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  1. #25231
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    I believe this is a purchase deal, not an Investment contract.


  2. #25232
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    Default Ha???????

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    it was a 'tentative' meeting anyway.

    This was suppose to be the BIG shindig! So now Iraq will not be in control of their oil & gas sales! Until the end of next year now? So is this meeting now going to be cancelled? Will this affect any chance of our RV?

  3. #25233
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    Translated version of

    Zubaidi, Saleh : Confirm the need to activate the private sector in the implementation of projects
    Basra / Justice : Dr. Barham Salih, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Economic Committee, which supervises the reconstruction of Iraq : "The planned budget for the next year 2007 a very large budget amounted to 42 billion dollars. any more than the previous year's budget, which was 31 billion dollars. " He added in a press conference held today, Saturday, in the Cultural Center of oil in Basra, with the statement Jabr strike, Minister of Finance and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Economic and Skinner, the official spokesman for Prime Minister and the Governor of Basra Muhammad Misbah Alowaeli : "Basra that the share of this budget will be increased by 50% from last year, though $ 114 million." Saleh went on : "The importance of Basra economic and strategic outlook and the subsequent injustice and underdevelopment in the past years." He asked the local government : "immediately go to announce the project and delivered to the contractors who provided them with important facilities for the purpose of carrying out their work as required." He stressed : "activating the role of the private sector in the implementation of projects in the next phase." Turning statement Jabr Zubaidi, the Minister of Finance : "services and roads to show their appearance Basra civilized being required in Iraq overlooking world." He said : "The budget will be launched with effect from January 1, 2007, The declaration must be prepared to your projects now. especially in regard to projects and interest in the marshes in Asthinai because the sum for the reconstruction of the marsh and $ 150 million in 2006 Almegrrllame current was launched recently because he stopped before we receive the ministry for unknown reasons. " The Governor of Basra Muhammad Misbah Alowaeli : "The preservation of 258 billion dinars received from the State budget and the budget Territories, been distributed to the projects of water, electricity, municipal roads and bridges, education, health and others. But we have not been able to complete a large number of projects due to lack of time this year and the lack of a recycling system amounts for the coming year. " He pointed out that : "asked the Finance Minister to address this issue in particular to take advantage of the remaining funds for next year, the completion of the stalled projects. , as well as some of the dues assessments of companies and the contractors who work in these projects. " He added : "We must take into account that the Basra governorate, very large in terms of number of population and area, including ports and oil, and it can be equal with the provinces are small in terms of financial allocations assessments. " The conference was attended by the President and the automatic Ada maintain and officials of political parties and religious and directors of departments in the province, and a large number of journalists and media correspondents of newspapers and information agencies and space in the province.

  4. #25234
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    Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi : there is economic improvement, but without the level of ambition because of its dependence on oil revenues, not economic production ... the colleague (long) a comprehensive dialogue with Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi, the Vice-President of the Republic dealt with some of the economic issues from the point of view of a drill. and the importance of the topics used by Mr. Adel Abdel Mahdi felt justice newspaper published the full text of the dialogue.

    When talking about the Iraqi economy, it is talking about oil. of the Iraqi budget relies exclusively on the oil resources and the role of oil in GDP is high and sometimes at the rate of more than two-thirds and this is bizarre. Thus, the essence of economic holidays based on this anomaly. Said Dr. Adel Abdel Mahdi : Thus, we found ourselves in the face of reality believes that the State is entrusted with the wallet and everything, while the opposite is the existing state is shorthand and (final) everything they find themselves channels to invest those resources for the benefit of the state, and consequently it is the people who pay the price, The term always used : The Iraqi state is the insurance and employee costs increased (Alhwasm) consciously or not.Based on all the mechanisms that are accustomed during more than half a century of waste and the diversion of funds to those who do not deserve. (Short) and ask about the salvation of that! Mr. Vice President, to get rid of this situation, we need to pause and collectively in the educational part, procedures, surgery, so to speak if us ourselves the task of evaluating the situation, there is no option to have no differences between secular and Islamic regimes, Islamic regimes to feed Tamajaq language and shade and earnings as well as the regulations of Zakat and five All these tax regimes. contemporary and regulations based on the tax, income, value added tax, indirect taxes, tax house ... .Etc..

    (Long) said to Mr. Vice President : How can deal with this any devices on them? now that the oil revenues, go to the Development Fund for Iraq established by the United Nations after the 2003 and the situation will continue until 2007 All oil sales go to the fund, which is financed by government budget in both the operational and investment. (Long) from here and ask why not take advantage of the rebates Iraqi citizen basic accruing from higher oil prices as is the case with the citizens in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and other oil states. Do you have any explanation for that? And the answer is : there is a clear improvement in the standard of living in Iraq and emphasize that the right of Iraq to reap more Iraq is a middle-income country, However, the starting point was very difficult, Everything has been destroyed in the health system, educational and services Kalmejari, oil, water, infrastructure, telecommunications, electricity and transport, were destroyed. However, the improvement in the standard of living and increased income citizens and increased spending, which resulted in a crisis such as increasing the added power consumption after widespread demand more refrigeration and air conditioning modern and there is growing pressure on oil derivatives because of the increased import cars, Give an example, as the statistics issued by the Ministry of Planning in 2005 revealed that what was sidetracked citizen on food before the change amounts to about 70% of income, but now only this figure had fallen to 46% and made the difference is spent on other requirements so there is improvement, but less than ambitious. Frankly speaking, improved unregulated and verified because of the increase in oil prices, and not because of increased economic production. Illustrates Mr. Vice President, saying : we must also know that in the case of higher oil prices in the world market, the prices of the imported in turn rise and the other is usually the results Ankhvaza oil rises in the dollar exchange rate. We know that Ankhvaza been tremendous improvement recently to the price of the dollar against gold, as well as the opposite rises in the prices of materials and the imported currently, However, we have plenty more.

    In 2003 achieved eight billion dollars and increased the budget to 15 billion and 30 million all spending continued to offset the salaries of employees and retirees and various projects, but we should also remember that there are flaws in the structure of the Iraqi economy requires reform, we need to pause and economic educational teaching which required the teller refused to defect because this will exacerbate the problem and does not solve it. So can not understand this sort of operations they cruise but we must understand that there are requirements in the economy, employment, taxes and various aspects of production and returns are achieved by this production can process depends on the function and salary, where existing relations now signaling to the State of profits relations and this is not a sound beginning.

    Translated version of

    Last edited by DayDream; 19-11-2006 at 05:36 PM.
    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  5. #25235
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    Default Remember November???

    Forget November

    At Least December Rhymes With November

    What Rhymes With January?

    Damn It

  6. #25236
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    Treasury Minister arrived Basra ... Britain offers aid worth 100 million pounds

    Basra / justice minister announced the British Exchequer Gordon Brown yesterday as his new financial assistance to Iraq worth 100 million pounds sterling
    , at least for the reconstruction of the country. Brown has announced for this assistance upon arrival in the city of Basra in southern Iraq from Kuwait on a surprise visit, unannounced one-day is the first for him and for British soldiers losing workers in southern Iraq. According to a spokesman for the Treasury Department yesterday, Brown met during the visit, Deputy Prime Minister Barham Al he insisted, as well as a number of senior British officers to listen to them on the latest developments of the situation in Iraq. The spokesman told reporters that the value of the new financial aid announced by the British minister will be directed to the reconstruction of the country over the next three years. He pointed out that Britain is Agan Leah providing assistance totaling 544 million pounds by the end of this year as part of the donors. quoted in a statement issued yesterday said Brown was brought to Iraq to express my appreciation for the important role played by our forces there, as well as to meet with senior Iraqi ministers to discuss the challenges that we faced. " He said, "We are committed to supporting the Iraqis to build a democratic country consolidates security and prosperity of its people and play its full role in the region and the global economy. " He added : "I saw the high spirits displayed by members of our armed forces in Iraq and I want to express my full appreciation for the work they are doing under very difficult circumstances often." He pointed the the statement noted that Brown told Deputy Prime Minister Barham Saleh said that Britain would provide financial support to the new value of 100 million pounds over the next three years to help support the economic regeneration and providing new jobs and the continued security to ensure the prosperity throughout most areas of southern Iraq.

  7. #25237
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    Default Highlights Of The Noon Briefing (unsc)

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    so this is going to negate the meeting on the 11/12th? buehler???
    Quote Originally Posted by pipshurricane View Post
    The meeting will not been cancel.Lets see what they will talk about on the report then we will seen after the 11-12 december 2006
    From the UNSC press release:

    Friday, November 17, 2006

    UP TO SECURITY COUNCIL TO CONSIDER IRAQ FORCE: Asked about the extension of the multinational force for Iraq, the Spokesman said that Iraq has sent a letter on the matter and it is up to the Security Council to consider it.

    U.N. CONTINUING WORK IN IRAQ: Asked about UN efforts in Iraq, the Spokesman said that the United Nations continues its work on the political level, on human rights, and, through the International Compact for Iraq, in bringing Iraq’s neighbours to support its stabilization and to bolster its economic development. He added later that more than 300 UN staff are in Iraq.


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    Quote Originally Posted by CLM View Post
    But if it is true that the cbi is not selling anymore dinars, then what is already out there is out there. So it would not matter if the big guys want to buy dinar, they can only buy what has already been bought and then of course sold by those investors that sell to them. I think Mr. Knowles has a very good point that the cbi may just want to at first reval at a low rate to get those investors to sell it back to them and then reval again higher. It's a good thought I think. I think that it is no doubt that they will have a reval that places the dinar close or the same as the dollar for the sake of kick starting the economy, but when and how they get there will be exciting to watch. I just hope they do quick, cause my poor heart can only take so much of this.
    why would they want to R/V low and get the little guys out? if " us " little guys exchange our dinars, then what happens with our dinars? the cbi holds, or woulnd't the demand be there to purchase our " exchanges " ?

  9. #25239
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    Default OK, Here is my thought!

    Quote Originally Posted by DontDenyDatDinar View Post
    Can someone explain how these guys can be cutting deals with a currently worthless currency? And why another country (or business within) would have business dealings with an entity without a track record of paying their debts? Is it merely the percieved collateral?
    You are right to a point, the money right now is worthless. But they have to prove to the EU, WTO, And the IAMB that they are making an attempt of improving there country, And that they can pay there depts that they are now making. Remember that they do have oil and other items that can be traded for payment. And this is the first steps to getting a little closer to the R/V.

  10. #25240
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    Baghdad / justice : Sami military member of the Committee on the amendment of the constitution, the Iraqi United Iraqi Alliance yesterday, Saturday, the second meeting of the committee will take place next Monday, He added : military

    The second meeting, during which it will discuss mechanisms work of the Committee and how the decisions that have been agreed to be adopted by the members, He pointed out that it was contained to put up the substantive issues for discussion during the second meeting of the Committee, He pointed out that this meeting is a continuation of the first meeting, held on 15 this month was the choice of the presidency of the Commission, with a general outline of its work. The Committee is reviewing the terms of the Constitution of contention for a compromise formulas, which are supposed to end by lifting its report to the Parliament, four months after the first meeting, which was held on the 15th of the current month of November. , And a committee was set up to amend the Constitution during its first meeting of its presidential through consensus among its members, has been selected as Sheikh Humam Hamudi (coalition consolidated), Chairman of the Committee, All of Dr. Iyad al-Samarra'i (Accord Front), and Dr. Fouad Massoum (Kurdistan Alliance) as Vice-President. The parliament in late September, an agreement between the parliamentary blocs President establishing a committee to reconsider the terms of the Constitution currently in force in the country, where the issues are resolved by mutual agreement not to vote. The agreement stipulated that the number of members of the 27-member, coalition common share of (12) members, The list of five members of the Kurdistan Alliance, The consensus of four, two members of the Iraqi list, and one member of the list of national dialogue, The member representing each of the components of the Iraqi society and the Turkomen and other Almsehun and Alaizidion. The Committee will make the necessary adjustments to the number of controversial articles of the Constitution, where Article (142) of the Constitution to be amended some of its articles in the first four months of the commission's first meeting.

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