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  1. #25651
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    Economic : Barham Saleh put the overall strategic project of the secretariat of Baghdad
    Baghdad-Sabah The Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih overall strategic project of the secretariat of Baghdad that have been initiated and implemented allocated for implementation. The spokesman said the media to Baghdad Secretariat in a press statement The Chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs presented the achievements of the secretariat of Baghdad made in different sectors of the clothing and cultivation methods, including the creation of parks and green spaces, water, sewerage and cleaning and building Mjsrat. He added : that the meeting between the Deputy Prime Minister, which was held in the Cabinet Office confirmed the status of the city of Baghdad, the political capital of all Iraqis and that the reconstruction and advancement of the first fruit of the government in advanced stages of completion and to flourish throughout Iraq. The spokesman of the media : The other reason cited by Mr. Barham Salih is a performance characteristic of Baghdad Secretariat and the Secretary, Dr. Sabir Eissawi steps to the completion of the contract and implementation of this project in record time and emerged from Baghdad by the significant improvement in the level of municipal services after six months of the past through significant financial support from the Council of Ministers The Committee on Economic Affairs it. The spokesman added : The Minister of Finance, the statement Jabr Al-Zubaydi, participated in this meeting reviewed the overall financial allocations, which were monitored by the municipality of Baghdad. The spokesman explained : "The support of the secretariat will receive in 2007 will be more of the support it has received in the middle of 2006. A : Deputy Prime Minister and the Secretary of Baghdad commended the cooperation offered by the security services of the Interior and Defense Ministries, considering that the security has to start enjoy the beautiful city services. "

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #25652
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    Economic : Chairman of the Federation of businessmen Kurdistan branch of Sulaymaniyah (morning)

    The investment law in the province opened up vistas for international companies and the private sector in the Iraqi market Sulaymaniyah - envoy morning : Yasser incumbent Businessmen said in the Kurdistan region and that the law of private investment the province has opened up vistas for international companies and the private sector to enter the Iraqi market and a real partnership with businessmen in the country. He said Mr. Havel's wedding Chairman of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen in Kurdistan in Irbil branch of the (morning) During a meeting during the course of the reconstruction of Iraq II, which was held there last week that the approval of Parliament and the government of Kurdistan to allow international companies to invest in the province has encouraged the private sector to the region contact with major international companies and has encouraged cooperation with them to attract foreign capital e. He added that the Union is trying to help any investor wishing to invest in Kurdistan with him economic advice to enter the non-existing represent any actual need Territory of economic feasibility. He suggested that the province preferred strategic projects with the economic dimension, which serves the region and modern labs and new contribute to the development of the reality of the city and we do not need to partial production plants. The union also said : the new investment law, which was implemented in Kurdistan is one of the good laws, as we found from studies of investment laws in the countries surrounding the application, however, pointed out that there are some loopholes said simple blueprint to overcome in consultation with the government and the private sector. He pointed out that the investment law in the province where convergence with the foreign investment law in place, but I wish to point out that investors coming from Europe or the Arab countries do not invest in an unstable security conditions, but there is an investment correct in Kurdistan, they considered the first step towards expansion into Iraq h the establishment of security and economic stability. Chairman of the Federation of Businessmen Sulaymaniyah branch confirmed that the international organizations, chambers of commerce and federations of the global business world has taken on some of the paragraphs of the law on Balmsatha and land ownership. He pointed out that the union's strategic projects, which require capital of between 200-250 million make international companies wondered guarantees and privileges on the length of time the ownership of land and to contribute to the promotion and attract capital to build tourist compounds contribute to the development of the region and operating a grip idle me by providing resources of the country must be no concessions to companies about this, bearing in mind that these companies are looking for partners from the local business and the gain of the private sector. He explained that the meeting had been to a number of foreign companies participating in the international exhibition Sulaymaniyah with the head of the investment in Kurdistan Mr. Hersh Muharram, which stressed the importance of a partnership between international companies and businessmen in Kurdistan, understand the arguments of the companies. So In a related context that the President of the Russian tourist investment is one of the strongest economic sectors in Iraq and other areas in Kurdistan, if exploited and developed to become a beautiful Switzerland (according to him) but he returned and the critical circumstances through which the country and identified tourist investment, but he said : it is time for the start of this area because we are late in the tourism sector which is one of the most important economic sectors to achieve the resources of the province. The Koran talked about the other side also campaign in the area of reconstruction taking place in the cities of Kurdistan, including Sulaymaniyah, which has been described by the Medium explosive, but he stressed the need to move reconstruction plans in parallel in all sectors. we have a lack of infrastructure, we need to plan for cities avoid mistakes. For example, in this regard, referring to the company that Carr is administered by Krupp had completed an important project in the area of roads, water and sewerage systems and after a period of work due to intersperse D lines for telephones shows poor planning in services and pointed out the need to develop plans for a physical integrated so as not to fall into the mistakes of implementation. In the same vein pointed out that the international exhibition facilities in Sulaymaniyah implemented duration of 70-80 days, pointing out that the plan of the Federation of Iraqi businessmen in Kurdistan ensure a fair third, but this time in Erbil and early 2007, said there are preparations for that. He pointed out that major global companies ages do not fall in the implementation of small projects, but is investing in strategic projects, the government of the province to declare any Pkjat several projects in a single project. Our company has a project reconstruction Sulaymaniyah 2004 also implemented Pkj Sulaymaniyah, containing 16 projects and the cost of 11.5 million dollars has been accomplished and there is a lot of projects waiting for its implementation. Chairman of the Federation of Businessmen in Kurdistan Sulaymaniyah branch pointed at the conclusion of his speech to the fruitful cooperation between the territorial government and the private sector are encouraged the rehabilitation of the sector directly in the implementation of many projects, pointing to the higher coordination between Iraqi businessmen and companies wishing to invest.
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    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 21-11-2006 at 09:54 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #25653
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post

    Amount sold at auction price (US $)
    11/2/06 70.245.000
    11/7/06 109.150.000
    11/8/06 97.010.000
    11/9/06 70.180.000
    11/12/06 24.880.000
    11/13/06 110.265.000
    11/14/06 62.540.000
    11/15/06 64.960.000
    11/16/06 39.945.000
    11/19/06 31.495.000
    11/20/06 56.765.000

    C.P....Just a suggestion. Could you make 2 more rows to divide up the "sold to banks" & the "transfers" so we can all see how much is going each way? If not cool, if so cooler. Thanks.

  4. #25654
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    Sounds very good to me

    This coordinates with the "rumor" from silverstreak

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    a bright spot in our day, there are 24 days in iraq left until they take a break for the year. (figuring to the 14th as they stop for the year half way through december).

    that is 24 days left in the year they were quoted as saying the value of the dinar would rise 'significantly' in 2006 (feb.), they said to curb inflation and unemployment they would need to raise the rate of the dinar, reports from the imf and the wb stressing the need for them to raise the rate of the dinar released, Ministry of Finance quoted as saying they would raise the rate of the dinar, central bank quoted as stating they were planning on raising the rate of the dinar.

    24 days left. less than a month. it could happen anytime in these next 24 days.
    do you have your affairs in order???

  5. #25655
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    Talabani accept an invitation from al-Assad to visit Syria
    President of the Republic met with Jalal Talabani yesterday evening and Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallim, and the delegation accompanying him. Talabani and stressed during the meeting Iraq's desire to strengthen the ties between the two countries in all areas of security and political, economic and cultural, stressing that the stability of Iraq is one of the pillars and the keys to stability in the entire region. For his part, the transfer of the teacher greetings of President Bashar al-Assad, He stressed that Syria is determined and in good faith to ensure the success of bilateral cooperation with Iraq. once again invite Syrian President Bashar Assad to President Talabani to visit Syria, who accepted the invitation.

    (11:49 Baghdad time)
    The Ministry of Labor is seeking to convene its scientific III to defend the rights of Iraqi children
    The Media Advisor to the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Abdullah Al-Alami, "The Ministry and the Care of Children in Iraq seek to convene its scientific III to defend the rights of Iraqi children." Al-Alami added in a press statement that "this conference comes within the framework of the child-care program to discuss spreading the culture of the Rights of the Child to face the phenomenon of street children and child labor." He pointed out that "the conference would discuss themes related to social and cultural aspects of health, through the discussion of research on sources of the threat of child health."

    (11:46 Baghdad time)
    Opposition requests transfer of the holding of the political forces to Amman
    The Iraqi political figures based in Amman, Cairo and Dubai by the delegation of reconciliation transfer the venue of the political forces and parties from Baghdad to Amman. According to press sources, "The delegation of reconciliation, who returned to Baghdad after a tour that included Amman and Cairo, Dubai, met with political and religious figures Iraqi opposition in those states." The sources added that "the delegation met in Amman and Cairo 150 personality, while met with 140 other personal in Dubai. "

    (10:38 Baghdad time)
    McCain stresses the necessity of increasing the number of American forces in Iraq
    Said Senator John McCain, Republican candidate for the presidential elections, the potential of America in 2008 that "victory in Iraq is not possible without increasing the number of American forces." McCain added in an interview with the station (ABC) television that "the preparation of the American forces in Iraq is inadequate since the beginning of operations there." He pointed out that "it is not ethical to continue risking the lives of American soldiers at risk, bearing in mind that the place after a defeat."

    (10:33 Baghdad time
    The Baghdad governorate signed contracts with foreign and local companies, the value of 28 billion dinars.
    The head of the reconstruction in the province of Baghdad Ali Al-Attar, "The Council signed contracts with foreign and local companies, the value of 28 billion dinars to the design and establishment of manufacturing and processing plants to collect municipal waste accumulated from all areas of Baghdad." Al-Attar added that "the Commission referred the projects and contracts for multinational companies affiliated to the Socialist Party and private sectors for the purpose of initiating implementation and improve the level of municipal services provided to the people of Baghdad." He pointed out that "these projects are bidding to extend the water pipeline net for the renewal area network seventh shortcomings in the referral and hung a tender for a water district in the martyrs in Obeidi, in addition to the tender renewal plastic water pipe network in the neighborhood Jkok net in the flame. "

    (10:22 Baghdad time)
    Pentagon considering three options for improving the situation in Iraq
    Well-informed sources in the American Defense Department (the Pentagon) that "the process of review and evaluation secret undertaken by the Ministry refers to three options of the situation in Iraq." The sources added that "options are either to increase or reduce the number of soldiers with the troops to stay longer or full withdrawal from the country." The newspaper (The Washington Post) for those sources as saying that "the Pentagon ruled out the option of increasing the number of troops it would require hundreds of thousands of additional troops from the Americans and Iraqis alike." The group also rejected the option of full withdrawal because it is flooding Iraq in a bloody civil war. With sponsored plan incorporated elements from the first two. "

    (9:30 Baghdad time)
    European-Iraqi negotiations in the Belgian capital
    The Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih, trade minister Abd farmer Sudanese negotiations yesterday in the Belgian capital of Brussels with the European Commission. Participated in the negotiations on the European side of the European Commissioner in charge of Foreign Affairs Benita Waldner, The High Commissioner for Trade Peter Mandlsson. Waldner said that "negotiations are an important stage in Iraq's relations with Europe, expressed as the UNHCR continued support for the political process in Iraq." For his part, Peter Mandlsson stressed the importance of reaching such an agreement at the end of negotiations. and to create an appropriate framework for trade relations between Brussels and Baghdad is only a step on the road to help Iraq to move towards stability. "

    (9:14 Baghdad time)
    The creation of five pools of water purification in the Rasafah
    An official at the secretariat of Baghdad, "the secretariat is seeking to find means of providing drinking water to the residents of Baghdad to bridge the shortfall in the water, amounting to around one million cubic meters per day." The source added in a press statement that "the Baghdad Water Department recently to refer the establishment of five complexes to the liquidation of drinking water in addition to reviving the Rusafa." He pointed out that "to address the scarcity of water in Baghdad could not be surmounted only through the establishment of the Rusafa water project along the lines of the Karkh water, , which started to refer to establish three reservoirs; It is a part of the project would be followed in the coming years to establish the rest parts. "

    (9:05 Baghdad time)
    Talabani's visit to Tehran, the end of the week
    A spokesman for the President of the Republic Kamran Qarah temple, "Jalal Talabani, would travel at the weekend to the Iranian capital of Tehran in response to an invitation received from his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to hold a summit to discuss the bilateral relations between the two countries." He added that Kardage "Talabani head a delegation including a number of ministers and advisers. at the same time denying the existence of an invitation to attend the tripartite summit Iraqi-Iranian-Syrian ". He pointed out that "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had invited President Talabani to visit Damascus and the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallim, renewed the call during a meeting Monday Iraqi President."

    (8:28 Baghdad time)
    The joint forces raided wide areas of the Wasit governorate
    Iraqi forces raided the joint American and large areas of the Wasit governorate included the village of importuning and adjacent areas north of the town of Suwayrah and searched completely. Eyewitnesses said that the Iraqi army and police backed by American forces backed by aircraft launched from morning till evening raid and search operations in the village of importuning north of the town of Suwayrah in Wasit. He added that the operation also targeted a number of areas and neighboring orchards that were closed after the region and prevent the entry and exit. . Not authorized any official on the causes or the outcome of the raids.

    (6:51 pm yesterday Baghdad time)
    Obeidi confirms that the inspections State services would only be done with the consent of Maliki
    He said Defense Minister Abdel Qader Al Obeidi that the new procedures that have been agreed upon inspection of any government department requires "the necessity of the approval of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki them, that is the knowledge of the minister concerned, The inspection is performed only after office hours in order to preserve the safety of the staff and auditors. " The Al-Obaidi, during a joint conference held today, Monday, with the Minister of the Interior and Minister of Higher Education and spokesman for the Iraqi government said that the investigations on the issue of the abduction of the staff and auditors of the missions of the Ministry of Higher Education has come up with some names and addresses of the executors of kidnapping, However, he did not reveal them. For his part, Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad who is the involvement of some elements in the mission of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the kidnapping incident of collective staff of the Service, which took place last week. And who is said that the "Initial investigations revealed kidnapping incident collective finger pointing at groups remiss in the performance of their duties, as revealed by the cooperation of some of the staff of the missions in the kidnapping. " And who is refusing to give further information, saying, "I could not reveal further information on this aspect of service for the conduct of the investigations."

    (4:29 yesterday afternoon Baghdad time

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Default Iraq: Ministry of Finance to raise salaries early '07

    Iraq: Ministry of Finance to raise salaries early '07
    21 November 2006 (MENAFN)

    According to a top source at the Ministry of Finance in Iraq, the ministry would begin from next January counting increase of state's employees reaches to 60 percent and considered as higher increase by ten degrees, Al-Sabaj reported.

    He added that the Ministry submitted increase's suggestion to Council of Ministers to approval or submits it to Parliament, mentioned that appropriations which the Ministry needs would included in Budget of 2007.

    However, the ministry thinks that a salary of lower degrees needs to support so it decided including degrees from fifth to tenth in the increase.

    Iraq: Ministry of Finance to raise salaries early '07 | Iraq Updates

  7. #25657
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    Default Australian Wheat Board Vows To Win Back Iraq Market

    CANBERRA, 21 November 2006 (Asia Pulse)

    Disgraced wheat exporter AWB has vowed to win back the lucrative Iraq market after losing huge volumes of trade to the United States in the aftermath of the kickbacks scandal.

    The company's payment of $A290 million ($US223.08 million) in kickbacks to the former regime of Saddam Hussein resulted in Baghdad slapping a trading ban on AWB in February pending the outcome of the Cole inquiry into the exporter's illicit payments under the UN oil-for-food program.

    But AWB today said it expected trade between Iraq and Australia to resume, albeit with tougher competition.

    "We are making every effort to win back their confidence and support in order to service this market again in the future," AWB International chairman Ian Donges said in the company's annual national pool performance report, released today.

    "We expect Iraq will remain a single desk buyer. However, we know that competition for this market will increase ... ."

    AWB's report on the 2004-05 pool year - which ended before the kickbacks scandal broke - shows the exporter delivered more than 1.3 million tonnes of wheat to Iraq over the 12 month period.

    But AWB's shipments to Iraq have fallen away markedly since then, with US exports to the country more than triple the Australian volume last financial year.

    "The current political climate will clearly make it difficult for AWB to maintain its market share in Iraq," Mr Donges said.

    "While recognising the likely dominance of US imports to Iraq in the short term, efforts will be made to re-establish AWB sales based on quality, price and service."

    AWB's data for 2004-05 shows growers earned $A3.1 billion for the pool year, with Indonesia the biggest export market at 2.4 million tonnes.

    Mr Donges also issued a warning about export troubles ahead, with this year's drought depleted crop expected to come it at just 9.5 million tonnes - the smallest harvest in more than a decade.

    "It must be understood that there simply won't be enough wheat in Australia this year to supply many countries," he said, adding that AWB expected to complete sales contracts to "core" customers like Japan, South Korea and Indonesia.

    Commissioner Terence Cole will hand his report on the Iraq kickbacks to the federal government this Friday, likely recommending criminal charges against current and former AWB executives.

    The report also is expected to trigger a big shakeup of wheat marketing.

    The Howard government is likely to strip the company of its right to veto bulk exports by other companies after AWB used the power to scuttle a string of export applications this month.

    The peak growers group, the Grains Council of Australia (GCA), today released a set of six principles - agreed to by state farming groups and major grain handlers - that would underpin the overhaul of wheat marketing.

    They include giving growers ownership and control of the export system, high levels of governance and transparency, and separating ownership of the single desk franchise from any organisation providing commercial services to the desk.

    "The majority of Australian grain producers still support a single desk export system, but many believe the time is now right for a review of its management," GCA chairman Murray Jones said.

    "The current management of the system has moved too far from the ideals developed during the Australian Wheat Board privatisation."

    AWB will release its full year results in Sydney tomorrow, having already slashed its profit forecast by up to 25 per cent because of the drought.


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    Default Lord Clement-Jones leads British trade delegation to Kurdistan

    Lord Clement-Jones leads British trade delegation to Kurdistan
    Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq, 20 November 2006 (KRG)

    Lord Tim Clement-Jones, the British peer who led a British trade delegation to the Kurdistan Region in Iraq last week, described the Region as full of potential for investment.

    The member of the House of Lords led a delegation made up of members of the Middle East Association (MEA), including Michael Hodges of HSBC bank and Chris Holden of Price Waterhouse Coopers.

    Lord Clement-Jones said, “We met several senior ministers as well as many people engaged in the private sector in Kurdistan, which helped us gain a strong understanding of the business climate and investment opportunities in Kurdistan Region. We satisfied ourselves that the security situation in Kurdistan is conducive to doing business there. We also met Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani, a very effective leader who with President Masoud Barzani has a real vision for the future of Kurdistan.”

    Two years ago he visited Kurdistan and promised Prime Minister Barzani that he would return with a trade delegation.

    The delegation, whose trip was organised by the Kurdistan Development Corporation and hosted by the KRG Office of Foreign Relations, met various cabinet ministers and senior government advisers, who gave them an overview of the political, security, economic and financial situation in Kurdistan.The Kurdistan UK Friendship Association, which this month opened its office in Erbil, hosted a reception for members of the delegation on their first night and invited them to join the association.

    Michael Thomas, Director General of the MEA, said, "Our visit was very successful and we received a very warm welcome from the friendship association, the business community and the government. Our report to the members of the MEA will give them a real insight into the Kurdistan Region. We were delighted to meet members of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce, and we’d like to return to Kurdistan with a delegation of medium-size businesses to develop contacts with the Chamber and Kurdistan’s businessmen.”

    Also in the delegation were Lord Anthony St John, Philip Stephenson of Davis Turner freight logistics, John Irish of the Middle East Economic Digest, John Vergopoulos of Raphael Group infrastructure project management, Philip Dew who has a business development consultancy, and Nick Hills of Two Rivers legal practice. They were accompanied by Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman, KRG Representative to the UK and chairman of the Kurdistan Development Corporation.

    Lord Clement-Jones leads British trade delegation to Kurdistan | Iraq Updates

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    Default Prime Minister Barzani receives General Francis J. Wiercinski

    Prime Minister Barzani receives General Francis J. Wiercinski
    Erbil, Kurdistan-Iraq, 21 November 2006 (KRG)

    KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani today discussed with US General Francis J. Wiercinski the overall security and political situation in Iraq. Brigadier General Wiercinski is a Deputy Commanding General of the Multi-National Forces in Iraq.

    Prime Minister Barzani and General Wiercinski discussed solutions to the sectarian violence. The Prime Minister also shared his gratitude and appreciation for liberating the people of Iraq, and claimed that “These achievements would not be possible without the contribution and sacrifices of the men and women in uniform”.

    General Wiercinski was impressed with the economic growth and various development activities in the Region. The Prime Minister highlighted the important role played by the people of the Kurdistan Region in supporting the political process. He stressed the political and social culture of the Region ensures the co-existence of all communities.

    General Wiercinski thanked Prime Minister Barzani and the Kurdistan Regional Government for their support and co-operation in the Governorate of Mosul. Also present in the meeting were Minister of State for the Interior, Mr Karim Sinjari, Minister for Finance, Mr Sarkis Aghajan, and Minister Falah Mustafa, Director of the Office of Foreign Relations.

    Prime Minister Barzani receives General Francis J. Wiercinski | Iraq Updates

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    Default Iraq Shi'i leader comments on militias, federal system of government

    Iraq Shi'i leader comments on militias, federal system of government
    21 November 2006 (BBC Monitoring)

    His Eminence Al-Sayyid Abd-al-Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq [SCIRI] and leader of the Unified Iraqi Coalition, received President Jalal Talabani and several Patriotic Union of Kurdistan [PUK] leaders at his private office in Baghdad last Wednesday [15 November 2006].

    The meeting was attended by First Vice-President Adil Abd-al-Mahdi, Shaykh Humam Hammudi, and a number of coalition members. The two sides discussed the effective solutions to the crises we are facing in the country, chiefly the deterioration of security in Iraq, particularly in Baghdad. The two sides underlined the need to activate and strengthen the national unity government and to support efforts aimed at rendering the national reconciliation plan successful. They stressed the importance of cooperation, consultation and continuing to hold such meetings given their significance at the current stage in order to bring the Iraqi ship to safe shores.

    Al-Hakim said that the federal system of government distributes the revenues of the wealth existing in all areas of Iraq and uses them for the benefit of all Iraqis, not for the benefit of the residents of the area in which this wealth exists.

    Al-Hakim noted that it was Al-Sayyid Baqir al-Hakim who had made the decision to turn the Badr Corps from a military establishment into a political organization and that that was before the integration decision. His eminence noted that there is no need for weapons at present.

    As regards the federal system of government, his eminence said that the revenues of the wealth in all areas of Iraq will be used for the benefit of all Iraqis, not the benefit of the residents of the areas in which this wealth exists.

    Following is the text of the interview:

    [Correspondent] Can you explain to us the reasons for transforming the Badr Corps from a military establishment into a civil organization?

    [Al-Hakim] There was a need to resist Saddam's regime with weapons after all the roads before us were closed and we were obliged to carry weapons to resist this regime. After the regime was toppled in 2003, we found no excuse to maintain the previous situation and wanted to build the state of institutions. The Badr Corps, therefore, turned into an [civil] organization based on the militia integration law.

    [Correspondent] What kind of aid did the organization receive from Iran?

    [Al-Hakim] There were various kinds of aid to the Iraqis. Iran hosted Iraqis during that period, and there was a room for military and political action and movement urging the war between Iraq and Iran. All members of the Iraqi spectrum - Arabs and Kurds, Shi'is and Sunnis - stayed in Iran, which supported the Iraqis living on its territory on military, economic, and other levels.

    [Correspondent] What kind of aid do your political organization, SICIRI, and the Badr Organization receive from Iran at present?

    [Al-Hakim] Moral and political support in general.

    [Correspondent] Is there financial aid from the government?

    [Al-Hakim] No, there is no aid of this kind.

    [Correspondent] In 2004, you entered into negotiations with David Gumbert and Dr Kelly [not further identified] regarding the programmes of integrating the organization based on the decision made by the Coalition Provisional Authority. Were there problems that suspended the issue?

    [Al-Hakim] The problem is still there. The integration law was not applied to us, whereas it was applied to the rest of parties. There are still outstanding problems in this regard.

    [Correspondent] Your eminence, you agreed to the dissolution of the militias within the framework of the militia integration law.

    [Al-Hakim] This is not true. It was in a previous stage that we made the decision to turn the Badr Corps into an organization. It was my brother, martyr Al-Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, who made the decision. He had announced that the Badr Corps turned from a military body into a political organization. This was before the integration decision. Moreover, we believe that there is no need for weapons at present, and we believe it necessary to benefit from the brothers in the Badr Organization and their capabilities, especially since they are faithful people. They should be compensated for the years they spent fighting the Saddamist regime.

    [Correspondent] Why did we not follow up the issue of integrating the militias after Dr Allawi assumed power?

    [Al-Hakim] There was a persistent effort in this direction by the brothers in the Badr Corps to follow up the implementation of that. Besides, a committee was formed at the Interior Ministry, which was responsible for the integration. They never stopped calling for the rights of the brothers in the Badr Organization. In addition, Dr Iyad Allawi issued a law for integration, which included the names of the same organizations to which the previous law applies.

    [Correspondent] Gumbert cited the issue, saying it was a waste of an available opportunity to dissolve all the militias at the time?

    [Al-Hakim] I believe that what is correct is that there was a delay in implementing this law. It was possible to benefit a lot from the persons who have good capabilities in the security and military fields and have a great desire to build the state institutions. The opportunity is not there because these laws have not been implemented yet.

    [Correspondent] What was your role after the 2005 election and in choosing Bayan Jabr as interior minister in the government?

    [Al-Hakim] I know brother Bayan Jabr, his great abilities, courage, firmness, his faith in the plan for change in Iraq, and his struggle throughout the past years against the former regime. That is why he was nominated for this key post.

    [Correspondent] By summer 2005, there were accusations that the Interior Ministry under Bayan Jabr started to target the Sunnis. What is your reply to these accusations?

    [Al-Hakim] I am not aware of all the details, but I do not believe that Mr Bayan had a role in all of that, if indeed it happened. He hails from a well-known Iraqi family, and he believes in the establishment of the new Iraq. There were more than 13,000 policemen who were chosen and appointed in the ministry by the previous government. Even acts of murder took place during the term of that ministry. The best proof is the murder of three supporters of the Bard Organization inside the prisons run by the Interior Ministry. A public funeral was held for them at the time, and the incident was highlighted. There are possibly some undisciplined individuals. Bayan had a strong desire to cleanse the ministry, but he received opposition from foreign sides.

    [Correspondent] But there were other incidents, such as what happened at Al-Jadiriyah shelter. It was noted at the time that the Badr Organization uses the Interior Ministry's institutions. Major General Husayn Kamal was working there, and so was Major General Ahmad, one of the members of the Badr Organization. It was said that they used those institutions to confront the Sunnis?

    [Al-Hakim] These accusations are untrue, and the investigations did not prove that. They were raised as a political issue, not a security, legal, or judicial issue, with the aim of distorting [facts] and stirring up [issues]. The missing part [of the story] is that a key figure, said to be from the Israeli Mosad (anyway), who was accused of terrorist acts, was arrested and brought to that place. In response, the US forces came and surrounded the place quickly. They got him out, covered up the issue, and stirred another issue (this is according to the reports I received at the time).

    [Correspondent] The vehicles used by the Iraqi security forces carry names like Faylaq Al-Kurrar [the corps of those who attack and retreat in battle]. In your opinion, is it necessary to use such names?

    [Al-Hakim] These names are not new; they have been there since the founding of the first nucleus of the Iraqi army. The name of the first military regiment was the Imam Musa Bin-Ja'far Regiment. These names reflect the courage of those persons, give an impression of power, nobility, and chivalry, and give the impression that the Iraqi people like these names.

    [Correspondent] Do you deny that the police have become an oppressive force?

    [Al-Hakim] I strongly deny it; however, there are within the Police apparatuses some criminal, Ba'thist, and sectarian elements. In general, the Police apparatus includes all segments of the Iraqi people, but it cannot be sectarian.

    [Correspondent] The Americans are saying that the Iraqi Police are involved in issues of sectarian violence carried out by elements from the Badr Organization. What do you say about that?

    [Al-Hakim] There is a lot of Ba'thists who made up the Iraqi Police in the past. The Iraqi Police apparatus was not built during the era of Jabr; it existed in previous stages. The Badrists are faithful, law-abiding people. They struggled for the sake of their cause and spent their youth for the sake of defending the just cause of their people.

    [Correspondent] Are you in a war with the Sunni Wahhabists?

    [Al-Hakim] We are in a war with the takfiris, who are part of the Wahhabists.

    [Correspondent] Who started this war?

    [Al-Hakim] They started it. They have been carrying out genocide operations against the Shi'is since the bloody Friday, the day on which they killed my brother martyr Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim along with hundreds of dead and wounded innocent worshippers. They continued [their operations] after that, issued fatwas, preached the murder of the Shi'is as a duty, and [spoke] against the Iraqis. Bin-Ladin also issued fatwas allowing fighting and killing the Shi'is. I would like to note an important thing; that is, no Iraqi Shi'i scholar has allowed the murder of any Iraqi.

    [Correspondent] The Americans are pressuring Al-Maliki to dissolve the militias. Are you ready to dissolve the Badr Organization and leave the battle to the Iraqi army and Police?

    [Al-Hakim] We are not party to the conflict. We rather believe in building the constituents of the state, which has a duty to act. The Badr Organization did not carry weapons, and it is not fighting and engaging in confrontations as other parties are doing. Yes, there are Badr Organization elements working for the apparatuses of the Interior Ministry and receiving orders from their commanders. As I told you, it is no longer a military organization.

    [Correspondent] In a televised interview, Al-Sayyid Hadi al-Amiri said that the semi-militia forces will continue their efforts until the government is able to secure the Iraqi areas.

    [Al-Hakim] I do not how accurate is what was attributed to him. We, however, believe that the security is the responsibility of the state. We have a set of ideas, which we brought up in official channels, such as the idea of the popular committees and the militia integration idea. As for what brother Al-Amiri means, I do not know what he exactly said. You can go back to him and ask about it.

    [Correspondent] Is it really possible to assign the security task to the government apparatuses, which suffered from a weak performance?

    [Al-Hakim] We have no second option. This question is being raised by the Iraqi people. The government and the US forces should give an answer.

    [Correspondent] There was a battle between you and Al-Mahdi Army.

    [Al-Hakim] There was no battle. Rather, some elements affiliated with Al-Mahdi Army attacked some buildings.

    [Correspondent] As regards the federal system of government, can you explain why it is necessary to have a Shi'i region and divide Iraq in this manner?

    [Al-Hakim] First, it is not division. It is not a Shi'i federal region, because the Shi'is are everywhere in Iraq and in all its governorates. The Shi'is are not present in a certain area. Second, under the Constitution, on which the people voted, Iraq is a federal Iraq and an Iraq of regions. A region has actually been established in Kurdistan. The regions must be established. There should not be any state of imbalance, because that would lead to confrontation. We had insisted on the enactment of a law on how governorates can turn into regions. The law was endorsed around a month ago at the National Assembly. We, as political forces, believe it right to create the Central and Southern regions for nine governorates, being a force for confronting external and internal challenges. These governorates should be able to use the huge wealth they have for the sake of the entire Iraq. The region should preserve the unity of, not divide, Iraq, and should have a self-defence capability. We, therefore, raised this plan as political forces. The true point of reference in that are the people, who will vote in favour or against [the plan]. We also suggested that the Baghdad Region be established quickly according to what came in the Constitution. We advised our Sunni brothers and the other brothers to establish the regions so that there will be a state of balance in Iraq and we will all benefit from the establishment of the regions.

    [Correspondent] You met Mr James Baker. He suggested - as one of his ideas for solving the security problem - the involvement of Iran and Syria? What do you think?

    [Al-Hakim] We believe that all the countries of the region have an impact, whether negative or positive, on the situation in Iraq. Therefore, everyone should be involved in preserving security in Iraq. We had in the past proposed a security system for the entire region. We hear about terrorist operations in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and other places. This shows that the issue concerns us all, and that that requires stronger and better relations to be able to achieve progress.

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