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  1. #27221
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    Quote Originally Posted by willie 2 View Post
    Here goes..........LOPP!!!!!

  2. #27222
    Banned D-Day's Avatar
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    Talking Finally!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberkhan View Post
    Iraq's Sunnis face new conflict | Iraq Updates

    Now let me get this straight... We have Sunnis that are old members of the Saddam Regime that are helping to fight the terrorist members from the Sunni population, however they are Anti-American. So we have infighting within infighting.

    I really feel as if these people just enjoy shedding blood and will use any reason that they can find to end life...
    Well said! The only difference between them & animals, is that they wear clothes...

  3. #27223
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    Default This slanders the good name of animals.

    Quote Originally Posted by D-Day View Post
    Well said! The only difference between them & animals, is that they wear clothes...
    Animals kill only when they have too! If I had just one bullet and was facing an insurgent and a pit bull, I'd take out the insurgent every time. Would not even have to think about it. No regrets.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AlwaysDreaming View Post
    Over at IIF, Dinartime did an interesting comparison of the IQD and the Kuwait dinar.

    That's another bogus dinar doom and gloom scheme to get you to buy into the ISX through the proxy company. It's a worn out record they keep playing. Just like dinar dealers, they're just in for the percentage when you invest in the ISX via their proxy company. Pretty soon, you'll see that those that held on to their dinars made the wise decision.
    Last edited by "GK"; 27-11-2006 at 05:23 AM.

  5. #27225
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozizoz View Post
    ok . . .so who is the travel agent of the bunch here? . . .even tho we will all be new found millionaires, do you think we can get a good package deal for the Caymans . . .I'd like to save a buck . . .I just called Geico too . . .to get insurance quotes for my new Harley, Yamaha Rhino, and newly restored 1974 Chevy Nova Hatchback
    Travel agents are a thing of the past go to,, or they can give you rates and deals. These sites have seriously hurt the travel agent industry. The only travel agents that survive now are due to the computer illiterates or the old school millonares that have eveyone do something for them
    Use common sense...the world may just start look different....its always fun to dream...and you never know they may come true ONE DAY

  6. #27226
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    Quote Originally Posted by willie 2 View Post
    HEY!!!!!! I did my best, no one else had the courage to step up and say it!!!
    Good to go.....least ya didn't spell it as "loop"....the only way the dinar will ever loop is if ya make a paper plane out of it.

  7. #27227
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    Here is an idea...I haven't seen it discussed here but if it has I am sorry for a rehash.

    I was thinking about the Alaska Plan and the Profit sharing...why can't the government simply stipulate that ONLY law abiding citizens are able to participate in the dividend.

    If you are sentenced to a 5 year jail term for lets say a simple assault not only do you spend those five years in jail but you also lose the proceeds for the five years plus a certain period of time (probation)

    Now if you were to murder or be found guilty of participating in part of the insurgency, secretarian killings, terrorist ties, etc. you thereby forfeit ALL dividends...and according to Hammarabi's Law the family is also penalized.

    China simply will put you to death and send the bill to the family for the price of the bullet.

    If this is a population of people that only understand persecution and revenge then stick to what works. Keep the democracy (or their mutated version of it) in place and institute some of these restrictions for the distribution of their dividends.

    JMO...please feel free to add to this
    I just need $1.47.

  8. #27228
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    Question Help!

    Theft and extortion of banks unchecked
    1.15 million Dollars Robbed from Rafidain Bank
    Source: Translated by

    The banker, Fouad Al-Hasani, President of the Iraqi Banks Association and the Executive Director of the Iraqi Credit Bank whom the Kuwaiti National Bank owns 85% of its shares, described the condition of the sector in Iraq as very difficult, and the performance of banks has become absolutely exceptional, which requires exceptional protection in light of the daily fears of workers being exposed to risks in the absence of effective precautionary measures to be provided by the authorities concerned.

    Al-Hasani talked about the continuous robberies, extortion and kidnapping against Iraqi banks without any practical deterrent to stop those committing them, and most of them are members of gangs that have become a daily threat to the security of the citizen, the State and its institutions. He referred in this connection to the unknown armed robbery last Friday at a branch of the governmental Rafidain Bank in Bratha at Utteiffia north of Baghdad, killing three members of the Iraqi police and one of the members of the protection of installations; then they broke into the bank and stole 650 billion Iraqi dinars ($ 1.15 million) after they broke the safe using oxygen gas, as the investigations revealed.

    Al-Hasani explained that the Iraqi Banks Association has a full visual of the necessary procedures needed to protect the sector "we look for more effective actions taken by the security institutions to protect the sector. The Association has prepared a report in this regard and its content was discuss with several bodies especially institutions relevant to the sector; on top of which: the Ministry of Finance and the Central Iraqi Bank, where duty requires assume full responsibility in the protection of government and private banks alike and to serve the goal of protecting public and private funds ". He added that several banks had "been subjected to acts of armed robbery and theft of funds and assets during the first days of the recent war on Iraq. The lawlessness increased after the recurrence of such incidents despite the imposition of strict security escorts on banks ", but Al-Hasani pointed to the need to adopt unconventional measures to protect the sector commensurate with the nature of the worsening security situation in the country.

    This can't be right! Well I certainly hope not. They are stating here that they stole 650 billion dinars? Or = to 1.15 USD? Well those numbers do not match. However if they did in fact take 650 billion dinars that could be a BIG problem!

  9. #27229
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    Quote Originally Posted by "GK" View Post
    That's another bogus dinar doom and gloom scheme to get you to buy into the ISX through the proxy company. It's a worn out record they keep playing. Just like dinar dealers, they're just in for the percentage when you invest in the ISX via their proxy company. Pretty soon, you'll see that those that held on to their dinars made the wise decision.
    Maybe you know more than me. I didnt see anything about the ISX in that post,but it was a confusing post and I might have missed it. Dinar Time goes through Warka porxy program for ISX from what I remember, and I don't think they have a referal program.
    Im not a big IIF fan,every other post has a face on it and a negitive slant, but i still go there every now and then as I have a warka account and ISX through warka and there are alot of ISX investors that are positive on ISX investment. Before everybody thinks me a traitor... I LOVE ROLCLUB
    I feel the ISX could be big if everything happens right and I am able to sell in the future and have them actually send my $$ back to me.. A gamble,but what a payoff if all goes right. I hold Dinars in hand also, just incase.
    Last edited by explorerhot; 27-11-2006 at 06:20 AM.

  10. #27230
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    Default Here we go again

    Congressional Leaders Press Bush on Iraq
    U.S. Involvement in Iraq Surpasses the Length of World War II


    WASHINGTON (Nov. 26) - Congressional leaders displayed eroding patience in the Iraqi government on Sunday, adding pressure on President Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to find a faster path to peace when they meet this week.
    It is not too late. The United States can still extricate itself honorably from an impending disaster in Iraq," Republican Sen. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, a potential presidential contender in 2008, said in urging for a planned withdrawal of U.S. troops.

    "If the president fails to build a bipartisan foundation for an exit strategy, America will pay a high price for this blunder - one that we will have difficulty recovering from in the years ahead," Hagel wrote in Sunday's Washington Post.

    As the U.S. involvement in Iraq surpassed the length of America's participation in World War II, lawmakers have dwindling confidence in the U.S.-supported Iraqi government. It was the deadliest week of sectarian fighting in Baghdad since the war began in March 2003.

    "I think what we've got to do is go around the Maliki government in certain situations," said Republican Sen. Sam Brownback of Kansas, another possible presidential candidate. "Let's work with other groups, and let's get regional buy-in into this."

    Bush, after a NATO summit in Europe, plans to meet with al-Maliki on Wednesday and Thursday in Jordan. That summit, coupled with Vice President Dick Cheney's trip to Saudi Arabia on Saturday, is evidence of the administration's stepped-up effort to bring stability to the region.

    The host of the meeting, Jordan's King Abdullah, said Sunday the problems in the Middle East go beyond the war in Iraq. He said much of the region soon could become engulfed in violence unless the central issues are addressed quickly.

    The king said he was hopeful the leaders will find a way to reduce the level of violence.

    "We hope there will be something dramatic. The challenges, obviously, in front of both of them are immense," he said.

    Iraq's leaders promised Sunday to track down those responsible for the recent attacks, and al-Maliki urged his national unity government of Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds to curb the violence by stopping their public disputes.

    The Iraqi prime minister is under pressure from Shiite politicians loyal to the radical anti-Ame

    "This is all political posturing. It's all red herring. It's an anti-threat. This is a very stable government," responded Iraq's national security adviser, Mouwafak al-Rubaie. He said he had no doubt the prime minister would meet with Bush in Jordan.

    As for Bush, some of the toughest criticism is coming from within his own party.

    "We have misunderstood, misread, misplanned and mismanaged our honorable intentions in Iraq with an arrogant self-delusion reminiscent of Vietnam," said Hagel, a combat veteran of that war. "Honorable intentions are not policies and plans."

    Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, called Iraq the worst U.S. foreign policy decision since Vietnam. He said Democrats do not have a quick answer and any solution must be bipartisan.

    "It is time to tell the Iraqis that unless they're willing to disband the militias and the death squads, unless they're willing to stand up and govern their country in a responsible fashion, America is not going to stay there indefinitely," Durbin said.

    That theme - pressuring al-Maliki and his government - seemed to unify Republicans and Democrats.

    "I think we're going to have to be very aggressive and specific with him," said Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., the incoming No. 2 GOP leader. "And if he doesn't show real leadership, doesn't try to bring the situation under control - if, in fact, he becomes a part of the problem - we're going to have to make some tough decisions."

    Yet Rep. Duncan Hunter, the outgoing chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said the United States will win the conflict in the long run by supporting a free government in Iraq. Before any decisions are made on reducing U.S. troop levels, he said, more U.S.-trained Iraqi battalions should be moved into the heavy-fighting areas of Baghdad.

    "Saddle those guys up," Hunter said. "Move them into the fight."

    Durbin, Brownback and King Abdullah were on "This Week" on ABC. Lott appeared on "Fox News Sunday" and Hunter on "Meet the Press" on NBC. Al-Rubaie was on CNN's "Late Edition."

    AP-ES-11-26-06 1705EST

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