to exchange our NID. I called their office in Edmonton, AB, Canada where I deal with them corporately and this is the 'real story'. In Canada they will exchange Dinar cash (when it is traded on Forex) into any other traded currency. In the USA they have only a few selected offices that will likely do exchanges of cash. They told me that regulatory issues from State to State are so variable that they have decided not to pursue that market. In Canada the regulatory conditions are nationally uniform.
    I am sorry that I did not verify that their services were not internationally uniform with their domestic protocol.
    Last edited by nventr; 18-11-2006 at 09:45 AM.

  3. #24903
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Pentagon announces turnover 57 thousand soldiers in Iraq
    2006 18:15:00 GMT Friday, November 17 A. P. B.

    Washington : A spokesman for the Pentagon announced the deployment of about 57 thousand American troops in Iraq in early 2007 as part of the rotation of forces. The number of American troops currently deployed in Iraq to 144 thousand soldiers. He explained Brian Aitman and that the units would especially brigades deployed fighter and brigades attribution. The spokesman pointed out that there were about ten thousand reserve soldier among the 57 thousand soldiers who will replace their colleagues.

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #24904
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    [QUOTE=Caviar Dreams;137120] However, I don't think the magic number is 1345. What is the magic number...I'm not sure.

    a friend of mine 2 months ago had a dream that it went up very slightly, say 1380 or something, then BAM! nearly $2 USD overnght very shortly afterward.

    its a dream. take it or leave it. everything this guy dreams has happened so far though he says. when he used to be the goalie in soccer, hed dream of catching the ball that night, and when the exact same play happened in "real time", the next morning, of course, he damn well caught the thing. for what its worth...

    now as far as logic is concerned, my take on that is that its not the 1360-1365 or whatever thats important, its when the CBI have bought back as much as is their targeted amount to buy back, then overnight we get the big peg, something non-floating, stable, to encourage investment into rebuilding, oil etc. the target is them (CBI_) having a certain number of dinars in reserve. we dont know what that number is. im not even sure how many are in circulation anyway. that bits gone over my head. too many different numbers floating around.

    somebody else may be able to take an educated guess at this, based on %age of total liquidity that this could feasibly be, and where we are at now in relation to that....

    any ideas on this would be welcomed. it may give us a timeline based on other than cyrstal balls, dreams or rumours....


  5. #24905
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    Quote Originally Posted by Caviar Dreams View Post
    However, I don't think the magic number is 1345. What is the magic number...I'm not sure.

    a friend of mine 2 months ago had a dream that it went up very slightly, say 1380 or something, then BAM! nearly $2 USD overnght very shortly afterward.

    its a dream. take it or leave it. everything this guy dreams has happened so far though he says. when he used to be the goalie in soccer, hed dream of catching the ball that night, and when the exact same play happened in "real time", the next morning, of course, he damn well caught the thing. for what its worth...

    now as far as logic is concerned, my take on that is that its not the 1360-1365 or whatever thats important, its when the CBI have bought back as much as is their targeted amount to buy back, then overnight we get the big peg, something non-floating, stable, to encourage investment into rebuilding, oil etc. the target is them (CBI_) having a certain number of dinars in reserve. we dont know what that number is. im not even sure how many are in circulation anyway. that bits gone over my head. too many different numbers floating around.

    somebody else may be able to take an educated guess at this, based on %age of total liquidity that this could feasibly be, and where we are at now in relation to that....

    any ideas on this would be welcomed. it may give us a timeline based on other than cyrstal balls, dreams or rumours....

    funny how dreams can touch on reality now isnt it....

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #24906
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    Voices of Iraq: Kurdistan-Erdogan
    Posted by: saleem on Saturday, November 18, 2006 - 10:02 AM
    Kurdistan-ErdoganKurdistan government criticizes Erdogan’s statement on Kirkuk
    By Abdul-Hameed ZibariArbil, Nov 18, (VOI) – Iraq’s Kurdistan government criticized on Saturday the statement by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Kirkuk describing it as “impeding closer relations between the two countries”.“While we support better relations between Iraq and Turkey, we at Iraq’s Kurdistan region believe that promoting these relations should serve the mutual interests on the basis of the principles of mutual respect for sovereignty,” the Kurdistan government said in a statement received by the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).The Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan expressed Turkey’s concern about Kirkuk in a joint press conference held in Ankara on Thursday with his Iraqi counterpart saying, "attempts to change the demographic structure of Kirkuk will not yield any positive results. On the contrary, such attempts could trigger new ethnic and sectarian clashes. Therefore an atmosphere of compromise should be created. In that case attempts trying to break up Iraq will fail. We believe that a plan covering all the ethnic groups who live there is necessary for Kirkuk ."“The statement by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Kirkuk does not serve closer relations between Iraq and Turkey. Kirkuk is an (Iraq’s) internal issue that should be settled from within according to Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution which was accepted through a referendum by all the Iraqi people. We people of Kurdistan will abide by that constitution,” the Kurdistan government’s statement added.Kirkuk is a large city located some 230 km north of Baghdad with about 710,000 inhabitants according to 2005 estimate. It is part of an Iraq's most important oil producing area.Oil pipelines run from Kirkuk to the coastal cities of Tripoli in Lebanon and Yamurtalik in Turkey.Kirkuk's population is a mixture of Kurdish, Assyrian, Turkomans and Arab origin. The majority are Sunni Muslims, but Kirkuk has also a sizeable community of Christians.The Kurds accused the former Saddam Hussein’s regime of forcing large parts of the Kurdish population to leave Kirkuk, and replaced with Arabs, in order to weaken the Kurdish control on, and future possible claim on, the city.
    Kurdistan-Erdogan :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #24907
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    Director of the World Bank : the Iraqi government has failed to exploit the oil resources

    Paris time : head of the World Bank, Paul Wolfowitz, the Iraqi government not to invest Iraq's resources properly, He said that Iraq needs the advice of the need for more money from international donors for the rebuilding of its institutions, He pointed out that Iraq (with much of the money but not exploited in the best interests), With Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt American that the donor countries that seek to help Iraq to rebuild its economy, plans to hold a ministerial meeting in December to work out the details of the aid pledges and debt reduction. In Strasbourg, France, He Wolfowitz, which has plans to open a permanent office of the World Bank in Baghdad to coordinate aid Almanhi, that Iraq is not the best use of funds obtained already, adding (not saying that they do not need the money, they say that many of the funds but is not being used in an appropriate way, they know it). He informed of the Development Committee of the European Parliament that (they need is assistance in the building of institutions and better management of public finances, and advice on how to manage the oil sector better, I think they need to assist in the management of social safety nets, this policy advice, not money), He pointed out that he does not know what steps to be taken by the United States in Iraq after the Republicans lost the majority in Congress in the elections that took place last week. He said Wolfowitz, who was deputy to the Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld resigned during the Iraq war and a prominent defender of the war (I do not know how to change the policy of the United States in Iraq. I know they will not come to my request) adding (am not informed enough on political and security issues even give advice convincing).
    It is noteworthy that the Democrats, who now have the majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate for the first time in 12 years, The enemy in their electoral campaigns conducting audits of strong American policy on Iraq, including the programs of reconstruction and stabilization after the war.
    So, Deputy Treasury Secretary Robert Kimmitt that the ministerial meeting of the donor countries likely to be held next month in the Gulf, will be an important step towards identifying (International Charter with Iraq) is an international initiative sponsored by the United Nations to provide aid for the reconstruction of Iraq in return for economic reforms.
    But Kimmitt pointed out that it was not yet clear whether the donors are ready to sign pledges under the Charter.
    Azzaman International Newspaper-2547-Issue Date 16 / 11 / 2006

    Newspaper (Azzaman) - The International 2547-history 61 / 11 / 2006

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #24908
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    Official : Iraqi Al-Ahdab field first on the list of development
    Source : Reuters
    21 / 09 / 06
    An official of a prominent Iraqi oil that Iraq will develop Al-Ahdab oil field, which cost $ 700 million, a first step towards the development of its vast resources. May Ahdab field pumps located in the south-central Iraq around 90 thousand barrels a day. The granting of the field in the era of deposed President Saddam Hussein to the National Oil Company of China and the company Norenko manufacturing arm of the Chinese government. But the Iraqi official said that the contract was re-negotiated. He added : "We attach priority to the Al-Ahdab field to its proximity to power plants and refineries new ... We want to maximize the supply source. " The field-producer for the time being but it includes a number of wells. He continued, "that small field complex in Iraq." The official went on to say that Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani is scheduled to visit China next month is expected to examine the Al-Ahdab field.
    Translated version of mid=73

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #24909
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    I spoke to someone in the Dealing Room (Trading Room) at the Commerical Bank here in Qatar last Thursday about the Dinar; they said they're not trading it but can give me "some international trading rate" (the first Ive heard this) of 1403 per USD and 385.15 per QR. I then ask if and when she expect to begin trading; she said "I can't answer that now."

    Also, I called a couple of large Xchange houses and I ask what the current exchange rate for the Dinar, Both Xchanges ask me...the buy or sell rate. I said I'm interested the the buy...guess what-they wanted me to sell. I said no!

    It seem that things are changing everyday and sometimes it's difficult to get information, however, the change I see now is different...more positive. I'll keep you posted.

    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  10. #24910
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    Default Iraq is working to draft an alternative pipeline to Turkey

    Source : Reuters-17 / 11 / 2006

    He said Iraqi Oil Minister said on Friday that his government was working to draft an alternative oil pipeline with Turkey after it became the Kirkuk-Yumurtalik not fit for use to a large extent due to sabotage attacks.

    "Hussein Shahrastani told journalists during a visit to Ankara "has been the launch of the pipeline alternative."

    Turkish and will remain part of the pipeline based unchanged while limited amendments to the Iraqi side.

    For a long sabotage attacks disrupted the flow of crude via pipeline since the invasion, which led the United States to Iraq in March in March 2003.

    Iraq depends entirely on the oil port of Basra in the south when the interrupt pipeline north.

    Shahrastani said that the Iraqi government was doing its best in very difficult circumstances to protect the lines of tubes.

    He said that Iraq could exploit eight% of the oil reserves and that the Iraqi government is seeking more cooperation with Turkey in the exploration of crude.

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