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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post Leaked White House Memo Blasts Iraqi Leader

    As Bush Heads To Iraq Summit, Leaked Memo Blasts Iraqi LeaderAs Bush Heads To Iraq Summit

    Nov. 29 - While President Bush and Iraqi PM al-Maliki prepare to meet in Jordan, the Pentagon is considering moving U.S. troops from Iraq's Al-Anbar province to Baghdad. (They are already on the move...ABC is a little slow....they better check with FOX!)President Bush will make his way to Jordan today, where he'll have just 24 hours to talk with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Kamel al-Maliki.

    At the same time, a memo has been leaked that Bush's own administration has serious doubts about Maliki.

    White House officials tell ABC News that there are serious doubts as to whether Maliki is willing or able to quell the sectarian violence in Iraq, because his own political survival depends on support from some of the Shiite militias responsible for the bloodshed.

    The White House is confirming the veracity of the leaked classified memo from the president's national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, that says: "The reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests al-Maliki is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions, or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action."

    The document was prepared after Hadley met with Maliki in Baghdad last month. The administration has been careful not to be too harsh in public on Maliki, but Bush made clear in his most recent comments what his expectations would be from their meeting.

    "My question to him will be, 'What do we need to do to succeed? What is your strategy in dealing with the sectarian violence?'" Bush said.

    The real fear is that the goals that Maliki and the United States have for Iraq are not the same.

    More Troops and Help Needed to Quell Chaos

    Dan Senor, former coalition provisional authority adviser in Iraq and a former Bush policy adviser, explained the conflict of interest today on "Good Morning America."

    To curb chaos in Iraq, the United States will need to send more troops to the embattled country as well as attempt to appeal to Syria and Iran, although their assistance is "highly unlikely," Senor said.

    "Ultimately if we want to stabilize Iraq, we're going to have to increase our presence there," Senor told "GMA."

    Senor says the United States should also hope for, but not expect, help from Iraq's neighbors Iran and Syria.

    "We are hoping that we can pressure Iran and Syria. & And get them to change their current strategy," Senor said.

    Senor says the United States' ideal agreement would be that Syria would reduce funding to Iraq's larger militias.

    "Our dream scenario [is] that he [Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] will cut off the funding. & For some of the large militias in Iraq," Senor said. "It will be that much harder for the large militias in Iraq to operate."

    That scenario, however, is "highly unlikely," he said.

    Ahmadinejad "wants us bogged down in Iraq. So he can continue to build his nuclear program unabated," Senor said. "So keeping us mired in Iraq is sort of consistent with those objectives."

    Border Control

    Syria could help control chaos in Iraq by exercising greater control over the Syria-Iraq border, according to Senor.

    "This is the key border. & Many of them [the insurgents] come through this border," Senor said. "The Syrians are almost turning a blind eye. We would love to [say to] Damascus & to shut down that border & and prevent insurgents from coming through."

    Again, Senior called this scenario "highly unlikely" because it is in Syrian President Bashar Assad's best interests for chaos in Iraq to continue.

    "The last thing that he wants his own citizens to see is that it [the overthrow of Saddam Hussein] was successful," Senor said.

    The Role of Sunni Governments

    Sunni-controlled governments, like Jordan, may also be able to help quell violence in Iraq.

    "The theory goes that some of these governments can pressure the Sunni leadership to calm down at least temporarily," Senor said. "If these governments can help al-Maliki in calming down one front of the war, it will be easier for him."

    Bye bye Maliki, close the door after you. Final ultimatum IF he's lucky.....
    Zubaidi:Monetary value of the Iraqi dinar must revert to the previous level, or at least to acceptable levels as it is in the Iraqi neighboring states.

    Shabibi:The bank wants as a means to affect the economic and monetary policy by making the dinar a valuable and powerful.

  2. #28142
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post
    Who's ready for a wealthy xmas? Gonna happen folks.
    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  3. #28143
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    Protests on every side as Iraqi PM heads for Bush showdown - World - Times Online

    Times Online November 29, 2006

    Protests on every side as Iraqi PM heads for Bush showdown
    By Sam Knight and agencies

    The Iraqi Prime Minister left political chaos behind him today as he flew to Jordan for two days of crisis talks with President George Bush about the breakdown of security in Iraq.

    The departure of Nouri al-Maliki for Amman triggered a protest in Baghdad by 30 MPs loyal to the radical Shia leader, Hojatoleslam Moqtada al-Sadr, who suspended their participation in parliament. Six Cabinet Ministers also joined the walkout, but they did not resign.

    A statement from the group said they regarded Mr al Maliki's talks with the US President as a "provocation to the feelings of the Iraqi people and a violation of their constitutional rights".

    "This visit hijacked the will of the people during days when the sons of Iraq write their destiny with blood and not ink," said the statement, which referred to Mr Bush as "cursed", the "world’s biggest evil" and a "criminal".

    The Iraqi Prime Minister's relationship with the followers of Hojatoleslam al-Sadr and his powerful Shia militia, the Mahdi Army, has been a defining element of his troubled premiership.

    Their support was critical to his nomination as the leader of the government of national unity earlier this year, but his resulting reluctance to control the militia and its death squads has contributed to the growing levels of sectarian violence in Iraq and doubts in Washington over whether he has sufficient authority or ideas to stop the bloodshed.

    The New York Yimes published a secret memo today from the US National Security Adviser, Stephen Hadley, to President Bush, in which Mr Hadley portrayed Mr al-Maliki as unable to control a relentless Shia grab for power in Baghdad.

    "In my one-on-one meeting with him, he impressed me as a leader who wanted to be strong but was having difficulty figuring out how to do so," Mr Hadley wrote of an encounter with the Iraqi Prime Minister on October 30.

    "His intentions seem good when he talks with Americans, and sensitive reporting suggests he is trying to stand up to the Shia hierarchy and force positive change," the memo said. "But the reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests Maliki is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions, or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action."

    The White House played down the leak today, insisting that Mr al-Maliki "has been very aggressive in recent weeks in taking on some of the key challenges" in Iraq.

    "The President has confidence in Prime Minister Maliki, and also the administration is working with the prime minister to improve his capabilities," said Tony Snow, the White House spokesman.

    The reception for Mr al-Maliki in Jordan was subdued. He was driven straight to a meeting with King Abdullah II.

    The reception for Mr Bush, who is expected to land in Amman this evening after flying from the Nato summit in Riga, will be more hostile. Thousands of protesters gathered in the streets of Amman today to voice their disapproval of the American leader on his visit to the country as President.

    "It is a hated name... Bush has been practising black vengeance," said a prominent Islamist, Sheikh Hamza Mansour, looking ahead to his arrival.

    "This is a very sad day. Bush has become a symbol of bigotry and injustice towards Arabs and Muslims," Yusef Mustafa Nimer, a 32-year-old engineer and protester told Reuters. "There he is slaughtering my brothers in Palestine and Iraq and is now hosted and feted by our leaders. I am ashamed."

    Mr Bush is expected to join talks with Mr al-Maliki and King Abdullah this evening before meeting with the Iraqi Prime Minister again tomorrow. Tonight Arab diplomats will present a plan to the American and Iraqi leaders proposing new measures, including the formation of a new government, aimed at restraining the country's ceaseless violence.

  4. #28144
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Iraq to present Gas, Oil Fields for Investment

    Baghdad, Nov.29

    p11 News reports mentioned that, oil ministry intended to present gas & oil fields for the foreign investment international companies for increase producing of the crude in the state for the next coming year

    An official in oil ministry said that, the ministry have 520 founded oil and gas fields in different districts of the state, and the ministry prepared a plan to investing big part of it through the coming period, while they investing currently about 20 fields only.

    He pointed that, developing the founded fields would continue for 5 years, so the ministry lifted the pattern of introducing studies and supplies for investing the promising fields, saying that oil ministry currently investing 20 fields from about 520 one cause of finance shortage and no spare parts availability.

    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - Iraq to present Gas, Oil Fields for Investment
    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    Investment and service projects in Najaf

    Baghdad, Nov.29

    p. 5 Mayor of Najaf, Asaad Abu Kalal has said that province will witness the opening of several major investment and services projects due to budget which has been allocated for the province by ministry of finance. Mayor said that "our investment ambitions and our move in this direction is an embodiment of our constitutional right in order to make Najaf a kiblah for its visitors".
    ÌÑíÏÉ ÇáÕÈÇÍ - Investment and service projects in Najaf
    Quote Originally Posted by MrsCK View Post

    Iraq: Big Projects for National Economic Participatation, MP Says
    Posted on Tuesday, November 28 @ 16:12:16 PST
    Topic: Iraq
    MP Younadim Kana deputy chief of the economic and investment committee emphasized that the coming period would witnessing big study to improve number of decisions which share raising up within the economic actual in Iraq.

    He said in a statement issued that, the committee right studying the decisions and private legality within communications and information decision besides oil, gas and banks investment decisions in addition to any field sharing in improving the national economic for the public benefits.

    He concluded that, the committee has many important ideas still at the studying period which returns within the luxury and economic development for the citizens in the state.

    Source: Al Sabaah

    FARM JIG!!!

    These along with some other news stories today suggest the HCL is ready to be announced-I think in the REAL near future. JMO, but lots going on.

    Last edited by One Oar; 29-11-2006 at 06:33 PM. Reason: sp

  5. #28145
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    Quote Originally Posted by motomachi View Post
    There are Grandfathers involved in this AMEN "Choir" as well!

    How about it Grandpa BOB1940 & Grandpa Willie 2, anyone else?

    RV let's go RV

    Repeat as often as necessary!
    Man, you gotta love Motomachi's energy!!

    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  6. #28146
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    Talking After the RV, St. Andrew will be the Patron Saint of Iraq too!

    Saint Andrew - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, Greece, Russia, Romania, Amalfi, and Luqa - Malta. He was also the patron saint of Prussia (Present Day IRAN!). The flag of Scotland (and consequently the Union Flag and the arms and Flag of Nova Scotia) feature a saltire in commemoration of the shape of St. Andrew's cross. The saltire is also the Flag of Tenerife and the naval jack of Russia. The Confederate flag also features a saltire commonly referred to as a St. Andrew's cross, although its designer, William Porcher Miles, said he changed it from an upright cross to a saltire so that it would not be a religious symbol but merely a heraldic device.
    St. Andrew's Day is observed on November 30 in both the Eastern and Western churches, and is the national day of Scotland.

    Quote Originally Posted by flockstar View Post
    remember remember one day left in November, Saint Andrews Day
    Quote Originally Posted by $onedaysoon$ View Post
    Praise God, please let it be true lol

    thanks everyone for the great work! What a fun month this has been, now lets see how much better it can get.

    Quote Originally Posted by boomcreek View Post
    Could be because that's where CBI is located. Could be because that's where this whole process is suppose to begin. Could be simply wishful thinking on my part, but I'm an eternal optimist. I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...get the picture. "AS A MAN THINKS, SO IS HE" PRAISE GOD!
    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    3 Battalions of U.S. troops are being moved into Baghdad.....that is about 2000 troops as reported by FOX
    Quote Originally Posted by Adster View Post

    Security or just maybe smaller denominations are about to be released.....
    Quote Originally Posted by Beaniemom View Post
    Psalm 37:4 "Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." Thank You Lord!!!
    With all the trooping, hooting and wooting, and Praising God;
    for sure the RV is coming on St. Andrews Day!

    Disclaimer: With all the excitement, me jumping up and down, I got carried away!
    Must have been bob1940 that made me do it!

  7. #28147
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    1000000 dinars = 693 dollars 30th november 4:32 am

  8. #28148
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    Sheeeeesh, I finally caught up! Man, the forum is on fire today with all this great news.

    The more posts I read the harder it became to read as my mind and heart were racing. Talk about getting the warm-fuzzies this morning!

    Thanks to all for getting me a bit light-headed this early. This is the kind of buzz that will help start the day off right!

    “Don't be distracted by criticism. The only taste of success some people have, is when they take a bite out of you.”

    Got woOOot?

  9. #28149
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    FOX NEWS banner across bottom of screen states that King Abdullah of Jordan has been in talks with various Iraqi leaders for the past several days.......SOUNDS LIKE THERE IS ALOT MORE GOING ON BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.....!!!!!

  10. #28150
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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    3 Battalions of U.S. troops are being moved into Baghdad.....that is about 2000 troops as reported by FOX
    I think this all has to do with sadar, I believe our troops are expecting extreemily high violence from sadar since Maliki went to Jordan. They know sadar will cause trouble, also because he pulled his people off parliment.
    Maybe we'll get rid of sadar and his milita's
    To me Maliki took a stand when he went to Jordan, and not listen to sadar's threats

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