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  1. #27971
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraq : the Bush-Maliki studying a new stage to stop the violence

    Mobilizing support and pressure on the Arab leaders, and some support for the security forces of the main points Baghdad interpretation Murtada Salah While trying to American President George Bush and the American diplomats to work to stop the deterioration of security in Iraq seem to be leaning towards the friends of the Arabs, despite the escalation of calls between American public opinion and global need contact with Syria and Iran as well. The New York Times newspaper said that President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, al-today, Wednesday, to the Jordanian capital Amman to meet Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a number of Arab leaders excluded Iranian leaders and Syrians, despite the influence of those two states known to the situation in Iraq. The newspaper said in its edition of yesterday, Tuesday, that George Bush's visit to the region aimed at rallying Arab help friendly Arab states to the United States on the subject of Iraq and curb the insurgency and some of the pressure on the leaders of Iraq to contribute to the prevention of violence in this country. The newspaper said that Bush's visit to Jordan where he met with Jordanian King Abdullah II is part of the efforts initiated by the visit of vice-president, Dick Cheney, during his visit to Saudi Arabia, which carries the same message, according to what the American officials. It is complemented by Secretary of State Rice in a meeting with the foreign ministers of the Gulf States in the Dead Sea on Thursday and Friday, he said. The American official did not reveal his identity, that the United States is seeking to put pressure on Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia to work to drive a wedge between Prime Minister Maliki and those who support violence, regardless of their affiliation and this includes those countries sought to put pressure on some of the Iraqi leaders to present their political support for the owners to reach the j result of the theory of the effect granting Maliki political force sufficient to deal with the militias and disarm. The official said that discussions had been held about the possibility of achieving an agreement with the armed forces as a first stage, he pointed out that this would mean agreement to one side And leaving the other side, has been rejected this assumption. The paper says that the assumptions made by the American official facing a critical time after the bloody explosions Thursday. Says Stephen Hadley and National Security Advisor American that the American administration and the Iraqis are facing a new stage, The escalation of violence, We must adapt to the new phase of research Ways to support Iraqis in time The present. The paper adds that the Arab leaders want the other hand, what might be (contrast) new impetus to American track the Palestinian-Israeli peace is also unemployed.
    جريدة الصباح - قمة بوش ـ المالكي تدرس مرحلة جديدة لوقف العنف

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  2. #27972
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    English : Expected Outcomes

    Editorial By : Felah al-Mishal The aim behind the Iraqi President's visit to Iran is to discuss the bilateral ties, today the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki will meet the U.S. President Gorge Bush in Amman in a tripartite summit which will gather them with the Jordanian King. Over the next week and within the national reconciliation project, the Iraqi political forces will meet in Baghdad and Damascus, this active political movement is forming an advanced level to find solutions to end the Iraqi problem in shedding representing the Coalition raised blood since three years. The range now under this activity is meaning the joining of five states and governments to hold settlements to restore the required balances and reads push towards settlement after the security situation has reached to a deteriorated level.The manner of the current political moveme nt indicates a late awareness to the importance of pushing the neighboring countries towards solving the Iraqi security cause. especially the countries which have long borders with Iraq and have disputes with America because of the U.S. presence in Iraq, like Iran and Syria.with our faith that the Iraqi political leaders have ability and have their own concern to put the country's interest above all, but the Iraqi people is looking forward than before to find a suitable solution to end the mass killing performed by the terrorist groups, besides that the Iraqi people is fed up with the presence of the armed militias and the armed aspects which help to prevail disclosure and chaos in representing lack of security and prevailing of the criminal and political crimes.
    جريدة الصباح - Expected outcomes

    franny, were almost there!!

  3. #27973
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Iraq : an extensive campaign to remove remnants of terrorist action in Sadr City

    Baghdad Najla Al-Khalidi Already the size of the municipal Sadr City, a wide-ranging campaign to eliminate the remnants of the terrorist act which targeted a number of the city's revival. The spokesman told the media on behalf of the secretariat, "Sabah" that the two municipalities Sadr headed in the first and second to the scene after the incident and released remnants of the effects of the explosion and help the citizens of the city. He added : Extraordinary that are still persisting in their work sites in the explosions to rehabilitate the streets, squares and pertinent water destroyed by the terrorist incident. The spokesman confirmed the determination of the size of operating in the municipalities of the chest first and second efforts and to continue to provide municipal services to the citizens of the city, and under different circumstances. On the other hand, the municipality has the campaign for the rehabilitation and cleaning of the city to the effect that the sewer cleaning and rehabilitation m (20000). The sewage systems and clean Menhola (80) and (20) with the opening of Mchbaka (20) Ansaddada. In addition to the Department of Hygiene Service in the show amounts of waste and debris of construction is estimated at about (4550) tons, with the reform of water and Naddouhat Cksorat number (29) and a broken Naddouha net in the water. As the Section road maintenance work and clothing drilling and road bumps for a number of areas within the geographical area of the Service and added that the agricultural section perpetuate and develop their yards and gardens and carrots centrist including (Square palm, garden competition for the place (846, the carrot for the centrist Street refineries, carrot median of a road near Baghdad, new teachers, yards high pressure, the garden adjacent to the Shiite shrine presented).
    جريدة الصباح - حملة واسعة لإزالة مخلفات العمل الإرهابي في مدينة الصدر

    franny, were almost there!!

  4. #27974
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Economic : Iraq intends to offer oil and gas fields to foreign investment

    An economic report Baghdad-Sabah According to news reports that the Ministry of Oil intends to offer oil and gas discovered to invest before the oil companies to increase the rates of global crude oil production in the country for the coming years. An official in the oil sector "that the ministry 520 Mashari Oil and Gazia hitherto in different regions of the country and that the ministry had prepared a plan to invest in large part in the next stage especially that it now invest up only about 20 of them. " He added that "the ministry has prepared a plan for the investment of large numbers of these fields, which will contribute to increasing rates of crude oil production, which will have a positive impact on increasing the volume of oil exports for the next stage." The official in charge of saying that "the development of oil fields discovered continue for a period of five years, and this escalated and the Ministry of Oil of the pace of submission of studies and presentations for the purpose of promising investment fields." He said : "The Oil Ministry is now investing 20 A-520 because of the lack of financial resources and lack of spare parts to increase production rates." The report to the Ministry of Oil revealed that Iraq has lost the financial returns of up to 24 billion dollars due to the problems facing the production and export of crude oil during the period between 2004 and the middle of this year. The report "Transparency III" issued by the Office of the Inspector General of the Ministry of Oil that the rates of crude oil production planned for 2004 was at 2.686 million barrels per day achieved in the actual production of 1.995 million barrels per day, a difference of up to 691 thousand barrels per day. The report attributed the reasons for the low levels of crude oil production in Iraq during this period to the total problems and obstacles, including the lack of implementation of the relevant investment plans to increase production as well as the low productivity of wells producing oil and the failure to develop new oilfields and the depletion of existing wells. Among the reasons for the losses by the oil sector Yemeni state security chaos and wreckage of the attacks on oil installations The statistics of the Ministry of Oil that Iraq has declared oil reserve is estimated at about 115 billion barrels, in addition to another undisclosed reserve estimated at 214 billion barrels

    franny, were almost there!!

  5. #27975
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Economic : manpower planning in Iraq

    Hilal war States attach great many countries on the use of planning to accelerate the economic development of those major task facing contemporary societies, especially developing societies generally, It has now been increased awareness of the peoples in the economic backwardness is the reason for the deterioration of social conditions and the people have become contemporary racing in the search for the best ways to develop a position The economic and social life of the citizens. have taken the peoples of the Earth, while differing methods of self-development followed by another followed by planning and design voluntary way. Starting from the concept planning as a function of senior management to identify and define the objectives that please reach achieved through specific policies, procedures and specific methods that would achieve these goals. The central planning to either carry on the implementation of decentralization so that a comprehensive plan appropriate for the benefit of the community through solutions and clarify the treatment of workers in all areas to face obstacles or problems or weaknesses or deficiencies and to choose the most appropriate means within the means and capabilities and the elements hurt pleased to use and contribute useful in all activities and at various levels to achieve the goals of the State and for the benefit of the community and its members. The manpower planning, which we are addressing it is the means to ensure that the project personnel for production operations and marketing and administrative different during the time in the future the same time specific, specific numbers, therefore, manpower planning in the project or service which includes the creation of the solution to the problems of n basic pillars : - First : the problem of determining the types of personnel required to perform different jobs. Two : the problem of determining the number of personnel required for each type of work. The strange thing is that all the nations of the world begin to solve the problem of the type of individuals by specialization and competence to perform the work and then determine the numbers necessary for production or management of any solution to the problem first and then solve the second problem, but we are in Iraq, alas, unlike the countries of the world where we start to determine numbers and then we select the type Yeh any solution to the second problem before the first problem and this is a great disaster in Iraq, in a country that bears the qualifications, scientists and researchers Therefore, we call upon the request of the government of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who wish him Shinafiyah and Muwaffaqiyah in the performance of his difficult and arduous to be chosen the right man in the right place away from hints Assah sectarian and ethnic and partisan if the country is to stabilize and also must study carefully the curriculum vitae CV for all state employees before granting any administrative position advanced in the state and includes a general manager and above that currently, most of the ministries of the Iraqi state, the granting of degrees advanced administrative and leadership staff do not have told a efficiency and integrity and qualifications and competence and want the modern Iraqi state should step forward and evolve in the light of such tragic circumstances, What is happening now is the inventory of the scientific and administrative skills in dark rooms and the marginalization of their role and fighting campaign diplomas in most of the ministries and departments of State and the various ways and methods to keep it away from those sites developed in the State through the many general managers are not eligible for this important post to send a campaign certificates of higher Madiriathm and their constituencies in various ways and means no legitimate fear of bringing campaign competencies instead of them and can be ascertained through a questionnaire to all ministries of the Iraqi state to know the number of holders of higher education diplomas in each chamber, they do not infringing the fingers of one hand this is the organized terrorism in a state Dhafh to be targeted by criminal gangs penance This is resulting in the escape of scientists outside the homeland, and emptying the country of scientists and researchers to the Iraqi arena remains empty, are roaming free in this camp by the staff assumed leadership positions in the State through questionable means illegal and they are far away from the receipt of those sites here we call on the government to clean up the state of cancer in the body, which applies modern Iraqi state and rapidly before it is too late and this contravenes but converges with the point (32) of the draft government of national unity, Mr. Prime Minister, which stipulates point above as follows (the auspices of scientists and provide airspace security, pension appropriate to prevent migration and the adoption of effective measures for the return of competencies to the homeland). We wonder, and with hundreds or even thousands of holders of higher education diplomas and all scientific disciplines and humanitarian care how scientists and provide airspace security and pension appropriate for them to prevent their migration to the adoption of effective measures to return home while they are subjected to organized terrorism within their constituencies G Argha note of the fact that their salaries are not enough to buy the most basic requirements for life in simple terms that the salary of doctorate holders (253) thousand dinars.

    franny, were almost there!!

  6. #27976
    Senior Investor Adster's Avatar
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    Sign we're close. This summer I got some details through on Mercedes range of cars, (love the new SLR).

    Anyways this morning out of the blue a brochure came through the door showing the SLR in all its loveliness!!! LOL.

    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  7. #27977
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    Number of banks:
    11/2/06 (16)
    11/7/06 (14)
    11/8/06 (20)
    11/9/06 (14)
    11/12/06 (10)
    11/13/06 (17)
    11/14/06 (15)
    11/15/06 (19)
    11/16/06 (12)
    11/19/06 (12)
    11/20/06 (12)
    11/21/06 (15)
    11/22/06 (11)
    11/23/06 (6)
    11/27/06 (9)
    11/28/06 (6)
    11/29/06 (4)

    Auction price selling dinar / US
    11/2/06 $1470
    11/7/06 $1468
    11/8/06 $1466
    11/9/06 $1465
    11/12/06 $1465
    11/13/06 $1465
    11/14/06 $1460
    11/15/06 $1455
    11/16/06 $1454
    11/19/06 $1452
    11/20/06 $1449
    11/21/06 $1446
    11/22/06 $1444
    11/23/06 $1441
    11/27/06 $1439
    11/28/06 $1437
    11/29/06 $1435

    Auction price buying dinar / US
    11/2/06 $----- -----
    11/7/06 $1466
    11/8/06 $1464
    11/9/06 $------ -----
    11/12/06 $1463
    11/13/06 $1463
    11/14/06 $------ -----
    11/15/06 $------ -----
    11/16/06 $------ -----
    11/19/06 $------ -----
    11/20/06 $------ -----
    11/21/06 $------ -----
    11/22/06 $------ -----
    11/23/06 $------ -----
    11/27/06 $------ -----
    11/28/06 $------ -----
    11/29/06 $1433

    Amount sold at auction price (US $)
    11/2/06 70.245.000
    11/7/06 109.150.000
    11/8/06 97.010.000
    11/9/06 70.180.000
    11/12/06 24.880.000
    11/13/06 110.265.000
    11/14/06 62.540.000
    11/15/06 64.960.000
    11/16/06 39.945.000
    11/19/06 31.495.000
    11/20/06 56.765.000
    11/21/06 50.115.000
    11/22/06 11.435.000
    11/23/06 5.290.000
    11/27/06 20.580.000
    11/28/06 865.000
    11/29/06 1.330.000

    Amount purchased at Auction price (US $)
    11/2/06 -----
    11/7/06 3.000.000
    11/8/06 3.000.000
    11/9/06 ------
    11/12/06 2.500.000
    11/13/06 2.600.000
    11/14/06 ------
    11/15/06 ------
    11/16/06 ------
    11/19/06 ------
    11/20/06 ------
    11/21/06 ------
    11/22/06 ------
    11/23/06 ------
    11/27/06 ------
    11/28/06 ------
    11/29/06 2.000.000

    Total offers for buying (US $)
    11/2/06 70.245.000
    11/7/06 109.150.000
    11/8/06 97.010.000
    11/9/06 70.180.000
    11/12/06 24.880.000
    11/13/06 110.265.000
    11/14/06 62.540.000
    11/15/06 64.960.000
    11/16/06 39.945.000
    11/19/06 31.495.000
    11/20/06 56.765.000
    11/21/06 50.115.000
    11/22/06 11.435.000
    11/23/06 5.330.000
    11/27/06 20.580.000
    11/28/06 865.000
    11/29/06 1.330.000

    Total offers for selling (US $)
    11/2/06 ----- -----
    11/7/06 3.000.000
    11/8/06 3.000.000
    11/9/06 ------ -----
    11/12/06 2.500.000
    11/13/06 2.600.000
    11/14/06 ------ -----
    11/15/06 ------ -----
    11/16/06 ------ -----
    11/19/06 ------ -----
    11/20/06 ------ -----
    11/21/06 ------ -----
    11/22/06 ------ -----
    11/23/06 ------ -----
    11/27/06 ------ -----
    11/28/06 ------ -----
    11/29/06 2.000.000

    US Dollar

    11/2/06 1470.000
    11/2/06 1469.265
    11/7/06 1470.000
    11/7/06 1469.265
    11/8/06 1468.000
    11/8/06 1467.266
    11/9/06 1466.000
    11/9/06 1465.267
    11/12/06 1465.000
    11/12/06 1464.268
    11/13/06 1465.000
    11/13/06 1464.268
    11/14/06 1465.000
    11/14/06 1464.268
    11/15/06 1460.000
    11/15/06 1459.270
    11/16/06 1455.000
    11/16/06 1454.273
    11/19/06 1454.000
    11/19/06 1453.273
    11/20/06 1454.000
    11/20/06 1453.273
    11/21/06 1449.000
    11/21/06 1448.276
    11/22/06 1446.000
    11/22/06 1445.277
    11/23/06 1444.000
    11/23/06 1443.278
    11/27/06 1444.000
    11/27/06 1443.278
    11/28/06 1439.000
    11/28/06 1438.281
    11/29/06 1437.000
    11/29/06 1436.282

  8. #27978
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    Wednesday, November 29, 2006

    1 Iraqi Dinar = 0.0007259 US Dollar
    1 US Dollar (USD) = 1377.60 Iraqi Dinar (IQD)

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  9. #27979
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Sign we're close. This summer I got some details through on Mercedes range of cars, (love the new SLR).

    Anyways this morning out of the blue a brochure came through the door showing the SLR in all its loveliness!!! LOL.

    You´re right........what a car, absolutely stunning !

    It´s not cheap at £350,000 but worth it all the same.

    It´s only money..........
    Last edited by laurenr; 29-11-2006 at 11:58 AM.

  10. #27980
    Senior Investor shotgunsusie's Avatar
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    Economic : Will there be a replacement ration card system, social programs and the employment of the unemployed?

    Draft International Covenant with Iraq stressed the cancellation of all types of government support for the advancement of economic
    Baghdad Haider spring
    The International Covenant has been drafted with Iraq from the Iraqi side submitted to the preparatory conference that was held recently in Kuwait and is aimed at establishing a new partnership with the international community and to achieve the aspirations of the people in all areas of social security, or both

    Or economic thing, which will focus on in this report, . Put several of the points, which was considered futuristic visions (draft) would revitalize the Iraqi economy and infrastructure development so that it can promote and contribute effectively to the improvement of living conditions for all segments of society to contribute to the provision of the requirements of sustainable development according to market factors. as well as creating an economy open to the world and integrated with the rest of the economies in the region, especially the neighboring countries.
    The draft also pointed out the importance of allowing the private sector to play a leading role in economic activity, with the special role of the government to regulate this activity and protection. In addition to that document, or (draft) identified the government's program of action on the economic level, through the development of policy initiatives and expanded Chairperson him, in the framework of a focus (economic policies) Chairperson on the sectors that have been identified in the national strategic development, including the management of public resources and the introduction of economic reforms and reforms in the social sector and investment, energy and agriculture.
    Economic reform
    The draft pointed out that the desired goal of this reform is to create an enabling environment for public and private investment, domestic and foreign engine for sustained economic growth, diversified and create jobs, and to create the appropriate conditions to achieve maximum benefit from foreign aid, investment and integration into the global economy. In regard to the reform of government support for the draft recommended that the government abolish governmental support programs destruction, which lacks efficiency (in the words of the draft) and in stages, at a time when (the government) to ensure the protection of vulnerable groups through the introduction of all types of financial support in the proposed manner that reflects the full costs and the establishment of a transition from aid to the protection networks target efficient and capable of providing full protection for the vulnerable and poor, with the need for public awareness and consultation to ensure access to broad participation and promote reforms of the government support, as well as the direction of the reform process to support economic diversification.
    Confirmed at the same time (the draft) the importance of supporting the petroleum products gradually, in accordance with standby arrangements in a tandem with the development of social protection and other compensation mechanisms.
    The government is aware of the need to reform the ration-card system in order to improve the effectiveness and equity shares of public resources, but their commitment to support the estimated 25% of Iraqi families that rely heavily on the ration card system. . Therefore, it will replace the ration card system, many of the social services programs, income and employment in particular targeting individuals who do not have the ability to access to the labor market, . In this context, the government will discuss the possibility of introducing the principle oil quota with the International Monetary Fund within the framework of compensation for aid canceled. The development of the private sector and encourage investment
    In this context, the draft has a number of points necessary for the advancement of this vital aspect in the forefront of creating an enabling environment for private investment and job creation and strengthening of the rule of law in commercial and financial activities and the importance of the development of the judicial system and legal possibilities in this area to ensure the protection of private property وح Rmah contracts.
    And that the application of the law of investment and the adoption of a new commercial code and its application, in addition to the importance of improving and facilitating the establishment of businesses and employing workers and the registration of ownership and access to loans and dealing with the licensing and cross-border trade and the implementation of contracts with a focus on topics related to quality and opportunities, and simplify entry procedures in the business and exit from the introduction of regulatory reforms, procedural and financial incentives to businesses, in addition to formulating strategic restructuring and privatization of public companies and management on commercial basis, including the establishment of the State Property Fund of the Department of government property on a commercial basis and attract investors and encourage entrepreneurship.
    The draft also stressed the importance of finding solutions (to depend on the private sector) to stimulate housing construction, and to improve the availability of funding for private businesses, particularly for small and medium enterprises, including guarantees of funding, , as well as facilitate the allocation of funds to encourage the private sector within the legislation and the rules on public procurement. . It also recommended that accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in the Middle East and North Africa.
    The draft that of the private sector needs to develop and promote change is to provide appropriate security, the rule of law and the regulatory regime efficient and transparent, State should also provide other public goods necessary for the development of a vibrant private sector including energy, and basic services, The President and infrastructure improvements in human capital through education and training.
    Financial sector restructuring
    The draft stressed the promotion of public savings and investment, In light of this and in order to create an enabling environment for investment, the government will continue its progress in reforming the financial sector through restructuring government banks and the creation of appropriate conditions for the strengthening of the financial system in Iraq and to increase access to credit by businesses and individuals. as well as creating an enabling environment for the development of the banking sector, the restructuring of private banks, unification, to create space for the banking system in general. In addition to facilitating participation in the accounts of government payments, such as payroll and retirement through private banks. The foundation of electronic payment system.
    Last edited by shotgunsusie; 29-11-2006 at 12:12 PM.

    franny, were almost there!!

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