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  1. #2671
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raditz
    IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency

    Brussels, June 14, IRNA
    EU-Iraq Conference
    The Council of European Union Foreign Ministers in their meeting in Luxembourg Monday drew up an assessment of preparations for the international conference on Iraq, due to take place in Brussels on June 22.

    "The preparations, which are being made in close collaboration with Iraq, the UN, the United States, Egypt, Japan and Russia among others, are going well," stated Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, whose country holds the current EU presidency.

    "We are expecting a good turnout. Over 80 countries and international organizations have been invited and, to date, most have indicated that they want to take part at ministerial level," he said.

    The UN secretary general has signaled his intention to attend and Iraq will be represented by a delegation of around ten ministers as well as parliamentarians and representatives of the various institutions and communities, noted Asselborn.

    The general aim of the conference is to mark the international community's support of the new Iraqi government during the transition period, which will lead to constitutional elections in December 2005.

    "We also see the role of Iraq's neighbors as highly important," stressed Asselborn.

    An EU troika visited Baghdad last week to discuss preparations of the conference with the Iraqi leadership.

    Hmmmmm....Conference is on June 22nd....Peg BEFORE as Mike hears on the 19th?....or AFTER as Adam hears on the 28th....Be nice to have the currency situated BY the conference to show further stability...

    Thoughts? (I see you Mike! Morning!)

  2. #2672
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by quietlight
    Over the last 4 months I have made a number of purchases of dinar from myfreedinar, with no problems at all. With the negative comments I am now reading about this website on this forum it has made me a bit nervous about whether the dinars I have been sent are the real thing. Does anybody know if there has been any problems with the authenticity of the dinars they send people?

    You have nothing to worry about, I have bought and sold millions from Free-Dinar and although a few problems existed due to a change over from one software platform to another, they got all issues resolved satisfactorily. With the billions already delivered, you have nothing to worry about as they are one of the largest suppliers in worldwide, never mind one of the first.

    No company is without distribution issues do to delivery problems, lost orders, etc, but the few that I know about were all rectified, and commissions have all been paid to those who were qualified for such, which we know involves monthly commitment, and with international credit card merchant issues, this always presents a problem, but I have received all commissions owed.

    When prices were increased, along with all the other major distributors, lets face it, nobody wants to pay more, but a reliable sourse is more important, and Free-Dinar has delivered, while many others have not. Yes, SafeDinar is confirmed a reliable sourse, and there are a few others which have been verified, but there are also hundreds that are not trustworthy, so everyone is free to purchase wherever they feel comfortable, but remember this, I introduced the whole dinar opportunity to ROL through Free-Dinar, so I remain loyal to the first company who offered this great opportunity to us all, so don't worry, they have not sold any bogus notes to anyone.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  3. #2673
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    Default Iraqi Investments Club

    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany
    Hmmmmm....Conference is on June 22nd....Peg BEFORE as Mike hears on the 19th?....or AFTER as Adam hears on the 28th....Be nice to have the currency situated BY the conference to show further stability...

    Thoughts? (I see you Mike! Morning!)
    Morining Tiff,

    Yes, we still hear that this period of time is critical, so whether it is announced before meeting begins, or after, I don't care, as long as it is announced. (g)

    There have been so many talks behind the scenes which we will never know about that it is impossible to imagine just how far ahead of us they are as to what is really going on.

    This is a complicated issue, and it is a moving target, which makes it even more difficult to nail down. This is why an initial peg of .30 to .40 makes more sense, even if smaller that the $1.00 we often hear about, it makes more sense. Then let the economy dictate how fast it will rise for a few months. This will also allow Iraq to get a pulse on overall economy, not just speculation which is what most hear.

    The other issue which has to be met is the reserves, and although oil is not the whole answer, it is a huge piece of the puzzle. It comes down to this, if oil output hits the 3M daily barrel level, with no interuptions, and continues to increase, then the reserves to back a higher dinar value are secure.

    Without this, the international investments won't flow into Iraq as quickly, and this will slow the rise in value of dinar, so again, we are dealing with a moving target, but this is a critical issue, securing the oil production facilities and pipelines is essential to formula. This is why it will be critical to announce that all Iraqi people will share in the wealth which will create stability as everyone will be impacted financially if any regime attacks oil industry.

    We are already seeing Iraqi citizens turning in insurgents for the rewards, after all, we saw that last week, and many more since, so I do beleive this is the turning point away from civil war. No one wants to live in poverty, and I have said it before, it would cost less to pay the terrorists not to blow themselves up, then to fight against them. Such a simple solution, yet too simple to be recognized as the answer by most. (g)

    Sad, but true, the terrorists are blowing themselve up for money pid to their families due to such terrible poverty, it is not about religion, it is all about money, always has been, always will be, so spread the wealth around, and you solved the problem. This seems to be the direction they are now going, so lets hope the follow through, after all, we know it works, just look at Alaska, each citizen is still sharing in the oil profits, and have been for decades, so this is the answer, lets hope they do it.

    Good luck to all, Mike

  4. #2674
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    Cool hehe

    Bush Just said, " I told the Iragi Government That That Oil Belongs to the Iragi People". I for one believe that the Us Goverment is going to make this Happen. Why? It also brings wealth to the US. Remember everything always happens for a reason. Good or Bad.

    Big Press conference happening right now from the secert meeting that bush left to do.

  5. #2675
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    Bush is on CNN RIGHT NOW talking about everything you just spoke of Mike! Splitting of money among the Iraqi citizens...because the oil BELONGS to them. Bush is sending the directors of many different areas to Iraq to help the co-ordinating directors in Iraq...INCLUDING Director of Finance...Globally economical....hopefully the transcript will be available to post here as I'm not making much sense right now! lol! Everything he was speaking of is VERY POSITIVE for the Iraqi people and for US as Dinar holding citizens!
    Guys help me out here...he's back on...gotta go!

  6. #2676
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    Quote Originally Posted by flygirl1
    Neno, I could not help myself. I just ordered 500,000 more from safedinar. It better peg soon to protect me from myself.
    I know flygirl1. I was gone all day yesterday meeting with freinds to get 2 million more as to get that 15,000 extra from safedinar as they offered from returning buyers. I also relized by what we did by Teaming up to get more together we actually got more for our money. We did save about $100.00 per 500,000nid's by doing this together. And got the 15,000nids extra. hehe

  7. #2677
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany
    Bush is on CNN RIGHT NOW talking about everything you just spoke of Mike! Splitting of money among the Iraqi citizens...because the oil BELONGS to them. Bush is sending the directors of many different areas to Iraq to help the co-ordinating directors in Iraq...INCLUDING Director of Finance...Globally economical....hopefully the transcript will be available to post here as I'm not making much sense right now! lol! Everything he was speaking of is VERY POSITIVE for the Iraqi people and for US as Dinar holding citizens!
    Guys help me out here...he's back on...gotta go!
    Yes tiffany this is what he is stating. Also Mike said somthing about 3 million barrels aday would help. Well if you go back to my post last night I believe it was Turkey, they are already worked a deal for one million. So hey everything looks to be going in our favor. If the Iragi people Prosper than we will too.

  8. #2678
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    Am still watching GW addressing press in the lawn as you read this... yes, once that ripples down to the Iraqis... there's hope raised for the ordinary men & women to do something positive to save their country with open arms and gratitude shown for the Coalition forces and esp. from the brave US servicemen... sacrificing a lot just to help another nation out of a dangerous quagmire!!!

    Hang onto your Dinars...

    Last edited by YogiBrood; 14-06-2006 at 03:14 PM.

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    My new Android experience, the>> Samsung S2 & this special>> APP to go with it.

  9. #2679
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    Cool Turkey Deal

    Here it is Again, My correction to just 21,000 barrels a day. But it is Moving.

    Quote Originally Posted by neno
    Iraq resumes oil exports through Turkey


    By SELCAN HACAOGLU, Associated Press WriterTue Jun 13, 5:38 AM ET

    Oil exports from Iraq's northern fields have resumed more than four months after insurgents sabotaged twin pipelines carrying Iraqi crude to Turkey, oil officials said Tuesday.

    Iraq began pumping oil on Saturday and it is currently pumping around 21,000 barrels a day — just a trickle of the pipeline's full capacity, said oil officials in Turkey who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to address the media. Together the parallel pipelines can carry 1 million barrels a day.

    Iraq briefly resumed pumping crude via the pipeline twice in January. But the pipeline was soon sabotaged, halting shipments.

    Persistent sabotage of oil facilities by insurgents and operational problems have kept the northern export pipeline shut down for most of this year and 2005.

    Iraq resumes oil exports through Turkey - Source

    Iraqi Dinar News Article List

  10. #2680
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    GW: I sense something different in Iraq.... as opposed to much earlier quips he made: The tide turns...

    Great inspiration for the outside world and you , the new treasurers of "some" Iraqi Dinars...


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