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    Default Dinar Total Update !!!

    GOOD MORNING VIETNAM !!! Whoops wrong era, guess I'm showing my age. Anyway, the total as of today for Dinars pulled out of circulation for the last twelve auctions is:::::: 1,007,744,325,000. The rate has gone down another 3 points to 1446. That is a 24 point reduction since the CBI started this aggresive campaign to reign in the Dinar and boost value within their economy. What a great time this is !!!!

  2. #25682
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    o. (725) in 21 / 11 / 2006
    Teacher : Syria condemns terrorism and processes that shed the blood of Iraqis
    Baghdad-Sabah new agencies : Mr. Prime Minister, received yesterday afternoon, Mr. Walid Al-Muallim, the Syrian Foreign Minister, who is visiting the country to discuss relations between the two brotherly countries and the meeting discussed the development of the relations between the two countries and to address issues that concern the bypasses. The teacher in a meeting with Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari yesterday, the first to Syria is prepared to provide all possible support for the sake of Iraq and its people and territorial integrity. The two ministers held Hoshyar Zebari, Walid Muallim, who is visiting the country the first time, held a joint press conference in Baghdad.

    PEOPLE : Iraq in urgent need of the meeting of leaders of the bloc to resolve the security crisis
    Voices of Iraq : Baghdad Iraqi parliamentarians agreed : The security situation that the country is going through and the remarkable increase in the volume of sectarian violence calls from political leaders held an extended meeting urgently to discuss solutions to the current crisis experienced by the Iraqi street. A member of the House of Representatives (the United Iraqi Alliance) Jabir Khalifa : initially the leaders and representatives of parliamentary groups to a wider meeting of the leaders of the bloc, to discuss the political and security situation and to find appropriate solutions. He added Khalifa, the Virtue Party leadership in one of the main components of the coalition common : that meeting will be held soon. Not yet determined, explaining that he had not been determined venue of the meeting, which will be attended by dignitaries.

    To continue the search for five kidnapped foreigners and Basra forces arrest two hundred suspects
    Basra agencies : The security forces, which continue to search for the four American contractors and Austrian fifth, two hundred arrested a person suspected of being insurgents. Basra Police have invited the media to multiple positions and one of them offered to those detainees who include people with special needs. The Major General Ali al-Musawi, of Basra police agency Asyoshitdbris that the arrest took place during the raid and search operations carried out by Iraqi soldiers in a number of districts in the city, He added that he had not yet been found on any of the five abductees. This was Governor of Basra Muhammad Misbah Alowaeli accused the group of customs police standing behind the unrest in maintaining security during the past two days, including the abduction of four Americans and the Austrian citizen.

    Minister of municipalities want to denounce the assassination of Dr. Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Riyad Gharib denounced the Minister of Municipalities and Public Works strongly cowardly terrorist operation, which affected Dr Ali Shaheed want to science and knowledge. He said in a press statement that this wave of terrorism and serious aimed at the people of Iraq are aimed at distorting the image of tolerant Islam

    Deputy Prime Minister discussed with the secretariat of project implementation strategy Baghdad
    Baghdad Auraş Alsaidi : The Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Saleh, chairman of the Committee on Economic Affairs extended meeting in the Office of the Prime Minister to raise the overall strategic projects that have been initiated and implemented allocated for the implementation in addition to a number of the most important by the secretariat of the Baghdad unfinished in multiple sectors of clothing roads and the establishment of parks and green areas and the implementation of Moshari p water, sewage and cleaning, building Almejsrat.

    Abbas in Saudi Arabia to discuss the latest situation in the Middle East. Capitals agencies : An official in the Palestinian presidency : The Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas directed Monday to Saudi Arabia to meet with Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, to acquaint him with the latest developments, especially regarding the formation of a government of national unity. The official, who asked to remain anonymous, told Agence France Presse that Abbas headed to Saudi Arabia on a visit lasting one day. He added that Mahmoud Abbas will inform the Saudi monarch, and a number of Saudi officials on the latest developments on the Palestinian arena, especially efforts to form a government of national and Huda lifting of the siege on the Palestinian people. He explained that Abbas will head to Saudi Arabia from Arish Airport in Cairo. He will return to the Gaza Strip for the completion of the Consultations on the formation of a government of national unity.

    Union decides a youth football team
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The Central Volleyball Federation at its meeting held recently as a youth team training and the players, after the modest results of the team were in the last Asian Cup championship for Youth held in India, where eight out of the role after he suffered a loss to the North Korean team two goals to none.

    Syrian Foreign Minister in Baghdad, looking to improve relations between the two countries
    Baghdad and agencies : MP Mahmoud Othman said that the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallim is scheduled to be put into an official visit since the day yesterday, Sunday, to Baghdad, the first since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime to hold talks with a number of Iraqi officials. Osman said : The Syrian Foreign Minister, during his visit, which will be two days of talks with officials on bilateral relations and the situation in the region. The teacher announced a week ago in Cairo, we support the political process in Iraq, and the government stand against any drop of blood from the blood. For his part, Mr. Haider Abadi, a member of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance bloc : the visit is aimed at improving relations between the two countries. He pointed out that Iraq is seeking to improve relations between the two countries within the framework of improved relations with all Iraq's neighboring countries and countries in the region.

    The Presidency examine ways out of the tensions and the response to terrorism
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Council met with the full membership of the presidency yesterday, Sunday, in the office of the President of the Republic, Jalal Talabani, to discuss the current political situation in the country. The Council studied ways to break the current political tensions, The process of setting up mechanisms of political forces and national levels in order to build national state based on law and respect for human rights and democracy. and away from sectarianism and narrow interests.

    The signing of the Charter of the "sincere" between the social and political forces in Maysan
    Amarah Nizar Abdul Wahid : Signed political and social forces in the governorate of Missan Jamahali Charter era sincere to resolve the crisis situation and to assign the work of the security committee, which assumed the responsibility of leadership and the leadership in maintaining security called Charter sincere. He said Dr. Nima effective Alliaoui adviser to Mr. Prime Minister, in a statement to Saba h new : The Charter has been shaped by the efforts of the political forces of the parties and movements and the Office of the martyr Sadrvi Amarah been received draft Charter, with the addition of a central government mechanism
    Al-Sabah the new first page :

    Teacher : Syria condemns terrorism and processes that shed the blood of Iraqis
    Baghdad-Sabah new agencies : Mr. Prime Minister, received yesterday afternoon, Mr. Walid Al-Muallim, the Syrian Foreign Minister, who is visiting the country to discuss relations between the two brotherly countries and the meeting discussed the development of the relations between the two countries and to address issues that concern the bypasses. The teacher in a meeting with Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari yesterday, the first to Syria is prepared to provide all possible support for the sake of Iraq and its people and territorial integrity. The two ministers held Hoshyar Zebari, Walid Muallim, who is visiting the country the first time, held a joint press conference in Baghdad.

    Iraq resumes pumping oil to Turkey
    London : Reuters Airline source said on Monday : Iraq resumed pumping oil through the pipeline that extends from the northern fields of Kirkuk to Turkey in the wake of a suspension that lasted months. The source said : The pumping of oil resumed on Sunday morning at a very low. The amounts stored in the tanks to the Turkish port of Ceyhan and 3.1 million barrels before the resumption of operation of the pipeline.

    Maliki : the sectarian affiliations must dissolve before the Iraqi identity
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki yesterday, Monday, it must break the sectarian affiliations to the Iraqi identity, calling Iraqi politicians to assume their responsibilities as children of the armed forces. The Al-Maliki, during his meeting with the leaders of the military teams that do not have any position in the party or creed or nationality but each of these affiliations must melt before the Iraqi identity and to the great military and political to act according to this reality, which does not hold sway.

    "Integrity" declares the prison sentences for officials at the Ministry of Transport
    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The Central Criminal Court of investigating the issues of integrity sentences against four officials of the company for water transport Altabahali the Ministry of Transport. This was announced by Mr. Ali carp spokesman for Mr. chairman of the public integrity

    Provide financial compensation to the families of the victims of acts of violence in Mosul
    Mosul, Iraq votes : The official media source in Nineveh yesterday that the first Saturday of the martyrs compensation provided compensation to the families of more than 1600 victims of the violence in the province. The source said in a statement to the News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent : to compensate for the martyrs has for the last two weeks financial compensation to the families of the 1600 Palestinian martyrs and 60 wounded.

    Syrian Foreign Minister in Baghdad, looking to improve relations between the two countries
    Baghdad and agencies : MP Mahmoud Othman said that the Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Al-Muallim is scheduled to be put into an official visit since the day yesterday, Sunday, to Baghdad, the first since the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime to hold talks with a number of Iraqi officials. Osman said : The Syrian Foreign Minister, during his visit, which will be two days of talks with officials on bilateral relations and the situation in the region. The teacher announced a week ago in Cairo, we support the political process in Iraq, and the government stand against any drop of blood from the blood. For his part, Mr. Haider Abadi, a member of the House of Representatives from the United Iraqi Alliance bloc : the visit is aimed at improving relations between the two countries. He pointed out that Iraq is seeking to improve relations between the two countries within the framework of improved relations with all Iraq's neighboring countries and countries in the region.

    "Transport" to conclude contracts with security companies to protect the transport of Iraqi oil to Jordan
    Amman : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed An Iraqi government source told the beginning of "new morning" that the Ministry of Transport has concluded contracts with private security companies to provide the necessary protection for the land through between Iraq and Jordan. The source added : The Council of Ministers agreed to contracts with the Ministry of Transport, which would begin to transfer Iraqi oil to Jordan soon on the terms of the agreement signed between the two countries.

    Targeting line for the transmission of electric energy south of Baghdad
    Baghdad and agencies : The Ministry of Electricity to acts of sabotage aimed yesterday, the first one power transmission lines south of Baghdad. The transfer of a government statement on the official source at the Ministry of Electricity as saying : The power transmission line (south and east of Baghdad to 400 in) the victim of sabotage yesterday, the first led to power outages for parts of the city of Baghdad and the central region.

    A new project to extend the oil pipeline to Turkey
    Ankara Reuters : Oil Minister said Friday : Iraq is working to draft an alternative oil pipeline with Turkey after it became the Kirkuk-Yumurtalik not fit for use to a large extent due to sabotage attacks. Hussein Shahrastani told journalists during a visit to Ankara was launching an alternative pipeline project. Turkish and will remain part of the pipeline from the existing unchanged while limited amendments to the Iraqi side.

    Maliki chair of a committee to rebuild the military Almerkdin
    Baghdad : KUNA The Iraqi government yesterday formed a special committee headed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to rebuild military tombs of the two Imams in Samarra, north of Baquba, after it has caused an increase they blew them out of the sectarian violence in Iraq. The government statement yesterday that the deployment of the Iraqi Council of Ministers decided during its 24-formation of a ministerial committee headed by al-Maliki and the ministers of defense, interior, finance, planning and development cooperation, construction and housing, municipalities and public works and all of the key Cabinet Aloaqvin Shiite and Sunni addition to one of the dignitaries of the city Samer purchase of.
    Translated version of

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #25683
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    Default Great Thought...

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Here is a speculative theory -- It has been stated before that they would like be valued near or around it's neighboring country Jordan. Now we have seen a drop of about 3 dinar per auction over the last day or 2. Jordan's rate has been about 1.40 to 1.44. There are 2 auctions left this week. Could they drop 3 more each of the last 2 auctions this week to bring it to 1440. then move the decimal and reval at 1.44 to stay in line with Jordan. Just a thought. I don't think they will go all the way to December 12th....they would be pulling too much dinar out of circulation. JMHO.

    I have been puzzling over were the "end" would be in the pulling of dinars from circulation myself. While no one has come up with a real good therory yet, as to the stop point, I think this makes as much, if not more sense than anything I've read so far.

    Thanks for this thought provoking point.


  4. #25684
    Senior Member PaulieThaGreat's Avatar
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    Default My guess...

    Quote Originally Posted by Gloribee View Post
    I have been puzzling over were the "end" would be in the pulling of dinars from circulation myself. While no one has come up with a real good therory yet, as to the stop point, I think this makes as much, if not more sense than anything I've read so far.

    Thanks for this thought provoking point.

    My guess is a few trillion down the line..... They are trying to take out foreign investors in currency if im not mistaken and weed it out so they can fix there own economy seeing how they have OIL and other strong commodities and lots of investors like other countries that can take place.... Anyone else have input on my idea?

  5. #25685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    GOOD MORNING VIETNAM !!! Whoops wrong era, guess I'm showing my age. Anyway, the total as of today for Dinars pulled out of circulation for the last twelve auctions is:::::: 1,007,744,325,000. The rate has gone down another 3 points to 1446. That is a 24 point reducion sine the CBI started this aggresive campaign to reign in the Dinar and boost value within their economy. What a great time this is !!!!
    I think we need to apprreciate how truly remarkable this information is. The GOI is within budget ("not printing money"), Debt has been largely forgiven, oil production has/or is approaching all time highs, and the CBI has the reserves to make a dramatic decrease in the money supply in such a short period. This is a formula for success. Have a good day.
    Colin Powell: Stay kind, stay determined, stay optimistic.

  6. #25686
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    Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Here is a speculative theory -- It has been stated before that they would like be valued near or around it's neighboring country Jordan. Now we have seen a drop of about 3 dinar per auction over the last day or 2. Jordan's rate has been about 1.40 to 1.44. There are 2 auctions left this week. Could they drop 3 more each of the last 2 auctions this week to bring it to 1440. then move the decimal and reval at 1.44 to stay in line with Jordan. Just a thought. I don't think they will go all the way to December 12th....they would be pulling too much dinar out of circulation. JMHO.
    Originally Posted by Gloribee
    I have been puzzling over were the "end" would be in the pulling of dinars from circulation myself. While no one has come up with a real good therory yet, as to the stop point, I think this makes as much, if not more sense than anything I've read so far.

    I´m not sure whether this makes sense or not ?

    I thought in Jordan the rate was $1.40 to 1 NOT $1 to 1.40

    If that´s true then moving the decimal point of the IQD from 1440 to make it 1.44 would result in $1 = 1.44 iqd or in other words about $0.68 = 1 iqd

    In other words the IQD would not have parity with Jordan,
    in fact it would be valued at about 50% of Jordan´s currency.

    Is that correct or am I getting all confused again ?
    Last edited by laurenr; 21-11-2006 at 02:22 PM.

  7. #25687
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    Smile Interesting CharmedPiper...

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Here is a speculative theory -- It has been stated before that they would like be valued near or around it's neighboring country Jordan. Now we have seen a drop of about 3 dinar per auction over the last day or 2. Jordan's rate has been about 1.40 to 1.44. There are 2 auctions left this week. Could they drop 3 more each of the last 2 auctions this week to bring it to 1440. then move the decimal and reval at 1.44 to stay in line with Jordan. Just a thought. I don't think they will go all the way to December 12th....they would be pulling too much dinar out of circulation. JMHO.
    My thoughts also.

    "As long as we live in this world, we are bound to encounter problems. If, at such times, we lose hope and become discouraged, we diminish our ability to face difficulties. If, on the other hand, we remember that it is not just ourselves but also everyone who has to undergo suffering, this more realistic perspective will increase our determination and capacity to overcome troubles." Dalai Lama

  8. #25688
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    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Here is a speculative theory -- It has been stated before that they would like be valued near or around it's neighboring country Jordan. Now we have seen a drop of about 3 dinar per auction over the last day or 2. Jordan's rate has been about 1.40 to 1.44. There are 2 auctions left this week. Could they drop 3 more each of the last 2 auctions this week to bring it to 1440. then move the decimal and reval at 1.44 to stay in line with Jordan. Just a thought. I don't think they will go all the way to December 12th....they would be pulling too much dinar out of circulation. JMHO.
    Originally Posted by Gloribee

    Iīm not sure whether this makes sense or not ?

    I thought in Jordan the rate was $1.40 to 1 NOT $1 to 1.40

    If thatīs true then moving the decimal point of the IQD from 1440 to make it 1.44 would result in $1 = 1.44 iqd or in other words about $0.68 = 1 iqd

    Is that correct or am I getting all confused again ?[/QUOTE]

    Currentlly 1 Jordan $ is about $1.40 US. If the dinar pegs against the US dollar, than CP's idea could have some merit. Either that, or I'm the one confused again.

  9. #25689
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    Yes you are right, these discussions about moving the decimal will not result in the figures like 1.47. It will result in like you say $1 is 1.47 dinar or whatever the rate is

    Quote Originally Posted by laurenr View Post
    Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Here is a speculative theory -- It has been stated before that they would like be valued near or around it's neighboring country Jordan. Now we have seen a drop of about 3 dinar per auction over the last day or 2. Jordan's rate has been about 1.40 to 1.44. There are 2 auctions left this week. Could they drop 3 more each of the last 2 auctions this week to bring it to 1440. then move the decimal and reval at 1.44 to stay in line with Jordan. Just a thought. I don't think they will go all the way to December 12th....they would be pulling too much dinar out of circulation. JMHO.
    Originally Posted by Gloribee

    Iīm not sure whether this makes sense or not ?

    I thought in Jordan the rate was $1.40 to 1 NOT $1 to 1.40

    If thatīs true then moving the decimal point of the IQD from 1440 to make it 1.44 would result in $1 = 1.44 iqd or in other words about $0.68 = 1 iqd

    Is that correct or am I getting all confused again ?[/QUOTE]

  10. #25690
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    I think we need to apprreciate how truly remarkable this information is. The GOI is within budget ("not printing money"), Debt has been largely forgiven, oil production has/or is approaching all time highs, and the CBI has the reserves to make a dramatic decrease in the money supply in such a short period. This is a formula for success. Have a good day.
    Colin Powell: Stay kind, stay determined, stay optimistic.

    Exactly Wm, and at some point in the near future thay have to bring the dinar into parity with neighbouring countries. Sooner than later as the Kurds are now ready to go.

    What will be interesting to keep an eye on is the countries that have forgiven 80% in the Paris Club and outside will forgive the other 20% that's been requested........

    GK hit the nail on the head when he said we'd soon have to see the lower denoms if the rate continues to fall, very true. We have to be on the verge of these being released. And that is paramount to an imminent r/v. Not forgetting the 10k handouts. Are they waiting to release them after a r/v? Certainly looks that way.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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