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  1. #27661
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    Hello everyone. Well we can see another auction that further confirms our ideas of a "drying up". Market forces are in play which means that few are willing to sell their dinar at these levels. Keep in mind, that behavior is different at different price levels. So, to change market behavior and encourage people to sell their dinar, the price is going to have to increase. So, we are in exciting times, yes? We have 2 more auctions this week and then we will have a clear idea of where we stand.

    I was asked about what I thought about the violence in Iriaq. Most of you know I did a tour during the year of "04 running heavy convoys all over Iraq and Kuwait. We saw the whole country. In August of "04, a general briefed us that he could have very good elections in 15 of the 18 provences. I think this is still a good guideline. Most of iraq is fine. Especially in the Kurdish areas. Also in the south. They do have occasional violence but very little. We had 14 minor wounded and lost three trucks, and all of this was in the western part of Bagdad. So the violence is real, but it is not all over iraq and the iraqis in the country side in towns and villages are doing what they should be doing. Getting their life together. One army officer stated that if you took a radius of 30 miles from the center of Bagdad, you could account for 95 percent of all casulties. So to say the whole country is going down the drain is not right. Even though they do have a couple of areas that are killing americans and iraqis, So I hope this helps and we are all excited about the numbers we are seeing. Have a good day and Thanks.
    Thankyou Mr. Knowles..another very reassuring post... The situation in Iraq does concern us all and I am sure that I speak for everyone here that your view of the situation in Iraq is extremely encouraging to us all...

  2. #27662
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Rice will arrive in Amman tomorrow with President George W. Bush
    Officials guessed that meet the American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, both Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in Jerusalem and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on each unit. It is expected that Rice tomorrow, Wednesday, to Amman, accompanied by President George W. Bush, who will hold talks with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on ways of ending the sectarian conflict in Iraq. It is noteworthy that Rice will attend later in the day next Thursday, the opening forum on the future of reform in the Middle East, which will be held in the Dead Sea.

    (8:56 Baghdad time)
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #27663
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post

    Hmmm, Rice and Bush. Expect final ultimatums......
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  4. #27664
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    The Ministry of Municipalities to discuss the new law on the
    The Minister of Municipalities and Public Works kindergarten Ghraib, "the ministry discussed the new law and the amendments made to reach the goals of the future." He added Ghraib in a press statement that "the new law, which will be presented to the parliament soon suited to the nature of the situation in the country and aspirations to reach the decentralization which seeks to ministry." He pointed out that "the new law created a director of Municipalities and Public Works in each province in order to ensure the speedy completion of the projects of the ministry and the direct supervision of them."

    (8:46 Baghdad time)
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #27665
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    Talabani discuss with his Iranian counterpart developments in Iraq
    President of the Republic met with Jalal Talabani yesterday, Monday, his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during the meeting were discussed developments in Iraq and Iran's role in helping to re-establish stability. Talabani said during the meeting that "Iraq needs the assistance of Iran to respond to the armed and security and stability." For his part, Iranian President in his country's readiness to provide all the assistance that could be provided to Iraq to re-establish security and strengthened. " It is scheduled to meet today, Tuesday, Talabani Supreme Guide of the Republic Ali Khamenei.

    (7:43 Baghdad time
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #27666
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    Russian company showing its willingness to build and the rehabilitation of oil refineries in Kirkuk
    An official at the governorate of Kirkuk, "a Russian company specialized in the field of petroleum, has shown willingness to set up refineries in the oil city of Kirkuk." The source added that "the governor of Kirkuk yesterday, Monday, met with a delegation from the Russian company and discussed with him investment in the province. as the delegation expressed the company's willingness to participate in the reconstruction and rehabilitation of oil refineries in Kirkuk. " He pointed out that "Kirkuk governor explained that the new Iraqi constitution giving wide scope for foreign investment and local governments pending controls such investments, which can contribute effectively in the implementation of projects."
    أخبار راديو دجلة

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #27667
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    Voices of Iraq: Parliament-Journalists
    Posted by: saleem on Tuesday, November 28, 2006 - 11:03 AM

    Journalists not allowed to cover parliament sessions
    By Santa Michael
    Baghdad, Nov 28, (VOI) – The Iraqi journalists endeavoring to cover the parliament Tuesday’s session were not allowed in according to the new regulations adopted by the parliament to deal with media men.
    Iraqi journalists gathering outside the Conferences Center inside Baghdad’s heavily-fortified green zone told VOI “we are not allowed in for the second day running according to the new regulations adopted by the speaker Dr. Mahmud al-Mashhadani for dealing with media men.”
    “I passed the U.S. army checkpoints at the entry of the green zone but Iraqi security forces’ checkpoints denied our entry to the building that hosts the parliament session,” a journalist told the independent news agency Voices of Iraq (VOI).
    On Monday, the parliament speaker's office said “new rules will be in place to organize media coverage of parliamentary sessions” but so far the new regulations were not made public.
    Parliament-Journalists :: Aswat al Iraq :: Aswat al Iraq

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #27668
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Anything missing???

    1. October 15th. 3 year anniversery of the New Iraqi Dinar.
    2. October 19th. Religious leaders meet in Mecca to endorse a call for an end to all sectarian bloodshed
    3. October 24th. End of Ramadan.
    4. October 30-31. IAMB meeting. (Article V111 done and dusted?)
    5. End of October. ICBG to launch by end of October.
    6. FIL passed 10 October, we were told it would take a month to be officially enacted, so we're looking at around 7/11 for announcement in the Gazette, still nothing, emabargoed??
    7. Saddam verdict 5/11, to be hanged within month or 2.
    8. Week beginning 5 November, distribution of ration cards........still nothing.
    9. Rumour of BoA selling dinars from 13/11, we were told they'd only be dealing with dinars once it was 'trading' internationally........
    10. EU Trade signing 20/11.
    11. Rate all time high, gone from 1477 to 1439 since 2/11. Article, stating 'Revaluation' has started.
    12. 29/11 big meeting with Rice and Bush in Amman......
    13. End of November. International Compact for Iraq signed, sealed and delivered, or was it signed 31/10??????? Looking at mid December for this. Hopefully debt forgiveness by Saudi and Kuwait as well.
    14. December 12/13th. DFI is turned over to the GOI, extended till 2007.....
    15. December 31 end of year 1345 IQD to 1 USD CBI/IMF projection achieved.
    16. Oil Law by end of the year.
    17. Jan 1st. Beginning of a new fiscal year.
    18. March 22, 2007. Iraq's IMF Stand-By Arrangement expires
    19. 2008. Iraq begins making large IMF fund payments.
    Last edited by Adster; 28-11-2006 at 02:12 PM.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  9. #27669
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    Al-Maliki in Amman tomorrow to meet with Bush and insist Saderion

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-28-2006
    This issue was sent to a friend

    Al-Maliki in Amman tomorrow to meet with Bush and Saderion insist on the suspension expires
    From just the latest
    Baghdad - (Voices of Iraq)
    He said media source in the Iraqi Council of Ministers today, Tuesday, the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki tomorrow, Wednesday, will travel to the Jordanian capital of Amman to meet with the American President George Bush.
    The source, who refused to reveal his name, told the News (Voices of Iraq) Independent that the "end of the meeting between Bush and Al-Maliki is to discuss ways to transfer the security responsibilities from the multinational forces to Iraqi forces."
    The source did not give further details about the visit.
    The American embassy in Jordan on Sunday that Bush will arrive tomorrow, Wednesday, and Oman will meet on Thursday, Al-Maliki, 30 of this month.
    The embassy added in a statement received by news agency (Voices of Iraq) independent copy that Bush and Maliki will hold a press conference following their talks.
    The meeting of Bush and Al-Maliki with growing pressure on Monday to move decisively to prevent Iraq sliding into a civil war or a state of chaos has a tremendous future state of instability in the entire region.
    It also comes after the historic visit by Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallim to Iraq was the first visit by the Syrian minister of the country since the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 and culminated in an agreement the two countries to resume their relations after a break that lasted about a quarter of a century.
    For his part, Falah said Chanchal President chest bloc in the House of Representatives (30 seats) that the bloc is still determined to suspend its membership in the event of the completion of the meeting between Maliki and Bush, "because we consider what is happening in Iraq bombing and the killing and destruction caused by the presence of occupation forces in Iraq."
    Bloc chest and threatened one of the components of the United Iraqi Alliance list (130 seats) in the earlier suspension of its membership in the government and parliament in the event of the meeting between Bush and Al-Maliki.
    He added Chanchal News Agency (Voices of Iraq) Independent today, "We call upon Mr. Prime Minister, to work on ending the occupation or foreign presence in Iraq, according to paragraph 12 of resolution 1546 adopted by the Security Council and Judge end of the mandate of the foreign assignment in Iraq after the completion of the political process and the formation of an elected government the House of Representatives panel. "
    He pointed out that the occupying forces had already pledged to transfer security responsibilities to Iraqi forces, but it has not been implemented so "it is just promises, where the security file, but still the occupation authority."
    He continued : "We do not know the outcome of the meeting Maliki and Bush, but we believe that this meeting was not useful because the solutions to the status quo must be done under the dome of the Parliament of the Iraqi team that the legitimate representative of the Iraqi people."
    He pointed out that he spoke on Monday during a closed session of the House of Representatives for the activation of the role of the House of Representatives and the resolution is the Iraqi affairs and that all solutions must be discussed in the corridors of parliament.
    U p

  10. #27670
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    With what Wm Knowles has said is there anyway to calculate an approximate idea of where the dinar is headed, based on the remaining money supply. What will happen when the banks start selling their dinars again, will the value go down to some degree? We do not know how much the banks are hording. If it is a lot the value will drop again to some degree as they sell. If the banks are holding relatively few dinars the value might continue to rise. Is there any ideas on this.
    Last edited by michael16; 28-11-2006 at 01:23 PM.

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