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  1. #26851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dinar Duchess View Post
    Whilst I am pleased to hear this, we cant dismiss the number of casualties that are occurring in Iraq as a result of these insurgent attacks, bombings, torture and beheading, those are not lies, the pictures are broadcast to prove it.
    I didn't dismiss anything....I just THOUROUGHLY enjoyed hearing something direct from someone's mouth that eluded to something GOOD happening....

    I saw the pictures and broadcasts also...the same one's,
    over-and-over-and-over all day long...the SAME fire being put out...the SAME man grieving over a loved one lost....Yes, it happened...and has happened for hundreds of years...just now the news channels are all over it for their ratings...their own personal gain.

    It's terrible what a few dollars will buy...a bomb strapped to someone's chest to blow up as many people as they can...just so they can go "where it is beautiful and receive 72 virgins"...I don't understand their beliefs...I'd find it frightening if I DID...I don't believe I "dismissed" anything. Hopefully sharing the oil profits and making their currency "worth something" will make a difference.

    Last edited by tiffany; 25-11-2006 at 09:36 PM.

  2. #26852
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    This is not a civil war in Iraq . .. its a two thousand year old turf fight. Why do they fight? Because they dont have squat! Give the people of Iraq a taste of a better life with all the luxuries we take advantage like reliable electricity, CLEAN running water, food . . .and some money in the bank for a better future and you'll see all this fighting fade away.

    When people have nothing to lose, why not blow yourself up and a few of the "enemies" with you??? When you're at the bottom of life, even the carrot of 72 virgins looks better than a woman who has a longer beard than you do.

    Show them the money . . .and watch Iraq slowly turn into suburbia

  3. #26853
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiffany View Post

    It's terrible what a few dollars will buy...a bomb strapped to someone's chest to blow up as many people as they can...just so they can go "where it is beautiful and receive 72 virgins"...I don't understand their beliefs...I'd find it frightening if I DID...
    Man, isn't ONE wife enough? Can you imagine 72 at the wrong time?
    I would find that more of a reason NOT to blow yourself up?

    No offence to all the Lovely wives out there now.
    Last edited by kevinsw; 25-11-2006 at 09:48 PM.
    Opens at $1.69 because I said so?

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  4. #26854
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    Curfew-Lifting :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq
    Voices of Iraq: Curfew-Lifting
    كتب: saleem في يوم السبت, 25 نوفمبر, 2006 - 08:10 PM BT

    Curfew to be lifted off Baghdad on Monday
    Baghdad, Nov 25, (VOI) – The spokesman for the Iraqi government Dr. Ali al-Dabbagh said on Saturday evening the curfew will be totally lifted off Baghdad on Monday while a partial lifting of the curfew will take place as of Sunday 6:00 am allowing only pedestrians to walk in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.
    On Thursday evening, the Iraqi government imposed a total curfew on Baghdad after a bloody attacks that claimed scores of Shiites in the eastern Baghdad's Sadr City.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #26855
    Senior Investor rvalreadydang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevinsw View Post
    Man, isn't ONE wife enough? Can you imagine 72 at the wrong time?
    I would find that more of a reason NOT to blow yourself up?

    No offence to all the Lovely wives out there now.

  6. #26856
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    Of all the planned projects such as the pensions, raises for govt. employees, teachers, and students, any of the ones stating more dinar going to individuals come to fruition yet that anyone has actual knowledge of? Or have all of these "promises" or "Forward Looking Statements" been somewhat just announced and not implemented? I am not aware of any of these "crowd pleasing" announcements that have actually ocurred, just printed. To me, everything that sounds good concerning "raising" has been put on hold for, umm, some reason. I'd like to believe that the reason is obvious to the 2000ish of us on this site, but I would like for anyone who has knowledge of any of these "events" to state so and exactly how they know, I.E. link or 1st hand knowledge. I pretty much read every post and every link and do a lot of my own investigating, but from this side of the world, all I have seen are promises or ideas printed.

  7. #26857
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    Default Sadr aide says US forces working w/Sunni rebels - One perspective, anyhow...

    Sadr aide says US forces working with Sunni rebels
    [15:11 , 25 Nov 2006]

    PNA- An aide to radical Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has accused US troops of aligning themselves with Sunni Arab rebels to attack Iraq's majority community.

    It is clear that there is a collaboration between US forces and Baathists. There is evidence of that," said Sahib al-Amiri Saturday, secretary general of the Martyrs of Allah, a Shiite religious body linked to Sadr's movement.

    On Friday the Sadr group threatened to withdraw from the ruling national unity government if Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki goes ahead with his meeting with US President George W. Bush in Jordan next week.

    But with Bush confirming that the meeting will take place, officials in the movement declined to confirm on Saturday if they would pull out of the government.

    "Securing Baghdad and gaining control of the violent situation will be a priority agenda item when President Bush meets with Prime Minister Maliki in just a few days," White House spokesperson Scott Stanzel said on Friday.

    Commenting on a helicopter strike by US forces in Baghdad's Shiite stronghold of Sadr City on Friday, Amiri said that the coalition forces were also linked with "the Al-Qaeda".

    On Friday a US helicopter fired at alleged Shiite militiamen of Sadr's Mahdi Army as they launched mortar attacks from Sadr City.

    Amiri also cited a Friday raid on Sadr's office in the flashpoint city of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad, as yet another example of a joint operation by US forces and Sunni insurgents.

    "The US forces raided the Sadr office and detained its employees. Before it withdrew it allowed Baathists and takfiris (Sunni extremists) to enter and set fire to the office and steal office property," he said.

    On Friday a police officer from Baquba confirmed the US raid on Sadr's office in which five guards were detained and said that a few hours later, insurgents bombed the office and set it alight.

    Amiri also said that ambulances carrying the wounded from Thursday's bombings in Baghdad's Sadr City were "ambushed by terrorists while US forces just stood by watching".

    The Sadr movement is known for its strong anti-US sentiment and regularly accuses US forces of targeting it, especially in Sadr City, in night-time raids.
    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

  8. #26858
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socata 850 View Post
    This response is a little late, the target figure as stated in the IMF document was 1365 by the end of 2006. We'll see what tomorrow brings, but it could happen by the end of their fiscal year, which I believe like SGS stated is the 15th of December.
    ok well whatever it is, im just goin off of other posts instead of lookin for myself, lol.

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #26859
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    Cool It is fine for this.

    Quote Originally Posted by pogo View Post
    I agree that sometimes posts may appear to get a little off topic, but I think that's the nature of a public forum. I honestly believe that the majority of news eminating from and about Iraq is relative to our concerns.. whether the post says Dinar or not is irrelevant. I hesitated to post the article concerning Sunni - Shiite history in the "Latest News" thread knowing that it would be considered off topic, but thats where the conversation was at the time. Information has to be read, and then discussed for a forum to function properly and sometimes the direction of the discussion cannot (should not?) be controlled. I'm really not sure where else I would have posted the article anyway. Maybe another "Sticky" called ALL THINGS RELATIVE. How about a Thread on how to deal with off topic discussion? We could possibly come up with Ideas that could save Neno a lot of work. Just my thoughts
    Aslong as it has to do with IRAQ/DINAR related issues, or have in connection as you have said that will lead to stabillity, or even r/v, then it is fine. At the request of alot the members wanting to hang in one thread of the Dinar forum, this has lead to this. But please by almeans it must relate. Cool? Cool. Everything has been fine for the most part over the last month. So lets continue on with our Journey.

  10. #26860
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    Default Sorry if already posted..still need "transparency" in accounting!

    Iraq, reversing course, to keep U.N. oil watchdog
    [15:04 , 23 Nov 2006]
    Iraq (Reuters)

    PNA- Iraq has decided to keep alive for another year a U.N. watchdog to monitor the use of its oil wealth, reversing course just weeks after announcing the agency would be abolished, officials said on Wednesday.

    The decision to resuscitate the International Advisory and Monitoring Board was made at the request of governments donating money to Iraqi reconstruction, said Baghdad's deputy U.N. ambassador, Feisal Amin al-Istrabadi.

    "I am very well aware an agreement is in place to replace it. But the IAMB has certainly played a useful role up until now, and some of the donor countries think it could still play a useful role," al-Istrabadi told Reuters.

    Iraqi officials had informed the IAMB just three weeks ago that it would be abolished as of the end of this year and replaced with an Iraqi monitoring body to be called the Committee of Financial Experts.

    IAMB members were therefore astonished to see a draft U.N. Security Council resolution circulated this week extending the board's life through December 31, 2007.

    They concluded that the provision, part of a U.S.-drafted text extending the mandate of the U.S.-led multinational force in Iraq until the end of 2007, had been included in error.

    "There was a slip by the Iraqis," said one board member, speaking on condition of anonymity. "We clearly would prefer to work with a successor body."


    But it was not a mistake, U.S. and Iraqi officials said. A vote on the resolution is expected next week.

    Oil is Iraq's main source of hard currency needed to rebuild after years of war, and the energy sector is struggling to recover from years of mismanagement and U.N. sanctions that were lifted after the U.S.-led 2003 invasion.

    The IAMB was created by the Security Council in 2003 to watch over the stewardship of Iraq's natural resources while Baghdad was under U.S. administration.

    The new government then allowed it to remain in place through the end of 2006, to reassure world governments it was managing its vast oil reserves wisely and for the benefit of the Iraqi people.

    Iraq's oil sector has been plagued by sabotage and poor maintenance.

    The IAMB made clear it also suffers from mismanagement that has left the door open to smuggling and corruption.

    The board reported in August, based on an outside audit, that Iraq's systems for tracking oil sales and the use of the proceeds from those sales suffered from poor management, flawed accounting systems and weak internal controls.

    The board has also criticized Iraqi delays in installing equipment to meter oil production, so that production and sales figures can be reconciled to guard against smuggling.

    Corruption in the energy industry has cost Iraq hundreds of millions of dollars, the general inspector of the Ministry of Oil has previously estimated.
    Motto: I'm a little acorn nut. Life Goal: To become a mighty oak.

    We're on roll now! Then again, so is Charmin!

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