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  1. #27961
    Senior Investor Dinar Cha Ching's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aceman View Post
    Wasn't it that they just took out 865,000 dollars worth of dinar or am I wrong?
    You're right aceman. The CBI bought $865,000.00 worth of dinar yesterday. At 1437 for that auction it was 1,243,005,000.00 dinars taken out of circulation.
    Please, somebody shoot the messenger!

  2. #27962
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    Default Yesterday and today's Auction

    For comparisons sake here are the last two auctions, this one is for Tuesday, yesterday the 28th

    Tuesday 2006 / 11/ 28 so the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 6 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1437 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ ------ -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 865.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) ------
    Total offers for buying (US $) 865.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) ------ -----

    This one is for today, Wednesday the 29th

    Wednesday 2006 / 11/ 29 the results were as follows :

    Details Notes
    Number of banks 4 -----
    Auction price selling dinar / US $ 1435 -----
    Auction price buying dinar / US $ 1433 -----
    Amount sold at auction price (US $) 1.330.000 -----
    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $) 2.000.000
    Total offers for buying (US $) 1.330.000 -----
    Total offers for selling (US $) 2.000.000


  3. #27963
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    Default The agreement on the formation of a ministerial committee between Irbil and Baghdad

    The agreement on the formation of a ministerial committee between Irbil and Baghdad
    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-29-2006
    Arbil - (Voices of Iraq)

    According to a statement of the Council of Ministers in the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region today, Wednesday, that the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and Najirfan Barzani Prime Minister of the government of the province to reach an agreement in the formation of a ministerial committee to discuss the points of contention between the two sides.

    The statement said, obtained News Agency (Voices of Iraq), a copy of the Independent that "the agreement came during a meeting held yesterday in Baghdad to discuss outstanding principal files so far between Baghdad and Erbil."

    The statement pointed out that "the most important points is the file of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution and the draft oil investment and the proportion of the budget of the government of Iraq's Kurdistan region."

    He pointed out that "the two parties, Having exchanged views on resolving these files, they decided to continue these consultations and the formation of a ministerial committee to discuss and exchange views on both sides. "

    The government of the Kurdistan region of Iraq government-Maliki application of Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution and of the city of Kirkuk in the scheduled date at the end of 2007 and to increase the budget of the territorial government, which is now 17% of Iraqi budget and to have the territorial government the right to dispose of the oil investment in Iraq's Kurdistan region.

    The Iraqi Council of Ministers issued a statement yesterday in which he pointed out that Al-Maliki met Barzani in Baghdad. where was "discussed developments in the political process and the efforts of national reconciliation and reconstruction projects."

    He added : "We also discussed ways to strengthen the two sides economic situation and coordination between the bodies concerned in the central government and the territorial government in the areas of finance and economic development."

  4. #27964
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraq : Agriculture leave will be granted for the establishment of 70 Bustana especially the planting of olive oil high

    Bad planting 30 million trees in the country Baghdad-Sabah The company received the Horticulture and Forestry in the Ministry of Agriculture, nearly 500 thousand olive trees mind high oil supplied from Syria as part of its project to plant 30 million trees in the governorates in the next decade. While the permits granted for the establishment of Bassatinha leave an area of 70 dunums of each session since the beginning of this year till now. The Director-General of the company, Dr. morning Alkozani told the "morning" that the staffing company received during the last few days, feed five of the contract with the Syrian side to the supply of two million, 400 thousand nerves of olive trees and high oil amounted to 470 thousand prepared mind thousand items and promising Kkhadiri and Surani, Qaisi. Pointing out that he will be handed over to the station in order to complete gardening Huwayjah farming operations within the geographical scope of the governorate and which fall within the ministry's plan aimed to cultivate 30 million trees in all governorates in the last ten years, which has already begun in 2004 and ending in 2015. The source added that the staffing company had started in the last months of the afforestation project in the 30 dunums Kanaan in the Diyala province within the same plan. Noting that the Directorate of Agriculture Kirkuk had prepared supplies for the planting of 25 thousand seedlings to olive cultivation in the areas affiliated to the governorate. He also affirmed that the granting of loans to farmers in the ministry of soft loans to establish olive groves and Bmsahti five and ten dunums are irrigated with drip irrigation and collection method Alsihi respectively, in amounts of up to ten million dinars per loan. He pointed out that the company continued processing of peasants and farmers and olive seedlings at a price of 150 dinars and through Mshatha in Baghdad and other governorates, the latest contribution by providing five thousand seedlings for planting in the district of Halabja in the Sulaymaniyah in addition to providing municipal Najaf b 1000 seedlings were free. Meanwhile, an official source with the company special permission for the "morning" : The number of holidays granted by the company since the beginning of the year until the middle of this month will leave the rate hit 70 ten dunums of the total area of orchard and more than 700 dunums and within the provinces of Basra, Muthana, Diwaniyah and Babil, Wasit and Diyala, Salah al-Din and Najaf. Alluding that the specialized bodies company granted during the current six month leave an area of 57 dunums. Alluding that the staffing company had stripped the preparation of the olive trees planted in the governorate, where the million and 100 thousand trees were denied speculation that the former was talking about the presence of no more than 250 trees only. It is noteworthy that the draft planting 30 million olive trees will be mentioned high oil annually to provide 750 thousand tons of olive fruits for the production of 150 thousand tons of virgin olive oil and enough to cover the country's needs of the vital addition to the export of surplus and develop economic capacity of farmers and the state alike result of financial returns achieved.

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #27965
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    Iraq : investment projects and service of Najaf Amallakhadmen plan for next year

    Najaf, Adnan al-Sudanese Said Abu Asaad tirelessly governor of Najaf to witness the opening of maintaining many of the investment projects and service giant thanks to the budget allocated for the maintenance of the Ministry of Finance, The governor added, "As-Sabah" : that our investment and our movement in this direction in which we are trying to reflect the federal constitutional right in order to become accepted Najaf The eyes and the hopes of Iraqis and visitors. He added that the intention is for the construction of another refinery, the airport and the largest housing complex and broad and complex university and the city recreation and cultural and media, pointing out that Lake will be completed Najaf and mill Najaf and the massacre of the major cattle and sheep modern and distinctive with allowing investment in the search for and extraction of oil and the establishment of major projects and investment cooperation with Turkey, Korea and the Gulf states alluding to the proposal to open a branch of the Central Bank in Najaf in support of the economic movement in the province. The governor of Najaf, the importance of developing the dish Haydari Sharif and holy sites in Najaf and Kufa (Muslim bin Aqeel (p), Camille ibn Ziyad and net son and Hananh) and many others. In the area of services he tirelessly We will continue the distribution of plots to the families of martyrs and all political prisoners and staff and military and civilian citizens and especially that the Maliki government allocated financial grants and loan mortgages for the owners of the land, and there are commercial and industrial projects attracting the unemployed and college graduates and pain who promised benefit of the state of scientific specialization to build our dear
    جريدة الصباح - مشاريع استثمارية وخدمية عملاقةضمن خطة محافظة النجف للعام المقبل

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #27966
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    Iraq : Water Resources completed three strategic projects in the governorates

    Baghdad-Mustafa Majeed The company completed the construction and mechanical engineering Ministry of Water Resources three strategic projects in three provinces in the projects entrusted to the Ministry's companies for the current year. The company's general director Ammar Abd Al - Miri in a statement to Al (morning) that the projects implemented by the tables within a company the work assigned According to the allocations this year, include the mechanical and electrical work on a pumping station project mouth-General, contained fraud, operation of 12 giant electric pump discharge 20 cubic meters per second each and operate as a single integrated final discharge exceed 230 cubic meters per second as well as the erection and operation of the payment system and cleaning plankton b bridging these hooks and oblique, semi-gantry and loads of more than 75 tons, in addition to electrical work for the low and high pressure systems and hydraulic lift and industrial water, ventilation and cooling, and rolling gates custodians of the project noting that the share of the company is part of an integrated project by several points in the the Ministry of the cost of more than 12 billion dinars for the operation of the draft General giant mouth full capacity in Dhi Qar Governorate, which will free the land within the southern and central parts of the high rate of logging that has increased during the past two decades. The source pointed out that the projects also include an end to the bottom of the irrigation project Khalis, Diyala Governorate containing fraud, the installation and operation of a pump capacity of 42 cubic meters per second each with its subsidiaries and through two phases, as well as the tide, welding and installing iron pipes for irrigation water tanker, the total length of more than seven kilograms dead considered as well as the implementation of electric pumps and special lighting systems, manufacture and operation of the link plates and operating control of the Chairperson of all project facilities, describing the project as vital and will work to revive the thousands of acres within the district sincere and through the delivery of adequate water, especially land away from the tables and streams cascade. Water tsunamis that benefit limited patches of land overflowed. The Director-General of the General Company for Mechanical and Electrical Contracting tables that the company also implemented the design, manufacture and assessment and examination gates of the project on the top of the building, which included the work of six gates and the gates of the head X-Lock 12 gate course and to the emergency services and the gates of the nine lanes fish and maintenance of the gates Balnazem and ideals for the maintenance of navigational lock as well as the manufacture of submarine parts to all gates, as well as the erection and installation of lift gates of the President, and all emergency electrical work for Nazim with the operation and maintenance stressing that the work carried out by the company relies tables efficiency of all phases of the Iraqi the projects assigned to it within the company's plan to develop the technical and engineering skills.
    جريدة الصباح - الموارد المائية تنجز ثلاثة مشاريع ستراتيجية في المحافظات

    franny, were almost there!!

  7. #27967
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    English : Ministry of agriculture approve 70 groves for high olive oil

    Baghdad, Nov.29 p. 5 General company for groves and forests has received 500 thousand tiny olive plants from Syria within its project to plant 30 million plants throughout the country during next 10 years While approvals of groves have reached 70 with approval area of 10 acres each since the beginning of this year.These plants are part of a paragon with the Syrian side to import 2 million and 400 thousand tiny plants of olive.
    English : Investment and service projects in Najaf

    Baghdad, Nov.29 pp. 5 Mayor of Najaf, Asaad Abu Kalal has said that province will witness the opening of several major investment Projects and services due to budget which has been allocated for the province by ministry of finance. Mayor said that "our ambitions and our investment move in this direction is an embodiment of our constitutional right in order to make Najaf a kiblah for its visitors."
    Iraq : residents donate blood for the victims of terrorism in Baghdad

    In cooperation with the Association of Muslim Scholars Mustafa Al-Dulaimi Fallujah Systems young city of Fallujah in cooperation with the Association of Muslim Scholars, a branch of Fallujah and medical personnel in Falluja General Hospital campaign for blood donations for the victims of the terrorist attacks in the Baghdad governorate. An official laboratory in Falluja General Hospital useful Ismail had been opened more than four centers to collect a neighborhood center Heights passed center of the hospital The neighborhood center Republic and another center near the mosque where eternal Mahmudiyah donated more than 220 blood bags to be transferred to hospitals in Baghdad, which is experiencing a shortage of donated blood, He pointed to the arrival of a large number of the city's residents to donate blood. He said one of the contributors (morning) that the positions of Fallujah with most areas of Iraq from the battles of Najaf and Tall Afar to the attacks Karbala and Kazimiya holiest. Stressing that they were on stands ready to provide any assistance to any Iraqi. Away from the sectarian affiliations rejected by every Iraqi Sharif
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - ãäÚ ÓíÑ ãÑßÈÇÊ ÇáÏÇÎáí&#201 ; ãä Ïæä ÈÇÌÇÊ
    English : Interior Ministry to combat terrorism, gather information

    Baghdad, Nov 29, P3Baghdad, Nov 29, P3
    The Interior Ministry has renewed a special directorate to gather the intelligence information under the name (the general directorate to combat terrorism)The Interior Ministry has renewed a special directorate to gather the intelligence information under the name (the general directorate to combat terrorism)
    The Major General Rasheed Feeleh indicated that the directorate which run by him, has renewed upon a request from the Arab League to establish a body inside each Arab country, referring that this idea had came after the meeting of the Arab Interior Ministers, referring that the mentioned directorate will be as an alternative body for the General security body.The Major General Rasheed Feeleh indicated that the directorate which run by him, has renewed upon a request from the Arab League to establish a body inside each Arab country, referring that this idea had came after the meeting of the Arab Interior Ministers, referring that the directorate will be mentioned as an alternative body for the General security body.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 29-11-2006 at 10:48 AM.

    franny, were almost there!!

  8. #27968
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    Iraq : to prevent the interior of the vehicle without Bajat

    Baghdad-Sabah The Interior Ministry issued a circular to all its banned the wheels of all its traffic and usage figures without decals to be applied within a week. He said ministry spokesman Brigadier Abdul Karim Khalaf told (morning) : Strict controls have been put in place to exit cars and mechanisms of the Ministry through the vehicle registration number and used by the detachment duties and exit times in the records particular, as well as giving one week's notice to stabilize decals and figures for each wheel beside me. Brigadier Al-Khalaf said that the violator of these instructions will be referred to the investigation of the lack of commitment to the decisions The ministry.
    جريدة الصباح - منع سير مركبات الداخلية من دون باجات

    franny, were almost there!!

  9. #27969
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    English : Iraq to present Gas, Oil Fields for Investment

    Baghdad, Nov.29 p11Baghdad, Nov.29 p11
    Newsy reports mentioned that, oil ministry intended to present gas & oil fields for the foreign investment international companies for increase producing of the crude in the state for the next coming yearsNewsy reports mentioned that, oil ministry intended to present oil & gas fields for the international foreign investment companies for producing increase of the crude in the state for the next coming years

    An official in oil ministry said that, the ministry have 520 founded oil and gas fields in different districts of the state, and the ministry prepared a plan to investing big part of it through the coming period, while they investing currently about 20 fields only.He pointed that, developing the founded fields would continue for 5 years, so the ministry lifted the pattern of introducing studies and supplies for investing the promising fields, saying that oil ministry currently investing 20 fields from about 520 one cause of finance shortage and no spare parts availability.An official in oil ministry said that, the ministry have founded 520 oil and gas fields in different districts of the state, and the ministry prepared a plan to investing big part of it through the coming period, while they currently investing about 20 fields only.He pointed that, founded developing the fields would continue for five years. so the ministry lifted the pattern of introducing studies and supplies for investing the promising fields, saying that oil ministry currently investing about 20 fields from 520 one cause shortage of finance and no spare parts availability.
    جريدة الصباح - Iraq to present Gas, Oil Fields for Investment

    franny, were almost there!!

  10. #27970
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    Sea Economic Sciences : Security and invest the most important problems facing the oil sector
    Baghdad-Sabah The former oil minister Ibrahim Bahr Al-Oloum said that the challenge facing Iraqis today is the possibility of transforming Iraq from the area where the interests to a convergence of interests and the possibility of using the center of the energy gateway to chart a partnership between Iraq and its neighbors. The Sea Sciences in a press statement that this is the real entrance to achieving security. He explained that the adoption of strategic energy policy of integration among the countries of the region will open up the axes again impose its agenda in the region and reduce the political risk and improve the security situation. And between that security and investment are one of the most important problems facing the oil sector in Iraq despite the fact that the southern region is relatively calm. He called Sea Science countries of the region and the international community to encourage all parties to open regional dialogue for international understanding on Iraq and improve the security situation and progress in the political process and to build a national, regional and international organizations for the advancement of the oil industry and the stability of the market.
    جريدة الصباح - بحر العلوم : الأمن والاستثمار أهم المشاكـل التي تواجــه القطـاع النفطي

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