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  1. #27941
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    Quote Originally Posted by risktaker View Post
    no offense, but according to you, it was over 3 months ago
    Just consider how many times they have already delayed the 10K handout!!! I truly believe that the reval has been in the works for many months now, but they could not come together over the details. For the sake of the country, this should have happened many months ago.

  2. #27942
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    Default UN renews mandate for Iraq troops

    UN renews mandate for Iraq troops
    29 November 2006 (BBC News)

    The 15-member United Nations Security Council has unanimously voted to extend the mandate of the multinational force in Iraq until the end of next year.

    The move was requested by the Iraqi government, which said the troops were needed for a further year while it built up its own security forces.

    The mandate will be reviewed by 15 June, or earlier if Iraq requests it.

    About 160,000 foreign troops, the majority of them from the US, operate in Iraq under the UN mandate.

    Iran diplomacy

    Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said it was a top government priority for Iraqi forces to be able to assume responsibility for the country's security.

    As in the past, the new commitment includes the authority for the Iraqi government to call for the mandate to be terminated before the year is out.

    The new mandate will come into effect on 31 December.

    The renewal came as Iraqi President Jalal Talabani visited Tehran for talks with Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

    During the meeting, Ayatollah Khamenei said that the only way for security to be restored in Iraq was for US troops to leave.

    The past week has been one of the bloodiest in Iraq since the American-led invasion in 2003.

    On Monday, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan told reporters in New York that drastic action was needed to prevent a civil war.

    UN renews mandate for Iraq troops | Iraq Updates

  3. #27943
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    Shabibi - Improving the Exchange Rate محافظ البنك المركزي العراقي سنان الشبيبي: هدفنا محاربة التضخم البالغ 76 في المئةIraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi : Our fight against inflation of 76%
    بغداد- عادل مهدي الحياة - 29/11/06//Baghdad-Adel Mahdi life-29 / 11 / 06 / /

    سنان الشبيبيSinan Shabibi
    The Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi said that among the causes of inflation in Iraq is increasing cash in circulation, what required a new monetary policy aimed at improving the dollar's exchange rate towards reducing its price several points in the auction, organized by the Central Bank every day to encourage the demand for buying the dollar in order to withdraw money from circulation.

    Shabibi said during a meeting at the headquarters of the World, It was attended by the Directors-General and officials of private banks, He dedicated for circulation in the monetary policy and the means of cooperation between the Central Bank and All banks, «The aim of the Central Bank is currently limited in the fight against inflation, which reached about 76% and reduce the height, through the provision of better conditions for economic development and improving the performance of the banking sector and providing stability ».

    A banking source told «life» that the meeting dealt with numerous topics, the most important of the new policy by the Central Bank which, in addition to the daily reduction of the dollar rate of exchange, an increase in the interest rate paid to banks to invest night at the Central Bank, which amount to 15% for 14 days, and 16% for one month, as well as the auction, organized by the World Bank remittances, He pointed out that he also discussed with the issue of coordination with the World Bank and the Iraqi Ministry of Finance to make the correlation government banks like Central Bank sinks eligibility so as not to exceed their ministry and the administrative side only for the purpose of the ease of application of monetary policy set by the Central Bank.

    He noted the source conferees to note the existence of some private banks faltering what impact negatively on the rest of the banks and the payment of the Central Bank to direct governmental banks to give 10% of the appropriations have on the implementation of reconstruction programs in Iraq to the eligibility of these banks to improve their performance level.

    The source further stated that a policy of the Central Bank to increase the interest rate on the investment night and day auction remittances encouraged private banks to increase interest rates on deposits, citizens have the highest rates of interest paid by the government banks to reduce the gap between the interest rates paid by the Central Bank and A. Adh paid by the banks and to achieve a kind of reassuring to the citizens, This will lead to increase in the volume of deposits in banks and the Central Bank Aidha for investment purposes night and participate in the auction money and thus reduce the amount of money in circulation, which helps to reduce the rate of inflation.
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

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    Bush heads to Jordan for Iraq talks

    AMMAN (AFP) - US President George W. Bush heads to Jordan for a crucial summit aimed at finding ways to quell the surge of sectarian fighting in Iraq, even as he signaled no imminent change in Washington's policy.

    Bush is to have a brief three-way meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Jordan's King Abdullah II upon his arrival in the Jordanian capital early in the evening, before heading into a working dinner with the king.

    "Shortly after his arrival in Amman, President Bush will have a meeting with King Abdullah II and then they will be joined briefly by the Iraqi prime minister," a Jordanian official said Tuesday.

    The Jordanian monarch and Bush will meet again with delegations from both countries "over a working dinner", the official added.

    Thursday morning Bush and Maliki will have breakfast talks and then will hold a joint news conference, the official said.
    King Abdullah II plans to use his time with Bush to urge a resolution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

    Meanwhile, Bush pledged not to pull US troops out of Iraq until their mission has been completed and sidestepped questions over whether the country was now in a state of civil war.

    "One thing I won't do, I am not going to pull the troops off the battlefield before the mission is complete," Bush said in a speech on his arrival in the Latvian capital Riga for a NATO summit.

    Bush heads to Jordan for Iraq talks - Yahoo! News
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  5. #27945
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    Political first : Hashemi share Accord Front on the results of the meetings of the political council

    Baghdad-Sabah The Vice President Tariq Al-Hashmi, Dr. Adnan Al-Dulaimi and the ministerial committee in the Accord Front on the results of the meetings of the political council of national security and the negotiations which took place on the The margin of the meetings of the leaders of the political blocs participating in the government. A statement from the Media Office of the Vice President received ((morning)), a copy of which was yesterday that the Hashemite listened to the remarks gentlemen present on the position of the government in this delicate phase through which Iraq and concluded the meeting a number of recommendations and resolution AT important in many issues of the relationship and decided to continue these meetings on a regular basis in future confirmation of the desire of everyone in front of their importance internally and consolidate its position on the political map.
    جريدة الصباح - الهاشمي يطلع جبهة التوافق على نتائج اجتماعات المجلس السياسي

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #27946
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    Political first : Alzobai describes the results of the political talks positive

    Baghdad morning Dr. peace Zakam Alzobai that the recent crisis which ravaged the country, which has been concocted Iyad harm the Iraqi people and sow discord among its citizens has not achieved its goals of anthrax. He added Deputy Prime Minister in a press statement issued from his office had received "information" copy of the morning yesterday that despite the scale of the suffering and tragedy Left to the crisis, but we elected a government that derives its legitimacy from the people, we can say that the meetings of political opponents in the National Security Council had been positive and that the proposal was very frank in order to determine the defect and to identify treatments at the same time calling on all politicians to play their role and shoulder their responsibility and exceeded etc. Pests and to stop the war of words, which in turn is reflected on the Iraqi street. Alzobai said that the issues of marginalization and his important files and reduce the monopoly of some political actors moving joints security without other blocs has been one of the most important suggestions that we are in the process of the final program of treatment and comes in the context of the interests of the people and maintain the unity and not to drag him into fighting and sedition that benefit prepared purchase of Iraq alone. He concluded his speech by saying that Alzobai our moving towards the non-recurrence of such events and confrontation and the real causes of corrupt elements and create a balance in the march of government and tackle the militias and end the chaos of carrying weapons and stanch the blood of our great people.
    جريدة الصباح - الزوبعي يصف نتائج مباحثات المجلس السياسي بالايجابية

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #27947
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    Political first : Egyptian-Iraqi talks to increase coordination between the two countries

    Cairo-Sabah Diplomatic sources said the Egyptian-Iraqi talks chaired by the Foreign Ministers of the two countries Hoshyar Zebari and Ahmed Abu pent preceded by the meeting of the Arab ministerial committee on Iraq, which will hold its fifth day of the next month at the Secretariat of the Arab League in Cairo. The sources said the leaks ray the illiteracy that talks Zebari, Abul-Gheit, who will meet on the third of next month, will take up the overall situation in Iraq, especially after the waves of violence, as well as dealt with the future of bilateral relations between Baghdad and Cairo, and ways of developing and strengthening in various fields. The sources said that the Egyptians are ready to provide any assistance to Iraq in h Rabbo against terrorism. It went on to say that Foreign Minister Zebari Aboul Gheit will reopen its embassy in Baghdad, appointing a new ambassador to Iraq.
    جريدة الصباح - مباحثات عراقية مصرية لزيادة التنسيق بين البلدين

    franny, were almost there!!

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    Announcement No.(815)

    D.G. of Foreign Exchange Control

    The 815 daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq day Wednesday 2006 / 11/ 29so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 4 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1435 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1433 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 1.330.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 2.000.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 1.330.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 2.000.000 -----

    Cash amounts sold to the bank and its customers were USD(1.330.000) at a rate of(1435+1+10=1446)IQD\USD .

    D.G. of Investments

    Daily price Bulletin buying and selling Wednesday 2006/11/29

    Currency Code
    Selling Price In IQD
    Buying Price In IQD

    US Dollar

    European Euro

    Sterling Pound

    Canadian Dollar

    Swiss Frank

    Sweetish Krone

    Norwegian Krone

    Denmark Krone

    Japanese Yen

    The above price represent reference rate and does not from any commitment on the Central Bank of Iraq.

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    Default Bush rules out early pullout

    Bush rules out early pullout
    Amman, 29 November 2006 (Gulf News)

    US President George W. Bush reiterated on Tuesday that his country would not pull its troops out of Iraq until it completes the mission of building a stable democracy.

    Speaking in the Latvian capital of Riga, where he is attending a Nato summit, Bush also dismissed talk of a civil war raging in Iraq and said the wave of bombings was part of a pattern of attacks by Al Qaida militants.

    In Amman, analysts expect Bush to press Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki to reach a deal with the Sunnis and to rein in violence.

    However, little is expected from the talks as Washington lacks a new strategy in Iraq and the Iraqi government is not capable of enforcing the law, they added.

    "Jordan will urge the US administration to include all the Iraqi political powers in the political process," a Jordanian official, who asked not to be identified, told Gulf News.

    Joost Hintermann, Middle East Project Director of the Amman-based International Crisis Group (ICG), said: "It is important for the Bush administration to see that the Iraqi government understands the need to compromise with the Sunnis."

    "I think Bush will put additional pressure on the Iraqi government to change its policy," said Hintermann told Gulf News.

    In Tehran, Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei told Iraqi President Jalal Talabani that Iraq's American "occupiers" should leave as a first step towards restoring peace.

    Asharq Al Awsat daily on Tuesday reported that the Iranians are keen to have Saudi Arabia and Egypt play a role in ending the strife in Iraq.

    Bush rules out early pullout | Iraq Updates

  10. #27950
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    جريدة الصباح - بين طهران وعمان..بغداد تنتظر إحلال السلام
    Political first : relations between Tehran and Amman. Baghdad awaits peace
    All eyes turned to the meeting between Presidents Bush and Al-Maliki today and the House of Representatives of the Committee of the National Fraternal Union Baghdad morning Dominating the repercussions of security in Iraq on talks between President Bush and Maliki in Amman today, in conjunction with the tour for this purpose begun by President Talabani in Tehran with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. With politicians count on the outcome of those deliberations of the Chamber of Deputies announced the formation of a parliamentary committee for the National Fraternal Union. The root of the sense of inevitability anybody government's efforts to find quick solutions to the security crisis, which has moved to the idea of regional participation, but the results will not be good of the political process. This comes amid warnings that the country had reached the brink of civil war as mentioned by the Secretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan, who is believed to be the list, if not to embark on urgent and immediate action to control the situation, which he described Balmshtal in Iraq. The recent days have witnessed a serious deterioration in the security reached its peak in the massacre, Sadr City, which killed about 500 people between dead and wounded. The sectarian tension that made critical Analysts say : The mortars that struck hung and some other areas of the capital after the massacre, created a sense that the sectarian controversy came to the serious stage. Two days after a visit by President Jalal Talabani to hold talks in Tehran with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, file security waging Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Amman another round with the American President Bush today. Located two rounds on the eve of the recommendations of the Baker Hamilton said that close to the American administration : they will announce in the next few days. The recommendations stress the need to involve all of the efforts of Iran and Syria's security in Iraq. In this climate of the summit between President Bush and Maliki in Amman today, where he is expected to yield results tomorrow, Thursday,, The White House says that the work of sectarian violence has entered a new phase, but did not reach the civil war. Stephen Hadley, national security adviser in the White House for journalists : The American President George Bush talks with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in Jordan how to deal with the escalating bloodshed and added We are at a new stage characterized by the increase in sectarian violence, which would require us to adapt to this new stage must be chatting the two leaders on how to do so. Hadley said : Iraqis Aithaddthon it as a civil war argued that the police and army are not Etvkka according to the standards of sectarianism and the government of Iraqi unity still operates as a single. Among the issues that he said that Bush and Maliki Sibhthanha probably, Is the United States needs to talk to Iran and Syria in an effort to stop the violence in Iraq, Hadley said : I think you will find that the Prime Minister Al-Maliki will raise this proposal in his meeting with the President, pointing out that the Maliki some strong views on this subject and said : As you know, the Iraqis talk with the Syrians and the Iraqis are talking to the Iranians and their view is that the future of Iraq if it is the subject of a dialogue with Syria and Iran, it must be a dialogue conducted by the Iraqis. Accompanying President Bush to Amman and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in a gesture to the White House sought to restore diplomatic initiative, politicians say that Bush found himself compelled to reconsider his policy toward Iraq after the worsening security situation on the widely and win his rivals the Democrats in the legislative elections on the 7th of November. It is expected that the focus of the meeting between the two presidents in Amman today on the possibility of the involvement of Syria and Iran peace talks, as recommended by the Baker to adopt diplomatic solution but President Bush said yesterday that Iraq is who decides on whether it should involve Iran and Syria in the restoration of security in Iraq and said : that Iraq is a sovereign foreign policy itself. Believes in its New York yesterday (translation morning) that George Bush's visit to the Arab region, aimed at rallying Arab help the state friendly to the United States on the issue of Iraq and curb the insurgency and some of the pressure on the leaders of Iraq to contribute to the prevention of violence. It is noteworthy that King Abdullah met with Sheikh Harith al-Dhari two days ago with the American Vice President talks on Iraq with the Saudi leadership. The paper says that the United States is seeking to put pressure on Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to put pressure on some of the Iraqi leaders without designated to present their political support for the owners to grant sufficient force to confront and disarm the militias. In Iraq, reliable politicians and citizens (read p. 3) the results of a meeting with President Bush and Maliki expressed the belief that the two presidents will come to a satisfactory outcome may help to reduce tension. The advantage of the circumstances, especially in Baghdad, frustrating and anxiety, According to a statement by the House of Representatives to the Council in connection with the formation of a parliamentary committee for the National Fraternal Union to dispel this tension comprising representatives of the various parliamentary blocs, The Council said that the mission of the committee is to organize field visits to the stricken areas and the study of the causes of sectarian tensions and the constant tension between some areas of the capital and the means for their removal and alleviate the suffering of the citizens and raise awareness of the fact the national challenges facing Iraq. He said that the committee will hold meetings going on between the dignitaries and religious leaders to promote social and national cohesion.

    franny, were almost there!!

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