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  1. #25131
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    have they still not posted yet? what is the link? comon, let it be because their enacting fil!!!!
    Let it be because of a reval!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #25132
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post
    have they still not posted yet? what is the link? comon, let it be because their enacting fil!!!!
    No they haven't posted yet. The Gazette for 11-19 should've been posted this morning around 10:00-11:00. Not sure whether to read anything into it or not. But as I said this is only the 7th time in a year they haven't published the Sunday news. They very well could still publish it but they are a tad bit off schedule. Just something that makes you go HMMMM.

    AL-MADA Daily Newspaper...جريدة المدى

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  3. #25133
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    UNSC set to extend MNF force next week until Dec 2007

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov 17 (KUNA) -- The UN Security Council is scheduled to extend the mandate of the Multinational Force (MNF) in Iraq next week until December 31st, 2007 and that in response to a request by Iraqi prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki.

    According to a draft resolution circulated among council members, the council would review the MNF mandate no later than June 2007 and declare that it will terminate its mandate earlier if the government wishes to.

    The council would also extend until December 2007 the arrangements to deposit the proceeds from oil and natural gas export sales into the Development Fund for Iraq and the arrangements for the monitoring of the Fund by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB).

    These two kinds of arrangements would also be reviewed, at the Iraqi government's request, no later than June 2007.

    The council would also ask the US to continue to report to the council, on behalf of the MNF, on the efforts and progress of this force on a quarterly basis. (more) sj.

    Kuna site|Story page|UNSC set to extend MNF force next week until Dec 2...11/17/2006

  4. #25134
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    Default Having escaped trouble life. Children dream blood carefree life

    Baghdad file-Presse

    Amid growing talk about democracy and human rights in Iraq and claim political forces and civil society organizations to disband militias and address file, the deteriorating security observers story neglects a large segment of Iraqis do not claim all of this, but demanding food at the end of the day fill the fringe ... These are the children who find themselves knocking on doors to become professional beggars or vendors gallons Srbhm hunger and poverty from schools or social conditions were greatly frustrated and suffering to the abyss of crime. A report prepared by UNICEF and the World Food Program in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning, "The Security Algza remains non-existent in many Iraqi families are the poorest, according to the analysis of food security, which adopted the latest data learned during 2005. "
    He continued, "that the rates of chronic malnutrition in families lacking food security of up to 33%, This means that one in every three children suffers from malnutrition and the effects of chronic malnutrition on young children most at risk between the ages of 12 and 23 months have more weight. "
    The report said the study "that acute malnutrition was, also, a cause for concern, as 9% of Iraq's children are severely malnourished and that the highest rates, which amounted to 12 and 13% were also recorded among children under the age of 24 months. "
    She added, "The continuing food insecurity is not due to any single factor but that as a result of many reasons, including the deep left by the war and sanctions, as well as the persistence of conflicts and insecurity and their reflections and complex interactions which led to high rates of unemployment, illiteracy and the erosion of infrastructure and services, especially electricity, water and environmental sanitation, in addition to the loss of many of the families of the two presidents earned. " Suffering paid for mastery in the art of begging, these children who were Benkemh poverty or social conditions bad acts different, some sell newspapers and gum and other tools sells plastic People traveling between alley and house to house. A large share of those went to the profession bootblacks only that some children decided to stay away from work and self begging either through door-knocking, shops or stand in the lights and garages of public transport is screaming at the top of his voice from the capital of God.
    Reveals the presence of such a large number of children in the streets begging for money and jobs in addition to the women and girls who Ichan black and ask passersby and motorists assistance, rampant poverty significantly in all the cities of Iraq alikeMohamed Jassim (14 years old) for steaming sun Maheah soft lines and painted it from oppression and precocity while he was selling boxes of paper napkins in the intersection of flowers Mohamed says, "I am working to sustain myself and my grandmother, The victim died Abi accident and I did not Azle in the bud and married my mother after a few years. "
    The girl Noria Abbas (12 years), says it is using every morning to one of the squares with a number of boys in the hope of getting some money. She said, "My mother and father pulled out four years ago, I lived with my father and his new wife, my father retired, his salary is not enough even to eat Ftjberni his wife to leave in the morning to sell different things, If it fails to beat out. " She pointed out that she had left school three years ago while she was in the fourth grade.
    He attributed Dr. Abdul Jabbar Alafi expert in the causes of the spread of economic phenomenon of begging children and adults to "increase access of broad sectors of the state employees at rates of more than 2000% in addition to the significant recovery in the income of some workers in the private sector has turned into a scourge and the impoverishment of large sectors of the disabled or the the unemployed or retirees who are the majority of the Iraqi people who have not only on the increase does not exceed 25% compared with their counterparts who did not continue on active duty. "
    He explained that "large sectors that disadvantaged signed or mercy under the controversial law of supply and demand Fanned by the rising income and exercised tremendous pressure on the market to rise in the prices of goods and materials to measures unprecedented."
    ."My opinion of counsel Yasin Malik with this view and say "this is not to the families that lost helpless against a difficult and harsh such recourse only of the simplest and most fierce and the cost of which prompted their children to work or beg to live in hardship and continue to survive."
    He added that "these children and orphans are the victims of war or disabled persons or disabled people and unemployed or retired away from the dreams of their childhood. And instead of going to schools or playgrounds with their peers they Itsoloa in public squares to yield a price of bread. "
    "The Mazen Makeya President of the Baghdad governorate, said "problem children squares and streets must be considered a significant problem in the causes and ultimate quickly," But there is a "priority is the preservation of order and the importance owing to the lack of specialties."

    How much longer can they ignore this situation before they FINALLY help them? An r/v would do these people sooooo much good but yet they continue to let their people suffer!

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    Iraqi Kurdish leader renews claim control of the oil in Kurdistan Source : Reuters-16 / 11 / 2006

    Najirfan said Barzani, head of the Kurdish area in Iraq on Wednesday that he will travel to Baghdad shortly to urge claims to control the oil resources in the region in the north of the country and a large share of oil revenues.

    Barzani and take a position strongly criticized the Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein Shahrastani, who insisted on centralized control the oil and says that he wants to review the deals signed by the Kurds with foreign oil companies, including the Company (DE. That. Or) Norwegian.

    Senior officials say the government in Baghdad, they hope that the Iraqi Parliament approved by the end of the year to the law of investment in the oil sector would be resolved differences between ethnic groups and major ethnic and pave the way for much-needed foreign investments to the country.

    One of the controversial points will be the extent to which the new constitution to give provincial governments control the oil fields in its territory and new discoveries.

    Barzani said that the constitution gives regions the right to be partners in all fields and that he also wanted greater transparency in how the country's oil revenues to the provinces.

    He added that he would not leave Baghdad only after that what is happening please him.

    "He said to reporters, "Baghdad will control the oil once again ... We call for the authorities in this non-convertible, and we consider them a red line. "

    "Kurds have suffered greatly in the past in this matter. Today our need to be destructive projects for the reconstruction ... We want special funding. The Constitution gives us this. "

    She (DE. That. Or) this week they discovered reserves greater than expected in the field of oil and Tauke said it will begin production in Kurdistan in Iraq next year.

    Kurdish leaders complain that Shahrastani comments on the audit of contracts raised the risk of damage to invest in the region

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    Default Siap

    Treasury America : the donor countries for Iraq will meet in December Source : Reuters-16 / 11 / 2006

    U.S. Treasury official said that the donor countries that seek to help Iraq to rebuild its economy, plans to hold a ministerial meeting in December in December to work out the details of the aid pledges and debt reduction.
    He said Robert Kimmitt, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury said that the meeting was likely to be held in the Gulf would be an important step towards defining the International Charter "with Iraq", which is an international initiative sponsored by the United Nations to provide aid for the reconstruction of Iraq in return for economic reforms.
    But he added that it was not yet clear whether the donors are ready to sign pledges under the Charter.

    He met officials from donor countries in September the first time, then met with representatives of 75 countries and international organization once again last Monday at the United Nations to discuss a draft Charter and plans to ensure the provision of aid.

    The official said the Iraqi government last month that the country needs about 100 billion dollars over the past four or five years for the rehabilitation of its infrastructure which has deteriorated after years of sanctions and wars in the era of former President Saddam Hussein in addition to the invasion, which led the United States in 2003 and the continuous violence since the yoke k then.

    Iraq was expected influx of billions of dollars of foreign funds after the overthrow of Saddam. But foreign companies have eschewed in order to avoid the shelling and shooting incidents and the kidnapping and affected oil production repeated sabotage attacks.

    Iraq, a major producer of oil and its third largest oil reserves in the world. The revive its economy, which is dominated by the oil necessary to create job opportunities and reduce the unemployment rate which stood at 50% according to some estimates, which officials believed that behind the increasing numbers of recruits to the ranks of the gunmen.

    Kimmitt said that although Iraq's obligations under the Charter did not declare the key component of a law to regulate the oil and gas industry and the equitable distribution of oil revenues on the parts of the country on the basis of population density.
    And most of the Iraqi oil reserves in areas dominated by Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north. The aim of the draft Charter to ensure that the Sunni areas, which are concentrated in central Iraq on its share of oil wealth.

    The draft is still under discussion within the Iraqi government. Kimmitt said that it was also expected to establish rules for contracting with foreign investors to the modernization of the country's oil industry.

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    Many countries want to be open with Iraq

    Wills of world countries increased to openness to Iraq at all horizons of trade and economic exchange and all other fields because of Iraq's possession to constituents of promising economy and its huge resources and its big need to modern technology in its next explosive plan to achieve strategic projects, spokesman of Trade Ministry said.
    He stressed that Cabinet authorized Minister of Trade to sign deals with Singapore, Azerbaijan, and India.

  8. #25138
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    Got any more information on your post at IIF about the crawling peg. Where did you get this info from? Anything further would be interesting....

  9. #25139
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    Default Question for everyone?

    Hey one thing that flew into my head today was this..... I heard that this currency was supposed to be a temporary currency to hold over the country until everything is under control and with this in mind why would they reval or why would any countries let them reval? I could understand raising it a little but not 1:1 on a TEMPORARY CURRENCY. Also I am no neysayer i am a complete YeySayer i just wanted to bring this up and see what you guys say.... Thanks.

  10. #25140
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    Economic : the general budget of the Lower legal (1)

    Lawyer Tariq war
    The presidency of the Council of Ministers on 2006 / 8 / 18, took the preparation of the new budget for the coming 2007 and the Constitution stipulates in Article (62) to (the Council of Ministers approved a draft law for the general budget and the final account to the House of Representatives and the House of Representatives conduct transfers between sections and chapters of the general budget and reducing the overall amount of has when necessary to propose to the Cabinet to increase the total amount of expenditures)

    Article (57) of the Constitution (the House of Representatives session of the annual legislative one in two to eight months. It does not end separation, which was convened by the public budget only after approval) During article (39) of the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives (the Finance Committee) examination of the budget bill and express opinion before the presentation to the Council of the vote, followed by transfers between doors and the restrictions and conditions contained in the article (62) quarters. The budget is a more accurate term than the term (budget) is a common appreciation for the expenditures of all state bodies of salaries and wages and other revenues and disbursements for the period of time the State has identified future date. They include the financial matters of the three authorities in the State, including the House of Representatives, which funds the public treasury. After the House approved the budget become law then all the legal rules which set out the government's expenditure and revenues so that all authorities, ministries and government departments provisions contained in the law when the spending of public money and will be reported vocabulary of the law and tables salt Ka later by the often by the Ministry of Finance to prepare a draft budget, but that does not preclude prepared by the committee formed by the Council of Ministers has introduced some special Ministry of the public budget as is the case in Egypt, where the administrative management by the Ministry of the Treasury to prepare a draft budget, usually by the Ministry of Finance Astamz Age view ministries and bodies to indicate their proposals and estimates of the response to the extent appropriate in the case of exaggeration in the demands and expenses, according to guidance and estimates of the Council of Ministers and is contrary to the decision in some constitutions to restrict the authority of Parliament.
    So that the authority either to accept the entire project and the issuance of the law or reject the entire project, the Iraqi constitution grants the House the power switch and the reduction and the proposal to increase expenditure for that, we find that the English Parliament waived his right to increase the budget expenses for centuries, in order to achieve the House of how the government's implementation of Meaux Zana, the Constitution requires the final account, which estimate the real possibility and not as the budget income and expenditure account any previous year in 2006.
    The budget bill published in the Official Gazette
    If the general budget for the years prior to 2003 are not published in the Official Gazette (Journal of the facts Iraqi) on the theory that confuse Balancing the state budget and the Governor as the budget and spending of human Governor, please spend on what he likes and what he likes confined spending and this would be only Moore secrecy must be secretive to the people, so people do not know what are the amounts of revenue and expenditures and the disbursement of those is the exchange and the share ministries and departments, where she goes, more expenses. This was not the Iraqi people, the new legal regime, which adopted the principle of public access to all laws issued by the State and to create a kind of popular control of the actions of the government. Therefore, we find that article (30 / b) of the Iraqi State Administration Law for the transitional phase whose publication of the laws in the Official Gazette and that is what I meant Article (129) of the new Constitution is not surprising in the budget bill is out of the laws to be published in the Official Gazette and this means that the law must be able to a intercepted any citizen access to the law to read the Official Gazette and Gazette of Iraq. Therefore, the budget bill prepared by the interim government headed by Dr. Iyad Allawi, which includes budget in 2005 and then published in the Official Gazette in 3996 with its March 17, 2005, where the budget matter (the law) to 23 in 2005 and the 2006 budget prepared by the transitional government headed by Dr. Ibrahim Alga Frey, a copy of which was obtained by the approval of the National Assembly were elected one of the law in 2006 and published in the Official Gazette in 4016 with its February 2, 2006 and this is what is said about the new budget for 2007 after approval by the House will be published in the Official Gazette also law.
    Brief 2006 budget
    If we go back to the law of this budget, we find that as far as the amount of revenue the service (45) thousand billion dinars and an amount of (50) billion dinars thousand of expenditures allocated and the amount of one thousand five hundred billion dinars for the development of territories and the same amount for provinces with the observation of the population and depriving people of the governorate and the Ministry of Finance countless law Walser P expenditures of appropriations manufacturing and aid, foreign investment and capital projects for the Minister of Finance Ministers and heads of delegation of non-related to the Ministry of the power to a switch in budget allocations and the Finance Minister to use emergency reserve funds for the payment of emergency expenses and unexpected realized R. law authorize the competent minister and the heads of non-related to the Ministry of the power exchange Limits (500) million dinars to be exchange in accordance with appropriations approved in the budget and that the use of appropriations under the spending plan approved by the Minister of Finance and compliance provisions for the granting of law and the Minister of Finance??? Acheh increase allocations to cover the cost of work done by some circles, the law requires the adoption of contributions from donors presented to the Cabinet to seek the approval of the legislative authority and the granting of law and the Minister of Finance the power to authorize Minister and translated Salary advances to current expenditures and the increase should not exceed 10% of the values of Construction and did not exceed 25% of capital projects and the law Cordstan share of about 17% of the total expenditure amounting to one billion dinars in 1800 to be added to this figure when her an increase in the budget and that the province is in recognition of the revenue expected during 2006 and provide the Ministry of Finance and Law really n restrict all revenue departments funded centrally final income for the public treasury.

    جريدة الصباح - الموازنة العامة من الوجه القانوني ( 1 )

    franny, were almost there!!

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