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    Organizational structure, intelligence and military and the Baathists sectarians

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-21-2006
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    The report reveals serious efforts to rebuild the regulatory and intelligence, military and the Baathists sectarians auspices of the Libyan and United Arab Emirates
    Global News Network

    Amman. Sanaa. Abu Dhabi, the capital has become a triangle organizational activity frantic to the Iraqi Baath Party, where herself and top leaders of this party and formed a complex web of Khalaba devices starting from the reorganization and the end of strict partisan committees to be set up intelligence, military, which are supervised by fully daughter of Saddam His cousins from the Majid, and the sons and Barazan Sabawi addition to the personalities of senior z Hacen Intelligence and the Republican Guard is dissolved political and media figures, including former ministers.

    The common denominator between these groups, rescinded and encouraged them to start active phase of the partisan action organizational flour in those capitals. the resolution is a clear political decision which the three capitals in launching political work spaces, and media and organizational open without restrictions condition them to the relevant parties to the fragile sectarian tendencies condition that stems not from the capitals, media statements on the Iraqi government and symbols to avoid He Antbahaha raised for this activity. There are reports of similar activity of the Baath Party in Syria as well, but not the same specifications, the fact that the Iraqi Baathists fleeing to Syria is their inclusion within the contexts of discipline and security intelligence and the ruling party in Syria. More precisely, the Damascus interference with the details of this activity and pursue constantly to keep under control, The activity of the Iraqi Baathists in the three capitals Sanaa, Oman, Abu Dhabi, it is still outside the control of Awaltekanen space, despite a continuing security control until it Aithol to the internal security threat that threatens the interests of the three governments of Jordan, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates.

    The odd thing. To restore the activity of the Iraqi Baathists in the three countries mentioned is characterized by steep sectarian safe, now where Baathists are pointing and Shiites complain that they are marginalized and proceeded to yield financial benefits and to Aidaun
    Itim important meetings and inform them on the details of the sensitive and important cells of the party, whether in Iraq or abroad, He said a Jordanian journalist working in the Jordanian view that the surprise when it revealed it was working in a leading intelligence Saddam and sons
    His city of Tikrit, a resident in Amman, the bulletins partisan Baathist Iraqis year, prevent distribution of Baathists Shiites! At the time The bulletins and partisan data for dissemination to the Shiites and the Sunnis of Baathists.!

    In this regard, the Yemeni journalists in the news Yemeni news, quoting Iraqi sources resident in Yemen, they described Balmuthoukh on the Iraqi Baathists immigrants to Yemen in the wake of the fall of the regime in Baghdad. the formation of a political organization to belong to the confines of Baathists from the Sunni community, , which is surprising observers in the present report is to adopt a "Aisha" daughter of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi care and the financing of reorganization and restructuring of the Iraqi Baath Party in Sanaa.
    According to these assertions by the organization Almsadervan Baathist (Sunni) in Yemen included a large number of university professors. The military, politicians, and the media - including dozens of female cadres - who fled to Yemen after the fall of the regime and the invasion of American forces
    For Iraq, pointing out that the leaders of the organization refused to accept the membership of any of the former Baathists from the Shiites. This has frustrated this category and drove her to be led by the Baath Party led by the Yemeni Qasim peace but the latter failed in its interventions.
    The sources said : The Baathists have formed this organization encouragement from Libya, which was extended channels continue with them through his son-leader Muammar Gaddafi, Aisha Gaddafi - that have kept contact limited to a female Iraqi figures residing in Sana'a,
    Described as one of the veteran leaders rescinded. , which this year visits to Libya during which met a number of political figures Jamahiriya is to coordinate the organization, trends and future work.

    He alluded to this report, the Iraqi embassy or high-ranking officials involved in the support of this organization, However, the writer preferred to report to the replacement of the name of the Iraqi embassy in Sanaa, and the reference to the following words :

    "And that this organization Baathist (Sunni) also gets a" facilities movement "from official bodies affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iraq"!

    It is noteworthy that Aisha Gaddafi had announced its willingness in the past to finance the costs of defending the dictator, Saddam, and their willingness to participate in his defense, She deplores the decision of his death sentence and said that this decision has been issued from the "White House"!
    So reports coming from Sanaa reaffirms what the communications network Baathists fleeing to Jordan and the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, It's building regulation Astekhbartia, militarily and organizationally, If the "Aisha Gaddafi" fund and sponsor this effort in Sana'a, it is not only inject the necessary funds for that, but millions of the funds came from the budgets of confidential returns to Saddam's daughter Raghad and Mohamed Ibn Barazan, and the rest of Majid, and the multi-millionaire Baathist cab Alcaud released by American forces six months ago in a deal confidential, The voluntary multi-millionaire, who holds Iraqi and British nationality Lebanese "Nazmi Ogi" Under the dictator Saddam, The contributions Gulf, all are contributing to the support and backing terrorism and machine information and intelligence and Baath Sunni sectarian and takfiri for further acts of terrorism, killings and bombings and sectarian displacement, The work in different political trends and other information and strong momentum, to enable the Baath Party and Altkverein Alnwasab of industry No. security
    Arbitrator and political role in Iraq and to convince the Americans and the British, The rulers of the Gulf to Iraq in light of the return of the Baathists is the way to preserve the stability of the region and create a balance of power with the Iranian threat, as the cons and the Baathists were left
    Altkvereion and Alnwasab, in their secret Tsribathm briefing.

    Perhaps this is one of the major reasons that had persuaded the UAE known and famous in dealing in the world of finance and trade, its decision to enter the political arena arena conflicts, security, and intelligence in Iraq. This decision was made at a high level in the State Emirates, Under the support of sectarian groupings and rescinded in Iraq, and providing financial and logistical support scandalously them, so Imkinoha of the receipt of government in Iraq, no more no insurance preponderance of vendors moving in the political process in Iraq, This Matalpth political figures and leaders Astekhbartih security, security, by Tarek Al Hashimi and Abdul Salam Alzobai and Almtalk Dulaimi and Saleh during their recent collectively in the UAE and during their secret discussions with Emiratis treacherous in charge of the file of Iraq.

  2. #25792
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike5200 View Post
    Holy Cow! did you just skip over the last 5 pages?
    lol yes and just cought up ......... sorry

    guess i need to read back to front or something
    Oh the drama....

  3. #25793
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    Ration items convoys flow into Diyala, Ramadi

    Baghdad, Nov. 21, P3

    The trucks' convoys loaded with items of ration items have started to flow into al-Anbar, Salah ad-Din and Diyala, after instructions delivered by the Cabinet to Trade Ministry which focused on necessity to adopt instant and immediate to reach these items to the three provinces whom their populations are suffering deprivation due to the armed operations, these provinces witnessing, besides that many Trade Ministry's trucks' drivers had subjected to plundering and killing. The Director-General of the administrative and financial Department in the Trade Ministry Abdul Khaleq Nassar al-Amari announced that several official agreements have been approved from the economic committee at the cabinet to authorize the ministry to sign quick contracts in order to supply and arrive ration card items to Diyala, Salahadin and Ramadi populations.

    جريدة الصباح - Ration items convoys flow into Diyala, Ramadi

  4. #25794
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    Maliki: Crisis is political not security one

    Baghdad, Nov. 21, P. 1

    Prime Minister Noori Maliki laid responsibility of Iraqi troop's bloodshed on politicians in crisis called it political and not security asking them not to be politicians at daytime and with militias and terrorist organizations and pro Saddam at night.He said at a conference of military divisions' commanders that politicians must undertake their responsibilities just as Iraqi troops who sacrificed their selves every day for Iraq and its security and stability. He added that armed forces fight at two wars, first against terrorism and pro Saddam, second against militias which don’t understand meaning of state and organized terrorist gangs, and fight forces and interests which stand behind them

    جريدة الصباح - Maliki: Crisis is political not security one

  5. #25795
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    Ministry to Provide Jordan with Iraq Oil

    Baghdad, Nov.21 p2

    Oil ministry completed the technical procedures of providing the Zarqa'a Jordanian refinery within 10 000 barrels daily from the Iraqi crude through the remnant few months of the current year, chasing the rumored towards raising of the oil productions prices for the resident. A source at oil ministry said that, the ministry finished the technical performances of delivering 10 thousand barrels daily to Biji sub district to be feasible for the Jordanian side. Mean while, the source added that, the expected quantity would reach at 30 thousand barrel daily according to the assigned understanding memorandum between PM Norri al-Maliki and the Jordanian government

    جريدة الصباح - Ministry to Provide Jordan with Iraq Oil

  6. #25796
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    (817) الاربعاء 22/11/2006

    Barzani discuss with the German ambassador opening of the German consulate in Erbil
    Irbil / long President of the Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani in the Salah Eddin summer resort yesterday, the German ambassador Karkin ago, the German honorary consul in Kurdistan Kanaan Sheikho expressed his pleasure in the establishment of conditions in Kurdistan in all respects. President Barzani and discussed during the interview subject Opening the German Consulate in the Kurdistan region soon. In addition to the discussion of economic conditions and the architectural process in the province. as the German ambassador expressed the readiness of German companies to invest in Kurdistan and to participate in the reconstruction process in it. For his part, thanked President Barzani position of the German ambassador and the German government, He expressed his full support and the support of the government of the province of any step to consolidating relations between the two sides.

  7. #25797
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    No. (726) in 22 / 11 / 2006

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    the formation of committees and economic security between Iraq and Syria
    Baghdad and agencies : A spokesman for the Iraqi government, Dr. Skinner on the formation of committees and economic security with visiting Syrian delegation headed by Foreign Minister Walid Muallim. Skinner said in a press statement : The Iraqi and Syrian sides agreed on the formation of security committees to follow up the security file and control the border between the two countries and exchange of information. He added that the Iraqi side also discussed with the visiting delegation file financial and economic saying that the Syrians had good intentions in this area were Iraqi affinity for more than they expect from without reveals more details on the economic committees. The Skinner to say that the Syrians showed genuine understanding for the position of the Iraqi expressing his hope to translate this understanding on the ground to improve bilateral relations. He said the teacher : The Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad wishes to all Iraqis, security, prosperity and concern for the unity and stability of Iraq and its support for the political process and his country's readiness to provide the required assistance to the Iraqi people to emerge from the ordeal it is going through. The sources revealed that the Iraqi parliamentary Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the official invitation to President Jalal Talabani, and Syrian President Bashar Assad, to visit Tehran early next week. Syria, for its part, confirmed Monday, keen to resume relations with its neighbor Iraq, especially in security and economic issues. The Syrian position in the wake of a meeting between Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem, It is the highest Syrian official visit to the Iraqi capital Baghdad. since the war led by the United States in the spring of 2003. The teacher's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, Syria's support of the government of national unity in Iraq. once his condemnation of all terrorism aimed at the Iraqi people and its institutions announcing his support for a mechanism of security cooperation between the two countries. He said the teacher : We want to be partners with regard to the profit and loss and raise the level of cooperation in the field of security, politics and the development of economic cooperation between the two countries. In a later development's Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari during a joint press conference with his Syrian counterpart Walid Al-Muallim, in Baghdad yesterday, Tuesday, the restoration of diplomatic relations between Baghdad and Damascus after a hiatus of about a quarter of a century. Zebari said : signed just before the return of Iraqi-Syrian relations in full after a hiatus of a quarter of a century, prearranged hoped procedures and effective process of communication and ongoing dialogue between the two countries. He added : locked together to start this process and will be informed in the skies of Iraq and Syria Syria in the skies of Baghdad. He continued : Zebari In the field of security cooperation and coordination between the two countries. been an agreement to be meetings between security officials between the two countries also discussed ways to develop trade relations

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    ل. (726) in 22 / 11 / 2006

    the Ministry of Trade buy large quantities of items on the ration card through a direct purchase (cash purchase) or contract with companies

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed The Ministry of Trade to purchase large quantities of items that the ration card through direct purchase and Iraqi companies and foreign, A media source in the ministry said that the company for the food business has a contract to buy sugar in a direct purchase as the total recipient for a period of one month, 399231 tons were fixing the amount of 2900 tons of tea in addition to the receipt of 31500 tons of tea under the stage (MOT5) and the receipt of 12000 tons of tea the other way a to pay cash. According to the source, he had been contracted to buy a quantity of children's milk 15000 tons was also stabilize the amount of 105000 tons of edible oil and vegetable ghee was contracted under Phase (MOT4) and the total amount received 30.000 cooking oil, in addition to what has been received in a direct purchase. On the announcement was linked to an invitation to buy potatoes soap and detergent was fixing the amount of 40.000 tons of soap type (Pha and Lux and CAMI) has been fixing the amount of 56000 tons after lifting canceled contracts under phase (MOT3), in addition to stage (4) where amounts received 63000 tons of detergent and soap article 31656 tons of phases three and four. And in relation to the Ministry of Trade official obtaining approvals to meet the shortfall in the ration card items in the governorates of Anbar, Diyala, Salahuddin said that Mr. Abdul Khaliq Nasser Al-Ameri, director general of Administrative Service and Finance in the Ministry of Trade, He added that the Economic Committee of the Cabinet authorized the Ministry of Trade to sign contracts for the purpose of quick delivery items ration card to these governorates, He added that the new mechanisms to ensure that all people in all governorates on items that the ration card through contracts with Iraqi merchants quick and companies have the ability to deliver these items very quickly. Amri added that some of the materials already arrived at the warehouses of those provinces and the other is to move immediately and it helps to get covered by the rules ration card during a specific period of time and according to schedules prepared by each of the companies, the ministry responsible for the ration cards. He called the children Amri people and dignitaries elite in all governorates to education and cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce in order to obtain ration cards as often exposed to theft and truck drivers killed thereby delaying the receipt of their materials in a fair and expeditious manner.

    He pointed out that the Ministry of Trade completed all the procedures for the signing of contracts with giant companies for the purpose of supplying the components of the ration card during the next term in a transparent, just and sustained.

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    العدد(726)في22/11/2006No. (726) in 22 / 11 / 2006

    the proposed actions to increase the rates of export of crude oil and gas

    Baghdad : Al-Sabah Al-Jadeed Arab occupied Iraq ranked second and third in the world in oil reserves, it produces limits (2) million barrels per day and exports is less than needed, despite Iraq to increase its revenue to meet the requirements of building and construction and raising the standard of living of its citizens, as recent statistics showed that the average annual per capita income is ( 41) and $ (54%) of Iraqis who spend less than $ 1 per day, Therefore, oil is betting the future only to raise the quality of life and living and service orientation, That requires taking a host of measures to boost production and export of crude oil and natural gas, including : 1-restoration of a law the Iraq National Oil Company because of its positive impact in achieving a better framework for the management of the oil actors. Two - legislation speeding up a crisis in the area of wealth management and investment so as to ensure the entry of international companies specialized in order to expand and develop production capacity and increase export within the system balances the goals of the state and investors and to achieve better conditions for investment and competition. Three-providing special fiscal regime is flexible in the area of financial allocations and funding system so as to achieve the task of facilitating the completion of projects and equipment to achieve the increased production rates and drainage. 4-provide the necessary protection for oil-sector installations and pipelines to Iraq incurred billions of dollars of losses due to suspension of export operations from Kirkuk to Turkey or to the Iraqi refineries, with a subject of paramount importance. 5-adoption of modern technologies to keep abreast of developments in the petroleum industry and the replacement of old practices adopted continuity of the pumping and extraction at the expense of standards and measurements to preserve and protect the wells and fields. and to speed up the implementation of programs drilling and reclamation of old wells. 6-Work on the demarcation of borders with neighboring countries and conducting the necessary discussions to determine the formulas of understanding about the use of structures and fields to the border. 7-repair and maintenance and protection systems export northern, southern and western parts so as to achieve the necessary flexibility for export. 8-to achieve the maximum benefit and better returns in oil exports from Iraq by reconsidering markets entity for Iraqi oil with the expansion of dealing with the Middle Market as it is in better returns. The matter requires an expansion of the activity of research and study in the oil marketing company through the currently untapped market research to provide a follow-up scientific information and the movement of the market to serve the access to estimates and forecasts serve the purposes of selling and prices. 9-Work on gas investment and to stop the waste of gas combustion, which is about (60%) of the gas production, This investment will add important for Iraq to stop the drain of liquid gas imports to meet domestic needs as well as the real possibilities for export. 10 - to accelerate the implementation of meters and metering system in all the positions and actions of conformity oil quantity and quality. 11 - to accelerate the implementation of projects related to the export system at ports and other sites and the development of ports and building Khazneh and provide advanced crew, The establishment of a new export. 12-study of the causes of non-implementation of investment plans to increase production and increase export capacity to work on them, here we need accountability for the failures that have occurred in this area since the non-implementation as low not only because of compelling circumstances. 13-rehabilitation specialized technical cadres are being trained according to principles and disciplines to examine the specifications of global crude oil export ports to contain the risk of manipulation in the accounts of the oil intensity (subscription television and program services) and the amount of water and salts. since every degree of density in cost (40) cents. as well as putting the amount of water and salts and sediments of the total quantity exported. 14-activation of a new foundation for the pricing of crude oil and other products and not to rely on quotations neighboring countries as a primary source. 15-a new mechanism to reduce the fines implications of the delay charging ships of crude oil. The report transparency III Office of the Inspector General in the Ministry of Oil

  10. #25800
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    Wow, I only left for a couple of hours and you guys managed to fill up 4 or 5 pages.

    not that anyone cares but here's my take on everything.

    1. The CBI is selling USDs in exchange for Dinar from the "banks". this is how they are fighting inflation and why the rate of the dinar continues to climb.

    2. If you will look at the latest USAID report(sorry no link) you will find that they show dinar in circulation to be about 4.7 trillion and the CBI site shows 9+ trillion in circulation as of October. This tells me they are somehow removing far more dinar from circulation than we actually see.

    3. I believe the MoF is purchasing dinar for government payroll through the daily auctions due to the fact that after reading through the USAID report and the finacial docs on the CBI site I have seen no other transactions. This helps to account for the large transactions immediately after ramadan, however seeing as no dinar has been sold in several auctions now I may be wrong.

    If anyone has better info please correct me. Thanks...

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