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  1. #26281
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    OK, so I am bored. I am setting up a spead sheet compiled from the CBI History of Exchanges Page to compile exactly how much Dinar has been "removed" by sellin USD.

    From November 1, 2006 the CBI has removed a total of 1,272,151,360,000 dinar . . .thats 1.272 trillion dinar!

    Depending on how bored I get, I will start backward from there and see how ridiculous a number I can come up with.

    Thats 1.2 trillion in a month where they didnt have auctions for several days . . .what is the next number bigger than TRILLION???
    Well, it could be 1.1 trillion...or, maybe you really mean: quadrillion?

    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  2. #26282
    Banned lndmn_01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    the boredom continues . . .if you take the 1,272,151,360,000 from November and add the 1,750,208,280,000 from Septeber you get 3,022,359,640,000

    Two months equal 3 trillion . . .and thats only two months out of the last three years . . .not including October which was a high volume month. . . really makes me wonder exactly how much USD from oil sales they are raking in because this cant be soley buying back dinar. If 3 trillion USD went poof from the US economy the price of the dollar would see alot more action than it has the last several months.

    So my thinking is a good chunk of this is revenue from oil sales moving around and our gas prices have definitely dropped from "excess surplus" the last several months.
    Are you taking into account the dinar that the CBI sold???

  3. #26283
    Investor TerryTate's Avatar
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    Oz in september the CBI also sold dinar back to the banks, so you have to subtract that amount from the amount they took in to get the total that the CBI has bought. This month is the first month in which they haven't really sold back any dinar to the banks. If you are going to do a spreadsheet over the whole 810 auctions you'll have to subtract the amount of dinar sold back to the banks to see how much the CBI has bought back. Whew, I better stop before I confuse myself.... Good luck with that spreadsheet, only 795 more auctions to input...

  4. #26284
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Inscrutable View Post
    None? Trick question right? Citgo is no longer the gas of 7-11 Do I win?
    Yes! Johnny tell him what he's won! Actually, it was supposed to be funny and I left out the irony of all ironies: the setting was Baghdad!

    Well, I'm new here. I've learned SO MUCH from reading all your posts! I'm in awe of how much research you all do and am just beginning to find the sites you research so I can help out a little. RolClub is addictive! My house is a mess and there's no one else here to blame it on! Each of the bags under my eyes has carry-on luggage.

    Keep up the great work, everyone. Adster: my prayers for a swift and painless recovery!
    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  5. #26285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Beaut View Post
    Oh, good gravy! How many bottles of patience pills have you had??? Saints bless ya! This is my first post (pop!) - and I just can't take it any more!

    Warrior44: put down the barbed tongue and slowly back away! For the following example, I'm asking you to suspend your system of disbeliefs:

    ok: a man goes into a CITGO 7-11 with wads of dinar in pockets and 4 quarters USD. His purchases total an equivalent of $2 US. The clerk is willing to accept a mixture of currencies, so the man plunks down the 4 quarters.

    Question: how much dinar (given the formula 1000 dinar = $1 USD) does he have to give the clerk to walk out that door with his purchase?

    Answer: 1000 dinar.

    Mathmatical proof: 4 quarters = $1 USD
    1000 dinar = $1 USD
    total = $2 USD

    Reality check: the schmuck leaves the goods on the counter and RUNS to a buddy to borrow one dollar US and returns to make his purchase.

    Moral: get a wealth manager and have him/her guide you before you cash in ANY dinar after the reval!

    with all off the misinterpretation of translation i thought i would ask someone their take on this like SGS she has only been doing this since this thing started. i believe she has more to offer than someone as your self. what was that oh your first post what an impression. Sorry neno!!!

  6. #26286
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    the boredom continues . . .if you take the 1,272,151,360,000 from November and add the 1,750,208,280,000 from Septeber you get 3,022,359,640,000

    Two months equal 3 trillion . . .and thats only two months out of the last three years . . .not including October which was a high volume month. . . really makes me wonder exactly how much USD from oil sales they are raking in because this cant be soley buying back dinar. If 3 trillion USD went poof from the US economy the price of the dollar would see alot more action than it has the last several months.

    So my thinking is a good chunk of this is revenue from oil sales moving around and our gas prices have definitely dropped from "excess surplus" the last several months.
    Hey Oz, if it will help your spreadsheet number crunching, there is a thread over at IIF where "Hope Full" and I were posting screenshots of both CBI and NBK during the Aug/Sept timeframe. You can get some numbers off those screenshots.

    CBI / NBK Screenshots - Investor's Iraq Forum

  7. #26287
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Beaut View Post
    Yes! Johnny tell him what he's won! Actually, it was supposed to be funny and I left out the irony of all ironies: the setting was Baghdad!

    Well, I'm new here. I've learned SO MUCH from reading all your posts! I'm in awe of how much research you all do and am just beginning to find the sites you research so I can help out a little. RolClub is addictive! My house is a mess and there's no one else here to blame it on! Each of the bags under my eyes has carry-on luggage.

    Keep up the great work, everyone. Adster: my prayers for a swift and painless recovery!

    A NEW CAR!!!

  8. #26288
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    Here's another bump to the interest rate.
    The Iraqi Central raise interest rates to 16% to deal with high inflation
    بغداد -( أصوات العراق)Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    كشف البنك المركزي العراقي اليوم الأربعاء عن إرتفاع معدلات التضخم في شهر تشرين أول إكتوبر الماضي بنسبة ( 2ر7%) عن الشهر الذي سبقه ، مشيرا إلى اعتماد سياسة متشددة في أسعار الفائدة ورفعها إلى ( 16%) لدفع المصارف التجارية لإجراء تعديلات جوهرية في معدلات الفائدة المصرفية المختلفة لمعالجة هذا التضخم .The Central Bank of Iraq today, Wednesday, as the high rate of inflation in the month of October last October by (2 t 7%) from the previous month, pointing to the adoption of a strict policy of interest rates, referred to the (16%) for the payment of commercial banks to make fundamental adjustments in various bank interest rates to deal with this inflation.
    Translated version of 31402&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0

  9. #26289
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    Default Hey Gang !!!

    "Quote' "neno"I am trully amazed with the addition of the post Today in this thread:

    Neno was not kidding, there is some real good reading on this thread !! I read every post. I think you will enjoy them. Some moving, Some funny.

    Makes for a good read.


  10. #26290
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    OK, so I am bored. I am setting up a spead sheet compiled from the CBI History of Exchanges Page to compile exactly how much Dinar has been "removed" by sellin USD.

    From November 1, 2006 the CBI has removed a total of 1,272,151,360,000 dinar . . .thats 1.272 trillion dinar!

    Depending on how bored I get, I will start backward from there and see how ridiculous a number I can come up with.

    Thats 1.2 trillion in a month where they didnt have auctions for several days . . .what is the next number bigger than TRILLION???
    Well, According to our fearless leader it's a

    Last edited by ordinaryseawoman; 23-11-2006 at 02:53 AM.

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