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  1. #25311
    Senior Member Bubba Dinar's Avatar
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    Default Ici

    I believe the ICI has already been agreed to and signed! The CBI is just sweeping the streets for loosely held IQD before the Rv. The more IQD the CBI has in the vault before the Rv, the richer they will be!

  2. #25312
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    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    Remember this, that 1460 par value was set by the CPA. Not by the sovereign, internationally recognized government of Iraq!!! The CPA was an occupational authority, not a sovereign government, and surely not an IMF member country. It's clear from the IMF art of agreements that only a member country can establish its par value with 85% approval from its members. As we stand right now, Iraq's de jeure par value under Saddam's reign would still be in effect, since the new gov't of Iraq has not rescinded it nor has it established a new par value with the IMF. Good things are forthcoming.

    "Under an international monetary system of the kind prevailing on January 1, 1976, exchange arrangements may include (i) the maintenance by a member of a value for its currency in terms of the special drawing right or another denominator, other than gold, selected by the member, or (ii) cooperative arrangements by which members maintain the value of their currencies in relation to the value of the currency or currencies of other members, or (iii) other exchange arrangements of a member's choice."

    Iraq can establish a new par value or continue established saddam-era par value of the IQD based on oil!!!
    In lamen terms we are sitting on a Big BIG JACKPOT!
    The coming months are going to be VERY exciting!!!

  3. #25313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba Dinar View Post
    I believe the ICI has already been agreed to and signed! The CBI is just sweeping the streets for loosely held IQD before the Rv. The more IQD the CBI has in the vault before the Rv, the richer they will be!
    Very good comment. And, they will continue to "sweep" the street as cheaply as they possibly can. Thank You

  4. #25314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigslick116 View Post
    In lamen terms we are sitting on a Big BIG JACKPOT!
    Oh.....I like the way you think.....I feel a big Jackpot of a reval upon us.....!!!!

  5. #25315
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    Dari : My visit to Riyadh, have stirred government

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-20-2006
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    The capitals of the world - and the news agencies : Sheikh Hasan al-Dari head of the Association of Muslim Scholars yesterday that the Iraqi government led by Shiites to succeed him accusations of terrorism to weaken its political weight in defense of the Sunnis who live under the yoke of sectarian killings · The Minister of the Interior who is Shiite Jawad to arrest fierce last Thursday in a move that aroused anger year Iraqi who said that it had dealt a serious blow to efforts to encourage them to abandon support for the gunmen to engage in the political process · Dari said, who is in Amman in a telephone conversation to Reuters the government wanted "to fabricate a crisis of Askati after Fedahana crimes collective identity of the killed by a militia parties (Shiite) · "and accused the leader of the umbrella body, which includes prominent cleric from the Iraqi Sunni minority, the government while ignoring the work of Shiite militias engaged in mass murder of the year, which he said is reached between 150 and 350 bodies a day during Alachehralacherh after increasing · The cleric, who is considered the highest religious authority for the year, it irritated the government to visit unprecedented for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia this month, which was received by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia fierce cordially · Dari said, "was the basis and have stirred up some because they were always switch between us and our Arab brothers · were seeking over three and a half years to isolate the national forces" · The tribe clans condemned slaves Iraqi memo said that "clan part of a campaign to cover the failure of the government in the area of security, which has killed thousands of Iraqis were killed, kidnapping and seeing" · In Riyadh said Saudi religious scholars, Sheikh Salman bin Fahd return, general supervisor of the Foundation of Islam that the investigation against the fierce "explicit initiative to trigger sectarian
    The UAE "·

  6. #25316
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    OK, So Iraq took out 4.5 trillion dinar and replaced it with 19 trillion new dinar.
    Before the swich the value was supposedly 34 cents per dinar so simple math should dictate that 4 times more dinar now should cut that 34 rate down to 25% or about 8 cents per dinar. For god's sake give these people their 8 cents per dinar and stop playing the polictical greed game. Off rant.
    Last edited by Inscrutable; 20-11-2006 at 12:49 AM.

  7. #25317
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post
    OSW has repeatedly brought up the subject of the weakening dollar. So, just a few questions in search of opinions. If the U.S. has stashed dinar and uses it when the time comes to pay off our national debt, won't this give the dollar alot of power again and dissuade other countries from turning away from the dollar? If not, how can we invest in another currency, say the euro and where do we place it? In other words, I know we have to hold the currency of our country in our bank accounts, how do you go about holding another currency? Swiss Bank accounts? Seems the r/v is close and imminent and the weakening dollar is becoming a concern for me. Now there is talk of China turning away from the dollar and Russia considering turning to the Japanese yen. Any opinions to ease my troubled mind?

    Check out Welcome to EverBank!

    They are very good when it comes to foriegn currency cds and exchanges.

    As always look around but I have always been happy with them.

    Hope this helps
    I just need $1.47.

  8. #25318
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    Quote Originally Posted by willie 2 View Post
    I believe I read that it would be done in conjunction with their postal service. Not sure how that will work out since Iraqi citizens are abducted and constantly fleeing the area. But as you say, the military might be able to distribute the ration cards.
    As for poverty around DC it is appalling. Our country has to step back and take a good look at our own situation. There are a few that would rather live out in the streets but something has to be done about our own poverty. Something has to be done between the churchs and the government with regards to housing, clothing, food, and working for an income (not welfare) But then you'd have a problem with separation of church and state. However I think that like in the Pentagon and the hundreds of personel on committees to solve military problems we could as a nation establish the same type of committees to render these problems in a decade or less. If our politicians would really take their oaths serious and serve the american people things would really get accomplished. What it would take to get to that position, nobody knows. The problem is not serious enough to warrant a unison of thoughts and ideas. Just my rambling thoughts...
    To bad the gov't won't see your post. Then maybe something would happen.Any and all gov't should look after there own people first and not worry about third world country's. JMHO


  9. #25319
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    Talabani's visit to Tehran next week

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-20-2006
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    Tehran-Qena : informed Iranian sources said yesterday that Iraqi President Jalal Talabani's visit Tehran early next week · The sources said that a high-level delegation will accompany Talabani during this visit ·
    He was scheduled to Izoraultalbani Iran on the 8th of November, but it postponed due to his visit to France · On the other hand, the Iraqi Presidential Council met yesterday in the presence of the entire membership of the Special Office Battalbani to discuss the current political situation in the country ·
    According to a statement by the Presidency of the Republic that the Council discuss ways to break the current political crisis, The process of setting up mechanisms of political forces and national levels in order to build national state based on law and respect for human rights and democracy. and away from sectarianism and narrow interests ·
    The statement added that the Council stressed the need to tackle terrorism Anyone who violates the law of the State, in addition to the emphasis on the activation of the project of reconciliation and strengthen the ties between all the components of the people · ·

  10. #25320
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    OK, So Iraq took out 4.5 trillion dinar and replaced it with 19 trillion new dinar.
    before the swich the value was supposedly 34 cents per dinar so simple math should dictate that 4 times more dinar now should cut that 34 ratedown to 25% or about 8 cents per dinar. For god's sake give these people their 8 cents per dinar and stop playing the polictical greed game. Off rant.
    It's at 14T last CBI update, I estimate it to be at the 11 to 12T now.

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