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  1. #26241
    Investor H2O_Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    after the posts about the lopping and revaluing to one thousand dinars equal a buck i need to go to the hospital with adster and have the negative ions removed from my person.

    what i want to know is why are you taking articles that have been translated already and re-translating them to fit your own opinions? isnt that defeating the translation purpose??? i have read these translated articles non-stop for almost 3 years now and i dont seem to get such interpretations out of them. yes, some articles take being re-read about fifteen times to figure out what they say but it can be done. problem is everyone wants to determine what they 'think' the article states instead of what the articles are actually saying.

    fact of the matter is, they are going to raise the rate of the dinar, they arent going to raise it an insignificant amount because they are basing its value on their potential growth. and they know they must reach adequate levels (as warned by gcc) in order to equate with the neighboring countries.

    neighboring countries NONE OF WHICH have as large of a growth potential as iraq does. now if those neighboring countries have rates set at $2+ lets say and they dont have the potential that iraq does what would cause iraq to value any lower? if your argument is that it would throw the country into chaos apparently you havent noticed what is happening right now with the current rate and inflation. cant get any more chaotic than it is now.
    Does this come with a link ?????
    Oh the drama....

  2. #26242
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    Susie, it has already been put on the forum....
    yeah well i read back to front so i dont miss anything instead of starting at the front and posting about stuff thats already been done. i simply was answering a post from back there BEFORE i got forward and realized someone posted it.

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #26243
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by H2O_Lover View Post
    Does this come with a link ?????

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #26244
    Investor H2O_Lover's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    i will take that finger waggin dude and do this to him

    Oh the drama....

  5. #26245
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    after the posts about the lopping and revaluing to one thousand dinars equal a buck i need to go to the hospital with adster and have the negative ions removed from my person.

    what i want to know is why are you taking articles that have been translated already and re-translating them to fit your own opinions? isnt that defeating the translation purpose??? i have read these translated articles non-stop for almost 3 years now and i dont seem to get such interpretations out of them. yes, some articles take being re-read about fifteen times to figure out what they say but it can be done. problem is everyone wants to determine what they 'think' the article states instead of what the articles are actually saying.

    fact of the matter is, they are going to raise the rate of the dinar, they arent going to raise it an insignificant amount because they are basing its value on their potential growth. and they know they must reach adequate levels (as warned by gcc) in order to equate with the neighboring countries.

    neighboring countries NONE OF WHICH have as large of a growth potential as iraq does. now if those neighboring countries have rates set at $2+ lets say and they dont have the potential that iraq does what would cause iraq to value any lower? if your argument is that it would throw the country into chaos apparently you havent noticed what is happening right now with the current rate and inflation. cant get any more chaotic than it is now.

    Will save you a bed!

    But you're right, the IMF, World Bank and Paris Club wouldn't allow it either would the US. Be like starting all over again. As I just said elsewhere, there's more chance of GW swimming the Atlantic Ocean.

    Let's put it bed, a lop means a reprint, it's just not going to happen, won't cure inflation or give them purchasing power. Forget it.

    Slaters all, will expect some good news on my return.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  6. #26246
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    Can't you 2 roomates get along?lol. Suzie just might come up stairs H2O. lol. Maybe the Iraqi gov. will give us a good Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  7. #26247
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    Cool Yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by cigarman View Post
    Can't you 2 roomates get along?lol. Suzie just might come up stairs H2O. lol. Maybe the Iraqi gov. will give us a good Thanksgiving tomorrow.
    That was to funny. One downStairs and One up, fighting on the Net. One quick Note Gang. This Beautiful Thread is really getting some Great Post, Posted. Please feel free to add your 2 dinars worth here: Thanks.

  8. #26248
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    Default boots on the ground

    I know this is very long, and this may not be the right thread for it, but I thought it would be a wonderful article (letter) to share in our preparation for Thanksgiving. My coworker received this today from his friend just back from Iraq.

    Dear friends and friendly readers;
    >>> 20 November 2006
    >>> There are so many important things to say but I don't want to take
    >>> advantage of you or bore you. I'll try to do neither and begin by
    >>> saying THANK YOU!
    >>> Perhaps you wrote or sent an e-mail. Perhaps you sent a goodie box
    >>> or contributed in some way to the Makasib project. Perhaps you sent
    >>> a post card to be counted or were one of the hundreds wrapping me in
    >>> prayer armor and surrounding me with angels every day. Perhaps you
    >>> are just an anonymous reader many, many forwardings removed who only
    >>> thinks a little more kindly now about our US military. Regardless,
    >>> thank you. My life over there was very easy with your support.
    >>> Second, just to be clear. I am no hero and I hope I have not painted
    >>> myself as such. I never raised a weapon in anger or defense. No one
    >>> ever looked at me with the intention of killing me specifically. The
    >>> random rounds and projectiles never got too close. I am a very
    >>> ordinary guy doing what Uncle Sam asked me to do. There are true
    >>> heroes over there, living and dead.
    >>> We
    >>> honor them by not blowing our comparatively small discomforts and
    >>> inconveniences out of proportion.
    >>> Third, we live in the greatest nation in the history of the world.
    >>> If you have read, if you have studied, if you have discussed and
    >>> debated, you know this to be true. This is due to the vastness of
    >>> the American land mass, the tremendous percentage of arable land,
    >>> the available water and other natural and mineral resources, the
    >>> growing and vibrant population, the high level of literacy, numeracy
    >>> and true appreciation for the blessings of education, the
    >>> inculcation of the European work ethic, the understanding of
    >>> deferred gratification, the unprecedented level of true individual
    >>> freedom and liberty, all wrapped in the most amazing Constitutional,
    >>> representative government ever and surrounded by shared and thriving
    >>> religious values and lessons. There may be other reasons why the
    >>> United States of America is great but these reasons are certainly on
    >>> everyone's top 20 list. There has never been another nation like us
    >>> before and it is unlikely there will be again.
    >>> What we will do with it all is the real question. Are we passing
    >>> this appreciation on and preparing the coming generations to sustain
    >>> it or have we already reared a couple generations of hopeless,
    >>> whining crybabies?
    >>> Or is it - most likely - both, just like it has always been when the next
    >>> generation prepares to assume leadership roles in society?
    >>> Time in Iraq (or Kosovo, Bosnia, most of Africa, South America,>>> etc.,
    >>> etc.)>>> quickly enlightens one. For those wankers who doubt the
    >>> magnificence, splendor and glory of this nation and the fundamental
    >>> decency and goodness of her people please, please, please take a
    >>> trip to any of these other wonderlands and get grounded again. Our
    >>> nation is great on a scale unprecedented in history and we must
    >>> first appreciate and believe that in order to best seek our role and
    >>> mission in the world now and for the next 100 years.
    >>> Fourth, serving in Iraq was an adventure and opportunity I greatly
    >>> enjoyed in many ways, but one not to be repeated anytime soon. How
    >>> many get a year-long, all expenses paid, tax-free vacation in the
    >>> cradle of civilization? Thanks for the chance to see it all.
    >>> Fifth, we are engaged by an enemy that wants to extinguish our way
    >>> of life and to rule the world. They have told us so. We must believe
    >>> them. I personally think this 30-40 year long war against non-state,
    >>> Islamist, Wahhabist, terrorists is overdue by 20 years but it
    >>> probably couldn't truly be fought until the Cold War was won. It
    >>> will burn hot and cold over 40 years. There are nations we will have
    >>> to break like Iraq and then other places where a few bombs or covert
    >>> assassinations will serve. But we cannot ignore it or they will
    >>> bring it back here once again. I don't care what you think about the
    >>> reasons given for the war in Iraq or whether you hate George Bush.
    >>> All that matters right now is that Iraq is the front-line of this
    >>> 40-year war. The terrorists are converging there to fight the war
    >>> and I'd rather the fight be there than Topeka, London, or Sydney (or
    >>> grudgingly even Paris but only because our forefathers already saved
    >>> Paris twice and I'd hate to have to do it yet a third time).
    >>> Factions of terrorists fighting other sub-factions of terrorists in
    >>> Baghdad is much better than nail-bombs going off at the Little
    >>> League game in Lenexa or the soccer sub-state in Salina.
    >>> Sixth, we brought 499 Kansans home alive. Our one soldier killed
    >>> died on mission doing his job. Our dozen wounded had relatively
    >>> minor injuries - no amputations, blindness or deafness. We are
    >>> grateful. And those numbers describe how it is going all over Iraq.
    >>> Very low casualty levels. While not for one second denigrating the
    >>> truly devastating loss to the families and friends, this war in Iraq
    >>> is scarcely a war historically. At Iwo Jima there were more US men
    >>> killed in two days and more wounded in 30 than in the entire four
    >>> years in Iraq. In the three years of the Korean War more than 50,000
    >>> US men were killed compared to the fewer than 3,000 in Iraq in four.
    >>> There were 32 MILLION civilians killed in World War II compared to
    >>> some 50,000 in Iraq. There are unending such examples. Is it worth
    >>> fighting or not? If not - if our national will has failed us and if
    >>> our sense of perspective is irreparably lost - then we must get out
    >>> right now. To stay facing inevitable retreat will only waste lives.
    >>> Leave now and let the Iraqis pound it out. But if the big war is
    >>> worth fighting then Iraq is where it's at. Let's grit our teeth and
    >>> accept that warriors will die. That's what happens in a war.
    >>> Seventh, your military is doing far, far more than you know. The
    >>> national media gives you one percent of the story of Iraq - the
    >>> bloody one percent.
    >>> You don't know that US soldiers are training Iraqis how to be mayors
    >>> and governors, showing them how to build roads, bridges, sewers,
    >>> water treatments plants, electrical generating stations, helping
    >>> them open new hospitals and schools and teaching them how to teach
    >>> something more than only the Koran. You don't hear about the
    >>> blossoming of a free media, a banking system, a stock market and
    >>> creation of a civil society where one has never existed, the
    >>> ordering of courts and a judicial system, the developments in
    >>> farming and animal husbandry and the redevelopment of lost
    >>> irrigation skills. Yes, people are fighting and dying. Yes, there is
    >>> some fraud and corruption, but the nation is alive and Iraqis are
    >>> just getting on with it. All they need to turn into an open, ordered
    >>> and productive society is time. Will we give it to them or is our
    >>> vision so clouded by fear and ignorance that we will yield this
    >>> battlefield to the dozens of divergent insurgency groups, and Iran,
    >>> Syria and the Saudi money/terrorist vending machine? I hope we will
    >>> stick it out because:
    >>> Eighth, if we leave too soon, the Iraqis will fall back into the
    >>> normal Arab/Persian pattern of chewing each other to bits. Given no
    >>> other motivation the Arab/Muslim/Iraqi will fend first for his
    >>> nuclear family, then his larger familial group, then tribal clan,
    >>> then a region or province of similar tribal backgrounds, then and
    >>> only then the notion of a nation.
    >>> Muslims have battled amongst themselves for 1,200 years over the
    >>> Sunni/Shi'a split and in the absence of any other reason to get
    >>> along, they won't. I believe that if we leave too soon the Iraqi
    >>> state will crumble into 40 separate tribal zones with a half dozen
    >>> major players, variously supported by Iran, Syria, the Saudis, the
    >>> French, the Russians, etc. We will be left with no choice but to
    >>> throw in with the Kurds in the north and pray they can avoid war
    >>> with Turkey and Iran (or even between their own three major
    >>> sub-groups) AND can keep the oil flowing.
    >>> Well, that's a bit longer than normal. Please forgive me.

    >>> I'll conclude by saying that it was an honor to serve this great
    >>> nation and to begin to repay the great debt I owe her for
    >>> citizenship. With the exception of a few butt-chewings and
    >>> adrenaline-rush moments it went quickly. Sitting here now in peace
    >>> and quiet, with crisp, clean air and drinkable tap water, it hardly
    >>> seems real. Was I really there at all and gone from here for 16
    >>> months or was it as Edgar Allen Poe penned and the Alan Parsons
    >>> Project sang: "Where all that we see or seem is but a dream within a
    >>> dream?"

    >>>>> Wishing everyone a truly thankful Thanksgiving, a Merry and Joyous
    >>> Christmas, a Happy New Year and for the last time.
    >>> American by birth. Soldier by choice. Volunteer by God!
    >>> Roger T. Aeschliman
    Major, Armor Deputy Commander, First Kansas Volunteers
    >>> PS - Since returning home 18 miles - twice around Lake Shawnee J
    >>> zero in the air.
    Behold the turtle-he makes progress only when he sticks his neck out

  9. #26249
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    after the posts about the lopping and revaluing to one thousand dinars equal a buck i need to go to the hospital with adster and have the negative ions removed from my person.

    what i want to know is why are you taking articles that have been translated already and re-translating them to fit your own opinions? isnt that defeating the translation purpose??? i have read these translated articles non-stop for almost 3 years now and i dont seem to get such interpretations out of them. yes, some articles take being re-read about fifteen times to figure out what they say but it can be done. problem is everyone wants to determine what they 'think' the article states instead of what the articles are actually saying.

    fact of the matter is, they are going to raise the rate of the dinar, they arent going to raise it an insignificant amount because they are basing its value on their potential growth. and they know they must reach adequate levels (as warned by gcc) in order to equate with the neighboring countries.

    neighboring countries NONE OF WHICH have as large of a growth potential as iraq does. now if those neighboring countries have rates set at $2+ lets say and they dont have the potential that iraq does what would cause iraq to value any lower? if your argument is that it would throw the country into chaos apparently you havent noticed what is happening right now with the current rate and inflation. cant get any more chaotic than it is now.
    SGS first of all i love all of your post and loads and loads of info you pour into this form, with that said could you please break this down per the translation.
    1000 dinar = $1.00???????????????

    Please help!

  10. #26250
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Will save you a bed!

    But you're right, the IMF, World Bank and Paris Club wouldn't allow it either would the US. Be like starting all over again. As I just said elsewhere, there's more chance of GW swimming the Atlantic Ocean.

    Let's put it bed, a lop means a reprint, it's just not going to happen, won't cure inflation or give them purchasing power. Forget it.

    Slaters all, will expect some good news on my return.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery Adster....and a little advice my mother always tells me before I go under the knife....whatever you do......DON'T GO NEAR THE LIGHT!!!!! My wish for you is that you are wealthier when you come out of anesthesia than you were when you went under....!!!
    Last edited by CharmedPiper; 23-11-2006 at 12:02 AM.

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