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    Economic : Sudanese confirms Iraq's desire to trade cooperation with South Korea

    An economic report Baghdad Mahdi Karim The Trade Minister Dr. Abdalvalah Hassan Sudanese on the importance of activating the economic relations between Iraq and other countries of the world, During the meeting, Dr. collection. Falah with the Ambassador of South Korea has been stressing the importance of the joint committee meetings between Iraq and South Korea. The Minister expressed the desire of the Iraqi side in the development of economic relations with the South Korean side, as Industrial countries, which specializes in the quality of their products in addition to the lack of cost, Elsewhere across the Korean Ambassador welcomed the Ministry of Trade and the Korean government minister visited anticipated, The two sides focused discussions on the theme of the tradition of Korean products by Chinese companies and exported to Iraq and that the negative effects of these actions detrimental to the reputation of (Korean industry), known quality, calling finding a solution to this issue, The Minister of Trade, Mr. part of the follow-up explaining that the subject of Iraq at the present time does not have firm control of the internal market, which helped to spread the (counterfeit goods), but stressed that the Iraqi government would take several actions for the further process of entry into the WTO and the agreements it came free and free zones, which will help somewhat in the reduction of this problem, The Korean Ambassador expressed his country's readiness to support Iraq's accession to the World Trade Organization. Turning to the issue of Korean Ambassador to prevent Iraq importing used cars, and pointed to the huge pressure the Korean government received by the car dealers Koreans to intervene with the Iraqi government to convince them to reverse their decision, which bans the import cars without C - (2005) For his part, through the Minister of Walt a neighbor of understanding of this subject. He said the unwillingness of the Iraqi side to import used cars thanks to the negative effects of these vehicles on the environment in addition to the desire of the Iraqi government to encourage the (Iraqi individual) on the purchase of new goods and modern by providing some facilities such as selling in installments, calling the Korean side with the the Iraqi people to achieve its objective of the welfare by providing some facilities for the purchase of new materials.
    جريدة الصباح - السوداني يؤكد حرص العراق على التعاون التجــاري مع كوريــا الجنوبيــة

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    Economic : a tourist is expected to occupy the territory of Kurdistan top place in the world tourism
    Data from the exhibition Iraq reconstruction second Sulaymaniyah The envoy "morning" Yasser incumbent Tourist expert expected to occupy the territory Cordstan the forefront in the field of tourism between the neighboring countries of Iraq. considering the environment is ripe for the region to attract major international companies for investment in tourism. This came during an interview with the Al (morning) tourist expert Omar Ali Habib during his visit to an exhibition of reconstructing Iraq II, which recently organized in Sulaymaniyah, said : The significant results achieved by this exhibition to attract Major international companies simultaneous with the start of the implementation of the law on private investment in the province and contracts signed during the exhibition short best indicator of this expectation. And on the question of the location of tourism between Iraq and the surrounding countries of the world in Iraq, he said : witness the countries of the world, especially the neighboring countries evolved considerably. Because of the availability of security and stability, With the retreat of Iraq in this important economic activity, Omar also said : Iraq was one of the most prominent countries in the region in attracting tourists and the tourism revenues constitute a significant contribution to the State budget revenue, But the reality tourist retreat was for reasons that are most wars Iraq and the blockade imposed on it, which led to the disconnection behind in the development of tourism. He recalled the huge development of this sector, which was enjoyed by the attention they paid the institution of tourism across the three facilities, The archaeological and tourist sites in most cities of Iraq is the historical pillars that stress the importance of tourism in the country. But what happened is that all those facilities have been destroyed and neglected, and this decline is the result of tourism services. He sees tourism that Mr. Omar Cordstan now most likely to take the lead in this area, where signs of campaigns reconstruction started as a result of security and economic stability, however, stressed the need to be attentive to the importance of the territorial government planning for the rehabilitation of tourist facilities side by side with campaigns construction Wa invested for the reconstruction of this opportunity. He also said : The tourist investment brings significant revenue for the Territory if it is invested in the tourist environment, pointing to the importance of diversity and the need for budget revenues and not to rely on specialties from one supplier is the oil. It also calls for the promotion of the agricultural sector generates a variety of resources as well. Regarding the promotion of tourism in reality believed that the territorial government develop a five-year plan and budget for the development of tourism in the province reality also requires the need to make the necessary facilities to international companies specialized tourism investment and the private sector to build new projects contribute to the promotion of tourism reality. Omar pointed out that the great challenge facing attracting investments is the laws in force, However, he added, saying : The foreign investment law passed by the parliament and the government of the region would contribute to achieving this goal, however, remains the subject property Almsatha need to be reviewed to achieve the goal. It seemed very ambitious when the territorial government called for the need to speed up the release of tourist projects and the creation of specialized requirements in terms of tourist services and a work and vision is summarized tourist expert in this regard need to prepare cadres tourist determined through study and training institutes at home and training abroad. Omar also talked about some of the facilities incentive for investment and tourism, especially regarding taxes because huge sums invested in the tourism sector needs to be in front of facilities to find the right track in this area stressed the need to reduce the wages of electricity and water and to identify long periods of Msatha There is a need for a the laws and legislation in this regard. He alluded to the necessity of adopting the territorial government theme of diversity in the modern tourist projects and not to rely on the rehabilitation of existing projects and only distributed in accordance with the required tourist environment, It also emphasizes the importance of the adoption of the integrated service tourist projects ((Ekj tourist)) contains an integrated infrastructure projects. So In the same context, the tourist expert on the need to encourage the private sector to the work of a genuine partnership with international companies investing is optimistic about the future of tourism in the country. And on the set of the results of the second international exhibition for the reconstruction of Iraq and organization in Sulaymaniyah, he said : The idea of the establishment of an international exhibition and tourist teachers alone will attract a lot of international investments supplemented in subsequent phases. But calls for the need to activate the role of the Ministry of Tourism in the region to rise to the role required in building bridges of international relations with the world in the field of investment in tourism, as the counting of this type of investment means capable of changing the map of the region and make tourism the top between neighboring nations. The tourism sector contributes an important economic sector in the labor movement to resolve the unemployment problem. He concluded by stressing that the experience Cordstan would be a breakthrough for the mutual influence with Iraq's cities after all that gracious God for the blessing of Iraq's security and stability.
    جريدة الصباح - خبير سياحي يتوقع أن يحتل إقليم كردستان موقع الصدارة في السياحة العالمية

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  3. #27643
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    Iraq : the political council of national security calls for greater coherence and synergy

    To prevent sectarian sedition Vowed to chase the killers and terrorists and criminals from Sadamiin and Altkverein Baghdad-Sabah The Political Council of the National Security Iraqis to unite and reject divisiveness. He appealed to the Council in a statement read by spokesman for the government to Skinner in a press conference attended by the President and Prime Minister and Speaker of the House and Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi and Deputy Prime Minister on behalf of peace Alzobai Iraqi martyrs because Itoua page pain and brothers to be implemented for the sake of Iraq. The statement called on the Iraqis to sit fast, and the rejection of the team. On the other hand, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that the crisis experienced by Iraq are political and that it stop its campaign of violence are politicians. For his part, Al-Hashimi that the Accord Front committed from the outset to be a partner in the political process and called on Iraqis to unity, tolerance and division. For his part, President Jalal Talabani that it was agreed during the meeting of the political council of national security to strengthen the checkpoints in tense areas in Baghdad. He added after the third meeting of the Council of the presence of the President of the Chamber of Deputies Mahmoud Almshahadani and former Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari : it will be a special meeting of the security committee to follow up the Baghdad security situation. Noting that the Council stressed the need to ensure the capital, even if we had to bring in forces from various provinces to Baghdad. He appealed to the Taliban following the Iraqi media discourse, which calls for calm and stability. At a later time, the Council decided to form a political committee to monitor the media and controversial statements, the sectarian sedition. Well-informed sources said yesterday, Monday, : "The committee will monitor media and media statements contentious sectarian strife by politicians." She added : "The Committee would be headed by the official spokesman of the Iraqi government, Dr. Skinner and the membership of the political blocs participating in the government." In relation to his official spokesman of the Iraqi Accord Front Salim Abdullah : "The meeting of the National Security Council files addressing the task had never dealt with before." He added in press statements reported by the agency Nina : "One of these files foundations to address the security situation and to give real value to the solution of the crisis and the drafting of resolutions and the concept of the participation of the political blocs and evaluation of the work of the government and how to create a balance of military institutions and how to keep the arms in the hands of the military establishment." He added : "One of the most important of what had been agreed upon to address the security situation, the need for the involvement of the Security and Defense Committee in the House of Representatives in the operations room of the Ministry of Defense for on-line access to current events and how to deal with these events." He stressed : "It is necessary to give the Accord Front a big role in decision-making and addressing the security situation." The Abdullah : "The meeting touched on the issue to be dealt with striking cities and regions, and assault without guilt I DID residents convicted of the crime act before all the political blocs and Accord Front special." And : "There is recognition from the National Security Council agreed that there were violations within the military establishment, allowing for the militia to mount outside the law." Abdullah said : "The Council, through its will to solve this issue. The following is the text of the statement issued by the Political Council for National Security in connection with the events of the tragic violence in the capital Baghdad recently : Dear Iraqi people Art Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings Hearts full of pain aspirations organizations in the political council of national security during the past two days to discuss the tragic situation in the tragic circumstances of the people in Sadr City by the recent uprising by terrorism and criminality and darkness to claim the lives of innocent people and the expectation of further victims of the men and women and children to declare solidarity with August remote this city and its people are oppressed and good Naahidm unanimous as innocent martyrs, we promise we will go after the killers of terrorists and criminals and Sadamiin Altkverein who seek cleverly and heal because the logical wedge Party Ben single people in a desperate attempt to confuse the Mtakhnedkin falsely and behind this community or T. your escape from the isolation and get out of the cocoon of darkness and strike Kazimiya once again hung Sadr City and other times, freedom sometimes another impression that their tactics to deceive the Iraqi people are wise or Tstdrjeh into the quagmire of sectarian war and sectarian fighting hateful, but we bet on your senses you mighty people you loved Shiism "p" Loya supporters Muhammdiean year Shurayfah do not let these abusers Bamenkm opportunity Bouhdtkm manipulation and the security of your country, they want to happen all Grkm angry reaction which can achieve what were unable to achieve, and they want to unending series of blood that started it, We were unable to raise sectarian sedition despite all the deceptive tactics of cunning, Here are today striving through playing on the ropes bunker sectarian but they will not, God never failed. Dear brothers in Allah, our partners in the nation, ye who coexistence parents and grandparents for thousands of years on this earth good fraternally and purity, harmony and peace. Come today write our history, present and future of our children and grandchildren through tolerance and the handshake and a sincere desire to co-exist. Come Dear friends fervent build our devastated the blessings of God. Grahatna bite on the patient and the pain is for our sons and daughters to our people and our nation for the present and future. " Come Nedd building a state in which all of us are safe. a state of law and institutions all are equal and accounts by one. We appeal to you on behalf of our martyrs who sacrificed themselves for the unity of the people and turn the page because Abstract pain and live and raise hope for anything that might spoil the atmosphere of friendship and brotherhood, we the sons of Islam, the great people of Iraq and we elements openhanded Fellndmd surgeries our patience and a champion of the blood of the martyrs lights illuminate and heralds of peace AIPAC Natsim fast, all to lose that chance and opportunity Suffice God's Book, which says : And lest fail and go wind God is with you and Nasserkm Hamikm Compassion and Radwan of innocent martyrs And pride, unity and prosperity to the people of Iraq and peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings Political Council of the national security
    جريدة الصباح - المجلس السياسي للأمن الوطني يدعو الى مزيد من التلاحم والتعاضد

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  4. #27644
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    Iraq : Iraqi religious leaders call for unity

    Muqtada al-Sadr warns of any action before reviewing the estate Baghdad, Najaf morning Authorities called the parties and religious bodies to the Iraqi unity, and not to be drawn into sectarian strife it seeks to fanned the enemies of Iraq. The data issued by the religious authorities after the terrorist operations in Sadr City and some other areas last Thursday and obtained by the (morning) stand in anyone who tries to split the unity of the Iraqis. We wish that Iraq would enjoy security, safety and stability. Sistani calls for dealing sincere intentions and behavior The tolerance of the highest religious authority Sayyid Ali al-Sistani Mkonathm all Iraqis need to stand and pause as one in front of the dangers and difficulties that stand in the way of the benefit of the citizen and stability, during his reception of the Islamic University Teachers College in Najaf. He added that on all sides to consider the interests of the homeland and the citizen, and to be honest, both in dealing intentions or behavior, and all this has been applied on the ground. He also addressed university professors to remind them that they bear a heavy responsibility to their students, , through adherence to Islamic morality, reasoned discourse so that students love to see their professors Equipped with the Islamic lofty values and high morals. He invited Mr. al-Sistani, the Iraqis to exercise self-restraint and not to be drawn behind the sectarian strife. Al-Sadr calls for unity and solidarity And Mr. Muqtada al-Sadr called on all Iraqis to reject violence and unity and solidarity in order to end the occupation and terrorism. He attributed Mr. Sadr in a statement received (morning) copy of the people of Sadr City traumatic grief stricken by the impact of terrorist operations targeting innocent people of the city. He added : I am sure, if the Sadr us, said to you : have preserved the ancient and Tmasckm and patience, and the doctrine of Islam B*mtkm B*mtkm *mtkm and Iraq. He continued : do not do not really say in words only after reviewing the estate, As has been said (they were aggrieved and unjust) We learned from Hussein to be the wronged Venntasser, will this incident is a victory for the blood of the injustice, there Tdi'wa your irresponsible acts of hope. He added : On this sad occasion I said, sought the departure of the occupier or reschedule the occupation, it is in addition to its inability to protect Iraq is more discord and violence in the political in-fighting and obnoxious and hateful sectarian also. He stressed : therefore, all honorable claim that either inside or outside Iraq, and let us go to join forces to build a free and independent Iraq a stable security of full sovereignty is not controlled by wolves infidel lackeys of the occupation. The Association of Muslim Scholars The restraint For its part, the Association of Muslim Scholars called for Iraqis to exercise self-restraint and not to be drawn to the attempts at consolidating the Party among them. And according to a statement received (morning) a copy of which need attention to the dimensions of the hidden behind the events of Sadr City and hung and Hirsh, pointing out that in the Thus, under the circumstances did not sponsor any sanctity of the blood of Iraqis. The statement added : the explosions that Sadr City is the same carried out rocket and mortar attacks on the regions and hung Hirsh and Ghazaliya and Shula and Kadhimiya. The statement called upon the Iraqi people to unity and solidarity and not to give an opportunity to enemies of the occupation and to undermine the unity among them. Islamic Party Warns Iraqis of the enemies of unity For his part, the Islamic party should not be dragged into sedition and deny the enemies of Iraq. The party said in a statement obtained (morning), a copy of : that on all Iraqis to uphold the unity of ranks, and not yielding to the objectives of the enemies of the country. The statement stressed the need for coherence and restraint and unity among them, He pointed out that terrorist attacks did not exclude any area in Baghdad. The statement warned Iraqis to be dragged into the sectarian sedition which wants the enemies of Iraq fanned. A call for the activation of the Anti-Terrorism Act The Islamic Virtue Party, in a statement received (morning) copy of the Iraqis to unity and cohesion and miss a chance to those who want to rekindle the fire of civil war and abort the political process and return to the past. The party also called on the government to exert more effort to face the challenges and work to activate the Anti-Terrorism Act and make the Iraqis, and the national interest in mind. The statement asked : political forces away from political discourse irascible which would escalation of sectarian violence and the level of responsibility placed on it.
    جريدة الصباح - المرجعيات الدينية تدعو العراقيين إلى وحدة الصف

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  5. #27645
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    جريدة الصباح - Recent events exploded political movement
    English : Recent events exploded political movement

    Baghdad, 327-339. 28, P.. 1 Events of Sadr City which killed more than 200 peoples and totters exploded following unprecedented political movement to curb a crisis needs to Iraqis solidarity as politicians said While President Jalal Talibani continues his discusses with his Iranian counterpart in Tehran. Amman would witness an important meeting between Prime Minister Noori Maliki and U.S. President George Bush.Meanwhile, Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that Foreign Ministers of reads neighbor states would meet in headquarters of Arab League at fifth of December to unite in solidarity with people and reads government and refuse all kinds of violence and sectarianism.
    seems from these last articles things are settling down and they might be accidentally thinking.

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  6. #27646
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    Iraq : Citizens : let us higher than our wounds and unite

    Despite the burdens of the massacre that has shaken the Iraqis Baghdad-Sabah Despite the burdens of events bitter attacks on Sadr City and some suburbs of Baghdad, the other general called for the unity of Iraqis and to control the nerves and not to be drawn behind the agitation uncalculated and interviews conducted by the "morning called on citizens to" fasciculation this painful to the renunciation of disagreement and discord and disruption. A number of people in the Baghdad newspaper Al-Sabah "should" respond to these criminal acts and keeps passing up the opportunity to those who might be tempted to tamper with the lives of citizens and to make pure blood that flowed in Sadr City and hung Ghazaliya, freedom and the beginning of a bright new chapter gives us hope in the hearts of Iraqis who usage NOAA suffered and paid a price for the spilled shift towards building a new Iraq dominated by love, harmony and peace. Ali Sharif university student stressed that the pure blood that flowed in Sadr City coincided with the anniversary of the martyrdom of Ayatollah Mohammed Mohammed Sadeq al-Sadr (Jerusalem) indicates that the killers of Mr. Sadr's followers were themselves killed in Sadr City, and this cowardly act is only evidence of a prostitute these terrorists on the debt and trying to foment sectarian sedition. He appealed to Sharif government to prosecute the perpetrators of this crime and the crimes that followed hung in the areas of freedom and Ghazaliya and brought to justice to receive their fair punishment just as committed against innocent people on their hands. The citizenship Alia Muhammad (employee) all Iraqis to resort to the language of reason and guidance references bones in the eradication of sedition and stand in trying to divide the Iraqi and his brother to serve in the sordid attempt to return the decades of tyranny and underdevelopment through the masks worn by those criminals under a different brand name in religious and nationalistic Edf p value of innocent citizens. She said : counterfeit masks that has begun to crumble and fall on the faces of offenders after detecting the Iraqis and become certain that the double standards adopted by the baddies not just rhetoric rings hollow and the sky just above the ground to detect those faces disguised and demonstrate real. He said Dr. Salem Abd al-Rida, professor of the Department of Law at the University of Basra : The solution to the crisis is the basis of inter action comes in the forefront of condemning and prohibiting the killing and shedding the blood of Iraqis and Muslims all religious denominations and the prohibition of belonging to Al-Qaeda and to refrain from launching statements eased their narrow and that contribute to the rekindling of sectarian conflict that serves the interests of the American occupiers, which depends Ttbe s policy of divide and rule. He added that the Iraqis unified aftermath of the terrorist operations that targeted innocent people in Sadr City. For his part, Omar Abdel-Rahman : it is targeted Sadr City is the same as that launched rockets and mortar shells on the regions and hung Hirsh and torch and Ghazaliya and the al. He added that he lived in a region with the majority of the other sect There were no reactions contrary Everyone left after an ugly incident of the criminal fraternity in Sadr City. He continued that the same people who left their homes when they felt pain targeting the rocket hung. Meanwhile, Abdul Hussein Jathir one inhabited Sadr City that although the citizens of the city, they feel sadness and pain of the martyrdom of their brothers and cousins impact of the terrorist operations which targeted the city but they refused at the same time came the other regions, pointing out that the malicious hands were behind the explosions Sadr City she was behind the bombing of the other regions. He said Ali Mahmoud al-Shamri he felt great sadness and the calamity after the fall of hundreds of martyrs in Sadr City. He added that the Iraqis will stay together, no matter what the enemies of the country tried to raise sectarian strife abhorrent. He explained that he and all his neighbors agreed to protect his diverse constituencies regardless of the attackers, explaining that the solution is to close ranks and deepening of the spirit of brotherhood, tolerance and love.
    جريدة الصباح - المواطنون : لنكــن أعــلى مــن جراحــنا ونتوحــــد

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    English : Revisions on UN Resolution No.. 1546

    Baghdad, Dec.28 p.4 Al-Askarii Samii, member of council of representatives has revealed that "government will represent changes it is willing to have on the UN resolution No.1546 This resolution is about relationship between government and multinational forces He added that "government will suggest number of changes and most important of which will be security file, Iraqi armed forces and in addition to handling this the leadership of these forces and that training of these forces will be in the hands of government".He said that "if these changes took place, then government will finish terrorism. "
    جريدة الصباح - Revisions on UN Resolution No. 1546

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    Iraq : Strict security measures to prevent armed rallies in Baghdad

    Baghdad-Sabah The Ministry of Defense has spread its troops in the streets and suburbs of Baghdad, confirmed that they had strict instructions to deal with any acts of lawlessness and armed rallies in all its forms. The spokesman of the ministry Mohamed military in a press statement that the comprehensive plan was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of the Interior to impose security in the street an Iraqi general, and in particular the city of Baghdad, so as to achieve stability and the return to normalcy. He added that the military authorities formed the operations room of the Ministries of Defense and Interior in coordination with the multinational forces to deal with any manifestation of armed and protect neighborhoods and residential areas. He pointed out that American forces will intervene to help Iraqi forces if necessary to deter any attempt to disrupt security and order. The city of Baghdad witnessed since yesterday morning, following the lifting of the curfew that had been imposed on the background of terrorist operation in Sadr City, Movement and natural activity in the aircraft returned after opening the Baghdad Airport and opened its doors to most markets Almetbdhaina despite security incidents in a number of areas.
    جريدة الصباح - إجراءات أمنية مشددة لمنع المظاهر المسلحة في بغداد

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    English : Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says

    Baghdad, Nov.28 p10 MP Younadim Kana deputy chief of the economic and investment committee emphasized that the coming period would witnessing big study to improve number of decisions which share Raising up within the actual economic in Iraq He said in a statement issued that, the committee studying the right decisions and private legality within communications and information decision besides oil, gas banks and investment decisions in addition to any field sharing in improving the national economic for the public benefits.He concluded that, the committee has many important ideas still studying at the period which returns within the luxury and economic development for the citizens in the state.
    جريدة الصباح - Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says

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    Presiding over Iraq next session of the Arab Economic Council meetings hosted by Cairo at the beginning of next month. .The director of the Media Office at the Ministry of Trade and added that the conference, which follows the activities of the Arab League will be responsible for economic policy-making and coordination between the Arab Member States in order to achieve Arab economic integration and economic unity. .He added that the real opportunity to explain the economic suffering of Iraq and the importance of the participation of our Arab brothers to support Lebanon's infrastructure through investment in the Arab sites in Iraq announced investment, He added that the return of Iraq to the Arab Hadera this weight and the responsibility to give him freedom and opportunity in the Arab economic policy coordination and grant greater weight in the level of Arab relations. .He pointed out that the Minister of Trade, Dr. Abdel farmer Sudanese special study prepared for this conference explaining the point of view of Iraq in support of the Arab economic unity and the establishment of a free trade zone combining all Arab countries, which thus becoming a significant economic force in the region and the world
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