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    Iraq : the legal procedures for dealing with tardiness of the Iraqi Parliament and other parliaments
    Baghdad-Youssef Mahmadawi's Deputy, also clarified After the crisis has aggravated tardiness in the Iraqi parliament, and not held for several sessions because of lack of quorum has become the goal of the Council takes several legal actions that would reduce this phenomenon that negatively affect the lives of the Iraqi citizen who is expected solutions to the multiple crises of its representatives within the Council. To highlight the purely legal Approved by the rules of procedure of the House of Representatives of the Iraqi and found it useful to compare those actions with the actions taken in some Arab parliaments to the issue of tardiness for the selection of the fittest, especially since Iraq is experiencing a new democracy accompanied by several crises require the presence of the coming together of all the members of the Council to find treatments of quick and this has been mentioned by Chapter III of the Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives in the Iraqi article 18, which emphasized the deployment of tardiness in the Bulletin Board, a newspaper and if repeated tardiness without lawful excuse to five times in a row or ten non-consecutive times during the annual session, to send a notice in writing to invite him to the absent member attendance in the case of non-compliance of the Presidency presents the matter to the Council at the request of the addition to deducting certain percentage of the reward member of the House of Representatives established by the Council in his absence. United Arab Emirates With Article (22) in the second quarter of the internal regulations of the UAE Federal National Council on the need for the member to attend the meetings of the Council if fails to attend the meeting without a valid excuse for the President of the Council to draw a writing, If repeated absences will be one without valid excuse three consecutive meetings or five non-consecutive meetings may be brought to the head of an ultimatum or decide not to stay a majority of the members who comprise the Council considered resigning. Morocco As the rules of procedure of the Moroccan parliament has dealt with this issue in Section IV of the articles (59) and (60), stressed the need to justify the members who did not attend committee meetings and published internal bulletin of the House of Representatives Altgibat unjustified in the case of a member is absent for more than three consecutive meetings without valid excuse for the Commission T belongs in the same session, the Committee concerned the President of the Council takes note of Ptgibath, After the explanation by the President of the Council and the Office consulted the Attorney concerned resigning from that committee and working group, which belongs to the compensation and announced by the President of the Council for this resolution in the plenary meeting and published in the Official Gazette. Syria Dealt with the second quarter of the rules of procedure of the Syrian people question the permanence of a record of absenteeism at the disposal of its members sign it and once when they attend the opening of a meeting to inform President Register If the number was no quorum has the right to postpone the opening half an hour if not completed after meeting opened by the Chairman TEL Oh names of absentees and the Declaration referred to the other day and decided the compensation of members of each meeting absent the 40th member of the LS for each plenary meeting of the Council without prior authorization and the 20th for the LS for each meeting of the Committee, which is a member without permission, In the case of the continued absence of a member for more than a month without the permission of the Board shall receive no compensation for some absences. Jordan With the article 149 of Chapter XVII of the rules of procedure of the Jordanian parliament, but a deterrent to the issue of absenteeism seriously as the inadmissibility of the absence of a member from a meeting of the Board or its committees unless the President so with the most serious statement and if the excuse did not hold the meeting because of lack of quorum secretary general of the Council puts a b the names of absent without excuse and included in the record of the meeting the following as stated in Article 150 A of this chapter. Egypt The rules of procedure of the Egyptian People's Assembly and Article 364 of Chapter IV approved the inadmissibility of the absence of a member for more than one meeting of the Council or two consecutive meetings of the Commission only if it happened to leave or authorization from the Council for reasons so warrant, A request for leave to be non-specific, If absent member to attend the meetings of the Council or its committees without leave or permission or did not attend the after-term licensee is considered absent without leave and forfeiting remuneration for a period of absence, Chairman of the Committee and presented to the President of the month-as Chairman of the Committee felt it necessary to do so - a report on the presence of members of the Committee and their absence.
    جريدة الصباح - الإجراءات القانونية لمعالجة الغيابات في البرلمان العراقي وبرلمانات اخرى

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  2. #25352
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    Iraq : is not the intention of the Kurds secede from Iraq

    Khalid Shawani member of the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk Baghdad-haven Secretary The form of the House of Representatives during the first legislative session of a parliamentary committee of the 15-member task it was to monitor the performance of governmental organizations responsible for the implementation of Article 140 of the Constitution and the normalization of the situation in Kirkuk and the disputed areas and to highlight the work of the Parliamentary Committee met with "morning" deputy Khaled Shawani from the list the Kurdistan Alliance member of the Committee. * What is the task of the parliamentary committee? - Parliamentary committee formed of 15 deputies representing various political entities, Iraqi constituencies to monitor the work of the committee set up by the Council of Ministers regarding the activation of article 140 of the Constitution, adopted on Article 58 of the State Administration Law. The head of the State Committee and the Justice Minister Hashim Al-Shebli, a number of members who represent all sides in the disputed areas in order to normalize the situation and headed the Parliamentary Committee d. Saadi Alborznji. * What is meant by the disputed areas? - Disputed areas all fields and the villages and towns and districts of the former regime-dependence and administrative areas where the system was implemented last displacements and the arrival of other citizens of other provinces, as has happened in Kirkuk and Khanaqin, Sinjar, in order to change the demographic reality of those areas in order to implement the CNN Asat ethnic cleansing. Q : What do you mean normalization? - The process of normalization, as stated in Article 140 is the deportees who were former regime to their home areas and re-entrants after just compensation is consistent with the principles of democracy to their home areas and the administrative boundaries of Kirkuk governorate as it was before July 17, 1958. Q : What is the mechanism by the government? - The governmental committee began opening offices in other regions of Kirkuk and Khanaqin, Sinjar to gather information and evidence on the historical and legal ownership of the region, from an administrative point, The sums earmarked for the return of refugees to their home areas, according to documents and the evidence supports the official wrote, The citizens who wish to return to the arrivals areas from which they are drawn to replace material with them to ensure the transfer of staff in the constituencies in the areas of housing in addition to granting them plots in the provinces of origin. * Does the ceiling timetable for the implementation of that? - The normalization process must end with the end of next year preparing for the Committee to conduct a census in those areas to the end of July Alastefattaoualthi ready for a mid-October will be next for the purpose of determining the will of the citizens of these regions to join the Kurdistan region, or stay with the central government. * There is news indicating that the Kurdistan deliberately housing 70 thousand Kurdish family in Kirkuk in 2004? - This report is unfounded, More Kurdish families abandoned by the former regime and calmed the Kurdistan region no longer to Kirkuk so far due to non-implementation of Article 140 and the deteriorating security situation, which is lacking Kirkuk If the Kurdish and Turkoman families displaced from Kirkuk did not return to it until now, how to the families of the Kurdish inhabited Sulaymaniyah and Irbil resort to Kirk K1 and leave the security situation and economic good in Kurdistan In this area we must point out that some of these families have returned to Kirkuk and Khanaqin, Sinjar and provided transactions and applications to the central government to compensate for property seized by the former regime and the years spent outside their regions. * Kurdish voices resound need annexation of Kirkuk to Kurdistan is reflected negatively on the political thinking in the probability of faith when the brothers together secession annexation of Kirkuk to the event because of the availability of oil wealth in the subsoil thereof? - At the outset must show that there is not any intention by the Kurdish people for secession from Iraq and issued some statements here and there of this party or the other party, but superficial reactions. The political leadership in Kurdistan and the Kurdish people find of interest and to ensure future Hobakae within the framework of a democratic Iraqi state and federal reservation all the rights. As for the claim Kirkuk, the Kirkuk also believe they land reclaimed from the Kurdistan We have historical and legal documents which confirm that regardless of the presence of oil or not. We acknowledge the existence of other nationalities in Kirkuk, Turkmen and residency Alcaldoahuren it enjoys majority and the Kurdish people's right to vote in favor of accession to the territory or remain with the central government. Here, I must refer to the Statistics and the referendum will be held with great transparency, which will involve all political and social components. As for the claim territorial annexation of Kirkuk oil wealth فاحب hoping to clarify that the Kurdistan region rich in oil, gas and other natural resources in addition to enjoying a stable economy also depends on tourism, agriculture and trade. It should be clear here that the research conducted on the oil of Kirkuk confirmed that the oil wells Stjv during the 10 - 5 years because the former has exported 90% of Iraqi oil through the Kirkuk wells in the oil-for-food program as fighting him for the destruction of the city's economy in the future.
    جريدة الصباح - ليـس في نيــــة الأكــــراد الانفصــــال عــن العـــراق

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  3. #25353
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    Iraq : minister who was vice. Will return to the Parliament?

    After his dismissal or removal from the ministry Baghdad-worthless cream The question seems valid Will is whether the deputy minister before Astizarh to the House following his dismissal from the ministry?. We raised this question on a number of deputies and lawmen to show that the method would be to return as long as they had ended the relationship compensation seat parliament was to another candidate, it will not come back. He says MP Bahaa Al-Araji told (morning) : in legal terms can not be re-minister said, or exempt or who resigns from his post as minister to the House of Representatives if the former member of one of the political entities and already exists in the existing Eventually when it became minister roster belongs to the claimant or by another person and the House number and incomplete quorum. It may be added or another minister due to his former position as a member of Parliament. The Al-Araji : that there is only one case that the Minister is entitled to refunds of office in the House of Representatives and in agreement with one of the members and introduced again this is unlikely in practice. Or to be the death of a member in this case, could be offset by the minister who resigned or place of the deceased member and conformity of opinion MP Hassan Al-Sunaid, which says : when the Council voted on the ministry this means the resignation of ministers who were assigned to members in the House, which was filled to Katham Shwagarham deputies no room for the new Minister of the article or resigned to return to the House seats, but will be referred to retirement and it is up to apply the Constitution. The winner Babakhan Chairman of the Organization (observers to public broadcasting), and former deputy in the National Assembly, saying : the Constitution did not address the issue of the sacking of the minister, but we know that if the minister reportedly for violating Alstiratejeh work from the government planned shortened as a result in this case is not entitled to refer to a member of the House of Representatives. The Babakhan : if the reasons for his dismissal secondary example due to his inefficiency, or a person does not have to collect scientific There must be reconsidered in command at least must possess a certificate prep Another reason if there were many variables and conditions have on the Iraqi arena was not for reasons of fault or failure, it is possible that is a member of the Council of But deputies will wait and death or the suspension of one of the members of the House of Representatives and the list to which he belongs in this case has a priority in the return if it is contrary to the conditions of being a member of the compensation in the case. From the legal standpoint, lawyer Tariq war in the words of the (morning) that the minister, who is said or resign from the ministry or exonerated, which was formerly a member of the House of Representatives is not possible return to the House again and the reason for it lies in the fact that the political bloc's nomination was the latest suit, Therefore, he may not have returned only in the event of the loss of one bloc deputies again and then if any held the post in the bloc, it may in the prestigious membership of the House of Representatives, but in the case Vlaijoz to the completion of the number of members of the House of Representatives. His (war), we prefer not to such a member of the House of Representatives again, because the loss of membership of the Council of Ministers was for a specific reason it is such membership can not work a member of the House of Representatives again and that in such a case referred to the retirement and pension rights settles all this from the point of view of the legal and political. Dr. Hamid Fadhel jurisdiction political science explaining : in the case of impeachment minister could not regain his chair in the House of Representatives member has been renewed compensated if chosen ministers during any operation of the office of the ministry could not be a combination between the two executive and legislative at the same time. In constitutional terms can not return to the Chamber of Deputies, in this case following his dismissal becomes the case if any ordinary citizen.
    جريدة الصباح - الوزير الذي كان نائبا.. هل يعود الى البرلمان ؟

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  4. #25354
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    Iraq : health professionals convene a conference to activate demands

    Baghdad-Sabah The union health professionals the day after tomorrow, Wednesday, public conference in Najaf to activate the demands of the health professions made by the earlier allocations regardless dangerous and other benefits that the government promised to be implemented. as well as a study by the General Conference of the syndicate elections. The president of the health professions Suhail Jafar Alsaidi told (morning) that an agreement had been concluded with the Ministry of Health and other bodies responsible for the payment of allowance for dangerous ones health professions, but those amounts have not acted so far, He pointed out that the administrative body in the Association will call upon during this conference activating decisions of previous conferences and the necessity of the government's implementation of its obligations to this segment. Alsaidi He added that the conference will examine the extent to be held on Wednesday and Thursday, will be the mechanism for holding the General Conference of the syndicate elections and other organizational matters in connection with the work of the Association and administrative structure, calling on the heads of branches in the governorates of the health professions to attend and actively participate in the conference. The association has held two years of the presence of the Health Committee in the House of Representatives in mid-July last in the province of Maysan, during the demands of the 16 items to the agencies responsible included the amendment of job classification to slice the health professions and pay benefits and entitlements like Balmlakat medical coverage Balaivadat, as well as the need for representation in the administrative councils and the Ministry of Health hospitals.
    جريدة الصباح - المهن الصحية تعقد مؤتمراً لتفعيل مطالبها

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  5. #25355
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    Iraq : 54% of the citizens of Babylon believe that security agencies THEIR GOVENORATE penetrates

    Seven organizations to discuss the reasons for security breaches in the province Hilla - on plumber Popular questionnaire showed that 61% of the citizens believe that their opinions Almestbinh Babylon province unstable security in the 54% security agencies discussed that penetrates to the seven organizations active in the field of civil society and human rights situation in the province and the role of Iraqi women in support of the peace process. An official source in the transmitted P civil society organizations in Babylon , Which is in the questionnaire prepared for (morning) that the objective of the questionnaire is to know the views of citizens and their assessment of the reality and work of the security services in the province. A questionnaire which was obtained (morning), a copy of that 48% of participants found that the autonomy and efficiency available to some extent in the security agencies operating in a the province found that 30% of them are good and 22% said they are not available. As for the effect of administrative corruption in increasing security breaches, 51%, found that corruption was largely ineffective in this aspect, while 37% believed that it is moving average and 12% believed that it is ineffective, In the area of citizen participation and women in the stability of the security situation in the province found 12% of the citizen a big role in that and found 12% of women play a role in stabilizing security found 30% of the citizen an average, which found 42% of the women had an average also, while the 58% that the role of the citizen in a small area of enforcing security and also finds 46% women told Ha small role in this context. Justify participants in the questionnaire go to the security services in Babylon penetrates to the spread of financial and administrative corruption among police as permeable as well as the presence of elements does not have a real loyalty to the homeland among the members of the police and the participants considered that the intervention of the party in police work, especially with regard to recruitment and Bedim Ed inefficient elements in the sensitive posts was the reason behind their belief to the competence and independence of the police. With regard to the role of women fades in the security operation in the referendum participants said that the reason lies in the fact that women initially did not take its rightful role in most areas of life in addition to the lack of efficiency in the adoption of a brother elements of women's trend which has administrative and political positions. it discussed the seven organizations of the civil society organizations in the expanded seminar held in the city of Hilla, the reasons for security breaches witnessed by maintaining the independence of the executive and the role of women in peace and security and mechanisms for the rehabilitation of citizen cooperation an active with the security services. A study conducted by the symposium on the Babylon province witnessed since the date of the 9th of the month of September 2003 until the 13th of the current month of November dozens of terrorist incidents fell during 1103 martyrs and wounded died in 2763 almost half of them in later times. He asked participants in the symposium Padro danger of activating the role of the citizen and women, in particular, and civil society organizations in preventing breaches of security in the province and focus on the formulation of new educational curricula help to raise the sense of security to the children as a seed that must be it. Participants also called on the security services to stay away from political bias The adoption of new mechanisms for the selection of efficient elements in the security and speed up the processing of the security and intelligence modern equipment and the fight against administrative corruption.
    جريدة الصباح - 54% من مواطني بابل يعتقدون أن أجهزة أمن محافظتهم مخترقة

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  6. #25356
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    Translations : efforts to impose stability and the political and military organization of the idea of withdrawal schedule

    The Baker complement recent preparations and the White House adds new proposals BAGHDAD : Salah interpretation Morteza Is American officials from the Pentagon and the intelligence and national security and foreign affairs to study and review ideas and projects at the White House to standardize on one opinion and presented it to President George W. Bush after his return from his trip to some Asian countries. On the other hand, the Commission concluded Baker Hmlten efforts to meet former President Bill Clinton, and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, It is now trying to search for a collective, shared among its members from both parties to get the Americans on the recommendations of a unified Iraq. It quoted by the Washington Post newspaper in its edition of yesterday, Sunday, officials close to both commissions (the White House and the Baker Hmlten) that despite the short time remaining this year and the presence of thick cover of secrecy surrounding the efforts of the committees, the difficulty lies in the lack of agreement among the members of each group about how to save the American policy of a quandary as saying there has been since the Vietnam War, which ended in 1975. The newspaper said that the White House is trying to avoid a problem in dealing early with the Baker and try to finalize the recommendations on Iraq, either at the same time as the recommendations of this committee or as little time, according to American officials told the newspaper. The newspaper described the way the Baker Hmlten in putting the issue as broader ideas of the White House. where it says that the arguments adopt a radical change in American policy in Iraq. She adds, quoting experts examined the draft recommendations that the idea of staying and working in Iraq were rejected by the majority of members of the Committee in the month of September. Also rejected was the option of fighting Al Qaeda the way in which the American military mission fails to meet the foreign fighters and Al Qaeda in Iraq, He suggested expanding operations against agents of the organization and its branches in Iraq. No options to be addressed with the withdrawal leaving things as they are, or the option short of victory, which lacks control of the lack of corroboration of the strength of the options. The Committee discussed options other orally and in writing, but without a decision passed, one under the title "first stability," which focuses on military efforts to secure Baghdad. The political efforts to spread sectarian and national reconciliation, but it may mean sacrificing some of the elements of democracy in Iraq. The other option is under the title "The redeployment and containment." The idea of withdrawal according to schedule, while maintaining the commitment to American containment of terrorists in Iraq. Turning to the newspaper, the White House said that it is approaching the general lines, which is based on land, but dealing with speculation on future missions that the American administration during the next year and a half Wa the one that will be close to the American presidential elections in 2008, according to sources close to the Commission. The paper describes the White House that it is committed to supporting Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki despite the presence of constant criticism about the poor performance of his government, But American officials want to take steps in most of the previous resolutions to disarm militias to prevent civil war and to work on the path of national reconciliation among the three Iraqi groups to dismantle the rebel forces. A David Satterfield Coordinator in Iraq, American foreign clarifications on the proposals during commenting on the increasing level of sectarian violence, He said that as long as there is control of the militias have not been growing municipality, the chances for a political solution will disappear on the other. Satterfield said that the Iraqi government must establish penalties for each act as a stain of human rights violations, including corruption and other crimes to stop corruption in the society and the Iraqi state. and But Satterfield hopes not based on the involvement of Syria and Iran in the process, He said that the two countries did not alter its attitudes towards the United States, describing Syria as supporting organizations exercising violence and extremism. although Iran has not changed its nuclear policy so far. The newspaper pointed to two contradictory positions on Syria and Iran. But the American administration has put together to review projects to both committees. The newspaper said that the American administration does not want to be in the position of the approved proposals for the Baker Hmlten at a time when it does not have any other options, She concluded that President Bush in the last step does not want to acknowledge failure in Iraq and parting with the aspirations of controlling the foreign policy of the United States for submission to the Commission for Foreign Affairs of the other. The newspaper said that members of the Baker welcomed the step review all projects jointly and not separately, But experts fear the loss of time for all to achieve a new stage in the interest of stability in Iraq and waiting to stage elections in 2008.
    جريدة الصباح - فرض الاستقرار بجهود سياسية وعسكرية وتنظيم فكرة الانسحاب بجدول زمني

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  7. #25357
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    Iraq : a plan to provide quote stocks of foodstuffs

    Baghdad-Mahdi Karim Al-Taee The Ministry of Trade that it secured all the components of the ration card for the coming months with a plan to secure stocks quote from canned food items similar to the card to deal with emergency situations at the time they bought the million and a half million tons of these items in a direct purchase of traders pw Raghiin. A media spokesman for the Ministry told the (morning) Tables that the ministry and its secured items in the ration card warehouses scattered throughout Iraq until the third month of the next year as a first step in order to ensure the continuity of the distribution of these items among citizens fully and without neglecting any article of food. He pointed out that the ministry had prepared a plan implemented during these days to secure x Zine quote from canned food similar to the components of the ration card to face any emergency situation citizens are exposed. He disclosed that the ministry bought in the past two months and a half million tons of items that the ration card is a way to purchase in cash from Iraqi traders under the controls included in contracts with traders and included the supply of sugar, tea, milk, oil and adults detergent, soap and lentils and chickpeas Wa the beans and rice.
    جريدة الصباح - خطة لتوفير خزين ستراتيجي من المواد الغذائية

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    they call it 'raising the rate of the dinar', which in essence is revaluing it.

  9. #25359
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    Political first : the largest increase in the salaries of staff from January next

    Up to 60% and reflected the benefit of retirees Baghdad-Sabah The Ministry of Finance as of January next month, the first increase in the 2007 calculation of the salaries of most of the state up to 60% of salary. This is the largest increase in the salaries paid to staff ten degrees based on years of service and educational attainment. A source high in the Office of the Minister of Finance Baqer Jabr Zubaidi : The ministry rose increase proposal to the Cabinet for approval or referral to the House of Representatives, noting that the allocations required by the increase would be included in the 2007 budget. The ministry source believes that the salaries of small grades in dire need of support, this marks the coverage from five to ten by. He explained that the increase would be between 40 to 60%. The degree consists of a staff comprised eleven degrees, but the Ministry of Finance shortened classes in the last two and a one to remain ten degrees. And financial experts say : this ensures that the peace classification just for the staff based on the basis of strict criteria regarding service and the certificate and the social experience. The ministry, according to information for (morning), which works to increase fueling support staff salaries And to make it capable of providing the necessary live for several months. It is noteworthy that the data of inflation and high prices take step but experts say : to start reconstruction would create a refreshing of the Iraqi dinar. He pledged to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki more time to work on providing better means of livelihood for citizens, through control of the oil revenues and interest Social protection programs announced that the budget for next year that exceeds $ 40 billion would be explosive, which means they will be additional opportunities for the work force and other local currency. No apparent whether the new increase in the salaries of the staff will include retired or not, However, the law raising the salaries of retirees to 80% of their peers in the post enough upwards to levels as high as reflected this increase is implicit in the salaries.
    جريدة الصباح - أكبر زيادة في رواتب الموظفين ابتداء من كانون الثاني المقبل

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    Political first : Director of the Oil Products Distribution Company : no oil crisis in winter

    Pledged to secure the required quantities for the families and citizens from unscrupulous WARN Baghdad-Tariq Al-Araji The Director of the Oil Products Distribution Company to provide all the needs of the citizens of kerosene during the winter season. He told the (morning) : that Alstratiji stockpiling of this article, as well as derivatives and other Kbergda enough to secure the normal requirements, He pointed out that the company currently distributes about one million and three hundred thousand liters of kerosene It مايءدي to cover the needs of the families that he said that one family does not need more than 200 liters per season. He explained that with the company and can secure more of these quantities much. With receipt of a large number of families have their full share or part of the general manager of the company said that the stockpiling enough to provide sufficient quantities to the other. The company relies on Khozinha Alstratiji on imports from neighboring countries and produced in local refineries, The general manager of the company that Iraq imported from Turkey, Iran and Kuwait eight million liters of gasoline and ideals of the oil and kerosine daily. The production of Iraqi refineries amounts to 13 million liters of petrol and five million of oil and ten million of kerosine daily. It appears from these figures that the quantities that act by the Ministry of fuel oil and a large quantity of kerosene from adequate to meet the domestic requirement, Followers, however, warn citizens of manipulating the distribution and possession of the large quantities. They stressed the need to control distribution outlets, as long as the unscrupulous who were behind the fuel shortages. He said that citizens (oil traders) increased these days and are tempted stations owners money.
    جريدة الصباح - مدير عام شركة توزيع المنتجات النفطية: لا أزمة نفط في الشتاء

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