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  1. #26261
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    I think we should all just talk about football from now on because it is clear that all of the predictions have fallen short. Not one of us knows the answers to the only 2 questions that we ALL have. WHEN and HOW MUCH.

    When can someone tell me that? After it happens, that's when. Everything has pointed to a RV for the last 6 weeks and nothing. Those pokey Iraqis need to get the sand out of their asses, then we can all be in Miami for Super Bowl Sunday. Good day.

  2. #26262
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    Hello everyone. I too need to check into the hospital with all of the zero-lopp talk. I always thought the MOF was talking about removing 3 zeros from the exchange rate, not the currency. If they had been reading and doing their homework, we have beat this issue to death in the past. As far as the unusal auction today, its too early too tell. Lets see what the auction in the am yields. But we know that the removal of currency from the economy is not a "bottomless pit". There are limits, and I have always thought they had a target in the amount they wanted out. This smells like a well planned intervention by the CBI and we are seeing something very exciting. The first real exciting thing thats happen that we can observe and quantify. See ya in the am. Thanks

  3. #26263
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    Is there anything new in this article as it is dated 11/22/06.....

    موقع الرافدين _ البنك المركزي يعلن ارتفاع نسبة التضخم واعتماد سياسة نقدية متشددة في اسعار الفائدة للمعالجة

    The Central Bank announced a rise in the rate of inflation and to adopt a tight monetary policy in the interest rates for treatment

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Wednesday, 11-22-2006

    The Central Bank of Iraq issued a statement on the levels of inflation in the month of October 2006, explained the reasons for the rise in inflation reasons, He stressed the adoption of hardline politicians in interest rates to push the commercial banks to make fundamental adjustments in various bank interest rates, The following is the text of the statement :

    Added index of consumer prices in Iraq in the month of October 2006 for the increase in the inflation rate of about 2 t 7% compared with September of the year 2006. As shown that increase diverse rises in the prices of commodities and services of all impacted in one way or another at the level of annual inflation which witnessed a remarkable increase of about 9% to 52 t indicators according to the last month of October compared to September last of the 6-t 51%.

    In spite of the slight decline in the annual rate of inflation in the month of October 2006 (an index of consumer prices exception of the two fuel and lighting, transport and communication), which recorded almost 32% after it witnessed a rise of 1 t 33% in the month of September this year. However, the Iraqi Central Bank still believes in the level of cash as well as bank Teshrh high real interest rates low of undesirable effects on economic activity (ie, nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate) as sources influential contribute to the high level of inflation caused by the overall demand P j economy. Therefore, the senior Iraqi Central Bank this month to raise its interest rate (interest rate monetary policy) by four percentage points to 16%, and this increase is adopted at the same time, amendments to the proportionate interest rates night and interest rates on credit first.

    The Iraqi Central Bank to adopt a tight monetary policy, particularly in the area of interest rates would push the commercial banks to make fundamental adjustments in the interest rates of bank had different including interest on savings deposits. The other adjustments to interest rates, the Central Bank of Iraq may depend in the future unless inflation shows a decrease in the indices.
    The Council of Ministers

  4. #26264
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    موقع الرافدين _ رئيس الوزراء يترأس اجتماع لجنة اعادة اعمار سامراء

    The Prime Minister chaired the meeting of the reconstruction of Samarra

    The name of God the Merciful
    The Republic of Iraq
    Prime minister
    Media Bureau
    Press statement
    Wednesday 22 / 11 / 2006

    The Committee met for the Supreme Aemarmedinh Samarra led by Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki official in his office today to determine the priorities of work and a direct steps rebuilding of the two imams Almerkdin sacrosanct military them peace and the city of Samarra into effect.
    The Committee discussed the issue of security and protection of the road to Baghdad-Samarra through a special force of the Ministries of Defense and Interior to carry out this responsibility in order to direct the reconstruction of the city's comprehensive.
    , Informed the Committee agreed to work according to two phases : The first relates to the lifting of the rubble, while the second phase design using specialized committees of UNESCO and the Ministry of State for Tourism and Antiquities. The Committee also discussed the opening of a special account for those wishing to donate in a number of Arab and Islamic capitals and the rest of the world.

    Prime Minister's Office

  5. #26265
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    موقع الرافدين _ المالية تمنح محافظ بابل صلاحيات اوسع لصرف مبالغ المشاريع الأعمارية

    Financial Babylon governor granted wider powers for the payment of construction projects

    The Republic of Iraq
    Council of Ministers-the governmental communications
    Media Relations
    Press Release Press release /
    Tuesday 11-21-2006

    Grants and Finance Minister Baqer Jabr Al-Zubaydi, governor Babel powers of the Minister by 15% with respect to the payment of project assignment at additional projects in the new program to accelerate reconstruction and development of territories after the powers of the exchange rate of 7%.

    This came during the visit of the Governor of Babylon to the Finance Minister and put to the obstacles facing the Babylon province in the implementation of projects, The issue of recycling projects in 2006 amounts for next year in addition to the possibility of not depriving the preservation of these amounts that contribute to provide the greatest possible service projects.
    The Council of Ministers

  6. #26266
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    I was surfing along reading articles and I don't know if this was just a blip in translation or a discrepancy in meetings....Note the reference to (November 5) is this a follow up of something that took place on November 5 or is the meeting scheduled for November 29 a smoke screen and the meeting has already taken place on November 5. I know, I am reading too much into this never know.

    ãæÞÚ ÇáÑÇÝÏí&#228 ; _ ÈíÇä ãÔÊÑß ÕÇÏÑ Úä ÑÆíÓ æÒÑÇÁ ÌãåæÑíÉ ÇáÚÑÇÞ æÑÆíÓ ÇáæáÇíÇ&#202 ; ÇáãÊÍÏÉ ÇáÃãíÑßí&# 201;

    A joint statement issued by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq and the President of the United States of America

    The name of God the Merciful
    The Republic of Iraq
    Prime minister
    Media Bureau
    Wednesday 21 / 11 / 2006

    We are pleased to announce that we will meet in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the 29th of the month of November (November 5) to continue consultations in order to establish security and stability in Iraq.
    Our discussions will focus on current developments in Iraq, The progress achieved so far in the deliberations of the Joint Commission for the transfer of security responsibilities and the role of the countries of the region, in support of Iraq.
    We would like to express our gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who prefers to host the meeting, We also look forward to meeting with His Majesty in Amman.
    We reaffirm our common commitment to building the foundations of democracy, peace and security in a united Iraq.

    Prime Minister's Office

  7. #26267
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    The House of Representatives will discuss three bills first draft law amending practicing the profession of pharmacy

    Wednesday, 22.11.2006, 8:12 am (GMT)

    The House discussed during its fourth session yesterday, Tuesday, the first of three bills to amend the draft law on practicing the profession of pharmacy. The project includes the establishment of want to open a pharmaceutical factory in the payment of a sum of 500 thousand Iraqi dinars fee. . It was the second reading of the draft law dissolved Revolution Command Council No. 690 of 1981, also, the second reading of the draft law to amend the Births and Deaths. The meeting of the House of Representatives was marred by heated debates during the speeches delivered by a number of deputies from his part, Dr. Ibrahim al-Jaafari, a member of the House of former Prime Minister that the Iraqi politicians that take into account the magnitude of the challenges facing the Ar Requests Jaafari said in a speech to members of the House that the members of the House of Representatives to be the level of confidence they had obtained from the people

  8. #26268
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    Babil Province Council Florence Plan Investment Projects

    Tuesday, 21.11.2006, 7:17 am (GMT)

    Babil province council prepared the suggested balance sheet investment for the coming year in the fields of municipality and services within a finance amount of 75 billion diner A source at the finance committee Raja'a Naji said that the council organized with the cooperation local sides towards preparing a mechanism technical and scientific balance plan for the coming year, showing the real need in the municipality, pointing that the suggested balance need 75 billion diner including paving, cities numbering, establishing gardens and parks besides other cleaning works for the various districts and streets

    Iraqi Media Net

  9. #26269
    Senior Investor Inscrutable's Avatar
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    Bush And Iraq's PM To Meet In Jordan, State Department Official Tells CBS' Charles Wolfson Bush Will Say 'Things Have Changed' - CBS News

    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I was surfing along reading articles and I don't know if this was just a blip in translation or a discrepancy in meetings....Note the reference to (November 5) is this a follow up of something that took place on November 5 or is the meeting scheduled for November 29 a smoke screen and the meeting has already taken place on November 5. I know, I am reading too much into this never know.

    موقع الرافدين _ بيان مشترك صادر عن رئيس وزراء جمهورية العراق ورئيس الولايات المتحدة الأميركية

    A joint statement issued by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq and the President of the United States of America

    The name of God the Merciful
    The Republic of Iraq
    Prime minister
    Media Bureau
    Wednesday 21 / 11 / 2006

    We are pleased to announce that we will meet in the Jordanian capital, Amman, on the 29th of the month of November (November 5) to continue consultations in order to establish security and stability in Iraq.
    Our discussions will focus on current developments in Iraq, The progress achieved so far in the deliberations of the Joint Commission for the transfer of security responsibilities and the role of the countries of the region, in support of Iraq.
    We would like to express our gratitude to His Majesty King Abdullah of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, who prefers to host the meeting, We also look forward to meeting with His Majesty in Amman.
    We reaffirm our common commitment to building the foundations of democracy, peace and security in a united Iraq.

    Prime Minister's Office

  10. #26270
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    OK, so I am bored. I am setting up a spead sheet compiled from the CBI History of Exchanges Page to compile exactly how much Dinar has been "removed" by sellin USD.

    From November 1, 2006 the CBI has removed a total of 1,272,151,360,000 dinar . . .thats 1.272 trillion dinar!

    Depending on how bored I get, I will start backward from there and see how ridiculous a number I can come up with.

    Thats 1.2 trillion in a month where they didnt have auctions for several days . . .what is the next number bigger than TRILLION???

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