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  1. #25561
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    Default Root problem lies with Iraqis and their political culture

    20 November 2006 (Irish Times)
    By Charles Krauthammer

    Opinion: "A republic, if you can keep it." - Benjamin Franklin, upon leaving the Constitutional Convention, in answer to "What have we got?"

    We have given the Iraqis a republic and they do not appear able to keep it. Americans flatter themselves that they are the root of all planetary evil. Nukes in North Korea? Poverty in Bolivia? Sectarian violence in Iraq? Breasts are beaten and fingers pointed as we try to somehow locate the root cause in America.

    Our discourse on Iraq has followed the same pattern. Where did we go wrong? Too few troops? Too arrogant an occupation? Or too soft? Take your pick.

    I have my own theories. In retrospect, I think we made several serious mistakes - not shooting looters, not installing an Iraqi exile government right away, and not taking out Moqtada al-Sadr and his al-Mahdi army in its infancy in 2004 - that greatly compromised the occupation. Nonetheless, the root problem lies with Iraqis and their political culture.

    Our objectives in Iraq were twofold and always simple: depose Saddam and replace his murderous regime with a self-sustaining, democratic government.

    The first was relatively easy. But Iraq's first truly democratic government turned out to be hopelessly feeble and fractured, little more than a collection of ministries handed over to various parties, militias and strongmen.

    The problem is not, as we endlessly argue about, the number of American troops. Or of Iraqi troops. The problem is the allegiance of the Iraqi troops. Some serve the abstraction called Iraq. But many swear fealty to political parties, religious sects or militia leaders.

    Are the Arabs intrinsically incapable of democracy, as the "realists" imply?

    True, there are political, historical, even religious reasons why Arabs are less prepared for democracy than, say, east Asians and Latin Americans, who successfully democratised over the last several decades.

    But the problem here is Iraq's particular political culture, raped and ruined by 30 years of Saddam's totalitarianism.

    What was left in its wake was a social desert, a dearth of the trust and goodwill and sheer human capital required for democratic governance. All that was left for the individual Iraqi to attach himself to was the mosque or clan or militia. At this earliest stage of democratic development, Iraqi national consciousness is as yet too weak and the culture of compromise too undeveloped to produce an effective government enjoying broad allegiance.

    Last month, American soldiers captured an al-Mahdi army death squad leader in Baghdad - only to be forced to turn him loose on the order of prime minister Nouri al-Maliki.

    Two weeks ago, we were ordered, again by Maliki, to take down the barricades we had established around Sadr city in search of another notorious death squad leader and a missing American soldier.

    This is no way to conduct a war. The Maliki government is a failure. It is beholden to a coalition dominated by two Shia religious parties, each armed and ambitious, at odds with each other and with the ultimate aim of a stable, modern, democratic regime.

    Is this America's fault? No. It is a result of Iraq's first democratic election. The US was not going to replace Saddam with another tyrant. We were trying to plant democracy in the heart of the Middle East as the one conceivable antidote to extremism and terror - and, in a country that is nearly two-thirds Shia, that inevitably meant Shia domination.

    It was never certain whether the long-oppressed Shias would have enough sense of nation and sense of compromise to govern rather than rule. The answer is now clear: United in a dominating coalition, they do not. Fortunately, however, the ruling Shias do not have much internal cohesion.

    Just last month, two of the major Shia religious parties that underpin the Maliki government engaged in savage combat against each other in Amara.

    There is a glimmer of hope in this breakdown of the Shia front. The unitary Shia government having been proved such a failure, we should be encouraging the full break-up of the Shia front in pursuit of a new coalition based on cross-sectarian alliances: the more moderate Shia elements (secular and religious but excluding the poisonous Sadr), the Kurds, and those Sunnis who recognise their minority status but are willing to accept an important, generously offered place at the table.

    Such a coalition was almost created after the latest Iraqi elections. It needs to be attempted again. One can tinker with American tactics or troop levels from today until doomsday.

    But unless the Iraqis can put together a government of unitary purpose and resolute action, the simple objective of this war - to leave behind a self-sustaining democratic government - is not attainable.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    Quote Originally Posted by jsfletcher View Post
    I have no idea what these "m" figures mean, I have heard that "M2" is all the cash + deposits, I have also heard that this figure is arount 19T, in a nutshell, what does that mean?
    I understand there has been several disagreements about how much money is in circulation. Even using the largest numbers, a large significant amount of dinar has been removed from the economy. Should not last long. I just don't think that after this intervention they wil return to a "business as usual' position. An RV of 1345 will only encourage many others (including myself) to continue to buy dinar. I think they want to eliminate the speculators, so they can't return to normal, the dinar needs to be more expensive, i.e. an RV. Thank You.

  3. #25563
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    My apologies if this is a repeat...

    American Treasury: the donor countries for Iraq will meet in December
    Source: Translated by

    U.S. Treasury official said that the donor countries that seek to help Iraq to rebuild its economy, plans to hold a ministerial meeting in December to work out the details of the aid pledges and debt reduction.

    Robert Kimmitt, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, said that the meeting likely to be held in the Gulf would be an important step towards defining "the International Charter with Iraq", which is an international initiative sponsored by the United Nations to provide aid for the reconstruction of Iraq in return for economic reforms.
    But he added that it was not yet clear whether the donors are ready to sign pledges under the Charter.

    Officials from donor countries met in September, for the first time, then representatives of 75 countries and international organization met once again last Monday at the United Nations to discuss the draft Charter and plans to ensure the provision of aid.

    An official in the Iraqi government said last month that the country needs about 100 billion dollars over the coming four or five years for the rehabilitation of its infrastructure which has deteriorated after years of sanctions and wars in the era of the former President Saddam Hussein, in addition to the invasion which was led by the United States in 2003 and the continuous violence since then.

    Iraq was expecting the influx of billions of dollars of foreign funds after the overthrow of Saddam, but foreign companies have eschewed in order to avoid the shelling and shooting incidents and the kidnapping as well as the affected oil production by the repeated sabotage attacks.

    Iraq is a major producer of oil and has the third largest oil reserves in the world; therefore, reviving its economy, which is dominated by oil, is necessary to create job opportunities and reduce the unemployment rate which stood at 50%, according to some estimates, that officials believed it is behind the increasing numbers of those who join the gunmen.

    Kimmitt said that although Iraq's obligations under the Charter were not declared, one of its main components is a law to regulate the oil and gas industry and the equitable distribution of oil revenues on the parts of the country on the basis of population density.

    Most of Iraqi oil reserves are concentrated in areas dominated by Shiites in the south and Kurds in the north, and the aim of the draft Charter is to ensure that the Sunni areas, which are concentrated in central Iraq, gets its share of oil wealth.

    The draft is still under discussion within the Iraqi government. Kimmitt said that it was also expected to establish rules for contracting with foreign investors to modernize the country's oil industry.

    Prepared & Translated By: Team
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  4. #25564
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    Default Poland intends to offer a loan of 250 million euros to Iraq

    Source : Iraqi Media Network southern region - 19 / 11 / 2006

    The Minister of Housing statement Dizah Yi unveiled Iraq obtaining a loan value of Polish '250' euros without the benefit of building housing units that will be paid after five years from the date of completion of the implementation. The survey Dizah Yi economic delegation, which met with the Polish high-level meeting in Amman
    The Polish side stipulated that the implementation of Polish companies contribute 40% of the construction for this loan. She pointed out that her ministry regarding the lifting of the Polish proposal to the Cabinet for consideration and approval. The minister pointed out that in her four-year work plan to build a 'three' million housing units will be divided between the citizens and especially those with limited income. the amounts will be updated according premiums soft, afterthought that her need to balance Mali to the implementation of the plan, which will last for the duration '2006-2010'. this was Minister of Housing and Construction has participated for over three days at the Arab Regional Conference 'cities hope', which concluded its work yesterday in the Jordanian capital. and Kadtrast a meeting addressed by the dramatic Participants reality of housing in Arab countries. it met Ms. Dizah Yi and Minister of Public Works and Housing Eng Hosni Abu Ghida and Minister presented an explanation on the role and the nature and structure of the Ministry of Construction and Housing in Iraq and the Ministry is doing in various areas and expressed thanks and appreciation for Jordan's support for the Iraq.

  5. #25565
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    Default Japan provides loan for the development of the Basrah Refinery

    Two billion worth 2.199
    ا Al Sabah-20 / 11 / 2006
    Japan announced that it intends to offer a loan to Iraq at a value of 2.199 billion yen for the development of engineering services in the Basra Refinery project and the rehabilitation fertilizer plant in Khor Al-Zubair.
    The Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Japanese Akira Amari after meeting recently with the Iraqi Oil Minister, Dr. Hussein Shahrastani that Iraq is an indispensable partner for Japan being one of the sources of energy.The ministers confirmed as stated in the Qatari News Agency, "Qena" in the joint statement following the visit by Iraqi Minister of Japan to deepen bilateral cooperation in these projects would help to strengthen relations between the two countries and to provide for the needs of Japan's energy.

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    Another example of some nuts and bolts business...

    For 16 years, the Ministry of Communications is "partner"
    Source: Translated by

    Iraqi Minister of Communications, Mohammed Tawfik Allawi, said that the mobile phone contracts will be awarded to new companies that would provide better services than what is offered at the present time.

    Allawi announced in statements made yesterday that the Ministry of Communications will contract with companies specialized in the maintenance and repair of the telephone network.

    He said that "the Cabinet had recently developed a committee to study the issue of frequencies and mobile phone contracts to consider the granting of new licenses for mobile phone companies after the contracts of companies operating in Iraq ends". He explained that more than one company will work in the same area after only one company was working in a specific area.

    Three companies got mobile licenses earlier to work in Iraq after its liberation from Saddam's regime: "Iraqna Company" affiliated with "Orascom", "Atheer MTC Company" and " Asia Cell Company".

    The minister emphasized that the Iraqi new contracts will be long term up to about 16 years for each company and the ministry will be a competitor along side with the new companies operating in Iraq.

    Minister Mohammed Tawfik Allawi heads the Committee formed by the Cabinet to study the issue of granting licenses for frequencies and mobile contracts as well as clarifying the jurisdictions of the Information and Communications Body and the authority it is associated to.

    Allawi stressed that the ministry will open, next week, for the introduction of the companies that wish to contract for the repair and maintenance of the telephone network.

    He said that the objective of this procedure is to upgrade the maintenance of telephone networks, as companies will be obliged to repair a damaged telephone within twenty-four hours, otherwise the Ministry is entitled to fine delay by ten thousand dinars for each day.

    The Minister of Communications said that each company will owe 90 thousand lines; that is, three telephone centrals, for the distribution of profits among the largest number of companies, as well as employing manpower.

    Prepared & Translated By: Team
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  7. #25567
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    Default M & Ms

    I've heard the Ms explained this way! How does this fit in.

    M0=Cash in circulation
    M1=M0 + Checking
    M2=M1 + Savings
    M3=M2 + (T-Bills / T-Notes, whatever the IQD equivalent)

  8. #25568
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    She should automatically be given a polictical position as speaking from both mouths would be a natural for her.

    That's good stuff there

  9. #25569
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    Maliki : reject settling accounts with the United States in Iraq

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-21-2006
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    Baghdad-News Agencies : he said Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki during his meeting with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim yesterday, "we expect Syria to be" more understanding of the Iraqi situation as "what we have been" during a "dictatorial regime", called the leader of the largest bloc in the Iraqi Parliament Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, the presence of the Syrian minister, neighboring countries to "extradition" in a reference to the Baath Party officials in Baghdad disbanded accused of involvement in the issues of "terrorism" and · A statement issued by the Information Office of the owners saying, "We expect Syria to be more understanding to us and to be the initiators of the first to support the new political situation" · He added that "what is happening in Iraq everyone is a threat, not only Iraq · the interest of Syria to contribute to the stability and security of Iraq, and several countries, especially countries in this area "· He added," whether this or that the differences with the United States. This is assigned to the settlement of the dispute should not be at the expense of Iraq · reject that any of our neighboring countries or regional corridor headquarters of terrorist organizations inflicting damage on Iraq "· He pointed out that" a high percentage of the terrorist operations that target civilians and governmental institutions are planned in some countries a the neighboring country of Iraq, "al-Maliki · He stressed that" Iraq is willing to improve relations with Syria in all fields, which require real political will of the two brotherly countries "·
    For his part, said Syrian Foreign Minister said that his country "supports the government of national unity and condemn terrorism that targets the Iraqi people and their institutions and that the danger to Iraq is a threat to the entire region" and added · teacher, "We want to be partners in the profit and loss and increase coordination in the political, security and the development of economic cooperation b Yen countries "·
    The statement pointed out that the talks dealt with the "formation of joint committees to solve the outstanding problems in the areas of security, financial, economic and information exchange also agreed on the importance of the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries" · For his part, the leader of the United Iraqi Alliance list in response to a press question "required primarily strong relations between Iraq and neighboring countries, that is no correlation especially in the security file, which means the exchange of criminals, information and control the border "· The teacher said," This is an indicator of political support for the political process in Iraq "and added Hakim ·" ask Syria to help the Iraqis to deal with terrorists and seek better relations between the two peoples and the relations due to their nature and this is a good omen for the solution of all problems "·
    On the other hand, the teacher replied in response to a question, "I am not a mediator for the United States · Secondly, at this stage there is no dialogue between Syria and the United States" and reiterated what he said yesterday that he had not come "to appease one" · and met the teacher Vice President Adel Abdel Mahdi to meet at a later time, Jalal Talabani · He said after his meeting with Abdul-Mahdi that he supported "a mechanism for boosting Online security between the two countries out of the attitude of President Bashar al-Assad, which is the security of Iraq, "Syria's security · Meanwhile, the American military spokesman said yesterday that 50 to 70 foreign fighters are infiltrating from Syria to Iraq per month, without accusing the government in Damascus assistance ·

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    The Commission agreed to amend the Constitution to work

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-21-2006
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    The Commission on the amendment of the constitution, the Iraqi its second day yesterday, Monday, which was agreed to by the work of the Committee during the next period.
    It was agreed during the meeting on the classification of constitutional issues that will be covered by the amendment to section three sections, "The first and most important is the political issues include the regions and the distribution of wealth and nationalism.". The second section regard to issues "include language and terminology and vocabulary amendments and corrections", The third section is supplementary section, which examines "issues not included in the Constitution."

    The Committee agreed on the allocation of the first month of work to receive the observations of academics and civil society organizations, in the light of the ideas presented will be formed subcommittees to discuss those ideas and perceptions. , Will hold the third meeting of the 29 day of the month.
    It called for the amendment of the constitution in the parliament. all Iraqi political forces, academics, lawyers, civil society institutions and other professionals to submit proposals on the constitutional review to the chairmanship of the Committee and its members, or via e-mail to the Commission ([email protected]) during the month from the date of 20 / 11 / 2006 to 20 / 12 / 2006 in order to discuss these proposals in the sub-committees which will be for this purpose.

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