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  1. #25021
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    With all the new articles etc knocking around recently there's every chance the dinar will be pegged to the SDR.

    Good news, if this is correct we're looking at an opening of $1.48.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #25022
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    Default Caribbean

    Quote Originally Posted by ordinaryseawoman View Post
    When I am on a ship (USNS) that's been overseas we are given customs forms a couple of days before we are to make a US port. We fill them out on our own and turn them into the Purser, who then goes through them with a US customs agent along with our passports when we get into port. It is possible to make substantial purchases overseas (carpets, gold, etc) and not report them. There is no physical inspection.

    I wonder what the procedures are when one takes a Carribean cruise? Leave from Florida, and make stops in the Carribean...are there inspections before the ship leaves the US? How about when the ship makes a port call?

    Anyone with any experience in this??

    Thanks, Tracy
    My husband and I have been on several Caribbean cruises, both departing from Ft. Lauderdale and from San Juan, Puerto Rico. When you board, they do not open your luggage. They just pile it in huge metal cages and take them on board. They then bring them to your cabin. Everytime you board or depart the ship while on the cruise, all your carryon's must go through a metal detector.
    When you are to depart, you fill out a customs declaration form and hand it in at customs. On it, you list how much you have spent. For instance, last April, we went from and back to Ft. Lauderdale. We were told on board that we could purchase $800 of "stuff" per person. So, we put $1595 on the declaration. I actually spent far more than that due to the fantastic jewelry deals in St. Maarten. They don't ask to see your "stuff". If they do want to search (never heard of it, but could be a possibility), who is to say what jewelry you took with you when you first boarded the ship.
    So, maybe that answers your questions.

  3. #25023
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    With all the new articles etc knocking around recently there's every chance the dinar will be pegged to the SDR.

    Good news, if this is correct we're looking at an opening of $1.48.

    what is this thing going on the 20th ?does it have anything to do with the reval or could we possibly see something sunday?


  4. #25024
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    Default Post #84 by vipor

    ...and following Piper's exchange rate being tracked, it would look like this.

    US Dollar
    11/2/06 1470.000
    11/2/06 1469.265
    11/7/06 1470.000
    11/7/06 1469.265
    11/8/06 1468.000
    11/8/06 1467.266
    11/9/06 1466.000
    11/9/06 1465.267
    11/12/06 1465.000
    11/12/06 1464.268
    11/13/06 1465.000
    11/13/06 1464.268
    11/14/06 1465.000
    11/14/06 1464.268
    11/15/06 1460.000
    11/15/06 1459.270
    11/16/06 1455.000
    11/16/06 1454.273
    11/18/06 130.8729

    Actually the last rate was in red.
    could somebody explain the big difference from 1454.275 (11/16/06 ) to 130.8729 (11/18/06)


  5. #25025
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    Quote Originally Posted by CLM View Post
    But if it is true that the cbi is not selling anymore dinars, then what is already out there is out there. So it would not matter if the big guys want to buy dinar, they can only buy what has already been bought and then of course sold by those investors that sell to them. I think Mr. Knowles has a very good point that the cbi may just want to at first reval at a low rate to get those investors to sell it back to them and then reval again higher. It's a good thought I think. I think that it is no doubt that they will have a reval that places the dinar close or the same as the dollar for the sake of kick starting the economy, but when and how they get there will be exciting to watch. I just hope they do quick, cause my poor heart can only take so much of this.
    My Point is if it RV's it will be on the Forex and fully convertible which means you can buy and sell Dinar it will not be through auction so it it goes on at .05 you will have the big investors able to buy. The only way they could not buy any is by doing an internal RV but that would mean we would have to go to Iraq to exchange which most investors will not do. I know I won't. If it goes on the forex at .05 the Country's currency will be owned by investors JMO. The auction is just the preliminary introduction of the currency and they are not going to keep revaluing the money it would make it unstable. Also with implementing FIL and article 8 and HCL they will be able to come into the Country for penny's. Why would they want penny's when they can get Dollars. By definition if they peg and float the currency that is designed to attract investors but does not give security to the currency. So for example you are talking about .05 if they peg and float it there (hardly any Country floats) and hoping for it to go up to 1.48 - 3.00 or what ever it goes up to. That will not attract the investors because they will not have security that the money will not go down due to violence and uncertainty of Iraq. BUT if they peg and fix the rate at the price they see there Country at 1.48 or 3.00 like Kuwait - by definition the fixed rate is for a Country that already has investors but needs to secure there investment from the exchange rate dropping. There are two types of investors one is going to buy the currency for penny's like us but can do it on the stock exchange and waiting for the currency to skyrocket. Second more importantly is the investor to go in and rebuild Iraq and they are the ones that need the security. That is why they have to peg and fix at a higher rate IMO.

    Iraq themselves have said they want be at least $1.48 if not higher!!!!!!

    Keep a positive mind.

    I have my MOJO back!!!!!!


  6. #25026
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    Quote Originally Posted by ahill View Post
    ...and following Piper's exchange rate being tracked, it would look like this.

    Actually the last rate was in red.
    could somebody explain the big difference from 1454.275 (11/16/06 ) to 130.8729 (11/18/06)

    It was a false alarm ahill. Someone had made a call to a bank and the teller "misquoted" the caller with the wrong price per mil. I was merely posting what the exchange rate would be "IF" the price quoted was right. It turned out to be a false alarm though. Disregard.

  7. #25027
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    Default thanks...

    OK, Thanks Vipor.

  8. #25028
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    Question Insurance

    I was just in Walgreen's picking up a prescription, and the lady ahead of me picked up one small bag and paid $700!!!!!! The airline actually gives us excellent insurance, so I was in shock at this ladies bill. Got me thinking, my husband would most definately want to quit his job if the reval happens in high numbers. Does anyone have any ideas, or direction to look for inexpensive but good insurance. I would hate to have to have a job just for the insurance benefits. Any ideas???

    side note: Tomorrow's by little boys' third birthday. He would want nothing more than to have his Daddy home more often!!!!! I think the reval would be an excellent present, for an adorable daddy-loving little boy!!! lol

  9. #25029
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadm View Post

    what is this thing going on the 20th ?does it have anything to do with the reval or could we possibly see something sunday?

    The big EU meeting. It's possible for a reval tomorrow, but then it could be anytime within the next 3 months.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  10. #25030
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    Another step in the right direction.

    raq to launch negotiations for Trade and Cooperation Agreement The European Commission and Iraq will launch negotiations for a EU-Iraq Trade and Cooperation Agreement in Brussels on Monday.

    By entering into contractual negotiations with Iraq, the EU aims to help Iraq's engagement with the international community and with he EU in particular and to contribute to the socio-economic development of Iraq and to the improvement of living conditions in the country, said an European Commission statement.
    EU, Iraq to launch negotiations for Trade and Cooperation Agreement - Irna
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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