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  1. #26741
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    Thank you neno[B][/B]

  2. #26742
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    Cool Your Welcome.

    Quote Originally Posted by michael16 View Post
    Thank you neno[B][/B]
    Use this link to show you the search I already preformed for you:

  3. #26743
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I am still holding strong for a November reval anybody else......come on SGS.....are you still saying December?????
    my thoughts are the board is messin up and i cant post, u havin this trouble?

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #26744
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    my thoughts are the board is messin up and i cant post, u havin this trouble?
    Iraqi authorities extended a curfew on Baghdad to Saturday
    Source : Reuters
    24 / 11 / 06
    A spokesman for the Defense Ministry said on Friday that the Iraqi authorities decided to extend the curfew imposed on Baghdad after the attacks of a large bombing and thus continue to ban the vehicles in the city on Saturday. The authorities had declared a curfew imposed after the killing of more than 200 people in a series of explosions in the Shiite stronghold of Sadr City yesterday, Thursday,. Armed men attacked on Friday an area inhabited year in the capital and burned mosques in an apparent revenge attack. On the other hand, she said the Iraqi Ministry of Interior that an American helicopter opened fire on a crowd at a funeral in Baghdad after the explosions in Sadr City on Thursday in response to gunfire in the traditional funeral service. The ministry official said that two people were injured in the air attack, which took place on Friday after he opened mourners fired in the air. Earlier, a member of the Shiite population in the Parliament that the gunmen clashed with US-led forces in Sadr City, a stronghold of the Shiite Mahdi Army militia of the Iraqi capital.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #26745
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I am still holding strong for a November reval anybody else......come on SGS.....are you still saying December?????

    6 days left in November

  6. #26746
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    {{{edit}}}An American spokesman said that he could not comment on specific operations, but the American forces will help Iraqi army and police to impose a curfew after the attacks of Sadr City on Thursday, which killed more than 200 people. On the other hand, police said that gunmen attacked the year in the neighborhood inhabited predominantly of Shiites in Baghdad on Friday, killing up to 30 people and burned mosques and homes in a dangerous escalation of sectarian violence. And speaking population in the Sunni freedom in the north-west of Baghdad also left 24 dead or more than many of them worshipers were killed when gunmen attacked dressed in black four mosques by rockets. The attacks apparently in response to a series of blasts on Thursday killed more than 200 people in Sadr City, the stronghold of the Mahdi Army militia of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. He said Imad Eddin Hashmi a university professor visiting Baghdad that it was the call of God in the mosque time of the attack during Friday prayers and 14 people were killed. He told Reuters that the mosque was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades and many people killed and injured.

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #26747
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    Default A Dose of Reality for the Realists

    Very good read:

    November 23, 2006 By J. R. Dunn

    The intentions of the realists, as represented by the Iraq Study Group, appear to be perfectly straightforward: convene a conference of all concerned parties - Iraq, Syria, Iran, the Gulf States, Turkey, perhaps even Armenia and Georgia, if they feel like jumping in - sit them all down, get everybody talking, carry out some behind-the-scenes diplomatic swashbuckling in the classic mode and emerge in relatively short order with a settlement of the Iraq Question resulting in a "stable" status quo.

    Provided with this cover, the U.S. can then "honorably" pull out. The settlement may last as long as the one that ended the Vietnam War. Maybe even as long as detente.

    The Iranian Scenario

    The intentions of the Iranians are just as clear: get U.S. forces out of Iraq and at a safe distance, continue smuggling men and weapons across the border, and in a year or so announce that you can no longer ignore the cries of your tormented Iraqi Shi'ite brothers and move over in force. Perhaps you begin annihilating Sunnis and Kurds immediately, perhaps not. The price of oil spikes at well over $100 a barrel.

    The UN, on top of things as always, issues a resolution expressing (with reservations) its concern. Life is good.

    The contradictions between the two scenarios are only apparent. The realists want the U.S. out of Iraq. So do the Iranians. The realists want stability in the region. So do the Iranians. The realists, in light of their record, don't really care by what means they accomplish this. Neither do the Iranians.

    Where they part company is the point where the Iranian solution winds up with the Persian Gulf, and the bulk of the world's oil supplies, in the hands of men to whom medievalism represents a progressive future. With American policy in the region effectively negated, our alliances dead letters, our influence nil. With tens, if not hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the Sunni and Kurd massacres in Iran's new provinces. With the world economy in free fall. With Europe permanently cowed. With Asia, home of our closest allies, turning elsewhere for protection (the place to which they turn is spelled "C - h - i - n - a"). With Chavez's Latin Reich program, which has been looking increasingly ragged in recent months, given a new lease on life.

    And the Jihadis? Don't worry about them - they'll know what to do.

    The realists don't want this. They really don't. They think they can finesse it all.

    They believe they can deal with the Middle East the same way Europe was dealt with that region at the Congress of Vienna. Their thoughts were made clear by Henry Kissinger, realist advisor and elder statesman, in his Times of London piece mistitled "Iran despises Weakness." If anything, the piece was about disguising Western weakness. Kissinger opined that the U.S. must provide incentives to persuade the Iranians to negotiate. What would those be?

    "A restarted Palestinian peace process should play a significant role."

    Thank you very much, Doctor K.

    In fact, the realist agenda would inevitably and quickly give rise to the Iranian Scenario, a point that never enters the argument because there is no answer for it.

    A Third Alternative

    Which brings us to a third alternative: if the U.S. has to leave Iraq prematurely - something that is nowhere near as certain as current rhetoric makes it appear - it will only be after assuring that Iran cannot, at any point in the near future, take advantage of it. That means a military strike. This possibility has been discussed in light of Iran's intransigence concerning its nuclear program. But the current situation has nothing directly to do with nuclear weapons. It has everything to do with keeping control of the Persian Gulf, and all that implies, in the hands of civilization.

    The Iranians, in Dr. Kissinger's words, believe that they are "in a position to challenge the entire world order." They need to be persuaded otherwise, and that cannot be accomplished by negotiations, concessions, or even visits from Kofi Annan. The Iranians, as shown by every foul speech from Ahmadinejad, every threatening missile launch, every advanced, Iranian-designed bomb that goes off in Iraq, believe they can play in the big leagues.

    Well - we can play, too. We're not proposing, needless to say, invasion and occupation, which, as Iraq has demonstrated can have its drawbacks. We're talking about a no-holds-barred attack by air, naval, and Special Forces assets, something along the lines outlined by Arthur Herman in his superb Commentary piece, "Getting Serious About Iran". A strike that will leave Iran with no navy, no air force, no serious nuclear potential, and an army reduced to pre-20th century armaments and mobility. An Iran roughly in the same state as Saddam Hussein's Iraq after the 1991 Gulf War.

    This is the style of warfare for which the U.S. has no equal in history - cutting an opponent off at the knees, leaving him thoroughly incapacitated and utterly shamed, but with the means of national survival intact.

    The U.S. is not good at counterinsurgency warfare. (Exactly why is difficult to say, after Vietnam and Central America. Could the answer be some form of cultural blindness? The Persians never learned to counter Greek hoplite warfare, after all.) Like the First Gulf War, we will fight this campaign by means with which we excel. If the Iranian people want to take it further, they can do so. If they're resigned to continue slogging under the ayatollahs, that is up to them. If they want to overthrow them, as they've repeatedly claimed in recent years, that's fine too.

    What such an attack will do is take Iran out of the strategic equation for the foreseeable future. It will gain Iraq a fighting chance, even without large numbers of U.S. troops. It will be a serious blow to the Jihadis. (The realists have said nothing about recent reports that Iran is trying to take over al Queda.) It will create a true, if relatively short, state of stability in the Middle East, representing an opportunity for local governments to solve short-term problems - including that of the Palestinians - and begin working on longer-term challenges represented by Iran and the Jihadis. (One suggestion not often heard would be an alliance among the Gulf States and other interested parties such as the U.S., Britain, and Japan, for the sole purpose of deterring Iran once it gets up off its knees.)

    It will also serve to regain the U.S. a lot that has been lost in Iraq. The international left, along with various appeasers and hysterics, never intended to support the war either in Iraq or the war against the Jihadis in general. Their sole interest lay in attacking the U.S., no matter what the cost to the Iraqi people or the world in general. They knew there would be difficult moments - everyone did, Donald Rumsfeld included - and took advantage of each of them--Abu Ghraib, Fallujah, Halabja--to tear yet another piece out the U.S., undermining its role, its intentions, and its plans. Such an attack would rock these people back on their heels, as they well deserve, and go a long way toward restoring the respect that they've stolen from U.S. over the past three years.

    As for the Muslim ummah - this would act as a good lesson as to the true nature of the strong horse. The Jihadis have run an outstanding propaganda campaign centered on Iraq. DVDs, cassette tapes, the Internet, have all been used to establish a myth of American stupidity and cowardice and Jihadi invincibility. A strike on Iran would make it clear that all the snipers and suicide bombers and IEDs in the world do not, in the end, add up to the power of a single stealth aircraft.

    It would take a lot of pressure off Israel, always a worthwhile effort. Syria, the running dog of the Mideast, currently demanding "timetables" from the U.S., would be chased back into its kennel. (And high time, if the Gamayel murder is any indication. This is yet another side of "realism" we hear little about.)

    The UN won't like it, but we can live with that. Neither will Russia and France, but they can learn to live with that. Our serious allies will feel compelled to wash their hands, but that will be solely for public consumption. We can expect congratulations in private.

    As for reasons, we have all the reasons we require. Ahmadinejad's ranting is mostly bluster, but it has succeeded in making Iran a threat to peace. Iran has declared the destruction of another nation a state goal, has carried out threatening exercises in the Gulf, has provided weapons, guidance, and intelligence to the Iraqi rebels - assistance that has unquestionably resulted in the deaths of American troops. All of which is not even to mention Iranian defiance concerning nuclear weapons. Wars have been fought - and quite justifiably--for much less in the way of reasons than those.

    Of course, there will be repercussions, most of them unforeseeable, some likely to be negative. But that's one of the factors that nations must live with. We have a clear picture of what the results of doing nothing would be. We can easily guess the results of the realist program. Of any of these alternatives, could a dynamic response to the Iranian threat be the worst? Such a strike will return the initiative where it belongs - to the United States. It will be the act of a nation that is not crawling away from the battle. A nation placing a marker, making it clear that it means what it says, and has the ability to back it up.

    The irony of the whole thing is that it's the realists and the Iranians themselves who are making such an action all the more likely, the Iranians through their chest-beating, the realists with their "redeploy at any price" stance (for example, Kissinger's insinuation--it can't be called a declaration--that victory in Iraq is impossible).

    The Iranians have been busily painting themselves into a corner. The realists have shown up to help them apply the final strokes.

    Humbling mighty Persia has always been an option in U.S. Mideast strategy. But it's beginning to look more and more like a necessity.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    Default Austrian Airlines to fly Heathrow-Vienna-Erbil to Kurdistan-Iraq

    November 25, 2006

    Vienna, Kurdistan-Iraq: The Austrian Airlines Group will become the first European airline to be granted the right to operate scheduled services into Iraq in the near future.

    Preparations are now well underway to fly to the city of Erbil in Kurdistan Region (Northern Iraq) from 11 December 2006 Mr.Harrop, National Account Manager of Austrian airlines told News portal. The service will operate twice a week out of Vienna. The Austrian Airlines Group will fly its scheduled route to Erbil using an Airbus A319.

    The city of Erbil in Kurdistan autonomous region (Northern Iraq) is a safe gateway.

    With a population approaching one million people, Erbil is the fourth-largest city in Iraq, and the fastest-growing in the country. The United Nations Organisation plans to set up a support point for Iraq in Erbil.

    Austrian Airlines

    A range of renowned companies are currently active in the developing and expanding the regional economy of Northern Iraq, while Erbil also provides rapid and safe overland access to the cities of Mosul, Kirkuk and Sulaimaniyah.

    The integration of the new service to Erbil into Austrian’s global route network will open up numerous European and intercontinental connecting flights into Iraq via the company’s Vienna hub. As new „Regional Manager Iraq“ Peter Katzlberger, 53, was appointed, who will be responsible for all sales, marketing and pricing strategy in Erbil in this function.

    Austrian Management Board Member Dr. Josef E. Burger issued the following statement on the new destination in Iraq: ‘Erbil is truly a milestone in the development of the Austrian route network. Once again, it will allow us to underline our pioneering role and specialisation in the form of our Focus East programme of services to Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the Far East. With our flights to Egypt, Iran, Jordan, Libya, Syria and the United Arab Emirates, we are already the number three carrier in Europe when measured by services into the Middle East.

    Now, with Erbil in Iraq, we are creating a connection that is essential for the economic re-development of the country, particularly for international traffic, and taking full advantage of the traditionally strong relations between Austria and the Arabian region.

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    Check this out. I was bored because the news is slow and outdated and thought I would search some sites on my desktop...I just happened to click on Warka's Website. Check out this new feature they is called EJABY (bill payment, bill online, cash transfer system)....could this be how the 10,000 will get distributed....Also they have another link on their site called ESAL which is still under construction....I am just wondering what this could be.....I think I might have stumbled across something here....any suggestions.....!!!!!


    ejaby enables all bill issuing entities to allow their customers to pay their postpaid, prepaid, and incidental bills at trusted eJaby payment depots spread throughout the country, securely, efficiently, and in real time ..


    More and more, today's businesses rely on effective use of technology to better serve their customers. Bill issuing entities such as utility companies and governmental institutions can longer rely on traditional methods of bill presentment and payment in today's time conscious environment. The bill paying public expects, and quite often demands fast, simple, secure, and reliable means of paying their bills, and the pressure on the bill issuers is continuously mounting to provide just that. PaymentCentric's eJaby, is the perfect solution.

    Furthermore, eJaby allows various entities to expand and elevate their level of service to their customers by offering real-time secure bill payment solutions to the public at their counters. Banks, Postal outlets, and even reputable currency exchange outlets, can now offer such services to their customers by becoming a certified eJaby payment depot. The eJaby solution easily integrates with all existing delivery channels available at all potential payment depots mentioned above.

    eeJaby enables all bill issuing entities to allow their customers to pay their postpaid, prepaid, and incidental bills at trusted eJaby payment depots spread throughout the country, securely, efficiently, and in real time. More and more, today's businesses rely on effective use of technology to better serve their customers. Bill issuing entities such as utility companies and governmental institutions can no longer rely on traditional methods of bill presentment and payment in today's time conscious environment. The bill paying public expects, and quite often demands fast, simple, secure, and reliable means of paying their bills, and the pressure on the bill issuers is continuously mounting to provide just that. PaymentCentric's eJaby, is the perfect solution.

    As a bill issuer (Payee) , eJaby offers a wealth of benefits.

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    Constant opportunities to remind public of bill payment

    Use of a well recognized and advertised product; namely eJaby

    Minimal investment needed

    eeJaby allows various entities to expand and elevate their level of service to their customers by offering real-time secure bill payment solutions to the public at their counters. Banks, Retail Centers , and even reputable currency exchange outlets, can now offer such services to their customers by becoming a certified eJaby payment depot. The eJaby solution easily integrates with all existing delivery channels available at all potential payment depots mentioned above.
    As an eJaby Payment Depot, eJaby offers you a wealth of benefits such as;

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    Significant competitive edge in the level and quality of the services offered to the public

    Increased profits though the delivery of new services

    Higher customer base

    Bill payment becomes a profit center rather than a cost center

    Warka Bank Official Webiste

  10. #26750
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    sorry if this has been posted

    The economic event : the Central Bank and counter inflationary situation (2 - 2)
    Hossam Alsamuk In the midst of this confrontation faced by the Central Bank. we have to wake policies must they would conflict with its existing and future at the same time, While marching preoccupation with the Iraqi Central Bank to address the situation and inflationary influences on hazardous cruise the economic cycle, through special procedures (the firm) recent strengthening of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and the clear success in the adoption of a new promotional rate of the dinar against the dollar as alluded to in the first section of the (dependent allowance), we would like to point out was what the Central Bank in the same statement, the alarm sounded by a few days ago after a row in the graphic July 23 July and August 17 last August. The release pointed out that literally supply bottlenecks, which is carved inflationary effects (requiring addressed through other means of economic policy which is outside the influence of the Central Bank and its policy adopted). This particular paragraph already experienced in more than one (column), we dealt with the situation earlier, while inflationary and received more than reproach in the Srahatna (loading) of several parties from the ministries and government institutions to take action quickly random caused economic damage our lives, the Central Bank was forced to refer to it in his last while the example that (supply bottlenecks in the real sector mainly concentrated in the fuel processing sector and the negative impact on the costs of transportation, communication and other production costs). Not hesitate to point out here that the projects should have been mature mechanisms, for caused enormous damage to the general body of the economic situation in the country. was the inflationary situation, which reached the rate reached 76.6%, the risk of one of the consequences we have warned about a year ago from now, when we discussed the rash actions in raising the prices of oil derivatives, but warned of the repercussions of the price had reached bread to one thousand dinars. This remains a possibility! In the midst of this confrontation faced by the Central Bank. we have to wake policies must they would conflict with its existing and future at the same time, That looks to employees and retirees of the step the government promised It seems from the list of transactions - they reached the stage of maturity is to increase the salaries of two tranches, But in a time when we look forward to action being direct beneficiaries thereof, we warn that the anticipated increase confiscated directly from further aggravation of the situation on the doorstep of inflationary if not studied the mechanisms increase economic measures, according to join in the firm avoided lust Tufayli of inflation, which applies in the cellars Ktsll hidden termites. the erosion of the green and the ground. According to these facts facing the Monetary Authority expressed the Central Bank, All the economic institutions that recruit their support academic and professional actors together to develop plans and policies to address each situation inflationary influences and justifications escalating and controlled the economic transactions.

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