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  1. #27731
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I was reading the posts about the 0.04 start. I still am confident it will open at 1.47 or better. I thought about it a bit and my first thought was well....hey if it opens at 0.04 I will still BUY MORE because at 0.04 it is a mind you I am not a rich person (not yet anyway) 0.04 is a steal which makes me go back to my original theory of 1.47 to open......there are a lot of investors and companies who are wealthy and they could easily sink a fortune into investing at 0.04 and not bat an in my opinion 0.04 would not be likely at all. Not to mention those wealthy investors who jump on board at 0.04 and buy up millions and millions at that price already are wealthy and can sit on it for a few years....there you go with the hoarding of dinar again.....1.47 to open shows the big investors that wow that's a great price at 1.47 but they are not going to be able to dry up the market like they could at 0.04 per dinar.

    1.47 or better here we come......IN THE NEXT DAY OR 2!!!!
    Dang if i ever have to pick teams you are my first pick ...... you just dont give up and when picking teams that matters a lot. Wonder if it helps with this dinar nightmare i seem to have found myslef in ... no wait its a dream thats right all good and things

    For the record i will be grateful for the .04 but secrectly hope for a .30 start
    Oh the drama....

  2. #27732
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    i asked this a couple weeks ago with no response...

    why would they want or not want foreign investors,
    ( large amounts of dinar in foreign persons hands ) ?
    Iraq is absolutelly going to need foreign investors to help with the reconstruction costs. They are looking at tens of Billions just for the oil sector alone.

    And with Iraq's vast resorces; companies (as we've been reading) are lining up to get a piece of the action. Iraq is, for the most part, starting from the bottom, which means, they pretty much need everything. And the things they have need to be updated, fixed or replaced.

    Not-to-mention that they are now a democracy they are now open for western-world styles of living. This allows the world to come in and sell these very-soon-to-be-rich citizens all kinds of items from soft drinks, computers, cell phones to automobiles.

    Many nations around the world stand to make HUGE profits (Not to mention us too). Iraq can't handle the cost all by themselves. It would just cost too much. JMO, I'm sure others can add to this.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  3. #27733
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    The true Start of construction in Kurdistan
    98 million dollars value of the contracts signed during the exhibit period


    27 November 2006 (Iraq Directory)
    The value of commercial contracts concluded in the second international exhibition for reconstruction, which was held in Sulaymaniyah, were 98 million dollars for various projects in this regard. The exhibition, which constituted an area of 29 hectars in Tazlojah and implementation cost of 2.5 million dollars as a first stage, witnessed high attendence by international companies amounted to more than 350 companies representing various countries around the world and displayed the latest technologies in the field of building and construction as well as various goods and commodities.

    Dr. Raad Omar, Head of the Organizing Committee of the exhibition and Executive Director the Iraqi-American Chamber of Trade and Industry, said: This exhibition is a real starting point towards the reconstruction of Iraq, which we seek to start by breaking down the barriers after the delay.

    He hinted that the response by large international companies to participate in the second exhibition of its kind held inside Iraqi territory in Kurdistan reflects the genuine desire of major international companies to find real and serious partners of Iraqi businessmen to start ahead and begin implementation.

    Omar revealed the intention of setting up a third exhibition on the 20th of January, 2007, but this time it will be held in Erbil, and will be considered a complement of the two previous exhibitions held in Kurdistan.

    He said that preparations started from this moment, when the real results produced by this exhibition will be evaluated to benefit from the successes achieved, as well as overcome the mistakes that accompanied the work which are very simple amid such a major accomplishment.

    He expressed his delight at the results and said that the success achieved pleased everybody and created a new vision for the major international companies which were impressed and expressed their willingness and readiness to participate in reconstructing Iraq, and this is what the coming days will witnessing, according to him.

    Also, Deputy Governor of Sulaymaniyah, Mr. Jotial Weli Abdullah said: The investment and secure environment of Kurdistan and its economic stability were behind the large crowd of international companies that attended the exhibition, and they were all eager to invest in Iraq.

    Weli also said: This exhibition, which was held in Kurdistan for the first time, in the city of Sulaymaniyah in particular, is a qualitative leap in the economic realities of the city, especially that it coincided with the implementation of the foreign investment law in Kurdistan, which cleared the way for attracting foreign investments and international companies that discovered the country's thirst for more construction projects of reconstruction.

    He suggested that the movement of reconstruction in Sulaymaniyah witnessed a remarkable and rapid implementation at the level of infrastructure projects and services, qualifying it to implement major projects despite the low allocations (according to him). He pointed out that the commercial market is successful because Kurdistan adopts the free market system and encourages private sector.

    The Deputy Governor of Sulaymaniyah said that employment opportunities are available and projects to be implemented in Sulaymaniyah attracted many working hands from outside Kurdistan; from Baghdad and the other governorates to absorb a portion of unemployment.

    Weli noted that wages are encouraging, identified between 15-50 dollars, according to the skill of workers. Sulaymaniyah absorbed, so far, more than 20 thousand workers from outside Kurdistan, and this phenomenon has led to the creation of huge population, which prompted the regional government to consider the establishment of a work- field compound that includes workshops and hotels to accommodate the population inflation and the coming workers, within the next few months.

    Mr. Jito Faris Dizahyi, Executive Director of Seruan Trading and Contracting Company, which is the executing company of the exhibition, explained that the cost of establishing the exhibition facilities as a first stage amounted to 2.5 million dollars, and the achievement was in five months, pointing out that the last two phases, included the establishment of tourist hotels, meeting rooms and other tourist facilities that create a flourishing commercial market in the province.

    Mr. Beljeet, Chairman of Izdihar Organization which is a non-governmental foundation, said: This exhibition is very important for the Iraqi economy and a good lab for it. It will contribute to encourage international companies to invest in Kurdistan after finding a good investment environment; however, he pointed to the importance of completing the institutions that guarantee the rights of investors, like the developed banks and international insurance companies which participated in the exhibition to display their services.

    Mr. Majgid Michael, a member of the Preparatory and Organizing Committee of the exhibition, stressed the importance of international exhibitions in developing the economic status of countries, after Iraq's delay in entering the global economic process, as he put it.

    He stressed that Iraqi economy is in need for progress and development, through these exhibitions which are effective and essential means to achieve that. As for the possibility of holding such expositions in the southern region, he said: Yes, it is possible and there are meetings and coordination in this regard. He pointed out that setting up exhibitions outside the Iraqi border has no value because the field is the real test to determine Iraq's needs for projects, either in construction or reconstruction.

    The exhibition was concluded with an international festival where the results were declared, and they were represented by the conclusion of significant contracts. The award of the exhibition was a Chevrolet 2006, won by one of the citizens of the city, as well as distributing certificates of appreciation among the participant companies.

  4. #27734
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    Quote Originally Posted by mike brown View Post
    i asked this a couple weeks ago with no response...

    why would they want or not want foreign investors,
    ( large amounts of dinar in foreign persons hands ) ?
    We are holding currency and are "indirect" foreign investors.

    What Iraq (and most developing countries) wants most is "direct" foreign investors who are putting money directly into reconstruction and local businesses.
    A teacher was giving a lesson on the circulation of the blood. Trying to make the matter clearer, she said, "Now, class, if I stood on my head, the blood, as you know, would run into it, and I would turn red in the face... then why is it that while I am standing upright in the ordinary position the blood doesn't run into my feet?"
    A little fellow shouted, "Cause your feet ain't empty."

  5. #27735
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    We are holding currency and are "indirect" foreign investors.

    What Iraq (and most developing countries) wants most is "direct" foreign investors who are putting money directly into reconstruction and local businesses.
    Tell them to rv the dinar at $1.47, and I will.

  6. #27736
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    Quote Originally Posted by webinvestor View Post
    We are holding currency and are "indirect" foreign investors.

    What Iraq (and most developing countries) wants most is "direct" foreign investors who are putting money directly into reconstruction and local businesses.

    Exactly, we are not popular people in their eyes! Fortunately, they have no option but to pay us out!
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #27737
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    Default Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says

    Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says
    28 November 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    MP Younadim Kana deputy chief of the economic and investment committee emphasized that the coming period would witnessing big study to improve number of decisions which share raising up within the economic actual in Iraq

    He said in a statement issued that, the committee right studying the decisions and private legality within communications and information decision besides oil, gas and banks investment decisions in addition to any field sharing in improving the national economic for the public benefits.

    He concluded that, the committee has many important ideas still at the studying period which returns within the luxury and economic development for the citizens in the state.

    Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says | Iraq Updates

  8. #27738
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Amen, not seen the sun in about 3 weeks in England. so facking depressing. Can see how people get this Seasonal Adversity Disease! Why Portugal beckons in winter months sometime after this baby hits.
    Adster, My sister lives 1 block from the beach and it still gets cold there in the winter months....40 degrees and Portugese do not have heat in their homes! She has to wear layered clothes through the winter to stay warm. Still wanna live there?

    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    Default Revisions on UN Resolution No. 1546

    Revisions on UN Resolution No. 1546
    Baghdad, 28 November 2006 (Al-Sabaah)

    Samii al-Askarii, member of council of representatives has revealed that "government will represent changes it is willing to have on UN resolution No.1546.

    This resolution is about relationship between government and multinational forces He added that " government will suggest number of changes and most important of which will be security file, Iraqi armed forces and in addition to this handling the leadership of these forces and that training of these forces will be in the hands of government".

    He said that" if these changes took place, then government will finish terrorism.

    Revisions on UN Resolution No. 1546 | Iraq Updates

  10. #27740
    Banned panhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by H2O_Lover View Post
    Dang if i ever have to pick teams you are my first pick ...... you just dont give up and when picking teams that matters a lot. Wonder if it helps with this dinar nightmare i seem to have found myslef in ... no wait its a dream thats right all good and things

    For the record i will be grateful for the .04 but secrectly hope for a .30 start
    If this thing starts at .04, your mission if you decide to accept it will be
    to run downstairs and kick Susie square in the backside then promptly hide
    her stash!
    .04 is unacceptable

    I understand this sounds harsh, but drastic times call for drastic measures.

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