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    Quote Originally Posted by JoeDinar View Post
    Looks to me like its thats half way to 3.22 to 1 !!!!!!!!!

  2. #27192
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    Thumbs up FEATURE-China weighs Iran and Iraq risks for oil prize

    Sun 26 Nov 2006 6:03 PM ET

    (This story is part of a special report on China in the Middle East issued on Nov. 27)

    By Jon Hemming

    TEHRAN, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Hungry for oil and gas, China may take on political risks in Iran and security risks in Iraq to get a foothold where Western firms fear to tread.

    Iran and Iraq together have 19 percent of global oil reserves and some of the world's biggest undeveloped fields.

    China already gets almost half its oil imports from the Middle East, giving it a strong strategic incentive to secure big oil field deals in the two regional neighbours.

    In Iran, Chinese firms are "operating in an environment where there aren't a full range of competitors. They have the opportunity to get involved in super giant oil fields," said Ian Brown, head of the Middle East research team at Wood Mackenzie.

    "In Iraq, whenever the time is ripe, it will be everyone and his dog competing and the chances of having a major share will be far less," Brown said.

    Iran is heavily reliant on oil, which represents about 80 to 90 percent of its export earnings. But its aged and declining oil fields mean it needs increased investment just to keep output at the present level of around 4 million barrels a day.

    So Iran needs access to foreign money and technology, but U.S. laws prohibit American firms from investing in the Islamic Republic. Washington can impose penalties on firms from other countries investing more than $20 million a year in oil and gas.

    Contract disputes, delays, bureaucratic and political meddling, infrastructure problems and concessions oil firms say are unattractive have reduced foreign investment to a trickle.

    The problem in Iraq is perhaps more intractable -- the daily toll of bombings, sectarian clashes and spiralling violence.

    But Iraq has the third largest reserves in the world and only 10 percent of the country has been explored for oil.

    Dozens of foreign oil companies have signed memoranda of understanding with Iraq, seen as a way of initiating relations with the new Baghdad government that could develop into real deals if and when stability is achieved.

    But between April 2003 and June 2006, there were an estimated 315 attacks on Iraq's energy infrastructure and few foreign oil firms have started work on the ground.


    To escape its bind, Iran has dangled the prospect of huge energy deals with China, which may be willing to accept less lucrative deals to attain energy security and which traditionally does not link investment with politics.

    This strategy, if successful, "would allow Iran to attract the investment, expertise and technology it desperately requires without undercutting its current domestic and political positions," said a report by consultancy PFC Energy.

    For Iran, such deals might also help dissuade China from backing sanctions against Tehran over its nuclear programme.

    While U.N. Security Council negotiations over Iran sanctions drag on, so do Tehran's talks with China's Sinopec <0386.HK> over its Yadavaran oil field, a rich prize which could be worth as much as $100 billion.

    What is given may also be taken away.

    "If China agrees with sanctions on Iran, not only the government of the Islamic Republic, but also the people of Iran, would consider China an enemy of Iran and this may affect its political and economic cooperation," wrote Hossein Shariatmadari, an adviser to Iran's supreme leader.

    China has yet to nail its colours to the mast as the United States pushes for a tougher sanctions draft against Iran and Russia argues for the European text to be watered down.

    "Russia is the key player for Iran in terms of thwarting U.N. sanctions," said Mark Fitzpatrick of the International Institute of Strategic Studies in London.

    China, he said "will come in behind Russia. If Russia accepts stronger sanctions, China will not object. China's relations with the U.S. are more important. Iran has to sell oil to someone and is not going to freeze China out of the market."

    Before the 2003 Iraq war, China had agreed a $700-million deal with Saddam Hussein's government to develop the Ahdab oil field. Now that contract is being renegotiated and the new Iraqi government is keen to secure a deal with the Chinese.

    "Their contacts with Iraq never stopped," said a senior Iraqi Oil Ministry official. "They are the most active firms of all. They are on the ground with us and ready to offer all kinds of help to develop the oil sector."

    Chinese firms are ready to take a more relaxed view of the security risk to get in ahead of other international players.

    "They are really competing with other companies to secure energy sources for themselves and so they are really assuming a higher risk and also even prepared to give better conditions," said Muhammad-Ali Zainy, senior energy economist and analyst at the British-based Centre for Global Energy Studies.

    While Iraq is in such dire need of investment to repair the damage to its oil infrastructure from sanctions, war and looting, it is unlikely to fuss about the source.

    "It is not wise to sideline anybody. The era of signing contracts based on our mood and relations is gone. The contracts will be given to those who are capable of doing the work," the Iraqi official said.

    (Additional reporting by Mariam Karouny in Baghdad)

  3. #27193
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    Iraqi security delegation visit to Damascus to strengthen cooperation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-27-2006
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    Damascus-Ibrahim Hamidi life-27 / 11 / 06 / /

    Informed sources told «life» yesterday that the Iraqi security delegation will visit Damascus in the coming days to agree on measures to strengthen cooperation with the Syrian government, in the light of what was agreed upon during the visit of Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim to Baghdad last week.

    It is expected that the delegation includes Iraqi Interior Minister Jawad who is the Minister of National Security Absiravan Alowaeli security experts and others. that is the delegation held talks with Syrian Interior Minister Major General Bassam al-Majid and other security officials.

    Al-Hayat »« The Syrian security experts held talks with their Iraqi counterparts on the sidelines of the visit of the teacher who included his talks with the minister who is. The Iraqi officials asked Syria «» extradited or expelled a number of Iraqi officials, including former Iraqi Vice President Izzat league and member of the National Leadership of the Baath «» Muhammad Yunus and former Director of Intelligence Tahir Habbush. But Damascus has denied several times and the presence of Iraqi officials in the former territory.

    The sources said that Damascus proposed to sign security agreements to enhance cooperation between the two sides. pointing out that the Syrian Interior Ministry had prepared a draft protocol on security cooperation and demarcation of the border between the two countries.

    The talks dealt with earlier proposals to conduct joint patrols between the Iraqi and Syrian forces and to take additional measures to control the border, in addition to the establishment of joint committees on security cooperation and operation of a hotline between the Ministries of the Interior.

    According to diplomatic sources said yesterday that the Syrian and Iraqi sides opened their respective embassies in Baghdad and Damascus early next week, after the teacher and his Iraqi counterpart Hoshyar Zebari agreement establishing diplomatic relations after RUPTURE quarter of a century. It was observed that there has been a change in the Syrian media discourse, which is reflected in the official media outlets, especially from the standpoint of providing support to the Iraqi government, stability and security in Iraq.

    The Syrian officials said that the visit of the teacher came to preserving the stability of Iraq and to preserve the unity of its territory and people, and to prevent a slide into civil war.

    So, According to the Syrian News Agency said that a delegation of clerics Iraqis arrived on Saturday to Damascus.

    The agency said that Salah Eddin Kvatarro son of former Mufti, Sheikh Ahmed Kvatarro President of the General Syrian fraternization between Islamic sects «reviewed with Sheikh Jawad al Iraqi Founding President of the Conference and the accompanying delegation the latest developments».

    And Saladin Kvatarro is the Director General of the Academy Sheikh Ahmed Kvatarro which oversees the tens of Koranic schools and studying Islamic jurisprudence.

    The agency added that «Kvatarro spoke of the efforts made by the Academy and the General Kvatarro fraternity in bringing issues between different sects and block suspicious attempts to sow sedition between the sons of the nation to serve the Zionist project in the forefront of a new Middle East project, which is in support of Israel and superiority in the region» .

    For his part, pointed to «says that what is happening in Iraq violence and murder, and each faced resistance to occupation is the handiwork of the Iraqi people and all the crime committed against the people of Iraq is one of the crimes of the occupation, which is trying hard to trigger sectarian ».

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    Maliki holds deviation political blocs responsible for the deterioration of security

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-27-2006
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    Al-Maliki carries political blocs deviation «» responsible for the deterioration of the security and political
    Baghdad-Amri as the life-27 / 11 / 06

    The Iraqi political «commitment to a unified position on the incidents of violence gripping the country», With Prime Minister Nuri recognized the existence of al-Maliki «» deviations among some political blocs, , which said it deviated from the framework accord to the government, «aggravation caused and the political and security crisis in the country».

    The Maliki in a press conference held yesterday with a group of members of the political council of national security, following the Council meeting that «the security and political situation existing in Iraq is a reflection of the will of explicit political deviant. It also reflects the lack of political consensus between the blocs ».

    He said that «politicians alone can save the country from this crisis and that it would not end easily if the blood streams Iraqi same way», He pointed out that «the ongoing meetings held by the Political Council of the national security of the two ongoing arrangement aimed at the political file and to reach substantive agreements on some outstanding issues between the political components of the government and the parliament».

    For his part, Tariq Al-Hashmi, Vice President of the Republic during the conference commitment bloc «consensus» «b existing partnership in the political process in spite of the obstacles and disorder». He said that the Islamic Party «», «consensus» Front «partners will be honest and faithful in the political process and the government, The partnership still exists in spite of what the government has faced obstacles », He added : «We do not want to comment on the personal problems of Iraq or the specific Everyone bears the same responsibility in what happened».

    These statements came three days after the government impose a total ban on the circulation in Baghdad and the region has witnessed a continuous green meetings of the politburo of national security.

    So, The chairman of the Chamber of Deputies Mahmoud Almshahadani political blocs to «moral obligation instruments, which was signed in earlier to spare Iraqis». He told «life» «The security crisis is closely linked to the political crisis and politicians, the Iraqis are the only ones who possess the appropriate solutions for this crisis», He called on all parties to «away from the political and sectarian tension and resorting to the language of reason to reach specific agreements and find real solutions to the outstanding problems».

    He Sheikh Jalal Al-Din small, deputy coalition bloc «» «The main problem lies in the occurrence of some of the political blocs under the influence of some quarters paid for the release of statements provoke other parties and cause resentment get the political and sectarian». He confirmed to Al Hayat «» «meeting that the political council of national security during the past two days resulted in agreement on a number of points, especially the formation of a joint security committee to address the outstanding issues, including the issue of militias. The terrorist targeting of residential neighborhoods with mortars, The formation of a committee to unify the media after a political statements by officials in the past few days, thus paving the way for terrorists to attack the political process and security situation in the country ». He pointed out that «the political blocs do not have another option but to adhere to the outcome of this meeting to stand in the face of fierce battle between the government and terrorism», He called on politicians to unite and «not allow for the opposition parties to subvert the political process».

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    Iraqis are united in Luxor appealing neighboring countries assistance

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-27-2006
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    Luxor (Egypt) - Haggag Salama : The members of the provincial assemblies participants in the meetings of the Iraqi reconstruction team to the southern governorates of Iraq under the control of British and currently being held in the city of Luxor in Upper Egypt. the recent attacks in Iraq. Participants stressed in statements on the sidelines of the meetings, These attacks aimed at deepening sectarian differences and undermine the stability and unity of Iraq. They called «neighboring countries to assist the Iraqi government». It is scheduled to expire meetings tomorrow.
    Middle East

  6. #27196
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodney ewalt View Post
    Uh? some one please correct me as my understanding of arithmatic leaves much to be desired. I don't understand how 1000 dinar is the same as .69 equal to the $1.

    With my trusty little calculator, if I divide $1 US by 1000 NID's that equals 0.001 USD per 1 NID. In other words 100 NID's for a penny.

    Now it's true that if you divide $1 by .69 it will give you 1.4492753 or almost a 1.45 to 1 exchange rate but where does the .69 come from to start with. What am I missing?
    Actually 1000 Dinar to 1 dollar is the equivelent of 10 dinars to one US cent. Just wanted to give the proper exchange.
    I just need $1.47.

  7. #27197
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    Sorry if this has been posted before. Not sure what it tells us, but thought I'd post it anyway in case someone might understand it.

    Event : Economic Central Bank of Iraq. 2006Inflation levels in the month of October 2006
    The Iraqi Central Bank issued a special statement on the levels of inflation in the month of October 2006 stated :
    .Added index of consumer prices in Iraq in the month of October 2006 for the increase in the inflation rate of about 2 t 7% compared with September of the year 2006. As shown that increase diverse rises in the prices of commodities and services of all impacted in one way or another at the level of annual inflation which witnessed a remarkable increase of about 9% to 52 t indicators according to the last month of October compared to September last of the 6-t 51%.

    In spite of the slight decline in the annual rate of inflation in the month of October 2006 (an index of consumer prices exception of the two fuel and lighting, transport and communication), which recorded almost 32% after it witnessed a rise of 1 t 33% in the month of September this year. However, the Iraqi Central Bank still believes in the level of cash as well as bank Teshrh high real interest rates low of undesirable effects on economic activity (ie, nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate) as sources influential contribute to the high level of inflation caused by the overall demand P j economy.

    Therefore, the senior Iraqi Central Bank this month to raise its interest rate (interest rate monetary policy) by four percentage points to 16%, and this increase is adopted at the same time, amendments to the proportionate interest rates night and interest rates on credit first.

    The Iraqi Central Bank to adopt a tight monetary policy, particularly in the area of interest rates would push the commercial banks to make fundamental adjustments in the interest rates of bank had different including interest on savings deposits. The other adjustments to interest rates, the Central Bank of Iraq may depend in the future unless inflation shows a decrease in the indices.

    Translated version of

    The economic event : the Central Bank and counter inflationary situation (2 - 2)
    Hossam Alsamuk

    In the midst of this confrontation faced by the Central Bank. we have to wake policies must they would conflict with its existing and future at the same time,

    While marching preoccupation with the Iraqi Central Bank to address the situation and inflationary influences on hazardous cruise the economic cycle, through special procedures (the firm) recent strengthening of the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar and the clear success in the adoption of a new promotional rate of the dinar against the dollar as alluded to in the first section of the (dependent allowance), we would like to point out was what the Central Bank in the same statement, the alarm sounded by a few days ago after a row in the graphic July 23 July and August 17 last August.
    The release pointed out that literally supply bottlenecks, which is carved inflationary effects (requiring addressed through other means of economic policy which is outside the influence of the Central Bank and its policy adopted).

    This particular paragraph already experienced in more than one (column), we dealt with the situation earlier, while inflationary and received more than reproach in the Srahatna (loading) of several parties from the ministries and government institutions to take action quickly random caused economic damage our lives, the Central Bank was forced to refer to it in his last while the example that (supply bottlenecks in the real sector mainly concentrated in the fuel processing sector and the negative impact on the costs of transportation, communication and other production costs).
    Not hesitate to point out here that the projects should have been mature mechanisms, for caused enormous damage to the general body of the economic situation in the country. was the inflationary situation, which reached the rate reached 76.6%, the risk of one of the consequences we have warned about a year ago from now, when we discussed the rash actions in raising the prices of oil derivatives, but warned of the repercussions of the price had reached bread to one thousand dinars. This remains a possibility!

    In the midst of this confrontation faced by the Central Bank. we have to wake policies must they would conflict with its existing and future at the same time, That looks to employees and retirees of the step the government promised It seems from the list of transactions - they reached the stage of maturity is to increase the salaries of two tranches, But in a time when we look forward to action being direct beneficiaries thereof, we warn that the anticipated increase confiscated directly from further aggravation of the situation on the doorstep of inflationary if not studied the mechanisms increase economic measures, according to join in the firm avoided lust Tufayli of inflation, which applies in the cellars Ktsll hidden termites. the erosion of the green and the ground.

    According to these facts facing the Monetary Authority expressed the Central Bank, All the economic institutions that recruit their support academic and professional actors together to develop plans and policies to address each situation inflationary influences and justifications escalating and controlled the economic transactions.

    Translated version of

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

  8. #27198
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    Cool No Change as of Yet.

    I thought that Maliki lifted the curfew at 6 am their Morning today.

    1. Baghdad Time: 05:10am, 11/27/2006 ~ market is closed | $1 USD = 1443.64 IQD ^

    Announcement No.(812)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 812 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Thursday 2006 / 11/ 23 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 6 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1441 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 5.290.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 5.330.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----

  9. #27199
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    Quote Originally Posted by DayDream View Post

    Poor translation..but you get the jist of it!

    For people : the children of Iraq and the sex trade

    The unified network of Regional Information on Humanitarian Affairs, working in cooperation with the United Nations a report on the phenomenon of sexual exploitation of children in Iraq. According to the report, hundreds of Iraqi families and found abnormal in the sex trade in children living in a light blocking horizons and the deterioration of the security situation in Iraq. The report tells the story of an Iraqi call (or Zakaria) behave disease husband from work, which is a shame Latrille that recognizes a youth who adults to a gang trading in the field of children's sex inside Iraq, considering it provided the service and was proud Boldiha (14, 13

    Or years, says Zakaria : We are a poor family can no longer work and my husband came before the (Abu boys) is the leader of a gang operating in this field to the house and offered us money if we allow Oldina work with him ... WAM Zakaria thanks for introducing this ... She says : today we have a good income and Her, maybe people find it in a surprise, but at least we can eat and I am proud of them? The report reviews the varying situations and meet some of sexually exploited children is the consent of their parents and some feared murder at the hands of the father or relatives if they know his condition and Bodhaith
    The report also refers to some children who are forced to sell their bodies for fun land, students also talk about the Iraqi families prevented their children from going to school for fear of falling into the trap of the criminal gangs of sex. The report carried forward in an interview with the leader of one of those bands that Egd critical of the statement the nature of his work, considering that what is offered pursuant to the rest of the gang's business

    Translated version of


    HUMBLED, TO AN EXTREME!!!! .... I crack my jokes, I beg for an RV; but what is the appropriate word associated with this??? I typically read on, to see others posts...but had to stop here!!! I know similar things happen here in the US, but I think it is out of sickness/laziness....not out of sheer desperation!!! My body is limp with despair for these children, and the "distorted" world that my FORTUNATE children live!!!! Sorry, leave it to host this tear fest!!! Yowza......I am feeling so blessed regardless of an RV!!!!

  10. #27200
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    Cool YogiBrood

    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    ok . . .so who is the travel agent of the bunch here? . . .even tho we will all be new found millionaires, do you think we can get a good package deal for the Caymans . . .I'd like to save a buck . . .I just called Geico too . . .to get insurance quotes for my new Harley, Yamaha Rhino, and newly restored 1974 Chevy Nova Hatchback
    Yogi is a "BIG DOG" for a Traveling Arrangement Company. See his Sticky in the Advertising Section of Rolclub. One of the 3 Sticky's there.

    Sights and Sounds Thread. Yogi is a IATA Providor.
    Last edited by neno; 27-11-2006 at 03:21 AM.

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