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    Political first : Syrian Foreign Minister hit Baghdad

    In a visit described by observers mission Baghdad-Sabah Arrived in Baghdad yesterday afternoon, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem's visit described by observers mission, amid international concerns of the Syrian invitation to participate in the proceedings of peace in Iraq. The aim of the visit according to a source in the Foreign Ministry told (morning) To strengthen the relationship between the two countries through the announcement of the restoration of diplomatic relations with Iraq and open the Syrian embassy in Baghdad as well as the emphasis on supporting the political process and ready to provide all the facilities necessary for the achievement of peace and stability in Iraq. It is scheduled to meet with the teacher during his visit, which will last j Maine President Jalal Talabani and Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. The visit is the first high-level Syrian official since the breakdown of diplomatic relations between the two countries in the early 1980s to mark the opening of a new page of political relations and economic and trade of TNT serves the interests of the two countries. The visit comes after the teacher held an emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers in Cairo recently and called on the Arab countries to coordinate positions and to heal the rift between them and to increase the level of bilateral relations in order to serve all Arab parties. The (morning) expected yesterday, the arrival of the teacher in Baghdad Sunday, depending upon j indicators emerged in the mass media and official institutions.
    جريدة الصباح - وزير الخارجية السوري يصل الى بغداد

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  2. #25362
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    Political first : 75% of the governorates suffer from the presence of sewage in the cup

    In the survey conducted by the Ministry of Planning BAGHDAD - Omar Abdel-Latif A survey recently released by the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation that 75% of the governorates suffer from the presence of the cup in sewage in some areas. The environmental scanning in Iraq and carried out by the Central Agency for Statistics and Tknlujia information in the ministry in collaboration with the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works, as well as the secretariat of Baghdad, "Sabah" got a copy of it It was reported that 12.5% of the governorates suffer from a sewage spill in most regions and the same ratio is the absence of the cup in sewage provinces surveyed. The survey, which included water and sewage services and municipal services in 16 provinces except for the northern governorates of Erbil, Dohuk that the proportion of the population served sewerage proportion to the population of provinces surveyed had reached 25.7%, while the percentage of the client's system of separate treatment "Tank" سبتك 51.2% The proportion who lack Lalkh Demtin reaching 23.1%. He explained that there are 38 central treatment plant and a small unit dealing with the sewage treatment station 14 and 24 central processing unit is small, pointing out that the rate of 31.6% of the stations and units were operational and working 31.6% and 36.8%, partly was parked. The highest proportion of the sewerage systems are served in the governorate of Sulaymaniyah, hitting 80%, followed by the secretariat of Baghdad by 75%, while the quantity of water underdeveloped areas served sewerage 1525500 m 3 / day, the highest amount in the secretariat of Baghdad, hitting one, 100, 000 m 3 / day and the least amount in Muthanna governorate attainment 1000 3 / day. He cited the survey, the total sewage pumping stations has reached 769, including 404 stations were pumping station of rainwater pumping stations and 289 sewage pumping station and 76 common with the largest number in the secretariat of Baghdad, hitting 278, while in the province of Kirkuk, and lost only two of Sulaymaniyah said, pointing out that the pumping stations accounted for 73.3% of its pumping stations the average, 6.7% practical good condition, and 20% poor condition of the process.
    جريدة الصباح - 75 % من المحافظـات تعـاني من وجـود طفـح في المجـاري

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  3. #25363
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    Political first : Baghdad Secretariat is preparing to implement the project of Baghdad Metro

    Transfer contributes million passengers daily BAGHDAD - Najla Al-Khalidi Intends to technical and engineering capabilities of the secretariat of Baghdad in the implementation of the draft technical specifications according to the Baghdad Metro Professional universally valid. The spokesman said the media on behalf of the secretariat of the "morning" that the implementation of the project would be in three stages as they are in the first stage where the two lines extending along the line the first 18 meters And start from the direction of Sadr City Square Khalani and ends in Antar Square and will be distributed along the line 20th station spokesman added : The second line will have a length of 14 km and Ibdamn arena opening in Swimming Pool passage Square Khalani "Main Station Unit" and continue to track Mara in the Mansour then Alochach He pointed out that the design speed of the metro will be 90 km / h and operational capacity stands at 80 km / h and thus Seko n the number of passengers who coordinates metro Stouabhm trailers in the first phase of around one million passengers per day and explained that the method of construction will be fully under the ground to a depth of up to 18 m and with no damage to the buildings and roads that pass underneath the subway. He pointed out that the drilling be Boistahmadat machines to be used for the first time in Iraq and said : the building will be central to the subway, in the garden of the nation cinema near Granada, where central control over the movement and control, consists of seven floors and a large basement. The project will transport system is balanced global system employed by the States which suffer from a city credit momentum Begg Dade addition, it includes areas with high population density and commercial centers in the capital and quick service model and pointed out that the first and second phases are an extension of the two lines I and II will be implemented after the completion of the first phase states that the Council of Ministers referred the project meters Baghdad and to the secretariat of the Baghdad Badmoafqah ECONOMIC headed Barham Salih Deputy Prime Minister for
    جريدة الصباح - أمانة بغداد تستعد لتنفيذ مشروع مترو بغداد

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  4. #25364
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    Political first : the Presidency affirms support of national reconciliation and movements secret to the success of the initiative
    The delegations of the 290 personal converge outside the political process Baghdad morning At the time revealed a member of Parliament and a prominent political movements secret and in public to promote national reconciliation, the Council of the Presidency of the Republic that an agreement has been among its members to activate the initiative of reconciliation and the development of mechanisms to get out of the current political tension and seek to build a national far from sectarian and other considerations. In the meantime, Unadim Kana, said that the delegation met a reconciliation during his tour to a number of Arab capitals more than (290) political figure outside the political process or of the opposition to it. The Council met with the full membership of the Chair today, Sunday, in the office of the President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, to discuss the current political situation in the country. According to a statement by the Presidency of the Republic, "Al-Sabah" a copy of which : The Presidential Council met in the presence of the entire membership of the Special Office of the President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, to discuss the current political situation in the country. The statement added that the Council discussed ways to break the current political tensions, The process of setting up mechanisms of political forces and national levels in order to build up the national State based on law and respect for human rights and democracy, and away from sectarianism and narrow interests. " The statement said : "The Presidential Council in its meeting stressed the need to deal with terrorism and all of harm to the State violates the law, in addition to the emphasis on the activation of the project of national reconciliation and strengthen the ties between all the components of the people. " For his part, Hassan Al-Sunaid member of the House of Representatives from the United Alliance : that there are secret and announced by the strong political problem for the government to heal the rift between the political blocs and the promotion of national reconciliation. " He added : Al-Sunaid This move requires time and the process of national reconciliation needs time since nothing is like this over night and maybe, noting that the solution to the deteriorating security situation which the country is serious interaction with the process of national reconciliation. He explained that the security reality is a reflection of the political situation in the country and the process of reconciliation is to build bridges of confidence between the political parties, He pointed out that all the parties to waive some of its demands as the national reconciliation requires the waiver of certain demands. In the meantime, Unadim Kana, a member of the supreme national body for national reconciliation that the delegation of reconciliation, who returned to Iraq following the tour included a group of Arab states met with a number of political and religious figures from outside the political process or from the opposition. And we added in a press statement that the delegation met in Amman (75) personality and the same number in Cairo, 140 personality in the UAE, representing various currents and formations. And we confirmed that the delegation found a wide range of personalities with whom he spoke in the Arab countries, He pointed out that the delegation met with national symbols and national demands and put Antqadetha of the previous conferences of the heads of clans and recommendations of the post, which had achieved nothing so far stressing that the meetings marked by frankness and transparency. He added, we let those personalities to participate in the political forces and parties to be held in Baghdad soon to exit the program and a common vision for the political process and to work to stop the bloodshed and restore security and stability and to restore the health of Iraq. He was scheduled convening of a conference of parties and political forces in early December next but it was postponed for an indefinite period in order to conduct further preparations and meetings by members of the reconciliation committee. The delegation, composed of national reconciliation hailed Ani representative of the Presidency of the Republic and hospitality Faleh member of the reconciliation committee, Saad al-Mutairi representative of the Ministry of National Dialogue, Unadim Kana, a member of the House of Representatives and Saad Hayani Iraq's Ambassador in Jordan visited Cairo from Amman on the fourth of November and joined them in the Cairo-based sold capital of the Iraqi embassy in Cairo, Saad Mohammed Ridha, Ra Alalosi Iraq's representative in the League of Arab States. The delegation held a meeting at the Iraqi embassy in Cairo studied the possibility of establishing mechanisms for political dialogue between the political parties representing the political process in Iraq out of the crisis the country is experiencing.
    جريدة الصباح - مجلس الرئاسة يؤكد دعم المصالحة الوطنية وتحركات سرية لإنجاح المبادرة

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  5. #25365
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    Quote Originally Posted by RetMil View Post
    GK, if remember correctly the IMF and World Bank both has given the CBI the ok to do what they need to do in order to keep the dinar stable. That was awhile ago, so if you want to read it for your self the link is in the history thread. Go for it.
    Thanks, but it's ancient news. You got anything new?

  6. #25366
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    Economic : a conference on tax reform in Iraq

    In order to prepare a plan for the medium term Baghdad Haider spring Aimed to promote the reality and tax reform all share part of a vision that this will contribute more correct in the rebuilding and rehabilitation of the Iraqi economy in general. The Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the company and the company YSAip Bernek Point conference on tax reform in Iraq. attended by a galaxy of specialists in this area of specialized professional staff in the Ministry of Finance and some other representatives from the ministry. This was stated by Al (morning) Kazem al-Husseini, member of the Organization of the Conference and added : President purpose of the conference is to prepare a plan for the medium term tax reform is premeditated and based on scientific bases, which achieves two goals : to contribute to the national economic reform and create a tax system designed in accordance with the needs of the Iraqi economy and to serve the rebuilding and rehabilitation of the economy. He said Al-Husseini : the conference will discuss the seven research addition to the existence of other research will also acceptable Conference workshops side includes a galaxy of experiences to study the restructuring plan proposed by the tax policy and make consensus and in the light of these views will be redesigned, the plan to serve as a road map for tax reform in Iraq for the medium term. He noted that a number of professors, academics specialists in the fields of knowledge pertinent to the work of taxation and representatives of some economic activities, such as the National Chamber of Commerce and the Federation of Industries of Baghdad and the Iraqi syndicates accountants and lawyers will participate in the conference to enrich their views and suggestions value. It is noteworthy that the conference will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, and would see the next two workshops side, it will supervise and direct the economic (Department of Fiscal Policy in the Ministry of Finance).
    جريدة الصباح - مؤتمـر عــن الإصــلاح الضريــبي فــي الـعـراق

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  7. #25367
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    Economic : exhibition Iraq reconstruction second in Sulaymaniyah

    Real push towards the construction in Kurdistan 98 million value of the contracts signed during the period of the offer specific Sulaymaniyah : envoy morning Yasser incumbent The value of commercial contracts concluded in the international exhibition for reconstruction II, which was held in the city of Sulaymaniyah Kurdistan 98 million for various projects in this regard. As noted (morning) through their presence throughout the exhibition, which constituted an area of 29 dunums in the Tazlojeh and implemented cost 2.5 million as a first stage, The high demand by international companies and of the more than 350 companies representing various countries around the world and offered the latest technologies in the field of building and construction as well as various goods and commodities. Interestingly, the presence witnessed by the city of Sulaymaniyah for senior heads of international companies and Iraqi businessmen and foreign resulted in the conclusion of contracts amounts are significant when compared to the short period of a few days in which the offers submitted reflected the strong desire of the majority of the nations of the world to contribute to the reconstruction of Alar pw. Dr. Raad Omar, president of the Organizing Committee of the exhibition, the Executive Director of the Trade and Industry Iraqi American said while talking to Al (morning) : This exhibition is a real starting point towards the reconstruction of Iraq, which seek to start by breaking down the barriers after the delay. He hinted that the response by the large international companies to participate in the second exhibition of its kind held inside Iraqi territory and the land of Kurdistan reflects the genuine desire of major international companies to find real partners and serious of Iraqi businessmen to forge ahead and begin implementation. Omar revealed that the intention of setting up an exhibition third band on the 20th of the month of January of 2007, but this time will be held in Erbil, where the hopes that the exhibition, which complements several exposed held in Kurdistan. He said : The preparations started from the moment when Will a real evaluation of the results produced by this exhibition to benefit from the successes achieved, as well as overcome the mistakes that accompanied the work that promise simple Thus, in the midst of a major accomplishment. He expressed his delight at the results and said : The success achieved had the happiest of all and create a new vision for the major international companies, which is the other and were impressed with their willingness and readiness to go to reconstruction in Iraq, and this is what is witnessing the coming days, according to the recipe. So, at the same level we talked deputy governor Sulaymaniyah Mr. Jotial Crown Abdullah said : The environment of the Kurdistan investment and security and economic stability were behind this large crowd of international companies participating in the exhibition and are eager to invest in Iraq. Lee also said : This teacher civilization, which was established in Kurdistan for the first time in the city of Sulaymaniyah in particular is a qualitative leap in the economic realities of the city, especially that it coincided with the start of the implementation of the law on foreign investment in Kurdistan, which cleared the way for attracting foreign investments and international companies that discovered the country's thirst for more construction projects of reconstruction. He suggested that the movement of Iraq in Sulaymaniyah witnessed a remarkable and rapid implementation at the level of infrastructure projects and services, including position to start towards the implementation of major projects expected despite the fact that allocations less than expected (according to him), pointing out that the commercial market successful and the reason for that is that the regime that adopts Kurdistan m free market and encourage private sector. The deputy governor of Sulaymaniyah in his response to a question by Al (morning) on the extent of absorption of employment and employment opportunities available and projects to be implemented in Sulaymaniyah attracted many working hands of any of the Kurdistan outside Baghdad and the other governorates to absorb a portion of unemployment. He noted that the Crown wages and encouraging identified between 15-50 dollars, according to the skill of workers Sulaymaniyah keeps pointing out that so far more than 20 thousand workers from outside the Kurdistan This phenomenon has led to the creation of the huge population, which prompted the government of the province to consider the creation of a pool of field work includes Rasha and hotels to accommodate inflation Alaska Nee and labor in the country, within the next few months. In the meantime, while the morning moving in the wings exhibition, which filled the children of Kurdistan from citizens and businessmen. Explored the views of a number of people present at the exhibition was to talk with us this company is executing the company Seruan Fair Trading and Contracting Company. Where we Executive Director Mr. Faris Jto Dizah j on the implementation of the draft international exhibition, which was established on an area of 29 dunums in the Tazlojeh. J Dizah explained to us that the cost of delivery and exhibition facilities as a first stage amounted to 2.5 million dollars, the achievement was five months, pointing out that the last two phases, including the establishment of tourist hotels and meeting rooms. and other tourist facilities that create a flourishing commercial market of the province. We also talked Chairman of the Organization of prosperity a non-governmental foundation, Mr. Bljit said : This exhibition is very important for the Iraqi economy and good laboratory for the Iraqi commercial reality. It will contribute to encourage international companies to invest in Kurdistan after finding a good investment climate, however, pointed to the importance of completing the videotapes institutions and guaranteeing the rights of investors, including banks and insurance companies evolving global and wings that participated in the exhibition to introduce their services. He also spoke to us one of the members of the Preparatory Committee and the Organization of the exhibition, Mr. Michael Magid, which stressed the importance of international exhibitions in the development of the economic realities of the countries after Iraq's delay in entering into the global economic process, as he put it. He stressed that the Iraqi economy needs to progress and development, through these exhibitions because it is an effective and essential in the development of the economy, and on the question of whether it was possible to establish such expositions in the southern region said : Yes, there could be meetings and coordination in this regard. He pointed out that setting up exhibitions outside the Iraqi border with no value because the field is the real test to determine Iraq's needs for projects either in construction or reconstruction. The exhibition crowded international festival culminated in the Declaration of the results of the conclusion of significant contracts were awarded with the exhibition, the type of car model in 2006 Shover only won by one of the citizens of the city and distributed certificates of appreciation and participation among the participating companies. Will (morning) and the publication of some facts in the preparation of the exhibition later.
    جريدة الصباح - معرض إعادة إعمار العراق الثاني في السليمانية

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  8. #25368
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    »« Virtue Party demanded Maliki substantial changes in government

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-20-2006 This issue was sent to a friend Baghdad-Wahid tasted life-20 / 11 / 06 / /
    Party called «» Islamic Virtue redistribution of portfolios through amendments intended to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ran «so that we can participate». He said a member of the political bureau of the party on behalf of the Attorney-Sharif in a statement to «life» : «The Prime Minister re-map the distribution of government between blocs of the new order to be able to enter, according to Asthakkakatna election, in Parliament and within the coalition ». He added : «We hope that the next change to be radical and a turning point in the Iraqi situation and get rid of the Maliki weaknesses that struck outside government control». He attributed this to the fact that both blocs «Dhamya constitutional period, , which impacted negatively on their nominations for the posts of the ministries and led to the situation that it is now, The deficit forced them to manage files is the most serious security challenge ». With the Iraqi forces to «accountability blocs participating in the government as bearing the consequences of the failures that marked the work of Minister», «proposed, in the absence of competencies between the party cadres, the trend towards large slice technocrats and the nomination of deem appropriate to the ministries which will be by amendment ». While the Attorney Salman Jumaili, a member of the Front «consensus» to «close to Maliki told Islamic Party wished to change his deputy for security and peace Alzobai another minister (no mark) of the Ministers of the front», denied leadership in the party, Iyad al-Samarra'i told «life» to be briefed on the report «either of the ministries, which intends to make adjustments or even contact names on the nomination alternative, It had not been to this moment, any research with the Accord Front in this regard unless they are covered by the ministries to talk to her identify changes ». So, the Attorney guest Gado, «member of the coalition of Shiite» «life» «that his bloc will discuss the issue of a cabinet reshuffle during a meeting of the Assembly called for the end of the month», He pointed out that «the idea dominates Maliki is the efficient selection of characters, regardless of the positions of the bloc». He disclosed that quotas «political and sectarian bloc extended to the same coalition denied Prime Minister to select from a number of scientists and professional», He stressed the need to support the coalition «» Maliki in his distancing from the quota system in the interests of efficiency and integrity. For his part, MP Mahmoud Othman (from the Kurdish bloc) that Maliki been approached bloc «not officially or orally planned changes to the government».

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  9. #25369
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    الحكومة العراقية
    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Monday 11 - 13-2006

    The Central Bank adopted tight monetary policy
    To address the high rates of inflation

    An official source at the Central Bank of Iraq around e apparent to the following e-inflationary
    Following the Central Bank of Iraq j is not a current e Tjahat the apparent e-inflationary e and reflections on the paths of economic growth has a impact of a revenge unwanted e economic stability and the ability to the allocation of resources between the various activities of the economy The conditions of a particularly Jtmaeih the standard of living of the poor and low income, and notes a n inflation in the Iraqi economy, which negatively affected the security conditions resulting from two sources :
    First : the bottlenecks عر z in the real sector concentrated mainly in the processing sector fuel, as well as its negative e the costs of transport and communications and production costs of a affecting the.
    Second : the impact of large the aggregate demand for goods and services in the economy.
    He added : We have reached the annual rates of inflation high levels exceeded 50%. And in spite of the developments of a fifteenth of a back index of a consumer frenzy (as an indicator of inflation) during the month of September / 2006 that represented a decline of 13%, not a n a rate of inflation of a Sas (the index of consumer prices excluding fuel and lighting, transport and communication), which represents the effects of the aggregate demand for goods and services in the Iraqi economy, what remains high and the level of not less than 33%.

    He pointed out that the Central Bank notes, in a he flew up the economic spending e e in general and the implementation of e monetary policy in particular, that is not a revenge inflationary e e resulting from the supply bottleneck tires require addressed through means of a e affecting the economy of spending Yeh, which is outside the influence of the Central Bank of Iraq j and monetary policy adopted e H, realizing that the inflationary effects of e index basis, resulting from the e demand could become a case of me rooted e e in components and joints, the Iraqi economy if not addressed through the measures and did not yet a necessary and available e e of spending AT the macroeconomic and financial policies in particular, cash-e, it found the Central Bank and after-depth analysis of these policies that causes inflation return basis the factors of a T-H :
    1. The disproportionate rate of the Iraqi dinar supreme prevailed with the real level that reflects the capacity of the Iraqi economy achieved and conditions of flows of foreign currency to the following :
    - Improved a Iradat oil derived m n a high the frenzy of oil in the world market during the past two e of a Gertin, which reflected the breadth of the ongoing expenses of government e e.

    - capacity expenses multinational forces stationed in Iraq. , which are internal cover their expenses in foreign currency. As well as the flow of foreign aid is different still available in the local market and foreign currency.

    The Almusderali that the Iraqi Central Bank believes that the above factors contributed to their widespread phenomenon of dealing in dollars (Dollar), which are outside the influence of monetary policy, The trends negatively affect the stability of the monetary demand and monetary policy course of action and its role in the stability of the financial market and the Iraqi dinar.
    2. In terms of public expenditure has increased paragraph salaries and wages has accelerated during the past two years to reach 60% of GDP-oil after the increase does not exceed 35% till the year 2004.

    He said the Iraqi Central Bank will adopt a tight monetary policy in this regard is aimed at reducing the inflation base through improved exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and raise the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar and make cash more attractive means to reflect the circumstances and encouraging indicators in the economy which would help in Altsid j to the dollarization phenomenon, which is one of the factors -

    The desired in the work of monetary policy and the level of effectiveness to achieve their goals in reducing inflation. Furthermore, the Central Bank will adopt interest rates help to diversify financial market instruments religion gradually terms at the same time enabling increased levels of savings and control the levels of cash.

    He went on to say that these measures will provide a climate conducive to the economic stability which will pave the way for reconstruction and achieve the required growth. in addition to higher levels of employment and reducing unemployment, which will be channeled all in the future of the Iraqi economy and prosperity.
    one more time for emphasis...

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  10. #25370
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    they call it 'raising the rate of the dinar', which in essence is revaluing it.
    I'm not trying to argue. I'm not being negative. I'm ready for a bashing.

    To me "raising the rate" is well, raising the rate. It could be raising a few points or it could be raising it 1450 points... and raising it 1450 points would be a reval, not just a "raise" up. JMHO.

    Again, i'm not being negative here. I'm just giving my opinion on what they might have meant when they said that.

    Also, in the article posted above they mention an "improved exchange rate". Pretty vague.

    Having said all this i think it's some of the other statements made that are more important in the overall picture. The CBI wants to reduce inflation, prevent "dollarization" and "improve the purchasing power". Now, a small improvment in the exchange rate will not do those 3 things. A RV will.

    Ok, let me explain a little better. The CBI wants to reduce inflation, prevent dollarization, etc., etc. through an improved exchange rate. If they are too conservative they will not meet their objective. They have been conservative and one of the goals in the past couple years was to have a stable currency. I would say its been stable - under-valued but stable.

    Words are one thing - actions are another. Hopefully the CBI starts to take more aggressive action to match their stated goals.
    Last edited by webinvestor; 20-11-2006 at 09:07 AM. Reason: add + spelling
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

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