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  1. #27861
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    Default WM KNowles?

    Quote Originally Posted by Wm.Knowles View Post
    What we have to assume is the CBI is following a well thought out plan. They are sweeping the banks for over 1 trillon dinar which in its self is a dramatic and seldom seen monetary intervention by a small country. They are at the point that they will have to increase the price (I think dramatically) so as to remove additional currency from the market. When the post stated that the CBI president wanted to take care of the "indirect Investors first". He was talking about us. How much is he going to have to pay to get us to turnin our Dinar? Thats why I liked the post about an RV around .04 cents. A lot of dinar would be retrieved at that level. Like another said, "those that have this investment will make money, those that hold over time will be rich. So, I wouldn't worry about the price going down. There are too many players in the world who want this country to win "big time". Lots of financial support. So lets calm down and enjoy the ride. Its not over yet. Thank You.
    Mr Knowles , dont you agree that the Soros' of the world will buy the entire money supply of iraq if it revs at .04 ??? Wouldnt the cbi be better served if they just "bit the bullet" and paid us indirect investors off at 1:1 or > ?

  2. #27862
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    Quote Originally Posted by railroad View Post
    It's not that great for the guy either....first you have to blow yourself up, then you have sit beside Allah and have him trash you about messing up the suicide bombing, (you are suppose to say "this is for Allah" before you trigger the bomb, not after). Then you finally get the 42 virgins, then you have 42 honeymoons and then all you do is sit around and say "been there done that"
    And the REAL problem is.... theres a reason those virgins are virgins... and its not because they are smoking hot! Imagine strapping a bomb to yourself , blowing it up, except you dont die right away , it takes awhile and youre in hellish pain , only to finally bite the big one and find yourself in the arms of some hairy, mustached , 12-falafel-eating , bloated, greasy.... you get the picture...

  3. #27863
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    Cool Lets keeps this Clean.

    I am recieving complaints with this. I know we are having fun but, we do have others that are schooling from this (Like Kids). Also lets keep the Dong in the Dong Forum Please. Thank You.

    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    you know i was thinkin about investing in vietnamese currency but im not sure my heart could take the banter for very long if the subject was dong.
    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I almost couldn't resist...I was tempted would be wrong to discuss the short and long of the dong, just thought I would pass that along!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Alphamystic View Post
    Is this a Hard currency?

  4. #27864
    Banned D-Day's Avatar
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    Talking Congrats All...

    It just keeps getting better!

    Lookie here from Oanda...

    Wednesday, November 29, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007259 US Dollar

    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1,377.60 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

    Interbank rate +/- 0%

    This means:
    You buy 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0007259 US Dollar
    You sell 1 Iraqi Dinar : 0.0006669 US Dollar
    You buy 1 US Dollar : 1,377.60 Iraqi Dinar
    You sell 1 US Dollar : 1,499.40 Iraqi Dinar

    Learn about the new Iraqi Dinar
    Median price = 0.0006669 / 0.0007259 (bid/ask)
    Minimum price = 0.0006669 / 0.0007259
    Maximum price = 0.0006669 / 0.0007259

    OR... - The Universal Currency Converter ® (much improved as well...)

  5. #27865
    Senior Member doublescorpio's Avatar
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    Default From ALIRAQI.COM

    November 25, 2006

    Mosque Burnings Apparently a Hoax, Sunni Burnings Unconfirmed

    Tales of burning mosques, like this one from Reuters were apparently fabricated by Sunnis and swallowed whole by a gullible world press.
    As well, the sensationalized accounts of six Sunnis being burned alive by Shiites are unconfirmed, and all appear to come from the same source, police Captain Jamil Hussein, whose entire career appears to be issuing statements about Shia violence against Sunnis. Curt at Flopping Aces has researched Hussein and found a remarkable number of atrocity stories for which he is the source.

    From the Multi-National Force's Iraqi Freedom website:
    BAGHDAD — Contrary to recent media reporting that four mosques were burned in Hurriya, an Iraqi Army patrol investigating the area found only one mosque had been burned in the neighborhood...
    ...An alleged attack on a fourth mosque remains unconfirmed. The patrol was also unable to confirm media reports that six Sunni civilians were allegedly dragged out of Friday prayers and burned to death. Neither Baghdad police nor Coalition forces have reports of any such incident.

    This is all uncomfortably reminiscent of the Reutersgate/fauxtography scandal during the Israeli/Hezbollah war, and once again brings into question just how much Western news agencies have compromised their integrity by depending on unvetted local stringers and sources.

    The Jawa Report: Mosque Burnings Apparently a Hoax, Sunni Burnings Unconfirmed

    The source clearly has a right wing slant, however, the arguments they put forth seem very plausible. I had been suspecting all along that these reports of 'atrocities' against Sunni Arabs are either fabricated or exaggerated in order to divert attention for the true massacres in Madinat al Thawra.
    ...Providing interest free loans to Iraq since November 2004!!!

  6. #27866
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    There is tremendous escalation in violence but not a civil war

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    Pentagon : there is tremendous escalation in violence but not a civil war

    The American President : do not withdraw from Iraq before the job was done

    London : «» Middle East
    Rejection of American President George Bush in Riga, yesterday. obtain the withdrawal of American troops in Iraq before the job was done «» Despite the pressure exerted by the United States to begin withdrawing its soldiers from Iraq. Bush said in a speech in the Latvian capital, before the NATO summit «One thing is not going to make it, which I will not withdraw troops from the battlefield before the completion of its mission».
    Earlier, White House announced that the severity of sectarian violence in Iraq reflects a new phase «» in the situation, But does not mean that Iraq has become mired in civil war. In a meeting with reporters on board the plane which is to transport the American President George Bush to Estonia before yesterday, Stephen Hadley, a key Bush advisers, These »« new phase began in February (February) with the assault on the most important Shiite shrines centers in Samarra, after acknowledging that things had worsened over the past few days. He added : «We are very clearly in a new phase characterized by increased sectarian violence, This certainly requires us to adapt to this new stage ». He explained that «a new phase began in February, certainly, things have worsened over the past few days ». He also said «But Iraqis are not talking about civil war and that the government of national unity is also talking about a civil war». He pointed out that the army, the police and the government was not divided by sectarian distribution.

    In Baghdad, expected American army yesterday escalation in sectarian fighting in Iraq during the coming few weeks, takes the form of revenge killings. and in the wake of the devastating explosions that occurred in the Shiite stronghold in Baghdad. However, Maj. Gen. William Cold spokesman for the American army, he said that these acts of violence do not fall within the definition of military sector civil war, Despite what was described as a massive escalation «» in the «acts of murder and violence sweeping the streets of Baghdad».

    He said in a press Wheel in Baghdad «expect to see high levels of violence during the next two weeks. Al Qaeda and the foreign terrorists and extremists do not want to leave the Iraqis to their own devices to decide their future ». The Cold Sadr City explosions on the Al-Qaida plot to spread discord between Shiites and Sunnis. The Sadr City bombings last Thursday killed more than 200 people in the worst attack since American forces led the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

    The Wheel in his explanation of why the American army believed that Iraq did not fall into the trap after a civil war. the government is still functioning and that the security forces declare their loyalty to the government, and there is no any group seeking to overthrow the government or replace.

  7. #27867
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    Human Rights Watch calls on Bush »pressure on Jordan

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    «Human Rights Watch calls on Bush» pressure on Jordan to protect Iraqi refugees mechanism

    She said in the report : hundreds of thousands are at risk of arrest, deportation or fines

    A Amman. P. B : Organization called «Human Rights Watch», which is based in New York, yesterday, the American President George Bush to put pressure on the Jordanian government to protect Iraqis seeking safe refuge in this country.
    The organization said in the report consists of 110 pages «yesterday that hundreds of thousands of Iraqis in Jordan face, after departing fleeing violence and persecution in Iraq. the risk of arrest or paying fines or deportation because the Jordanian government as a way to deal with the treatment of illegal immigrants to the treatment of refugees ».

    The organization considered that «the American President George Bush to submit to King Abdullah II to assist in the protection of Iraqi refugees and stresses the need to stop back to where they are exposed to the danger of death».

    According to the report, issued under the title «treatment enveloped in silence : the exodus from Iraq to stay », that «million Iraqis fled their country since launching the war on Iraq in March (March) 2003, but did not treat them any of Iraq's neighbors and even the United States as refugees».

    He criticized the quality of Nasser spokesman for the Jordanian government strongly on the report before its publication, considering that «far from objectivity, accuracy and far from the truth». His presence during the weekly press conference yesterday, Monday, «personally sick and tired of the periodic reports of Human Rights Watch, which does not count in the most accurate information». He explained that the organization «hours refugee status to all Iraqis living in Jordan». He added that the organization «claims that Jordan restricts give visas to the Iraqis as they do not know that the Iraqis do not need a visa to enter Jordan and the topic is the subject stays the contrary, the Iraqis living on Jordanian territory with stays varying duration of time». According to official estimates Approximately half a million Iraqis to Jordan as a result of the war led by the United States and Britain on Iraq. while non-official sources estimated the number at about 800 thousand. The report pointed out that «the Jordanian government was tolerant with half a million Iraqis living in Jordan until the time of the explosions in hotels in Amman in November (November) 2005, which claimed the lives of the 60th person, when the arrest and deportation of Iraqis who do not have legal residence permits, and now enter Jordan rejects many Iraqis on its borders ».

    The Iraqi Sajeda Alerishawi was arrested and sentenced to death in advance of this year after the condemnation of involvement in the blasts that declared Al Qaeda in Iraq took responsibility. Also sentenced in absentia to five Iraqis and a Jordanian others to death by hanging for their involvement in the bombings. which he took Ali Hussein al-Shamri, Sajidah husband, and two of his comrades detonated themselves. The report said that a lot of Iraqis in Jordan «enjoy health care is limited, because they do not have work permits, many of them resort to the marginalized or vulnerable to exploitation ».

    The «Human Rights Watch» the woman from Najaf, saying that her husband, who has a university degree average «has not been able to obtain only to work in the field of construction as illegal for daily wages» and that he was arrested and deported to Iraq where he was wounded in a suicide bombing. The organization said that the man was carrying at the time a document of refugees from the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees.

    Despite the report's criticism of Jordan but Sara Lee and Itson Director of the Office of Human Rights Watch in the Middle East and North Africa. «said that Jordan and Syria are still the most tolerant in the region towards the Iraqis». «The hope of this report prompt the international community to participate in assuming responsibility for these refugees».

    The report criticized the United States and Britain for demonstrating «little interest in the humanitarian crisis in the region» arising from intervening in Iraq. Itson said «The recognition of the United States and Britain of a million refugees would mean acknowledging the failure to achieve peace and security in Iraq».

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    The House of Representatives of the owners extend emergency powers amid feelings

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    The parliament extends emergency powers for the owners of the center are disgruntled Sunni excesses of «»

    Iraqi politicians of the Middle East «» : Iraq is seen disorder, not civil war

    Baghdad : Al-Salem Al-Rahma
    The new Iraqi parliament yesterday emergency powers, enjoyed by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, But Tariq Hashemi, Vice President of the Republic, a Sunni, he stated that he may impede any further extension. because of human rights violations.
    There was objection to the Council on the outcome of the vote, But the President of the Council, Mahmoud Almshahadani ignored complaint in the count, stressing that the state of emergency declared in Iraq more than two years ago will continue. Almshahadani said that the law gives Maliki, one of the Shiite majority, special powers, got the approval of 189 members in a vote by show of hands, But one member complained that the number of participants in the meeting were less than this figure.

    In another gesture objection wrote at the bottom of his note-Hashemi, , which requested the Council to extend the emergency law, he wants «to put an end to double standards in the application in respect of human rights». The Reuters news agency as saying to the Hashemite that he would not agree to extend the state of emergency next time, if the position as it is.

    And accuses the large number of minority Sunni Iraqi security forces loyal to Shiite factions participation in the government, and they sometimes manage execution squads targeting year. Iraqi television, and the transfer of the parliamentary session, But for the second day running, the security forces prevented journalists from entering the building, on the basis of a new, Head of the Parliament the day before yesterday, it aims to prevent the deployment of communal conflicts in the wake of the escalating levels of violence.

    In the midst of the deteriorating security conditions, experienced Iraq, moving views and expectations to the possibility that Baghdad was on the verge of civil war. now with signs of the failure of the government of Maliki in uniting blocs and political parties to the position of one apparent. The politicians and parliamentarians of the Middle East «», The country is experiencing insecurity and chaos and not a civil war. calling on the government to be the level of responsibility. in particular they made promises on the same (government) to reform the security situation deteriorating, while some see that the reason President of the deteriorating conditions and the existence of a breach in the security services.

    He said Salim Abdullah al-Jabouri, member Accord Front in the Parliament, «No one can deny the worsening security situation, But there is a strong desire by the forces of political and religious roots and to contain the crisis. We know we are facing a very big challenge ». He stressed that «contain the crisis is not impossible. especially popular fabric and expand in Iraqi society do not allow that there be room for the emergence of a civil war between the stripes ».

    The Hatem Hatab, Assistant Secretary-General of the Iraqi Republican Grouping, «said that the truth of what the situation has become now reflect the serious deterioration in the security situation, It is natural, particularly the lack of solutions ». He stressed that «there junctions between blocs and political parties, in addition to weak security procedures, not to mention the issue of the militias, which is worsening day by day, and the abductions and killings continued in the Iraqi street, all of which is due to unemployment, , which is considered the home of the crime and paid the security file to a further deterioration of the situation », He external interference from neighboring countries (Iran and Syria), in addition to the existence of the occupation forces. things have helped to the deterioration of the situation ». He explained that Hatab coherence Iraq and the Iraqi society is counting on him to avoid a civil war in the country.

    On the other hand, he said Alalosi example, member of Parliament and leader of the Iraqi nation, «I do not think that the civil war is that the word (civil war) word great, The mean that the conflict directly contribute by all civilians, This is not in Iraq », He added, «one of the reasons for the apparent deterioration of the security, in addition to the occupation and the presence of hidden non-Iraqi and regional, the aggravation of the situation ».

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    An attempt to assassinate the fourth parliamentarian from the Iraqi List

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    An attempt to assassinate the fourth parliamentarian from the Iraqi National List

    Ayad Jamal Al Din «» Middle East : I carry the responsibility of the Iraqi government protect us

    London : contagious Fayadh
    Bear researcher Islamic Iyad Jamal Al-Din, member of the House of Representatives (parliament) of the Iraqi Iraqi List headed by Dr. Iyad Allawi, the Iraqi government responsible for protection and the protection of the Iraqi political figures, He pointed out that «the security situation in Iraq has run very There is no rule of law or of the State».
    This came in the wake of his home in Baghdad was bombed by rockets is the fourth in an attempt to assassinate him, The number of injured personnel protect various injuries while his house considerable damage.

    He said Gamal Eddin told «» Middle East by telephone from Damascus yesterday, where he will attend the seminar that «of the missiles to the house he was trying to assassinate me, because they certainly did not know the subject of my absence from home, attending the forum as confidential and left after two days I will return to Iraq».

    The member of the Iraqi Parliament, saying that «the simplest things and procedures to be followed by the Ministry of the Interior is opening an investigation of the matter and take samples from shrapnel and inspect the site, However, none of this did not happen this time whether or times past exposed directly to the assassination ».

    It is noteworthy that the beauty of religion had been subjected during the last elections for the assassination in his home town of Suq of Dhi Qar governorate in southern Iraq, another attempt followed the bombing of his house when the rocket, then the third attempt when explosive devices planted near his home and his car exploded and miraculously escaped death. Subject area where the beauty of religion to control security by the Badr Corps specialized protection characters and premises of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution headed by Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim.

    The Iraqi National List has condemned the assassination attempt against its member Jamal al-Din, She said in a statement over the Middle East «» «copy yesterday that this criminal incident once again confirms the correctness of the national approach, which suffered Iraqi national leaders sincere and aimed it to preserve the unity of Iraqi land and people and fight all forms of racism, sectarianism and provincial abhorrent», pointing out that «the criminal and terrorist elements in all forms of Tkverein and militias and death squads will not be able to extinguish the voice Iraqi national free will remain is the Supreme God».
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    Allawi holds politicians responsible for the deterioration of the security situation

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    Baghdad Alhimus Numan : Dr. Iyad Allawi appealed to the President of the Iraqi List in the House and the former Prime Minister, «Iraqis patience and faith and not to be drawn to the negative reactions to happen can only lead to increased tension spreading discord and sectarian discrimination, Thus the country drifting towards disintegration and destruction ».
    Allawi condemned in a press statement yesterday received the Middle East »« copy, explosions Sadr City in Baghdad last Thursday, and Lots of politicians full responsibility for the deteriorating security situation. He called on the state to play a role in deterring terrorist groups and undisciplined militias and extend its authority and justice for all classes of people on the basis of law and justice and harmony and the elimination of this sectarian sedition before it becomes worse and the primacy of law over anarchy.

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