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  1. #25671
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Reading newspapers in Baghdad the day

    November 21, 2006

    1. Baghdad
    The first page
    1-d. Allawi is not wanting for the current crisis to continue.
    2-Iraqi National Accord Movement and the Iraqi National List Tstenkran terrorist incident in which he was Sheikh Mohammed Abbas Aribi Minister of State.

    The inner pages
    1-abduction and deputy minister of health.
    Two-killing and injuring four children in the dummy bomb explosion in the district of Al-Huwayjah.
    3-arrest of three people suspected by their connection with the suicide attack Balah.

    2. Morning
    The first page
    One-Maliki of the leaders of the military : the crisis is political and not security, political responsibility for carrying blood and invited them to desist from loyalty contradictory between night and day
    2-summit news about the Iraqi-Iranian Syria and the Kuwaiti government received a letter from Zebari, Prime Minister receives the teacher and says that what is happening in Iraq threatens everyone

    The inner pages
    1-Security forces arrest 74 suspects in different parts of the country, raid Mosque in Sadr City and curfew in Alhaqlaneh and Bruanh
    2-Deputy accuses officials in the coalition supporting the gunmen in Diyala
    3-arrest of the perpetrators of terrorist proxy in Hilla
    4-belt Minister and Undersecretary of the Ministry of two assassination attempts, an armed attack on a leading role in a raid on the house of Badr, the President Office of Financial Supervision
    5-Johi : the Court of Cassation will give its full independence and impartiality in the decision to execute Saddam, Having received the case files of Mosul
    6-supply convoys items flowing to the Ramadi and Diyala and Salahuddin, Following the directives of the Council of Ministers delivered immediately
    7-Saudi Arabia denies its intention to press for the release of Saddam, The rule that the common enemy of both parties
    8-Henry Kissinger : the rapid withdrawal would lead to catastrophic consequences threaten the country's unity, Pentagon considering three options on the situation of the American forces in Iraq
    9-approval of the compensation affected by the torrential rains in Kurdistan

    3. Middle East
    The first page
    1-WASHINGTON examine three options in Iraq. Tehran and called for tripartite summit, al-Maliki : we expect that Damascus should be more understanding of the situation in Baghdad
    Two-belt and the Minister of State and Undersecretary of the Ministry of assassination. And 14 bodies found in Baghdad. Representative Walid Hassan, was killed in the road "for the Iraqis Zaniness"
    3-Blair : desert Afghanistan key to world security
    4-Israeli proposal to deploy international forces in Gaza to prevent rocket
    5-warnings in Germany from deporting Iraqi applications for asylum had been rejected, a new resolution could give about 60 thousand Iraqi permanent residence
    The inner pages
    One-Maliki : Iraq crisis by political and not security. And our war against terrorists and militias Ignorant, Vashltan trying to assassinate government officials and to find more bodies
    2-Egyptian sources : Dari is visiting Cairo and talks at the Arab League. despite the issuance of an arrest warrant against him in Baghdad
    Three-Baghdad Secretariat start with the establishment of projects for drinking water
    4-Minister of Defense ordered to intensify patrols to protect the Grain Silos
    5 - The Labor Ministry is preparing to hold a conference defense of the rights of the child
    6-lead in the Mahdi Army : We are the strongest power in Iraq today, he said that the militia refused requests for the year to participate in fighting the Americans
    7-teacher : have not come to Iraq to appease the Americans and will not Ntost including between Tehran and, Hakim calls for neighboring countries, the exchange of criminals
    8-law abolishing the Baath away winner elections for the Iraqi Bar Association Secretariat, after receiving 75% of the votes
    Nine-cultural houses flourished in the Iraqi cities of Baghdad while to sink in the violence, plans to transform the Palace of Saddam hung in the huge cultural center

    4. The new evidence
    The first page
    1-Virtue calls for fundamental changes in government and the Sadri movement calling for his supporters to stop raids
    2-new evidence reveals the game's threads. The deal behind the exclusion of American Major General Fleih Rashid, Algarawi
    3-Maliki : refuse to be a conduit for neighboring countries or shelter for terrorist organizations
    4 - Qatari official : a man who is brave and not sectarian.
    5-Kurdish leader : the political crisis brought to the bottom
    6-the former Baath Taih Abdul Karim : Saddam deceived the people and his party
    Seven - we : reconciliation delegation met with political and religious personalities and opposition
    8-Salamat. State Minister Mahmoud Abbas Aribi

    The inner pages
    1 - The British Secretary of State : Iraq faces critical times
    2-Turkmen parties condemned the clashes between Arabs and Turkmen, Kirkuk
    3-Syria basis of the restoration of the Golan to their cooperation in providing stability to Iraq
    Four-Cheney : Democrats win will not stop attacking Iran
    5-Dari : My visit to Riyadh, have stirred the government, after surround the facts
    6-political observers : the differences between Syria and Iraq and not the personal ideology

    5. Azzaman
    The first page
    1-London : Iraq faces a critical times and the Pentagon identifies three options on the presence of the American forces choose a gradual withdrawal.
    2-important talks to Jalal Talabani AHEAD tripartite summit in Damascus and the procedures for the teacher to control the borders and prevent infiltrators.
    Three-channel Timor mourns artist and director Walid Hassan.
    Four-process begun in Sadr City, damage to the mosque.
    Five-agent health are exposed to kidnapping and assassination.
    6-war in the streets Hirsh paralyzing traffic and forcing residents of the commitment of Housing and Director of the assassination of a school in the district.
    7-Council of the Judiciary : penalty accused of kidnapping children in the neighborhood of Andalus.
    8-Barham Salih in Brussels to discuss the EU support to Iraq.

    The inner pages
    1 - the House of Representatives recognizes the existence of torture in prisons unregulated Irbil and the Kurdistan Parliament demanding fixing powers of the provincial assemblies.
    2-Al extradition papers and penalty decision to the Court of Appeal and the defense team for Saddam commend the report of the Human Rights Watch.
    3 - who is reveals security elements in the hijacking of mission personnel.
    4-Almshahadani discuss with Barzani and Chalabi security conditions.

    6. Conference
    The first page
    1-Talabani to visit Tehran on Saturday.
    Two-Maliki for the teacher : we expect Syria to be more understanding to us and to the Iraqi Syria joint committees to resolve outstanding problems between the two countries.
    Three-approval to secure the privileges and immunities of the European Commission.
    4-governor of Karbala : We have fatwas against the militias.
    5-Kissinger : American victory in Iraq is no longer possible.
    6-filling the gap in the components of the ration card and sign trade contracts for quick delivery to the Anbar, Diyala, Salahuddin.
    7-Iraqis were forced to change their names to remain in their areas and to preserve their lives.
    8-Amendment of the Constitution calls on the Iraqis to help them.
    9 High-integrity verification in financial corruption worth 300 million dinars Qadisiyah University.
    10-high demand for the dollar in the central auction.

    The inner pages
    1-establishment of five parks to settle in the Rusafa water in the context of seeking to control the scarcity of drinking water.
    2-Irbil to discuss the rule of law and integrity in Iraq.
    3-Abdul Mahdi discuss with the teacher bilateral relations.
    4 - Saudi Arabia sought to establish an Arab demands that the execution of Saddam.

    7. Orient
    The first page
    One-Hakim calls for the teacher with the neighboring extradition.
    Two-found 14 unidentified bodies. And that a mortar shell was fired at a beautiful market.
    3-Washington Post : Pentagon considering three options in Iraq.
    4-assassinations include representatives also. The discovery of a body artist comical killed in Yarmouk.
    5-Virtue Party demanded Maliki substantial changes in the government.
    6-Saudi Arabia suggests that the Arabs Saddam exemption from the death sentence.
    7 - The British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs : Iraq faces a critical and Kata.

    The inner pages
    One-teacher : have not come to Iraq to please anyone but to the interests of the two countries.
    2-arrest of three people suspected by their connection with the suicide attack Balah.
    3-defend Saddam commend the report of the Human Rights Watch and came a bit late.
    4-Tlgfrav Sunday : Muslims volunteered to fight the coalition in Iraq and Afghanistan were returned to Britain.
    Five-British report : political developments in Washington will not lead to substantial changes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    6-prominent leader in the Mahdi Army tells the biography of the first set.
    7-Dari : I am a victim of Shiite revenge.
    - 8 : Allawi Baghdad needs to be strong leadership and must crush the militia.
    9-armed control of the four neighborhoods in the capital.
    After the 10-win position, chairman of the Bar. Diaa Al-Saadi, the exclusion from the decision of abolishing the Baath Party and two members of the council.

    8. Justice
    The first page
    1-Mr. Hakim : Iraq's neighbors are expected to stand by him to confront the forces of terrorism than an organization.
    Two-Adel Abdel Mahdi : the Iraqi problem to be resolved by all regional parties in the region.
    Three-teacher : Iraq's security is part of Syria's security and are ready to provide all support him.
    4-ministerial delegation in the Iraqi Union Headquarters for the development of economic relations.
    5-PEOPLE : Iraq in urgent need of the meeting of leaders of the bloc to examine the political and security conditions.

    The inner pages
    1-PEOPLE believe that the visit of the teacher will have a positive impact on Iraq.
    2-A committee of the Pentagon develop three options for Iraq.
    3-Minister of Foreign Affairs shall confer with his Syrian counterpart developments in the political and security fields.
    4-Iraq discuss with Kuwait the consolidation of bilateral relations.
    5-belt Minister Mohamed Aribi attempt.

    9. The statement
    The first page
    One-Maliki Syrian Foreign Minister : Iraq is ready to improve relations with Syria, which requires the administration to provide real political to the two brotherly countries.
    2-formation of joint committees to resolve outstanding problems and the agreement on the resumption of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
    3-Raid Jouhi Court is not under an obligation to provide the assets of any person other than the governed.

    The inner pages
    1-trade buy large quantities of items on the ration card through a direct purchase.
    2-Opening of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Wasit.

    10. The Constitution
    The first page
    1-Talabani to visit Iran early next week.
    Two-Maliki : no position of our party or creed or national identity and is the major Iraqi.
    Three-belt and deputy Minister of Health from an assassination attempt in Baghdad.
    4-Othman carries the responsibility of the political leadership political crisis plaguing Iraq.

    The inner pages
    1-Moussa calls for calm in Iraq and warns of escalation in sectarian.
    2-dummy bomb kills three children and afflict IV in the district of Al-Huwayjah.
    3-Almshahadani describes the need for control of the security forces and the disbanding.

    11. European
    The first page
    1-President Talabani discuss with the Syrian Foreign Minister of joint cooperation to eliminate terrorism.
    2-President Jalal Talabani and Mr. Hakim confirm tolerance to continue efforts to stop the sectarian tension.
    3-Maliki : the sectarian affiliations must dissolve before the Iraqi identity.
    4-joint statement of the Central Information Offices of the two Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan : the retreat should be fierce and speaking publicly on behalf of what he's overstepping the bounds of decency against the sovereignty of the Iraqis.
    5-committee agree to amend the Constitution to work.
    6-arrest of Khaled al-Masri "scheme" terrorist attack, which targeted workers in Hilla and his group.
    7 - who is : destinations in the missions involved in the kidnapping of the Service.
    8-Johi : the court is not under an obligation to provide the assets of any person other than the governed.
    9-Kuwait receives Iraqi letter to the consolidation of bilateral relations.
    10-met with senior Iraqi officials and stressed that the security of his country from Iraq's security. Teacher : Syria condemns terrorist acts that target the lives of innocent Iraqis and their institutions.
    11 - the largest increase in the salaries of staff in Iraq from January next up to 60%.

    The inner pages
    1-invitation of the World Bank to open a branch in Arbil.
    2-50 killed in a terrorist attack on Tikrit, a joint officials in Baghdad survived an assassination attempt. Dummy bomb killing children and terrorist blows himself up in the consolation Pkrok and the deaths of dozens of martyrs in Baghdad.
    3-A committee of the Pentagon develop three options for Iraq.
    4-Minister of the British, "Iraq faces critical times" and Senator democratic : peace in Iraq needs to Syria and Iran.
    5-Mufti, secretary receives the Assyrian Democratic Organization in Syria.
    The 6-preservation calls for the identification of the powers of the provincial councils. The distribution of aid to families Alenazh to Irbil.
    7-VIOLATOR pays to the electricity network. Governor of Dohuk. Discuss the reasons for the scarcity of petroleum products in the province, and to discuss service in fact Huwayjah.
    8-on the occasion of the International Day of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. The Ministry of Human Rights of the Kurdistan Regional government organized a festival widely.

    12. Fraternity
    The first page
    1-President territory Cordstan receives German Ambassador to the Federal Iraq.
    2-Nouri Al-Maliki will meet with Walid Al-Muallim, and calls for politicians to be real partners in good times and bad service to Iraq.
    3-Mr. Hoshyar Zebari, Walid Muallim held a press conference and a new era of the Iraqi-Syrian relations.
    4-Amr Moussa : President of the Federal Republic of Iraq, the Prime Minister stressed that the issuance of an arrest warrant against the onslaught.
    5-Iraqi ambassador to Washington, stressed the need to disarm the militias.
    6-Henry Kissinger warned against the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq.
    7-injuring three civilians in a bomb attack in Baghdad and the arrest of three people suspected by their connection with the suicide attack Balah.
    8-constant controversy between Democrats and Republicans about withdrawal and the involvement of Syria and Iran in the case of Iraq.

    The inner pages
    One-president of the government of Cordstan receives Islamic Group leader.
    2-company (Aspkt-Energy) America declares its readiness to invest in Cordstan.
    3 - The Ministry of Women's Affairs participates in two conferences in Amman and Istanbul.
    4 - The Ministry of Trade : reusing railways for transporting wheat.
    Five-American delegation inspecting flood victims in the basement and wear hand Smilan.
    6-in Kirkuk terrorist group assassinates Kordien citizens.
    7-filling the gap in the components of the ration card. Trade sign contracts for quick delivery to the Ramadi and Diyala, Salahaddin.
    8-in Sulaymaniyah start of the reconstruction of the city of Halabja martyred.
    9 - The Parliament of the Irbil province Cordstan delineation of the powers of the provincial councils.

    13. New Sabah
    The first page
    One-teacher : Syria condemns terrorism and processes that shed the blood of Iraqis.
    Two-Maliki : the sectarian affiliations must dissolve before the Iraqi identity.
    3-Iraq resumed pumping oil to Turkey.
    4-dry federal judge to execute three criminals.
    5-trade Tbrrm contracts for the purchase of items of the ration card with Iraqi and foreign companies.
    6-rise in the number of displaced families to 6000 families in Babylon.
    7-Raid Jouhi : any statement to Aisder from the Criminal Court is not binding.

    The inner pages
    1-PEOPLE : Iraq in urgent need of the meeting of leaders of the bloc to resolve the security crisis.
    Two-to continue the search for five foreign hostages and the arrest of Basra on the 200th of the suspects.
    3-Minister of Municipalities denounce the assassination of Dr. want to.
    4-Deputy Prime Minister discussed with the secretariat of Baghdad implementation of the strategic projects.
    5-dummy bomb explosion in Al-Huwayjah and the suicide bomber blows himself up in the consolation in Kirkuk.

    14. Long
    The first page
    In the second one-day visit to the Syrian foreign minister to Iraq. Maliki : we expect Syria to be more understanding to us as we phase in the opposition to the dictatorship. Teacher : the danger to Iraq a threat to everyone. And we want to be partners in the profit and loss
    2-Almshahadani discuss with Barzani and Chalabi's political and security conditions.
    3-to the issues of corruption and misappropriation of funds. Radi Nadi : former Minister of Electricity will be tried again, (complacency) and the Ministries of the Interior and Foreign Affairs helped to escape former officials.
    4 - who is revealed involvement of the missions in the process of hijacking of the Service.
    5-extradition papers Dejeil case and the execution of Saddam's decision to the Court of Appeal. Raed Jouhi : the Court of Cassation will give its full independence and neutrality.
    6-Body Found artist comedy Walid Jaz.
    7-phosphate fertilizer resume Iraqi vehicle.
    8-representative of a young Iraqi impair Carthage Film Award.
    9 - The Pentagon puts three options for the American army in Iraq.

    The inner pages
    1-stressing that the crisis in Iraq is political, not security. Maliki : no position of our party or creed or nationality, must shoulder all their responsibilities as partners in the political process.
    2-to consolidate the relationship between the two countries. A letter from the Kuwaiti Zebari.
    3-Skinner : approval of the compensation of the people of Kurdistan wave of recent rains.
    4-Khmolh : appointment (3000) policeman in the new police leadership Nineveh.
    5-control outlets and prevent the smuggling of oil products outside the preserve. Kirkuk Governor : we have taken a series of measures to curb the crisis of the shortage of fuel.
    6-in the economy, investment and reconstruction of the House of Representatives. Discussion of the laws of privatization companies, the Ministry of Industry and the private sector to import items ration.
    7 - when a bomb exploded in front of a restaurant Balbtauiin. The bomb in Mosul expected number of victims. Death and injury to 25 in a suicide bombing's consolation Kirkuk. And finding the bodies of 19 Mgdorin in Baghdad and Anbar.
    8-for the control of public funds. The city of Karbala constitute a committee to monitor the prices of the repair mechanisms of government departments.
    Iraqi Presidency

    franny, were almost there!!

  2. #25672
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Damascus dailies -Headlines Tuesday, November 21, 2006 - 10:00 AM DAMASCUS, (SANA)- Damascus dailies on Tuesday front paged the following headlines:
    A verbal message from President al-Assad to President Talibani of Iraq on prospects of developing bilateral relations.-Foreign Minister al-Moallem discusses with senior Iraqi officials activating security cooperation, finding solutions to pending financial issues and Syria's aid to achieve Iraqi reconciliation.-Baghdad: Al-Moallem's Visit is historical and successful: Syria is a main factor for Iraqi economy.-

    Syrian Arab News Agency: SANA, Damascus Syria ::

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #25673
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Monday began talks in Brussels between the European Union and Iraq in order to increase investments in the country and to support the Iraqi request for joining the World Trade Organization.

    اخى.The negotiations will encompass trade between the two sides in energy materials, and import and export services, customs, intellectual property and other areas.

    اتفاق.It is scheduled to last several years, these talks also did not specify any order to reach an agreement.

    د".He said European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandlsson during the ceremony beginning of the negotiations, accompanied by Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih : "Through this agreement we will establish relations through contracts for the first time."

    ."He added : Mandlsson "Agreement will create transparency and clarity required for foreign trade and attract investments, It will also facilitate the entry of Iraq into the World Trade Organization. "

    اد.She said Benita Ferrero-Waldner in charge of foreign relations for the European Commission in a statement that the agreement would include clauses on human rights, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction such as those applied by the European Commission with all countries that deal with it from outside the EU.

    .The European Commission has contributed about 720 million euros in projects to rebuild Iraq. also recently opened its representative office in Baghdad.
    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - محادثات تجارية بين العراق والاتحاد الاوروبي

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    I want to give everyone an update on the total amount of dinars taken out of circulation inclusive of the last 11 auctions. It was at the beginning of these most recent auctions that the intent of the CBI and its new plan became more apparent. As of this morning the total stood at just under 1 trillion dinars. 935,278,035,000 to be exact. I will keep a running total on a daily basis and post again after the next auction tomorrow morning. It will be interesting to see what happens when they reach 1365, the IMF target figure for the end of 2006.
    Hello everyone. Again we continue to see a trend that by now we are all familiar with. Removing dinars from the economy with a small increase in the exchange rate. Obviously, they have not reached their target amount of dinar to remove. But as I have said before, this is what you would want/expect prior to a large adjustment in the exchange rate. The CBI is working for us and the Iraqi people in a meaningful and responsible way. I am asked several times a day what level will it RV at, and when. I don't know the answers to either question. It is like other doctors dealing with a very sick person, and they have done the right things and the patient is showing good signs of improvement. But since it usually takes a while to recover from a serious illness (iraq) the recovery period is difficult to predict. Even thugh you are sure they will fully recover. However as I stated in an earlier post, they cannot return to their past policies of selling as much dinar to the market at an exceptionally low price. To "undo" the removal of currency by returning to past practices is unreasonable. Therefore the cost of the dinar will have to be signifcantly higher. This currency has been considered "undervalued" from the beggining. The exchange rate has been considered one of the main reasons for inflation by the IMF. So expect good things to come in the short term. By the way, an improvement of 3 dinars a trading day in the exchange rate when projected for a complete year is an excellent return on dollars invested. Not very exciting, but a very large percentage return on our money.

  5. #25675
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    Quote Originally Posted by rvalreadydang View Post
    Monday began talks in Brussels between the European Union and Iraq in order to increase investments in the country and to support the Iraqi request for joining the World Trade Organization.

    اخى.The negotiations will encompass trade between the two sides in energy materials, and import and export services, customs, intellectual property and other areas.

    اتفاق.It is scheduled to last several years, these talks also did not specify any order to reach an agreement.

    د".He said European Trade Commissioner Peter Mandlsson during the ceremony beginning of the negotiations, accompanied by Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih : "Through this agreement we will establish relations through contracts for the first time."

    ."He added : Mandlsson "Agreement will create transparency and clarity required for foreign trade and attract investments, It will also facilitate the entry of Iraq into the World Trade Organization. "

    اد.She said Benita Ferrero-Waldner in charge of foreign relations for the European Commission in a statement that the agreement would include clauses on human rights, terrorism and weapons of mass destruction such as those applied by the European Commission with all countries that deal with it from outside the EU.

    .The European Commission has contributed about 720 million euros in projects to rebuild Iraq. also recently opened its representative office in Baghdad.
    شبكة الزوراء الأعلامية - محادثات تجارية بين العراق والاتحاد الاوروبي
    now THATS what im talkin about!!

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #25676
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbey56 View Post

    Can someone tell me what the the logic is when they say that they are going to isssue every Iraqi with $10,000 dinar and also pass the Foreign investment law and then do nothing about implementing them. Are they waiting for specific events to happen, I would be grateful for everybodys thoughts.
    we dont know all that is going on over there so its hard to speculate and wait, and wonder if they realize what they are doing. building a country like ive said has got to be pretty involved stuff. every day we see things which bring us closer.

    what ruined it for everyone was all the false rumors. now its too hard for some to wait. those who have originated those rumors and passed them down with malicious intent, to those of us unwitting enough to believe in human kindness, i say curse you all for ruining the thrill we should be experiencing!

    it is coming, in their own time as always. but they are getting very close from the looks of it.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 21-11-2006 at 01:05 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #25677
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    Default Dollar continues to fall against the Iraqi dinar

    Dollar continues to fall against the Iraqi dinar
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)

    The dollar continued its fall against the Iraqi dinar and the auction through the Central Bank of Iraq today, Tuesday, 3 dinars compared dealings yesterday to record 1446 dinars.

    He said the Iraqi Central in a statement that demand for dollar also declined today, recording 50 million and 115 thousand dollars, compared with 56 million and 765 thousand dollars yesterday.

    Such procurement requests today at 15 million and 345 thousand dollars in cash and 34 million and 770 thousand dollars in the form of bank transfers outside of the bank full coverage.

    Referring to the 15 banks participating in the auction, did not submit offers to sell the dollar.

    دولار- (اقتصاد) :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

  8. #25678
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    Default Iraq, Syria restore full diplomatic ties

    Iraq, Syria restore full diplomatic ties
    BAGHDAD, 21 November 2006 (Middle East Online)

    Iraq and Syria on Tuesday announced the restoration of diplomatic ties severed 25 years ago and said they had agreed to cooperate on security matters.

    "We have signed a little while ago an agreement to restore complete diplomatic relations with Syria," Iraq's Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told reporters at a joint news conference with his visiting Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem.

    The ousted regime of Saddam Hussein broke off diplomatic relations with Syria in 1980 in protest at its support for Iran in its eight-year war with Iraq that broke out that year.

    Zebari said that Baghdad and Damascus had also agreed to "cooperate on security matters".

    "There was an agreement to have meetings between security officials from both the countries and we also discussed developing commercial relations," he said.

    Iraq, Syria restore full diplomatic ties | Iraq Updates

    Signed an agreement a little while ago! Tells me how much could and will be done that we don't know about!

  9. #25679
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    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - æÇÔäØä ÊÏÚæ ÇáÍßíã æÇáÏáíã&#237 ; áÒíÇÑÊå&#199 ;
    Washington calls Hakim and Al-Dulaimi to visit
    المصدر: الملف برس Source : Press file
    21 / 11 / 06

    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÇãÑíßÇ: ÓæÑíÇ ÈÍÇÌÉ áÇÙåÇÑ ÇáÊÒÇãå&#199 ; ÊÌÇå ãÓÇÚÏÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞ
    America : Syria needs to demonstrate its commitment to help Iraq
    المصدر: Reuters Source : Reuters
    21 / 11 / 06

    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÇáÚÑÇÞ æÓæÑíÇ íÊÝÞÇä Úáì ÊÔßíá áÌÇä ÇãäíÉ æÇÞÊÕÇÏí&# 201; ãÔÊÑßÉ
    Iraq and Syria agree to the formation of committees and joint economic security
    المصدر: الزوراء Source : Zawra
    21 / 11 / 06

    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÚäÇä íÍË ÇíÑÇä æÓæÑíÇ Úáì ÇáãÔÇÑß&#201 ; Ýí Íá ãÔÇßá ÇáÚÑÇÞ
    Annan urges Iran and Syria to participate in solving the problems of Iraq
    المصدر: Reuters Source : Reuters
    21 / 11 / 06

    ÔÈßÉ ÇáÒæÑÇÁ ÇáÃÚáÇãí&# 201; - ÇáÚÑÇÞ æÓæÑíÇ íÊÝÞÇä Úáì ÇÓÊÆäÇÝ ÇáÚáÇÞÇ&#202 ; ÇáÏÈáæãÇ&# 211;íÉ
    Iraq and Syria agree to the resumption of diplomatic relations
    المصدر: Reuters Source : Reuters
    21 / 11 / 06
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 21-11-2006 at 01:19 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #25680
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    Thumbs up Investment law in Kurdistan region opens wide horizons for private sector

    Investment law in Kurdistan region opens wide horizons for private sector
    Source: Al-Sabah

    Businessmen in Kurdistan region have said that special investment law of the region has opened wide horizons for international firms and private sector to inter Iraqi market and compos a real partnership with businessmen in the country.

    Head of Iraqi businessmen union of Kurdistan said that agreement of Kurdistan parliament and government of allowing international firms to invest in the region has emboldened private sectors in the region to contact major international firms and encouraged to attract foreign reserve capitals.

    He added that the union tries to represent help for each investor who wants to invest in Kurdistan with giving him economical advise to inter businesses that not available and which represent real needs of the region and have economical use.

    He referred that the region prefers strategic projects with economical dimension which will serve the region and modern factories can participate in developing the fact of the city.

    This is what I like! They are fully open and can do business!

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