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  1. #27871
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    Default never thought of it this way

    Not my idea lifted it from IIF but it makes an interesting point

    If memory serves,security features are expensive. (about .10 to .12 cents per note) This is why we don't protect anything under ten dollars. This might make a person wonder why anyone would pay .10 to protect a half a penny. Unless the fifty dinar note, at the time of conception, was already destined to be a whole lot more.

  2. #27872
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    The Iraqi Lawyers Association warns of expanding the base of uprooting

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    The Iraqi Lawyers Association warns of expanding the base of uprooting the Baath

    Amman Middle East «» : warned the Iraqi Lawyers Association team Dia Al-Saadi of broadening the base of uprooting the Baath to undermine the independent non-Baathists. In statements made to the Middle East «» rejection of the idea that the eradication of the Baath his expulsion from his post. Al-Saadi said that the abolition of winning the elections for the head of the Lawyers Syndicate «Despite getting a majority of the votes is set at 70% of the total votes of the lawyers involved in the elections» confirms unequivocally respect the will of lawyers spite of the importance of this segment of society are educated. He said that the eradication of the Baath used the law to harm Iraqi Independents, dropping their civil and political rights guaranteed by the constitutional rules.

  3. #27873
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    British official calls for the deployment of an opposition statement before Blair

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    British official calls for the deployment of exhibitions benefit Blair to the Commission Baker

    London UBI : said Michael Moore, foreign minister of the government of the shadows of the ruling Liberal Democrats, the British opposition that he had sent a letter to Secretary of State Margaret Beckett demanding the publication of a copy of the testimony given by Prime Minister Tony Blair to the Commission for the Study of Iraq, which is headed by former Secretary of State James Baker .
    Moore said in a statement that «minister Beckett refused in reply to a parliamentary question, the publication of a copy of the certificate of Blair and referred instead to queries to the press statement issued by the spokesman of the Prime Minister». But he added that the British public is deprived of the right to know the views of the Prime Minister on the issue of the seriousness of such a strategy Britain in the future of Iraq is unbelievable while standing is the answer to the questions of American achievement.
    Middle East

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    Dollar demand hits new low in 2006
    Source: Aswat Al Iraq

    Buying demand for U.S. dollars hit a new low for 2006 on Tuesday and the dollar rate was down two dinars amid expectations of lower demand for the U.S. currency as the Iraqi central bank moves towards raising the dinar rate.
    The Cenbank said in its daily statement the dollar demand reached $0.850 million compared to $20.580 million on Monday.
    The central bank covered all bids received from local banks which were $0.850 million in cash.
    The exchange rate was at 1,437 dinars per dollar, two dinars down from the previous session.
    Only six banks participated in Tuesday’s session, the lowest number in 2006, and none of them offered to sell dollars.
    The Iraqi central bank runs a daily auction on Sunday through Thursday.

  5. #27875
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    Bush asks help «friends» Arabs to stop the violence

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    Bush asks help «friends» Arabs to stop the violence in Iraq instead of the involvement of Syria and Iran

    Zelikov adviser Rice to resign from his post in protest against the policies of the administration

    Washington : Helen Cooper *
    While trying to American President George Bush and senior diplomats contain the deteriorating political and security situation in Iraq and Lebanon. it seems they are determined to implement their strategy to talk to friends knockout Arabs, Despite increasing calls them, inside and outside the administration, go to Iran and Syria as well.
    Next Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's visit to Jordan this week, the talks involving the Prime Minister and a number of Iraqi leaders year, but excludes the Iranians and the Syrians. Although Imarsanh influence in Iraq and Lebanon. In the meantime, the Philip Zelikov, It is one of the closest assistants of Rice his resignation from his post as an advisor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He said Zelikov, which is seen widely as the voice of honesty and impartiality in the administration on the Iraqi crisis, in the letter of resignation the day before yesterday, he will return to teaching at the University of Virginia. An official in the administration that Zelikov felt disappointed administration's policy on the Middle East. including Iraq, as well as North Korea.

    There were signs of tension within the administration, especially in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. as officials in the diplomatic domain argue in favor of increasing dialogue with Iran and Syria, in an effort to stop violence in Iraq and Lebanon. A senior official at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, demanding, The other topic discussed, to be anonymous, because he is not authorized to discuss the subject openly, he said «We face chaos and difficulties».

    When Bush and Rice up to the Jordanian capital, Amman today, they seek to gain help Arab leaders in order to stop the violence in Iraq. through the exercise pressure on the rebels year. This was part of the task of Vice President Dick Cheney. , who met with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, during a brief visit to Saudi Arabia last Saturday, and according to the officials in the administration. Bush will repeat with Jordan's King Abdullah II, when Rice also will meet in talks with the foreign ministers of the Gulf countries in the Dead Sea, on Thursday and Friday, he said.

    The United States hopes from Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Specifically, work to drive a wedge between the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the Shiite cleric opposed to the United States Muqtada al-Sadr, that stands's Mahdi Army is behind many of the attacks revenge for the Shiites in Iraq. according to a senior official in the administration. This requires the payment of the Arab states governed by the year to work for the year urged moderates to support the Shiite al-Maliki. This will, in theory, Maliki political force necessary to counter al-Sadr Shiite militias. The official said the administration, demanding to be anonymous, the practice is the usual diplomatic channels, «There are some discussions about seeking to deal first with the Sunni rebellion, But that could mean seeing you and you take one aspect of the conflict, This can not be accepted ».

    But making the Sunni Arab States urges Iraqis to support the year-Maliki in the hope away from al-Sadr is a difficult goal, in different circumstances, it has become more difficult last week after the killing of more than 200 people in the Shiite Sadr City, the capital Baghdad, It is the worst attack since the American invasion. The attack led to violent retaliatory acts by the militiamen attacked Shiite Sunni mosques in Baghdad and Baquba.

    He informed Stephen Hadley, the National Security Adviser, reporters aboard U.S. Air Force plane, on the way to Estonia. where the NATO summit before meeting with Bush, Al-Maliki : «Clearly, we are at a new stage of this increasing sectarian violence. This requires us to adapt to this new stage and requires the two leaders to talk about how to do this and what are the steps that must be taken and how to support them ».

    In return for its assistance to the Americans in Iraq, the Sunni Arab states of the Bush administration to a new endeavor towards Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. The Bush sped away, to a large extent, this demand for longevity, But things can change.

    Rice has stopped in two places, two Ramallah in the West Bank and Jerusalem in the round of this week, according to the administration official. While the agenda has not been set, the final time Rice was studying the possibility of meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. Rice argues in favor of strengthening work on the Israeli-Palestinian front, It appeared several times in the autumn instant, they were on the verge of a major peace initiative obstruction other crises.

    Apart from Israel. another part of the game is whether the United States will involve Iran and Syria directly, This Administration seems unwilling to do, despite the references to the study group formed by the Kurdistan regional diplomatic initiative recommends include both countries. The pressure mounts towards initiating talks with the two countries are taking part in this invitation Former officials in the administration. He said Theodore Katov, the former ambassador of President Bush to Syria, «The Syrians say they could influence negatively on the situation in Lebanon and cause harm to our friends, They could influence negatively on Iraq. The closely diplomacy in general, if you were not prepared to achieve the aims through war, you have to participate in the type of negotiations under the bargains. It is unfortunate that there is a lot of give and take between the United States and Syria at the present time ».

    * New York Times service «»
    Middle East

  6. #27876
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    Cool Hey Adster...

    Q: How can you tell a French trained Iraqi Soldier?

    A: Their arms automatically go up to the surrender position...

  7. #27877
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Good one Susie,

    If they really want to solve this incentive of 42 virgins, we have to start the rumor that they are male virgins, then lets see if they want to be a martr and blow themselves up. LOL

    Good luck to all, Mike
    Or, we can turn it around again and they will be the virgins to Bubba and Skeeter!!

  8. #27878
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    Harith al-Dhari, not a politically behind my meetings with the leaders

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
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    Harith al-Dhari told the Middle East «» : not a politically behind my meetings with Arab leaders

    President of the Association of Muslim Scholars : I have not and will not shake hands Bush met Maliki in Amman

    London : contagious Fayadh
    Denied President Sheikh Harith al-Dhari of the Association of Muslim Scholars, should there be any political project behind his Arab tour which had initiated a meeting with the Saudi leadership to visit him and ended with the Jordanian monarch King Abdullah II in Amman, the day before yesterday, only «uncover the truth with regard to the issue of Iraq and its people», «I will not be adding a handshake Bush because his hands were stained with the blood of Iraqis and the violation of their sanctities».
    Dari said in an interview with the Middle East «» by phone from Amman yesterday «Not only are we not the issue of Iraq and all our work is in the issue of Iraq, we felt especially regarding Power and its role in the political process. as events confirmed our expectations and sincerity of some of our expectations, especially in the political process ».

    He explained that «fierce political process in Iraq is not the right way to extricate Iraq from the predicament in which he signed after the occupation. It came all operations of two of the worst first », He pointed out that «the conditions in which Iraqis live in the light of the latter is the worst of which have lived through the government that preceded it, The conditions did not bode well and things worsened more and more from all aspects, but deeper and wider and a disservice to the Iraqis ».

    The head of the Association of Muslim Scholars «According to our assessment in the body, there is no government in Iraq today, but there is the Prime Minister, addresses and ministerial do not advance or retard, governed by certain groups and known and govern Iraq in accordance with the wishes of Foreign firmly and in the interest of the occupation, The government is a cover for what is going on from the devastation, destruction and looting ».

    Regarding the recent Arab tour explained the fierce «Saudi kindly offered us a formal invitation to perform the Umrah and to meet the Saudi leadership, we welcomed and responded to the invitation, We are not plotting and this is known to us, as well as our brothers in Saudi Arabia. where is the habit of conspiracy, Saudi Arabia does not interfere in projects at the expense of Iraq and its people ». His fierce saying «in Egypt for Pena invitation of the global call for Islamic Youth, where participated for the first time in a big organization for the future of Muslim youths, There (in Egypt) we met with a senior Egyptian officials. as we talked about the situation in Iraq and how to break the deadlock ».

    Regarding his meeting with the Jordanian monarch said head of the Association of Muslim Scholars «I think Jordan wants to see the situation of Iraqis in anticipation of the visit of American President, and the creation of information to be presented to the American side, to talk about the Iraqi situation troubled, eight Jordan is a neighbor of Iraq and our charge », He stressed that he had not felt that «there is a common political attention only on those countries and the UAE with the Iraqi issue and is keen on the security, stability and unity of Iraq. these countries have agreed among themselves to this concern, But if there was a common agenda not know anything about or have not seen how to achieve this agenda, what is required of me is to publicize the Iraqi ».

    As for the possibility of meeting with President Bush during his visit to Amman. Dari said «did not ask me to attend any occasion with the American President to discuss any issue or program, will I have a handshake Bush, who tarnished his hands the blood of Iraqis and the violation of their sanctities, only if the (President Bush's) willingness and specific statement that goes from Iraq and suspended this leave reunion Harith al-Dhari when Saltekaya that for the sake of Iraq and Iraqis, and I would be happy and pleased to be asked and that is not hypocritical ».

    Dari denied that there was any project to meet Nuri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq, He said that the government «Maliki a loss of legitimacy and is required to end this government and to end the sectarian quota system. To go back to the restoration of the political process ». The fierce non-participation in the political process. He said «We support the political process - which we must condition that the process is on the right path, If Vsanaaradha derailed, We do not have any ambition in politics today, not before or after, but we will not abandon our duty to our people and leave Bayadi butchers who took the risk of future », he said «We are not opposed to certain persons or certain quarters, but we oppose is driving behaviors such behavior ».

    A fierce and the existence of meetings with people in the Iraqi National List (headed by Iyad Allawi) He said «We had a meeting with Falah al-Naqib of the Iraqi List day before yesterday. We call for a return to the truth and what ever had before, It must be Iraq for the Iraqis not to the exclusion of any one ». The fierce saying that «save Iraq must be done through the elimination of the current government and come alternative set a program everybody agrees. Crucial alternative to lead the country for a certain period until the holding of fair elections under the control of the Arab and Islamic and international neutral ».

  9. #27879
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    Quote Originally Posted by crave681 View Post

    Mr Knowles , dont you agree that the Soros' of the world will buy the entire money supply of iraq if it revs at .04 ??? Wouldnt the cbi be better served if they just "bit the bullet" and paid us indirect investors off at 1:1 or > ?
    I would think it would be best for the CBI to start at $0.04 or something low (not that I want this of course). From their standpoint, they are not putting dinar in circulation any longer. They are in fact trying to take as much as possible OUT of circulation to minimize their liability. Thus, whatever dinar is out in circulation upon reval (regardless of rv amount) has to be covered regardless of whose hands they are in (ours or the big dawgs). If it lets loose at $0.04, many small fish who are tired of this coaster will be cashing in. True that the big dawgs may buy in as much as possible but at the same time the CBI has a chance to grab some at $0.04 and take it out of circulation. at a higher rv amount, the big dawgs may be reluctant to buy in, plus the CBI is now liable for ALL the dinar in circulation.

    I may be way off here. I'm just thinking out loud. Sorry.

  10. #27880
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    Talking Ahem...

    It's 72 Virgins & they all look like Osama Bin Laden...

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