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    I stumbled across this and was wondering, when this revals tomorrow (JMHO) wonder what time it will take effect. Notice on everyone of these it says "noon buying rate" I wonder if that is just the particular buying rate time frame for this website or if there is a global initiation of new rates time....Just wondering.

    Record of Revisions to the Foreign Exchange Rates Archive*

    Date Country
    /Location Monetary Unit Rate

    9/26/2005 Australia Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 0.7558 to 0.7567 on 9/26/2005**

    9/26/2005 Brazil Real Noon buying rate revised from 2.2550 to 2.2628 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Canada Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 1.1708 to 1.1770 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Denmark Krone Noon buying rate revised from 6.1881 to 6.1995 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 European Monetary Union Euro Noon buying rate revised from 1.2056 to 1.2036 on 9/26/2005**

    9/26/2005 Hong Kong Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 7.7573 to 7.7575 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 India Rupee Noon buying rate revised from 43.900 to 43.860 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Japan Yen Noon buying rate revised from 112.28 to 112.41 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Mexico Peso Noon buying rate revised from 10.867 to 10.882 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 New Zealand Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 0.6851 to 0.6849 on 9/26/2005**

    9/26/2005 Norway Krone Noon buying rate revised from 6.4815 to 6.4978 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Singapore Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 1.6882 to 1.6893 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 South Africa Rand Noon buying rate revised from 6.3600 to 6.3870 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 South Korea Won Noon buying rate revised from 1035.40 to 1033.20 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Sri Lanka Rupee Noon buying rate revised from 101.370 to 101.450 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Sweden Krona Noon buying rate revised from 7.7851 to 7.7876 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Switzerland Franc Noon buying rate revised from 1.2915 to 1.2935 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Taiwan N.T. Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 33.234 to 33.270 on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 Thailand Baht Noon buying rate revised from 41.230 41.220on 9/26/2005

    9/26/2005 United Kingdom Pound Noon buying rate revised from 1.7772 to 1.7746 on 9/26/2005**

    5/24/2005 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2735 to 8.2765 on 05/27/2005

    8/29/2006 Venezuela Bolivar Noon buying rate revised from 7.78 to 2144.60 on 08/29/2006

    10/12/2004 United Kingdom Pound (GBP) Noon buying rate revised from 1.7976 to 1.7879 on 10/13/2004

    08/04/2003 Hong Kong Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 7.7920 to 7.7992 on 10/26/2004

    08/01/2003 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2272 to 8.2772 on 10/26/2004

    07/18/2003 Hong Kong Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 7.7950 to 7.7995 on 10/26/2004

    09/19/2002 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2669 to 8.2770 on 10/26/2004

    09/18/2002 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2669 to 8.2770 on 10/26/2004

    08/20/2002 Hong Kong Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 7.8080 to 7.8000 on 10/26/2004

    08/16/2002 Hong Kong Dollar Noon buying rate revised from 7.8080 to 7.8000 on 10/26/2004

    12/28/2001 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from N/A to 8.2770 on 10/26/2004

    12/27/2001 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2676 to 8.2767 on 10/26/2004

    02/09/1999 China Yuan Noon buying rate revised from 8.2276 to 8.2776 on 10/26/2004

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    The Pentagon intends to withdraw 30 thousand American soldiers from Anbar to Baghdad

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    The American TV network ABC quoted officials at the Ministry of Defense that the Pentagon intends to withdraw American soldiers stationed in the west of Iraq.
    According to the station, About thirty thousand American troops, mostly Marines, stationed in the province of news, which was inhabited by the majority of the year. , will be deployed around Baghdad. The province of Anbar, a stronghold of the insurgency in Iraq. The killing of at least 1055 American soldiers.

    The Washington Post newspaper on Tuesday quoted top secret report to the Marines that American forces can not eliminate the rebellion in the west of Iraq and can not limit the growing popularity of the Al-Qaeda organization in the region.
    The newspaper said that the report is composed of five pages and was drafted in August focused on the Sunni province of Anbar in western Iraq.
    A prominent American intelligence official who asked to remain anonymous, the newspaper that since mid-November are still problems as it is. He added that the "main problems of a lack of control and the growing insurgency and crime" is still the same.
    The report went on that with the exception of the deployment of between 15 and 20 thousand additional troops in the region in addition to pumping billions of dollars of aid in the "No can do to" American soldiers of "effect on the insurgency, in the province.
    The report describes Al Qaeda in Iraq as "the dominant influence" in the province is more important than local authorities and the Iraqi government and the American forces "in their ability to control the daily life of ordinary year."

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    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  3. #28263
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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunsusie View Post
    last year in august an article was published but never printed until earlier this year, that stated they had printed 14 denominations. they are already printed and being held in the state banks.
    Hey Everyone,

    If the article states that there was 14 denominations printed then they aren't talking about the coins that they have in circulation right now. Because coins are minted, so that leaves a lot of possibilities open on the uncirculated notes. Eastman
    Give God the glory in all things!!!

  4. #28264
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    Default Hmmmmm

    U.S.-Iraq summit abruptly canceled By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Writer
    11 minutes ago

    AMMAN, Jordan - President Bush's high-profile meeting with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki on Wednesday was canceled in a stunning turn of events after disclosure of U.S. doubts about the Iraqi leader's capabilities and a political boycott in Baghdad protesting his attendance.


    Instead of two days of talks, Bush and al-Maliki will have breakfast and a single meeting followed by a news conference on Thursday morning, the White House said.

    The abrupt cancellation was an almost unheard-of development in the high-level diplomatic circles of a U.S. president, a king and a prime minister. There was confusion — and conflicting explanations — about what happened.

    Bush had been scheduled to meet in a three-way session with al-Maliki and Jordan's King Abdullah II on Wednesday night, and had rearranged his schedule to be in Amman for both days for talks aimed at reducing the spiral of violence in Iraq.

    The last-minute cancellation was not announced until Bush had already come to Raghadan Palace and posed for photographs alone with the king.

    White House counselor Dan Bartlett denied that the delay was a snub by al-Maliki directed at Bush or was related to the leak of a memo written by White House National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley questioning the prime minister's capacity for controlling violence in Iraq.

    "Absolutely not," Bartlett said." He said the king and the prime minister had met before Bush arrived from a NATO summit in Latvia. "That negated the purpose to meet tonight together in a trilateral setting."

    A senior administration official, who spoke with U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad, basically echoed Bartlett's account.

    The Jordanians and the Iraqis jointly decided it was not the best use of time because they both would be seeing the president separately, said the official.

    Members of the Jordanian and Iraqi delegations contacted Khalilzad, who called Air Force One and spoke with Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, giving them a heads-up, the official said.

    However, Redha Jawad Taqi, a senior aide of top Shiite politician Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim who also was in Amman, said the Iraqis balked at the three-way meeting after learning the king wanted to broaden the talks to include the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Two senior officials traveling with al-Maliki, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information, said the prime minister had been reluctant to travel to Jordan in the first place and decided, once in Amman, that he did not want "a third party" involved in talks about subjects specific to the U.S.-Iraqi relationship.

    With Maliki already gone from the palace, Bush had an abbreviated meeting and dinner with the king before heading early to his hotel.

    The cancellation came after the disclosure of a classified White House memo, written Nov. 8 by Hadley. In one particularly harsh section, Hadley asserted: "The reality on the streets of Baghdad suggests Maliki is either ignorant of what is going on, misrepresenting his intentions or that his capabilities are not yet sufficient to turn his good intentions into action."

    Administration officials did not dispute the leaked account, saying that on balance the document was supportive of the Iraqi leader and generally portrayed him as well-meaning.

    The president "has confidence in Prime Minister Maliki," said Bush spokesman Tony Snow, who added that al-Maliki "has been very aggressive in recent weeks in taking on some of the key challenges."

    The memo recommended steps to strengthen the Iraqi leader's position, including possibly sending more troops to defend Baghdad and providing monetary support for moderate political candidates for Iraq's parliament.

    The Iraqi prime minister also faced political pressure at home about the summit. Thirty Iraqi lawmakers and five cabinet ministers loyal to anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr said they were boycotting Parliament and the government to protest al-Maliki's presence at the summit.

    Bartlett said that Wednesday night's three-way meeting had always been planned as "more of a social meeting" and that Bush and Maliki on Thursday would have a "robust" meeting on their own.

    The president was expected to ask the embattled Iraqi prime minister how best to train Iraqi forces faster so they can shoulder more responsibility for halting the sectarian violence and, specifically, mending a gaping Sunni-Shiite divide. There are about 140,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, and Bush is under unrelenting pressure from Democrats and many Republicans to start bringing them home.

    Some analysts suggested that the memo might actually help more than damage al-Maliki, showing distance between him and Bush.

    Jon Alterman, former special assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, said the memo's doubts about al-Maliki "seemed calculated to steel his spine."

    "This memo reads to me more like a memo to Prime Minister al-Maliki than to President Bush," said Alterman, now with the Center for Strategic and International Studies. "It has his entire to-do list as well as a list of what he'll get if he agrees."

    In Washington, Sen. Jack Reed (news, bio, voting record), D-R.I., called on Bush to appoint a high-ranking special envoy to work with the Iraqi government on disbanding militias, including all Iraq's factions in the nation's political process and equitably distributing resources such as oil revenue.

    "Steps have to be taken now," he said.

    Bush's meeting with al-Maliki is part of a new flurry of diplomacy the administration has undertaken across the Middle East. Hadley's memo suggests that Secretary of State Rice should hold a meeting for Iraq and its neighbors in the region early next month and also that the U.S. could step up efforts to get Saudi Arabia to help. It was written just weeks before Secretary of State Dick Cheney was dispatched to Saudi Arabia.

    Senior administration officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the document is still classified even though published, said that many of the concerns raised by Hadley have been or are being rectified in the month that has passed since his trip to Baghdad.

  5. #28265
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    Sadri trend attached membership in the parliament and the government in protest at the meeting between Bush and Al-Maliki

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    Sadri trend carried out yesterday by the threat last week by «» suspend its membership in the parliament and the government if he meets Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki American President George Bush.
    The trend in a statement yesterday the suspension of membership accused Maliki that «» exceeded the constitutional rights of the Iraqi people.

    Read the Deputy Saleh Al Akili deputies from the Sadri movement, issued a statement stressing that «chest bloc in the parliament and ministers trend pin membership in the parliament and the government in protest at the visit is a provocation to the feelings of the Iraqi people and a violation of his constitutional rights». He added, according to the Agence France Press, «The decision comes at a time when the Iraqis from the occupation and its leaders, With resound popular desire to get rid of the occupation and the dark forces and takfiri that kill without discrimination, as has happened in the chest when the massacre Mfajkhat Altkverein explode under air cover and clear », and according to the statement.

    The statement said the visit to meet with al-Maliki «great evil in the world», in a reference to Bush, beyond the will of the Iraqi people through «ignoring the opinion of the members of the House of Representatives on the extension decision for the survival of the occupying forces of the suspect, as is clear to all in the security file». The trend sternum last Friday threatened to withdraw from the government and parliament in the event the Iraqis insisted Maliki to meet with American President.

    But security adviser Muwaffaq Rubaie Iraqi National Maliki said Sunday that Bush will meet in spite of the threats, saying it is not serious, He said that the government «stable and has the support of the three main groups and the main parliamentary blocs». Rubaie added that the government is capable of overcoming the resignation of ministers close to Sadr. He «I do not believe that the resignation of some ministers will lead to the overthrow of the government». Sadri trend and occupies 30 seats in parliament and six ministerial portfolios, especially health and communications.

    For his part, The MP said the trend also Nasser Al Saeedy that «visit came outside the political consensus and demands withdrawal of the occupation forces because this is a fully restoring security», He pointed out that «the Iraqi army so far has no fighting capability and does not have the heavy weapons to confront the terrorists».

    In turn, His colleague in Parliament Hassan Rubaie «believe that this visit disregard and contempt. The trivialization of the government is that we call summoning them to Jordan. It is also an insult to the Iraqi people because such a government elected by him

    Translated version of
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  6. #28266
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    Translated version of

    Radio SawaRadio Sawa

    راقSaudi threaten year military support if American forces withdrew from Iraq

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    Ebeid warned Nawaf security adviser to the government of Saudi Arabia today, Wednesday, that any immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq would pay Kingdom to intervene on a large scale in the interest of the year.

    He stressed that the Kingdom will seek to prevent the Shiite militia supported by Iran, of killing Sunni Muslim in Iraq in the event of commencement of the withdrawal of the United States from there.

    He Ebeid, in an article published by the Washington Post newspaper that the Saudi leadership was preparing to review its policy on Iraq to deal with the repercussions of a possible American withdrawal. He pointed out that it is studying options include dumping oil market to bring about a huge reduction in the price in order to limit the ability of Iran to finance the Shiite militias in Iraq.
    Ebeid said that Saudi Arabia was aware that its involvement in Iraq carries significant risks, where could raise regional war. But he said that the consequences of non-intervention is much worse.
    He added security adviser to the Saudi government turning a blind eye to the killing of the year Iraqis will profiles of the principles on which the kingdom. It will undermine the credibility of Saudi Arabia in the Sunni world.
    Ebeid added that the Kingdom. During the past months have been subject to increasing pressure from the tribal leaders and Iraqi religious figures, in addition to requiring the leaders of Egypt, Jordan and other Arab and other Muslim arming and financing of the year in Iraq.

    He said that Saudi Arabia is preparing to change its approach in Iraq. because of the imminent withdrawal of American conviction.
    He pointed out that the choice before the Kingdom include providing military commands Sneh, and mainly former Baathists, the same logistical support and financial and military support from Iran, Shiite militias, as he said.

    It is noteworthy that President Bush stressed on several occasions that he does not support calls for an American withdrawal from Iraq. but he is expected to receive soon recommendations for possible changes in American policy on Iraq of a commission consisting of the Republican and Democratic parties.

    Saudi Arabia and fears of growing Iranian influence in the region since the war led by the United States to topple Saddam Hussein in 2003.

    And Vice President Dick Cheney held talks with Saudi King Abdullah in Riyadh on Saturday. No disclosure of the details.
    ."Commenting Nawaf Obaid for this visit by saying : "It highlights characterize Saudi Arabia in the region and its importance for the American strategy in Iraq
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

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    Quote Originally Posted by CharmedPiper View Post
    I'm talking about announcing the reval, oil law, and investment law....!!!!
    I prefer your concept of the press conference to mine....but unfortunately the probability is high that we are both in error. Keep our fingers crossed!!

  8. #28268
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    Jordan is active diplomatic moves culminating in a meeting with Bush

    (Voice of Iraq) - 11-30-2006 | ارسل هذا الموضوع لصديقThis issue was sent to a friend

    ...Demonstrations to protest the visit of American President Saddam rose pictures لقاء بوش والمالكي اليومJordan is active diplomatic moves culminating in the meeting between Bush and al-Maliki today
    Amman-Nabil Gishan life-30 / 11 / 06 / /

    The Jordanian capital of Amman yesterday active diplomatic moves and meetings between Jordanian King Abdullah II and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and other officials Arakin, today will culminate in a meeting between President George Bush and Al-Maliki.

    And across the Jordanian monarch expressed concern at the escalation of violence in Iraq, stressing the importance of the international community and the success of reconciliation, which requires the existence and harmony among the Iraqi people on the future of Iraq with the participation of all Iraqi forces. He explained that an end to the deteriorating situation in Iraq is only through the political process and the success of national reconciliation efforts.

    King Abdullah expressed the hope that the result of the meeting with Bush, Maliki to clear mechanism to put an end to the deterioration of security in Iraq and help the police forces to take control of the situation there.

    He explained that the success of the government «Maliki in control of the violence in Iraq. Jordan is a priority for achieving them ». He called on all components of the Iraqi people to unite ranks «more than ever, and to renounce differences to overcome attempts to stoke sow discord and differences among them».

    The owners of the concern «Jordan escalation of violence in Iraq», He said «no end to the deteriorating situation in Iraq is only through the political process and the success of the national reconciliation requires the existence and harmony among the Iraqi people about the future of Iraq, which must guarantee the participation of all Iraqi forces in shape and build».

    He stressed the importance of «standing of the international community and the Arab and Islamic world more than ever before by the Iraqi people to overcome the difficult conditions faced by». Also stressed Jordan's support for the political process led by the current government in Iraq», He said that «Jordan continuous efforts on various Arab and international levels to address what is happening in Iraq and defuse the fighting». He stressed King Abdullah II on «responsibility of the nation's scholars and Shiaghm freshman and the need for adopting a unified denies murdering Muslims».

    For his part Maliki thanked Jordan for hosting the meeting. the Jordanian monarch, who explained the situation in Iraq, and said : «come a long way in building democracy in the area to return them». He added that «Iraqi and American leaderships Taulan much on the expected meeting today to address the grave security situation and lack of breadth rising».

    In the framework of preparations for the arrival of Bush met with the Jordanian monarch yesterday President «Supreme Council» of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, Abdel Aziz al-Hakim warned against sectarian fighting in Iraq, pointing to his willingness to assist in the efforts to get Iraq to the cycle of violence and return to play the active and vital role in the region.

    He promised to work with the Arab States to intensify efforts to help Iraq and its people to move forward in urging all components of the Iraqi people to participate in the political process.

    For his part, Hakim expressed pride in the Jordanian positive role to help Iraq Democrat, He emphasized that the political process in Iraq, the product of the desire of millions of sons of the Iraqi people. He said Hakim «not return to Iraq to back and we look forward to the support of the Arab world and to stand by the people».

    And it wise that «not in the interest of the Arabs to opt out of Iraq they must understand the nature of the circumstances undergone by ». He stressed that «proud of the Arab identity of Iraq and the sectarian war will be the biggest loser in our Sunni brothers».

    It is expected that the Al-Maliki and Bush will hold a joint press conference after their meeting. Prior to the arrival of the American president launched three peaceful marches condemning and deploring arrival of American policy in the region, The first came from the campus of the University of Jordan to the street accompanied by the security forces and was attended by hundreds of students, With centrist parties expressed its protest to the visit to sit in front of the parliament building. The demonstration was organized by most opposition parties and trade unions hailed the official from the Ministry of the Interior, in which about one thousand people from the plaza to the building complex unions prime minister ahead of the leaders of Islamic parties, nationalist and leftist and union leaders, kaffiyehs Jordanian slogans and reject the Bush visit and the pictures of the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. The demonstrators burned in front of the government building, then an effigy of President Bush and American and Israeli flags.
    Central Bank of Iraq concluded many agreements with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and the Paris Club countries, which seeks to restore Aldenarlemkanth (THE DINAR) as it was in previous decades 3/13/2007

  9. #28269
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldraker View Post
    I love the paint job, of the official Iraqi Presidential Jet. That we bought for them! The top half is my favorite color GREEN! The bottom half is white. Green is their national color! I know this because of my Iraqi collection.

  10. #28270
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    That gosh darn golly gewiz Media. Gol Darnit ( worded this way so Neno Dont punt me) Wish they would quit trying to scuttle this deal.

    We know what needs to happen !!!!! make it Happen.

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